Welcome, my name is Anna and I've been with Next Cloud since 2020. Anna Focuss primarily in the backend development and I am responsible for the round-cube maintenance at the moment. I'm also at the security team with Next Cloud, so a bit about that later. So first things first, this is the question we have got most in all of the help forum, blog posts and everywhere. No we won't merge round-cube and Next Cloud Mail. Both products will stay independent as they have been and they will receive independent development and independent loving care. So don't worry about that one. Yeah, let's get into the development aspect of things. So we have hired a specific engineer for round-cube, so that's a person that will be responsible for the maintenance, for issues on GitHub, for contributions on GitHub. The thing is it's not gotten that much love the project itself. There's like 50 open PRs and like 300 issues at the moment which haven't been, I'm not saying not triage, but it's hard for the community contributors to look into everything, of course. I mean it's not their main job and we appreciate what they do, so that's what we want to take care of. What we also want to do is we want to do regular security and bug fix releases. This is really, really the main focus at the moment to get us up to date on security stuff, to get us updates, up to date on bug fix releases. There is one person who has been doing a lot of development for round-cube, that is Alexander. He has been doing most of the feature development for round-cube at the moment, but he is not working for round-cube, he's working for somebody else. So we want to help him get new features development, feature development done and do like feature releases and tandem with him. We really want to make sure that we're not edging out any contributors. We really, really, really appreciate what they're doing for the project. So please don't worry if you're a contributor or somebody who wants to contribute, we really, really would love for you to put more energy into this project. I know a lot of you love round-cube and have been using round-cube, so let us know what you think, let us know what features you want to see on GitHub and we promise we will take care of them and look into them and actually give you a response on GitHub as well and not just leave it there out in the open. Yeah, as I said, community-driven development is always appreciated. As with every open-source project, I'm sure you all have the same kind of thing there. Yeah, more care, more feature, more love for round-cube because it is an amazing product, it is really cool and I mean, it's been around forever, so let's keep it going. Another thing that's changed is how we handle security issues. Since I'm part of the security team with NextCloud, we already have an existing process for this, so we're using Hacker One. We haven't discussed yet if we're going to pay Poundty for this, but it is a possibility that we will actually pay you to pen-test round-cube and the advisories will be published on GitHub in the future because right now there is no established mechanism for this, so you don't really find security issues all in one place with CVs and everything. Yeah, that's pretty much everything from me for round-cube. I still have two minutes to go, that is a very short presentation, so yeah, let me tell you a little bit about how it feels to take over this project. Actually, it's really scary because I know a lot of people love the project and don't want to see it in a draw somewhere, not maintained and everything. As a developer, it's also a challenge to get into a new code base obviously because we have different coding standards at NextCloud than round-cube has. There's different expectations from how the community works with us or we work with the community. Of course, there's implementing the email standard, which is not easy, as everyone knows. There's IMAP, which is an old protocol and it has its challenges, but it also has its cool stuff. It's a challenge, it's an exciting time, it's a scary time and I'm really looking forward to working more with the project. Yeah, let me know your questions. That's basically it. That's me done. I see you have something. I cannot decide who was first, so I start here because you're just closing, so. I noticed as the developer of Snappy Mail that more people are integrating Snappy Mail in NextCloud because of the slowness of the NextCloud Mail app. They also want round-cube. Yes, there is a round-cube app. Will there be better integration with NextCloud? We haven't discussed it yet. I really can't tell you that it is for project management to decide. For me, I personally have worked on the mail app and I am partial to the mail app because it has seen a lot of blood and tears as well from the developers. But yeah, there is a round-cube app for NextCloud and with the code base in round-cube improves, then the probability that the round-cube app for NextCloud is going to be better is very likely. Does that answer your question? Okay. Okay, so this question we solved here. Is there any more questions? Yes? Sorry, I think that. Have you already gathered some experience with Hacker One and how is it like? Yes, I've worked with Hacker One for two years now. We handle all internal or like NextCloud security issues via Hacker One. It has produced some good results. Obviously, it's not always easy because it duplicates and stuff like that. But for how the reports are structured, how you can evaluate a security issue, it is actually pretty decent. Yeah. And it offers an integration with GitHub, so it's not that much work to copy it over to GitHub and then publish it. Yeah. Is there any interest by commercial ISPs in supporting round-cube? To use it as a webmail app for their own purposes? As far as I know, Alexander actually works for an ISP. So I think they might be paying him for that, but you would have to ask him yourself if that is true or not. I know that a lot of ISPs have forked round-cube and have their own kind of version of round-cube that they maintain. There is, Hans, if you mentioned this project from the French government that has their own kind of round-cube implementation. So I'm sure there is interest because it is a powerful tool and it works really well. People like it. It's easy to install. I've tried it myself. It was very nice, very easy to do when Docker wasn't doing its thing. Yeah. Yeah. So I hope there will be interest and I hope there will be interest in the community as well to get the product back and get it a bit more popular again. Yeah. That is my goal for this list. Yeah. Any more questions? As a wise, one thing that came to my mind when thinking about, we have seen 4K9, there is a list of actual features somehow blocking the big renaming. So I wonder, is there anything you discovered on the roadmap or on the bucket list in round-cube, which particularly you would like to address in next time? Not yet, no. We haven't done any sort of project management evaluation yet because we didn't have the developer for it. Now that we have hired a person for this, I'm hoping we can actually get some project management up on GitHub as well. So we're using the boards with NextCloud so that would be easy. We can actually sort issues into swim lanes and then work through them. Since it's only one person, progress will not be as fast, but on the other hand, I mean, it's not like nine people can carry a baby in one month. There's the owner from project management. So things will hopefully be getting done quicker than now. I also really hope to get through the backlog of PRs. We have 49 PRs open. The first one is from 2015. So there's some bug fixes in there, but I've also seen some features. I have seen some left to right and right to left text support so you can change for right to left languages. That would actually be a really nice feature because a lot of people have right to left text. If that could be merged, that would be great, but there is a problem with the CSS classes for different team implementations. So that would need to be thoroughly checked and that is probably something that the developer should and can do. It's all different themes, see how well it works. And yeah, also sync with Alex on this. She's had some input. So yeah, maybe you'll see some right to left text support soon. All right. No more questions. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you.