All right, please take a seat. We get in towards the end of the conference, so this is a presentation on the highlights. Hope you enjoy. Hi, everyone. My name is Diego. This is very impressive. You all look very beautiful from down there. I'll be very quick, so these are the highlights. I am, oh, this vibrates. I am one of the managers of the Open Research Dev Room. We feature research tools, open tools and technologies in research context. It means academia, but it also means journalism, it can mean citizen science and also beyond that. We, I'm too far away. Yeah, forget it. I hate those. So this works. No, it's fine. It's fine. Yeah, look, it works. We had a great day yesterday. We had a whole day pack full of great talks, but obviously I'm not here to talk about that. You might have gotten that. So here I am. Some people might already know me as the annoying French guy with the camera running around Fosdemme asking people if I can take their picture, saying everybody looks so great. So yeah, here I am. My name is Diego and I'm here to show you pictures. These are portraits I've been taking for years now at the Fosdemme, and it's a project that's a bit pixelated. No, it's cool. It's a project that's called, it's not called, that's called, jeez, that was a spoiler. It's a project that's called Faces of Fosdemme. It's my long-term photography project. It's been going for a while now, 2015, I've started, and until today. It's hosted on a French co-op that's called Ouvaton, and this is the URL. About me, I am a research engineer in social sciences. I work at Sciences Po in Paris, and this is my email. Do reach out. About the project itself, well, it got really funny really quickly because it's actually fun trying to catch up with people and catch them year after year and put those people, those pictures next to each other. So here I want to thank a very special person. You might know him. It's Alasdair, so Alasdair, thank you for everything. Thank you. But actually there are really dozens of people that I want to thank with this project, probably many of you. I have a lot of these pictures. So here, I saw Holger this morning. He's not here today, so I can show his face in really big on the screen. He won't mind, but he'll be watching the stream later. So hi Holger. You really helped start it all at the beginning in 2015. About the project, it's still ongoing, and I'm actually open to collaboration just to keep the project going because I think it's important and it would be funny. Do reach out to me. This is my email. If you have a camera and IDs about what we should or shouldn't do, taking pictures here, I'd be open. Do visit the website, but do not DDOS the Ouvaton service. They're cool. I really need to keep that under five minutes, but I just wanted to say that I think we have a, the first name is Great Community of People. It's a beautiful community and a diverse one, and we really need to take care of that. I think taking pictures is taking care because it helps. It shows how cool we are, and that's actually important. I don't know what to say. I should really keep it simple. Just the website, next slide please. The website is a really simple shelf of yearly project. Do visit it. There are good years and bad years, years with IDs, and years with beautiful people. That's all the years. You're always all beautiful. That's basically it. I just wanted to say that I met a lot of cool people here, and I am really glad to be finally able to share those with you. So thank you very much, and see you next year, I guess. You should have another slide. I'm missing two slides. You missed the dedicated one. Just show it one. Yeah. We are going to have a lot of switchovers. This is all very last minute. Next we have Alberto P. Marti. Also, if all the speakers could come into this area, it would make it easier logistically. If you're a speaker for this segment, please just come here. I don't know what IPC or ICIS is, but I'm looking forward to finding out. That's the one. Okay. So hello, everyone. My name is Alberto Marti. I'm the VP of open source innovation at OpenMimola Systems. Thank you. Well, thank you all for being here, obviously, and many thanks for the organizers to keep organizing this, and also giving me this couple of minutes to explain to you this project. Louder. Louder. Louder. Much louder. Much louder. Okay, so very quickly, there was some mislines, but don't worry. Stay there. The podium. That's true. So, very quickly, two minutes. I'm going to present today, I'm going to present today what's going to become the largest open source project in the history of the European Union. And I know what you're thinking. This is bullshit. There might be something, but so the EPSI, say hello to the EPSI, as we call it, this is, means in EU jargon, means the an important project of common European interest on next generation cloud infrastructure and services. So imagine if you had 3,000 million euros to do open source in Europe, what would you do? Found foster. Found foster. Okay, we might do that. The thing is, we have actually got 3,000 million euros to build a European cloud and its computing platform in Europe, and it is going to be open source. So it's not my merit alone. I'm just one of the, a representative of one of the 19 European companies