All right, let's go. So who of you know anything about Fiji Mac? Can you raise your hand? Fiji Mac? OK, that's why we are here, right? So let's start by who we are. So Fiji Mac is an international non-for-profit cross-industry association. And what we do is basically to apply global internet Fiji-based access, global APIs, to media, to multimedia applications in the domain of, for instance, production, contribution, news gathering, et cetera, but also on streaming, also on broadcast, and also new media, like XR. Applying all these technologies means not only taking care of media, but also taking care of network capabilities, network features, transport protocols suitable for doing and then architectures for streaming, for CDNs, for broadcast, MantiCast, network assistance, satellites, like non-terrestrial networks, and so on. We decided to launch a development program not just to talk about technology, but to actually build stuff, right? And we have established a community of developers that is sponsored by Fiji Mac, but is open to anybody. And what we do together with, let's say, these companies and our Nolfe-G Mac members is to develop reference implementations of all these technologies we've been explaining for validating standards, for building demos, for testing and experimenting. And that's, obviously, for everybody, network operators, service providers, broadcasters, and so on. What we do in the reference tools development program is actually to build all these series of technologies. You can go to the website and you will have more information there. Particular, for instance, we have our own set of CDN notes. We can get metrics in terms of quality of experience, in terms of consumption, reporting, so who is consuming my player, my OTT player. For instance, that's information useful for service providers, broadcasters, and so on. We have also developed our own end-to-end system for something called Fiji Broadcast, which allows you to broadcast radio or TV to your OTT app on your phone, not based on the internet, but based on broadcasting. And we are recently onboarding a new project for AR, MR, let's say XR applications, and we have started developing all these series of tools where you can actually do this, right? So you can create content for XR devices, and you can put your, for instance, TV channel for users on this, on this display. This technology works, actually, we have been at IBC, for instance, showcasing Fiji Media Streaming, what I explained, and also Fiji Broadcast. If you wish to participate, this is fully open to everybody with an interest on all these technologies for production, contribution, and distribution. We have a GitHub repository where you can find all the projects, there's documentation, at the moment there are plus 30 repos with different technologies. We accept code under the license terms that contributors feel comfortable with, that means we have a repos on OSI, licenses, but also on other kind of licenses, please check if you would like to contribute. And you can also participate, anybody is welcome to participate, there's a Slack channel, we have public calls every Friday for developers, for academia, for the industry in general, and we have also a Google group with information on announcements, releases, release candidates, testing periods, and so on. You can find all the information at slash community. So if you have an interest on Fiji Media Production, an app link video, on streaming, on Fiji Broadcast, multicast, beyond 2D volumetric video, et cetera, et cetera, next time, please have a look at FijiMak, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Any questions?