Yes, we just go right on. Okay. Thank you. Good afternoon everyone. I'm Fernando Nubla. I'm a project officer from the European Commission and I'm going to tell you a story, the story of Leos. So, upon a time we were in LaGislan and you can imagine LaGislan is not that funny. It's talking about legislation, you know how complex legislation is. And in this case we had law legislation that was complicating the life of everyone living in this kingdom. Legislative laws was enforcing very complex rules to everyone that wanted to create a new piece of legislation. Rules about the structure of the documents, formatting, etc. He was not taking care of the versions. We had versions everywhere, in local computers, in surf folders, in everywhere I can imagine, even in a paper. So it was getting very complicated for the people working with the legislation. And there were a lot of people and no one was collaborating because law legislate was not helping them on that. So we went to the round table, we tried to find a solution. We needed to help these people. So we started by creating a work plan, an idea of what we need to help them. We were defining more or less the solution that we wanted. But there was something very important. It was the financing. We couldn't do this without budget, without any financing. So we used two programs of the European Union, the ISA program when we started in 2012. And then, right now, the ITA Euro program since 2020. With the budget, the financing, and with the work plan, and with the idea of the project, then we created Mr. Leos that you have here, and you have also in our search. Mr. Leos, we wanted him to be an open tool that is a web application. We wanted to be able to draft tests. We wanted to have a rich editor where you can put images, formulas, track changes. We wanted to have collaborative tools to create comments, suggestions, to work with other people, everything centralized. We take care of all the versions. So now they are not spread everywhere. They are all in a central place, and you can go and check them. And something very important, we wanted to use open standards. We didn't want to keep drafting legislation in an unestructured standard that you can use further. We wanted to create something that is structured. And we are using the commandos for you standard that is open for everyone, for any administration or government that wants to use it. And the last aspect is that we wanted to do it open source. That was something new, the European Commission doing open source projects. We did it. And we bring with us the community. We are not just alone. We wanted to do this with member states, with other countries, with academia, et cetera. Whoever wanted to help us is welcome. And then I know you were waiting for this. There was a battle, of course, between the Leos project and the legislation. But no one was harmed. So our idea was to convince them that there was a better way to do the things. So finally we end up with a legislative in our team. We are running around Europe. We are helping other member states, other institutions to use this tool that is open source, is available for everyone. And together we are going towards the future. And the future is leading us to artificial intelligence, machine learning, imagine drafting legislation just with one click and getting the proper test. And this is the tool. So everything that I said is true. You can check it out. We had all the features that I was saying before. We had the structure. We had the versions everywhere. We had the research with the touch changes. You have on the right the collaboration to create comments, suggestions, the use of tests. We are using open projects like the CK Editor, Hypothesis, EUI. So we are creating our software open and using open source projects. You can check us in this QR code. You can scan also our t-shirts. We are in Leos. All the software is available there. You can check it out. You can contribute while waiting for you here. Thank you. And this is the end.