that are behind this, supported by 12 member states, 12 countries in Europe with EU funding, coming with help from the European Commission, to invest initially 1,200 million euros from next generation EU funding. We are starting actually in January, so last month, plus another almost 2,000 million euros from companies in a co-investment program to develop together. Finally, European industry developing open source. When they say industry, it's telcos, cloud providers, technology providers, end users, railway companies, a lot of different people. So look at the website, EPSI CIS, it's starting this month, it's going to be running for 3, 4, 5 years, and we're finally hopefully changing the mindset in Europe that we can actually develop the critical strategic technology that we need for cloud and edge, and avoid vendor locking and other things that you know perfectly well. So I leave it to you to check this out, stay in contact, and we'll see you around next year. Thank you. Thank you. Next up we have Boris Dolly talking about energy. I don't have more details. Yes, all yours. Hey. Okay, thank you. Hello everyone. Is there any energy at FOSDEM? Oh yes, I have to stay there. Is there any energy at FOSDEM? Thank you guys. So I'm very, very proud to be here with you guys and trying to make highlights on what was the energy dev room. Of course it was about open source, but it was focused on energy. Please come back. Thank you. The first occasion we had to be here with you at FOSDEM was last year, 2023. We had half a day online. It was very interesting, and we had half a day on site for eight presentation. It was a small room, but it was full, full, full, full. I managed the entrance. It was impossible to say, I'm sorry, you have to get out. And this year, thank you so much FOSDEM staff, because we had a lengthy day yesterday. There was a lot of people in it, 100 places, and some guys were standing up on the corridor. So thank you so much. It was a very unbelievable day. So, what was the topics? Of course it was energy, but when we speak about energy, we of course speak about our future, prosperity for people on the planet. We had a panel session just here. Some of you guys maybe were there, but there was a lot of questions, so a lot of interest, of course, for this convergence between energy and software through open source. So the topics were there, our future of course, but smart metering, smart changing, solar, winds, and grids. Not so much of you should be comfortable with the concept of grids, because it's a really industrial thing, but it becomes a public thing, because you are more and more producers as consumers, so we say prosumers. So we spoke of course about open source software, but also about open source hardware. And there was a lot of questions on it, and thank you so much for guys working on that. Open data of course, about knowledge, science, and research, and of course communities. And I think it's about this, and if I can send you a message, please join. We need everyone to work on this project for the future. So a few pictures. First, thank you so much for the staff. Thank you, and maybe you can applause them. Thank you. And now concerning energy, we have a real ecosystem. It exists, and feel free to join, even if it's only for making documentation, translation, or bug fix, or maybe deeper contribution to the core code. So join us, here you have a few stickers. We have a lot of projects in this LFMG community. An incredible turnout. I spoke about that before, and open hardware also. And last but not least, Future of Energy is really willing to see you next year. Thank you so much. Just, if I have the time, may I take a picture for my daughter, because I miss her, and she's asking me, why are you away, bad? So please. Thank you so much. See you next year, I hope. Thank you. Next we have Shirley Bales with an update of the community deaf room. I hope so, at least. Just a slide, I think, on that one. Oh, okay. I think that I just need a slide. Okay. Apparently we only have a slide from this deaf room, but I can do this. Where? There it is. There it is. Next we have Chris Simmons with the embedded deaf room. Can you hear me now? Yeah, that's better. Yeah, so I'm here to give you a quick flavor of what we were doing in the embedded deaf room all day yesterday. Skip that. So embedded software is transforming the world, has been for a long time, and FOS embedded software is leading the way. So everything is, that's better. Everything is, everything you touch that has electronics inside, it has open source software inside, and we, the people in this room and others are producing that software. The embedded deaf room has been part of FOSDEM pretty much since the beginning. Since 2003 was the first embedded deaf room. There's been one every year. Apart from one year where for administrative reasons, nobody quite got around to applying for a deaf room, so we didn't have one. These things happen. So this year we had the deaf room for the whole of Saturday. We had 18 really fantastic talks. I don't know if any of the speakers are in the room right now, but if you are, thank you all very much. It went really well. And we were lucky enough to have one of the bigger deaf rooms, so we had 446 places. So guess which talk filled the deaf