Finally, so if you're leaving, please do so quietly. It's horrendously loud up front. Also, if you're still talking, please stop. Thank you. So this is over, finally. It is, as they say, a wrap. And yes, I love this picture. You're going to see this every single year. OK, is this better for you? Oh, OK. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. OK, so yeah, it is another year done. It is a wrap. And yes, I'm going to show you this picture every single year. To talk about stuff, again, you'll find a lot of really good content, good conversations, link to all the slides. If you're a speaker, also talk about your stuff. Put summaries off your deaf room, the small, the big stories. Put stuff onto Macedon. As several people know, there is only one social media network, which is relevant during FOSSTEM. And it's the open source one. And it's super awesome. Yeah, also, oh, yeah, I need to take a picture. Good thing that I took this note. You'll find this picture if you want to wave or anything. Now is a good chance. I'll also not make this one blurry this time. And this one. And now we're done. Thank you. So you'll find those later. And also use it. Yes. Slide correction about conference size. I have been approached about, I stated we are the largest open source conference on Earth. And this is not precisely correct. By the amount of talks and everything, and by the amount of tracks which we have in parallel, we are the largest conference on Earth, not just open source. Like the largest conference on Earth. Not just open source, like the largest, period. Which is pretty nice. Largest conference on Earth, period. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If you have old shirts from Fostom or Ostom or other projects or whatever, bring them next year. If they are too tight or too loose, still ideally bring them the older the better. We are going to figure something out. We don't know what, but we'll probably do something on Sunday next year. So bring your old stuff and share it with your friends and like get as much old stuff as you possibly have. If you have anything or if you do not have anything anymore, we have as always a lost and found in K at the Infodesk. I haven't been able to get the information until when we have it, but we probably have it until like 10-ish I guess. But the sooner the better. So if you lost anything, I saw a helmet, I saw some notebook and other stuff. Just go there and see if we have your stuff because we would like to return it to you. If you have feedback, please send it to feedback at FostomOrc. We do read everything and by we, I mean every one of us reads pretty much everything. Keep it light on the crazy stuff, but other than this we like reading your feedback. Good, negative, anything in between. Some video stats. Our peak outgoing video was 5 gigabits. Still hosted off-site. Next year we are planning to pull this on-site because now we have the bandwidth and the redundancy. And yes, it's super loud if you talk in the audience, so please stop. Thank you. We had a total of 27 concurrent streams going out of the conference at all times and we peaked at 2,200 concurrent viewers. And the unique viewers are too low, but they're too low. They're like 5,000 or something. Sorry, I was there too low. I messed up the slide. Sorry. The stats in small is what you already had from last time. As of 1300 UTC, roughly those are the stats of the review system. As you can see that those numbers went earlier, I got tricked into also harrowing to some extent the things. So I had three talks in a row. This is why the numbers are earlier. The point is if you are a speaker or a deaf room manager, please, please, please, please, please with sugar on top. You get those emails, do not ignore them. We rely on you to actually cut your own video because we cannot possibly cut all of this video ourselves. The last time we tried this, it took us into the summer to actually cut all the video. Please crowdsource this. If you get those emails, do not ignore them. Work through them and help us cut your stuff. We can upload your content much earlier. You did all the work for the presentation for deaf room. Please do not ignore this work. Some are really awesome about this and some completely ignored. Please do not ignore it. Matrix stats. Again, as of this afternoon sometime, we had 2300 users this time in the matrix space. As you can see, the numbers go low, which is kind of stents to reason because this phosem is definitely larger than last year's. Obviously, the remote component is going down with more people on site again. We almost sold out as of this afternoon, I believe. We completely sold out, but I am not quite certain. You ate a lot of food. The free cookies which were given out this year did not have a GDPR by now. Maybe we need to improve this next year. Network stats. Again, those numbers are relatively useless. They are only a rough indication because of privacy extensions. We used to be able to deduce amount of visitors from this because we did photos and we calculated how many people did have their laptops out. Every person won one's phone. We could deduce roughly the amount of visitors, but with privacy extension, this has gone away. As the different operating systems have different timings for the privacy extensions, and we do not know what operating systems you are all using, we can't