Okay, so it is 9 o'clock, which means that it is time for us to start the open hardware in CAD-CAM Dev Room. First of all, I want to say welcome to the Dev Room. We've had a long run at Fosdame where we had about eight years in a row and then we missed one last year. But with a little bit of luck and a little bit of help from our friends, we're back again this year and hopefully we'll continue on. So we've had two years without updates on what we are doing in the hardware community, what we're doing in the open hardware community, and what we're doing in the hardware development community. And today we're going to have a series of talks that really delve into some of the most interesting aspects of creating hardware and building things for your use to make things easier, to make things better for us and better for the world. So I'm excited to listen to what each of our speakers here have to say. Just a couple of administrative things. As you come into the room, we're pretty light here at the beginning because no one wants to listen to the intro talk. But as you come into the room, do try to move to the center. That will give people who come in late the ability to have a seat without standing in front of you. And other than that, we are scheduled on a back to back basis, which means that our speakers will be taking questions while the next speaker sets up their laptop. And you saw that I was just kind of fiddling with my laptop here to get the resolution right. We'll have five minutes of change over time, so you get five minutes to kind of set up your laptop. Taking that five minutes while you're setting up your laptop for the next talk, we're going to have questions for the previous speaker. We have a microphone that we're going to pass around for questions. Do try to either wait for the microphone or if you are the speaker and someone asks a question without the microphone, repeat the question back. Repeat the question back. You'll record it on the video stream. That will allow our audience to get into the... Yes, that will allow our audience online to be able to see the questions. So we have our helpful placards here at the front. They will give you 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and then times up. So when times up, that means that you are in the five minute change over period. So the next person is going to come up and begin setting up, and you should ideally already be taking questions. Now the other placards that you have, you'll either say, speak closer to the microphone. As you can see, this microphone is picking up things pretty well and pretty far away from the microphone. But if you whisper and you're a very quiet speaker, you might need to talk closer to the microphone. There's a sign for that. Other than that, there is also a reminder. Can you please repeat the question? So if you see the sign, please repeat the question. Just stop. Repeat the question. Double check that that's what you're answering. Get it recorded and then continue on. So with that in mind, I would like to welcome up our first speaker for the day. We are going to have a quick introduction, not so quick maybe, to building information management from Tomas Kirchen. No, not.