room? Anybody want to advance on beer? Well the answer is of course is beer. So we had this really great talk from John, John Britton. Brewing free beer with ESP Home and Home Assistant. It's a very good talk by the way. Highly recommend you check it out and you learn not only about beer, but also about Home Assistant, Home Automation and embedded systems. One of the great things about working with embedded staff is you get cool things to play with, including a nose. So you see that is a robot nose and the talk there is how to build an Arduino which can sample, use that nose to sample smells and detect for example the difference between whiskey and coffee which it was able to do with 99% accuracy, which is good. You wouldn't want to get them confused. And we also had an actual robot. Unfortunately this picture I've chosen isn't that great, but the robot is on the little white table underneath. Yeah, okay. That's my photography skills for you. And we also had a lot of fun. But all good things come to an end. So at the end of the day, there should be another, okay, my slides are mixed up. So this is the end of the deaf room and I just want to say thank you for all the people who turned up and we hope to do the same thing again next year with the provision of the of the foster developers. So once again, thank you all very much and we've had a great time. Thank you. Next up we have the monitoring of the deaf room and it's not the same name. It's Anna. That's the one. Hi, everybody. I'm Anna from monitoring. Hi, I'm Anna. I have a complicated surname. I'm from monitoring and the observability of the room and yeah, it's, should I? Okay, cool. It's one of the oldest deaf rooms here at FOSM. We actually started in 2017 and we are still here. And yeah, this year we had 12 talks but in total we had 97, which is pretty cool. And yeah, the talks increased, the number of room managers decreased. So now we are down to three but we are still very happy and still things are going smoothly. In this year's deaf room the team was kind of getting more about current ideas and how to implement them correctly than new shiny ideas which we see as a maturity sign and that's great. And we thank all the speakers who participated. We had talks from nine different organizations, another healthy signal for OSS as open source community. And yeah, and big thanks to audience for not getting up during Q&As and sitting and getting squeezed when we yelled at them even it was hot. And yeah, and that's all. And our sites are very short in the spirit of FOSM I guess. And we made on the go because the deaf room was today. A couple of pictures, a big Q and yeah, sorry, mic problem. That's it for us. Thank you very much. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. GCC is next. Which is, which is just the slide. David Malcolm with GCC. Yeah, just as you can see this was a very last minute idea. GCC. One more, one more. That's okay. That's fine. Junior now. FOSM junior with Peter Madison. Another round of applause, please. Hi, first I'm very uncomfortable with doing this, so let's see what happens. I was a deaf room manager for the Fosdam Junior track, together with my son Bart, who is a software developer. So that's great. Yeah. I don't know if you noticed there were a lot more children at Fosdam than all the years before. Anybody notice it? No? Oh. So for a couple of years I'm a visitor. I had a couple of stands at Fosdam and I always noticed that there were only a few children attending, mostly with their parents, mostly walking past the stands, collecting the stickers. And that was it. So before COVID, I already thought about the idea we should do something for them. So I talked about it with the Fosdam organizers and we organized Fosdam Junior together with Kododojo and I hope you know what Kododojo is. Ever heard of Kododojo? Yeah? Kododojo is a worldwide computer club where children learn how to program for free. So together with a lot of collaboration and with a lot of developers that were also giving presentations in the educational deaf room, we made the first workshops for children here at Fosdam. So I don't know if you know all the developers, all the software packages. I guess you know MIT Appaventure and MicroBlocks and Snap and Haiti and Zim. And we also had Raspberry Pi workshop. And then the following, it's only one picture. This is the picture of the first workshop given at Fosdam for children. And it was the turnout. So this is wonderful. Yeah, you should let them dance. Yeah? Oh, Haiti, thank you. This is the MicroBlocks workshop where they can play with micro-bits. Not every workshop was visited by so many children, but that was not a problem because when we had less children, we could give more attention to them. So that was also good. So what have we learned from this? It worked. My dear, for many years ago, worked. Developers liked it, giving presentations. The children liked it. And what we also learned, stickers for everyone. Not the stickers from Fosdam, but we should give stickers to the children, at least what their name is, what language they speak, because we had children from French, from Belgium, from Germany. So we had to talk English, German, Dutch, French, and that's sometimes a problem. So it's easier to know what they can speak, what they