even roughly deduce this based on statistics. The main thing is, it is significantly more than last year. The main thing is, I think everyone who was here last year sees the same. We are actually coming back to a real in-person, which is super nice to see. We had some fun things, like for example the very smelly room, which you don't want to spend a lot of time in, which we called the operating center or the knock. We left the door open and we literally had water running down. Actually, this container was half full by the time and this is my foot. Just to show you that not everything is going right with large conferences, I will spare you pictures of all the overflowing toilets, but you probably saw how we closed things off on it again. Oh, I forgot to include this picture. Also, we had the free cat people and they designed a key, which the Prusa people printed, which we could use to open all the towel holders. We actually get more towels into the toilets. This is why you could try your hands. Some of you will have seen or will have noticed that we had a power cut in part of the K building. Again, please stop talking. Some of you will have noticed that there was a power cut in K, which impacted quite a few of the stands which we had. We narrowed it down over time. Initially, we had a ladder to come up and then I just stood there with a broom and just popped the breaker back in. We just started isolating bits and pieces of the daisy chain of power strips until we found the short circuit. It's just part of what makes a conference run, in which thankfully, none of the people here actually see happen. It just magically works. Also, if you are a speaker, and if anyone wires you up with one of those lapel mix, they do cost money. Also, if you go away, not on purpose, and you still have them, yes, we noticed, but this basically means we scramble and we send someone running after you. Please, for the future, try and remember to return your mic. It would be nice. It makes less panic, because those are expensive and we have to pay for them if they go missing. If you want to make donations, you can still do this, because for those who don't know, we try to limit the amount of corporate sponsorship which we are taking, but I heard we are going to take some money from you, I think. Anyway, we try to have a broad base of financing. We could easily go with corporate sponsors for all the costs which we have for running FOSDEM, but we do not want this. We want to have a broad base of financing, so at any point in time, we are not dependent on a single large sponsor or anything. There is no hard dependency from our end to keep someone happy, which is what allows us to completely separate all of the donations and everything and all of the content. You will find very few conferences which do this as aggressively and as absolutely as FOSDEM does it, and the continued donations by everyone are what make this work. Now we come to the thank yous, I might start crying as per usual. These are the first ones. These are our sponsors. We have a total of 160 deaf room managers, which is pages and pages of names. Next, that is the most important one. We are almost at a thousand speakers and maybe we are going to break this next time. It would be nice for 2025 for 25 years, so those are all the names. Thank you. Then we have a total of 173 names volunteers. Just to be clear, there are a lot of people who just have around the edges or take some trash with them or whatever. There is more than this. Those are ourselves. I forgot to thank you, because you also all make FOSDEM happen, so thank you. Again, three talks in a row, this was rushed. Please help us. Take a look around you if you see any trash. Congratulations, it's yours now. Bring it to the next trash bin or anything, because if you don't do it, one of the volunteers or the staff are going to do it. If you have more time, it would be great if you could just come down to here after the whole thing. We will collect you, give you brooms, gloves, everything and tell you what to do. As per usual, any of the network cabling which you remove under our guidance, you can keep. We are going to have a common feeding session when we are done, roughly between 10 and 12 o'clock. Anyone who stays to the end, we have plenty of food to thank you in a more direct way for helping us clean up. I have a kidney thing, and also my knee is kind of broken, so I can't do the FOSDEM dance. Who volunteers to do the FOSDEM dance, if you know what the FOSDEM dance is? We have probably enough people, I need someone to volunteer. No? Come on, come on. Someone? Anyone? No? I can explain it to you, but you have to do it. No? Yeah? No? Too late, too late. Okay, we have one, perfect. So, we also need more volunteers. So anyone who is a volunteer, anyone who is a speaker, anyone who is a deaf room manager, anyone who is deaf, please come up front A for a round of applause and B for the FOSDEM dance. You don't have microphone beauties anymore, you can just come. I see a staffer who is trying to hide. Come on, come on. So, if you are using this chance to leave, then please do so quietly for the few who do. Yeah, you can explain it. Yeah, just from what I remember from all those years, you just start on one feet. You go on one leg, you just go like so until you go crazy. Thank you all. Yeah, thank you and see you next year. Thank you.