understand. And the same goes for all the Code of Dojo volunteers that came to Brussels to help. We also need to give them stickers. Then we had a problem. Also, if 30-stickets is too much or was the room too small, that is something we have to discuss with the organizers at Fosdam. So that's it. So I hope, personally, I hope we have another Fosdam junior next year with a lot more children, a lot more workshops, but let's see what happens. Thank you. Thank you. This one? Next one, do you have the first content, man? We're going back to Mike. Just copying slides. We can play some holding music. This is already for next time. When we do the cutover, please stay seated. Of course, after this one, we still have the closing talk, and please stay seated until the final thing of the closing talk. We had issues with this last year. So please keep seated until it's obvious that things are over. Hi, folks. So confidential computing, Dev Room, we're pretty sure that about 98% of you have no idea what any of these words mean. So they asked me to spend five minutes just to explain very briefly what confidential computing is, why you should care, and why open source. So first of all, why should you care? Well, we all know how to do data in transit, right? We all know how to do data in storage. What about data when it's in use? That's the difficult bit, protecting that, and that's what confidential computing can do. So we assume that you folks care about privacy and about security, and that means that you should be thinking about protecting data. And there's all sorts of lots of different types of data you might want to be protecting or your employers might want to be protecting or your governments, whoever it might be. And one thing I want to dispel is it's not about DRM. So confidential computing, when it first came along, people were very worried about it in the open source community because concerns about DRM, that's not what we're talking about now, we can move on. Honest. So it's really widely available, but not many people know about it. Pretty much all the major clouds have it. You can buy server-grade hardware right now with it so it's there, it's coming, and we open source folks need to know about it. So this is a definition from the confidential computing consortium, of which I'm the exact director. So it's protecting data in use using hardware-based, attested trust execution environment. Lots of words, and I'm going to try briefly to explain what some of them mean. So normal protection of data, right? You can stop workloads messing with each other. Containers messing with each other, VMs messing with each other. That's fine, we know how to do that. That's not so difficult. Type one. Type two. That's stopping your workload from messing with your host. That's a bad thing. We know how to do that. But it's much, much more difficult to do this last type. Stopping your host messing with your workload, right? Because of how memory pages work and virtualization and all those sorts of things in containers. And so confidential computing is about using hardware-based, chip-based CPU, GPU capabilities to enforce that. It's one of a bunch of things called PETs, Privacy Enhancing Technologies. You've probably heard of things like fully homomorphic encryption. That's another example. So why does this need to be open source? Well, think of a stack in the cloud, right? You don't want to trust any of these. If you don't fully trust your cloud provider, and you should not fully trust your cloud provider, right? So you want to be able to protect the stuff on the left. And that's what TEs do. A trusted execution environment is the capabilities that a CPU, a GPU, whatever provides to protect the confidentiality and the integrity of the stuff in there. So meeting very, very quickly on, what is attestation? Well, it's all very well if I give my workload, my application, my data to the cloud provider and say, make it safe. They say, oh, I've made it safe. Yeah, right. OK. So we need to make sure that's actually the case. So what we do is we use cryptographic measurements to make that happen. So we create a T instance, which is basically a set of memory pages, which are protected by the CPU. And we say to the CPU, measure me. Do a cryptographic hash of the stuff in there, right? And it does that. And it signs that cryptographically with a key embedded in the chip, which was put there by Intel or AMD or NVIDIA or whoever it may be. And you have an attestation services. You know what? That looks good to me. That's what I expect to be in there. I've done this measurement before. I've got a list of known good examples. It's good. So you know what? You can put your application now into the TE. And now it's a tested. So you can have much better trust. Right. Oh, and you want that to be open source too, right? Because otherwise how can you be trusting that? So if you want to know more about all of this beautiful stuff, you should go to any of these resources. It used to be called Hardware Aided Trust Computing Dev Room. It isn't anymore. It's now called Confederation Computing Dev Room. There's a whole bunch of white papers, a book. And that's me. And we're done. Thank you. This is the one which I got. So I don't know. Do we have Matthias Bolt Lendzirk here? If yes. No. Okay. Then over to Justin V. Florey for the Distribution Staff Room. Or not. Then Michael at Good. No, no, you need to stay up front. This works if you stay close enough. You have to stay with me when you're done. Okay. So, okay. Is this loud enough? So as has been mentioned before, okay, I have to stay here. So as has been mentioned before, Falsam is a bit of a sticker heaven. So we decided to do this Hexmas because, well, we make Hex stickers. So we bought a shitload of them. We bought about 140,000 hexagon stickers. And with each sticker taking roughly 1673 square millimeters, that means that we have through 34 square meters of stickers, which should be enough to cover 3750 laptops in full. And this is the classic thing, Pat, right? So if you put all of these behind you, you can make a cover, a trailer, about six pounds for one kilometers. And that is shit. I missed out on one of the... I think we measured something like 3,700 tractors protesting against... So we bought 160 different designs and you can do these nice things with it. And so people did actually, you can make these really cool color tiling because, well, this becomes a thing, right? So getting more aesthetics into computing. Obviously our main goal is not to grant lots of cool projects. I heard some ambitious things. So it's a challenge to the people that have the billions. We don't have the billions. We have a nice amount of money as a grand maker. But I challenge you, we had 49 talks. So that means that they have to do 80 times as much. So I expect 4,000 talks at the next false dem from the cloud computing group that was announced in the first talk. So, like with Hexmas, you can have this father Hex to appear. And in this case, is the man who wrote the Hex spec, visited... There's an official spec for this. And the man visited our booth. He was called on by some of the gods on the internet and he was summoned in our place. And so he mastodoned. Mastodon's a project that we funded. So we were proud to see that in place. He mastodoned the source code that we printed out for everybody to follow on our footsteps. So hopefully next time there will be lots more Hex stickers and the kids will be happy. They will have the name tags, but they will also each of them have hundreds and hundreds of stickers to take home. And that's basically it. By the way, if you haven't applied to Inelna, you're doing a cool project. Ask us for money and we work on cool stuff. Next up, we have Steven Goodwin on Magic. Okay, so thank you everybody. As you can maybe be able to tell, my name is James Merlin. And as you can tell from the name, I am a magician. Now, when you become a magician, you get given four envelopes. Now, there's one of me, so I need three people from maybe the first or two. Can I have three people from maybe this side? Because these are speaker people. So obviously, can't trust them. Even you. So can I get one more person, please? Yep, I'll come down. Okay, fantastic. So now we've got three people. So we've got three people. And as a magician, you get given four envelopes. There is. And as a magician, you get given four envelopes. There is a number one, which is in nice, bright yellow. We have a number two, which is nice and brown. There's a number three, which is pink, and a number four. So we'll start at the left. Would you like number one, two, three, or four? Number one. Number one. Everyone goes for number one. That's yours. Don't open it just yet. No surprise. Next up, you have a number two, number three, or number four left. What would you like? You would like number four. No. No. I can't get the stuff. Can't get the stuff. And finally, you have two or four. You would like number four. Okay. Would you now all please open your envelopes? You may open them at the top, be very polite, or just tear them open. If you tear them and you look like a ruffian, I'll assume you use windows. I'm seriously not going to work at Microsoft after that. So inside the envelope, you should find a piece of paper. Throw the rest of the envelope away. We have people for that. Probably Alistair. So for the start off, would you tell me what's in your envelope on your piece of paper that you chose? It says yours. What's in your envelope on your piece of paper that you chose? What's in your piece of paper in your envelope that you chose? Well, in the envelope that you left me is a piece of paper that happens to be a 50-pound note that says mine. Thank you all. I can do that from here. Thank you. Now, that's quite a nice little thing. But what on earth is a magician doing at Fozdem? Well, spoiler alert, cover your ears if you don't want to know, but my real name is not James Merlin. Oh, some people were actually shocked by that. It's not. My real name is Stephen Goodwin. I'm an open source developer. I've been for the last 30 years. I'm an incredible geek. As in, I do a lot of really weird stuff. I was speaking about generating music from algorithms earlier today. So why was I talking about magic yesterday? We closed out this room yesterday evening with a talk about magic. Magic is almost the antithesis of open source. Magicians deal in secrets. Things you're not meant to know. How do magicians share secrets? How do you reserve them? Basically, what we found is you can copyright the script of a magic show, but you can't protect it. You can't put a license on it because then it becomes an end user license agreement, and we know how those don't work. We talked about how patents can protect the secret of a magic trick if it's inventive enough. But how do patents work? You have to file it with the patent body, which it means to protect the secret of a magic trick. You have to tell everybody exactly how it works. Oops. And that was the essence of what I was here to do. By the way, you realize there's a whole group of other people who have these same issues, and maybe there's a completely different problem to be solved. And it was a nice talk. I enjoyed giving it. People laughed in the right places most of the time. And we came away not knowing much more than we came in with, which was protecting stuff, making sure the people have the information they need. It's really difficult when your whole infrastructure relies on secrets. We are just so used to openness that when you suddenly look at it from the other side, you realize, actually, we might be in the right here. So with that, I say thank you. My name is either James Merlin or Stephen Goodwin. Thank you and good night. Next up, we have open source and European legislative landscape with Simon Phipps. Thank you. So my apologies. I have no slides. We had to cut the dev room closed early so I could make it here. And so we haven't made them yet. So I've been coming to Fosden since 2006 and done a bunch of stuff. But last year, I made friends with a guy called Martin Ertson. He works at NLNet Labs and he had accidentally fallen in with a bad lot, a load of policymakers at the Dutch government and the European parliament. And he decided that he would bring them to Fosden. And so last year, you will remember there was a keynote with two European policymakers explaining the Cyber Resilience Act and the Product Liability Directive. And many of us found that presentation very alarming. And so a group of people, me from OSI, some folks from Free Software Foundation Europe, from Eclipse and from Open Forum Europe, got together and started pestering policymakers at the European Commission into changing the CRA so that we could still have open source in Europe. So I'm pleased to say that towards the end of last year, it seemed that they had listened to us. That actually you can do open source in Europe. Thank goodness. So here at Fosden this year, we asked them if they would come back and tell us how it had gone. So Benjamin, who was the guy that wrote the CRA, asked me whether the Fosden audience normally eggs people. And I assured him that there had been very little fruit or eggs thrown in previous years, although this year could be an exception. But he did wear old clothes anyway, just in case. And he came along and gave us a main track talk yesterday along with Omar Energy, who wrote the Product Liability Directive. And they told us how it was now, very carefully. We then got them and quite a number of their closest friends into a dev room today. And we invited you to come and tell them how you felt about the Cyber Resilience Act and the Product Liability Directive. And you did. The dev room has been completely full for the entire day from 9 until just before 5 when we closed it. We have had a queue outside and we're going to write four reports which are going to be very pretty, which we're going to give to the European Commission so that they know that we exist. Because, you know, they didn't know we did until last year. They went and asked SMEs about the Cyber Resilience Act, but they didn't bother to ask any open source developers. And that's why the CRA last year just had one mention of open source in it. And that's why the CRA at the end of last year had about 20 to 25 mentions of open source in it. And additionally creates an extra new category in law called a software steward to whom different rules apply to a software manufacturer. Now Alistair asked me to say roughly what the effect of the CRA and the PLD is. The CRA as it stands now pretty much exempts open source developers from any mandatory action. If you are all feeling fellow human kindness towards your downstream, you might want to provide them with the documentation they need to comply with the CRA. But there's nothing that you actually have to do. Additionally, we found during the process that some open source foundations accidentally turned out to be treated as manufacturers. And that's why Mike Malinkovich from Eclipse wrote some corresponding blogs last year about how the world was ending. Now Mike then in December wrote a blog saying how the world was no longer ending. And the reason for that was because there is a new lightweight set of responsibilities for open source foundations and charities, which additionally do not attract any legal penalties if they accidentally forget to do them. So to give you the TLDR, it's inaccurate as Benjamin keeps on telling me. Now it is true that open source development is exempt from the CRA. It is people who are your monetizing downstreams to whom the CRA applies. And you could ask them for lots of money to help them comply with the CRA. So this was all a crazy experiment. We applied for our dev room two days before the deadline. I wrote the application in about an hour just before the deadline. And unexpectedly we rewarded it and so we had to make it happen. Thank you very much for that trust. Please can we have a room double the size next year? Next up we have Blaine Garst. Thank you. I'm not used to this. So I put the free in FreeBSD and I forgot the staging instructions. I'm the wizard of many things. I'm a wizard in the sense that I gave you POSIX through work at Bell Labs because they ran out of gas. So I started hooking up with OpenBSD, Bill Joy. I crossed paths with him several times. They bought our sources for OpenSTEP and derived Java out of it. So Java is a derivative work of mine because I put interfaces into Objective C and retooled everything. I put closures into our Objective C language and it retooled all the APIs that Apple sells. You cannot do that. I hired Chris Lautner and took LVM out of my alma mater and put it into Apple. I just had kind of epic level impact. So that was the POSIX. That's the first one, Act 2. That was kind of the closures. The closures were called that up arrow blocks. They came from small talk. I took over that language. I didn't even have to look at this. I put an underbar atomic into the CLO and committee. It was the wrong way to do concurrency. I knew that at the time. The correct way to do concurrency is actors. And that's what I talked about this week. Spacebar. What do I do here? There we go. This is what I talked about yesterday. I have a system version of rewriting everything. Because security is an architecture. You have to start with architecture to accomplish it. I went to a few of your security talks and stuff. I asked Chris Stoffer in here. A fundamental question. If you don't track the hardware, you have no chance of actual security. I'm consulting to some space guys. I've consulted to some grid energy operators. They need unhackable. And the way you do it is with open source protocols, peer to peer people to people networks. I'm trying to get a modem that's super secure into everybody's home. You sign up your friends. They are the ones who know your identity. So we solve identity first. With your friends. You can keep track of your thousand friends, you know, public keys. And they're generated on super secure hardware that you guys are just talking about. Well, anyway, a few years ago I got set up with this guy. He builds a hardware that solves all these problems. You can read about it in my FOSSTEM talk from 222. I signed an LOI to buy chips from him on Friday before I came here. My life has been a little difficult. I say I'm a wizard. I do illusions as the Great Merlin did. I have some with me, but I don't know. I can only tell one story. So I transform myself in my other talk. What else did I do? All right, so here's the basic idea. Code is actually math when you look at it from a... It's math. Math is algorithms. They can't be patented. Math is not source code. It's algorithms. So look at this. I'm going to get rid of every... I may be the last programmer is the way I think about it. I am building... I have a plan to end the patriarchy. To free you all, free everybody from wage slavery. I'm buying the chips. I've got a plan. I invite you to follow it. The next update will likely be at OpenFest in November. And I brought pen and paper to select anybody who wants to follow along. I'll add you to my sub-stack. You can track along, participate. I'm going to... I'm the wizard. And I will offer one-on-one, lead one-on-one code reviews and stuff as I elevate my software. I got 30,000 lines of code. It compiles and runs on ESP32s. I ran the Batman mesh network so we could build dynamic networks in my neighborhood in case everything went out. I know I'm going to try to get a polar fire chip on the Linux laptops with a SESTIR radio. So they're emergency responders, so you are not subject to your ISP going down. Okay? I am badass. I'm sorry. I'll show you one token for my career. This is a good one. Okay? I got a little box here, you know? I still got the sticker on it, you know? And you know what's in it? It's a metal. They gave me a metal because I was at Bell Labs, pre-divacature. And by God, they were splitting us off because they were going to build the Internet of Internet. They were trying to build the Internet. It's called the Bell Data Network. And I got this little metal here. They gave me a metal. It says, Blaine Gilles, first to be chosen. And do you know what? It was the pioneer of the AT&T logo. It's pure silver. I don't know, a couple hundred bucks. They didn't have stock options. The spring guys, sorry. The Java guys, they were the first person. They took my kernel team because we got out of the hardware business. And I put Objective C into the kernel, you know, a little object-oriented language that had interfaces in it because that's where they started out. I got Gosling on stage admitting it. Am I out of time? All right, what? Okay. I'm not shouting loud enough. Okay. Thank you. You guys, people love working for me because I just, I inspire them and get out of the way. And that's what I intend to do. I know how to leverage and leverage and leverage as Monomoto Masashi did. That's what I wrote and read aloud at the beginning of my FOSTA talk last time. I'm inspired. You gotta take me away. They're coming to take me away? No, we're not. This is good. I'm a wizard of chocolate. You gotta keep up with me, though. That's hard for most people. But I'm nice about it. You can imagine I'm nice about it. This is the chip I'm gonna put into Modems. I'm gonna put into Radios because to prove the correctness, we need everything in the open. It needs to be algorithms. Okay, next slide. I have a sheet of paper. You want to help me out? Join me. Sign up. Here, I'll put you on my bog list and we'll, I can teach you how to code in algorithms. Christoph is gonna teach me how to turn those algorithms into fun drag and drop software to make this happen. Maybe, if I could talk a little bit. Not Christoph. Yes, I did. Christopher. I don't know. I brought, the magic I do is I make chocolate, ethical chocolate. If we could have supply, if we got unhackable supply chain, then we could make choices about where our stuff comes from because we're over consuming the resources that are planned by Factor 1.8 every year. This ain't gonna last. We've got to track the resources. Money isn't the answer. By first degrees in economics. I came over to high school of a thousand. We have to go to the next slide. I'm sorry, I gotta go. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So, please bear with us. We need to switch out the laptop, but we are not yet done. You are going to see something nice. We are trying to break something live to, or test it to breaking point. Okay. Hi everybody. I think it forced me to have the solemn responsibility to encourage you to break the network. Now, if we were doing this in the horrible pandemic times, it would probably be over matrix. We would probably be using Element call these days as a way to do communication. Element call looks like this. It is a selective forwarding unit powered by LiveKit, which is a wonderful open source project. And then you have matrix clients that connect to it to do video conferencing, which is now end to end encrypted and scalable connecting to a matrix home server. So, let me actually go to one I made earlier, and that was the QR code that I just checked up. And I am going to join that. Like so. I am going to take that link and check it into the Janssen room or the Janssen room. Let me just find it. Key notes. Blunk in the logo, the URL and that. And if you look carefully, you will see the URL has a password in it, which is the end to end encryption URL for that room. And I am hoping that somebody is going to join. Yes. So, shall we get everybody in the room onto this and see what horrors happen even to the network? Or the SFU itself? So, the way this thing works... Well, what? OK, OK. Sorry. Yep, yep, yep. There we go. Go boring. So, the way this thing works is to only subscribe to the streams that you need at the resolution that you are requesting for the streams which are on the screen. So, in theory, it should go quite well. We are only using one instance here. We are not actually federating through to others. But, oh, hello, we are up to 17 users. Come on, you can do more than that. I do all hands of work. It's like 100 people. So, we know it can go that far. But the question is, will the network crap out first? Now, by the way, you can double click on people and like zoom them in. There's Andy at home and Amandine. And there's Timo who makes a conduit matrix server up to 21. How high can we go? Let me put the QR code back up to passively, aggressively. We are in fact actively, aggressively ask you to follow the QR code and see whether we can melt something. Okay, we are up to 25. By the way, if you have AluminX installed, it will open in AluminX. Okay, I'll just keep the QR code up. You and your scientific logic. Let me go and put it on the side. And we can do both. If I knew how to use a windowing manager, then we could literally do both. Yeah, actually, look, it's a black hatch. All right. Oh, you can see all the amazing relay outs on Element Cool here. By the way, one of the fun things here is that if I open a different tab, then you can see my network usage is going to drop right down, where it should drop right down, because it's no longer subscribing to the feeds. Likewise, if people scroll off the bottom, then you just stop subscribing to them. Listen, come on, how do you got 28 people? It seems to already start breaking for people and the audience, they can't join anymore. So we broke it through. Oh, you're asking that we have actually melted it? We have to... Well, clearly, it's not the... It must be the network or something. Hopefully, it's not on our side. But anyway, there we go. This was the demo that I was asked to redo again, because we did it earlier and the recording didn't work very well. But thank you, everybody, for following along. There's one other very quick thing, which is what we're talking about European Union stuff. Outside of CRA and PLD, there's also the DMA, the Digital Markets Act, and the big announcement we had on the main stage talk this morning is that we've been working Matrix and Aliment with WhatsApp as one of the gatekeepers defined by the EU in order to try to figure out how we can interoperate in an open fashion with them once DMA hits on March 7th, where they are obligated to open their APIs and their network to anybody who asks. So watch the space for March 7th to see what that looks like. I think that's it from me. APPLAUSE