Okay, so I'm Anton Hrnoff. I have been working on FFMPEG and LeBeuville for like 15 years. These days I work with FF Labs, which is a company that does FFMPEG-related consulting. I will talk about my recent work on the FFMPEG transcoder, the CLI2. So first of all, I will explain what this is, because this is a very frequent point of confusion for people who are not part of a community. So there is a project called FFMPEG, an open source project, and the main product of it are these libraries, LeBeuville something. LeBeuville codec is the main one. It's a suite of decoders, mainly encoders, encoder wrappers, and so on. It is used basically everywhere that decodes multimedia or encodes or does whatever, video players, web browsers, anything. Other libraries, AV format for muxing, demuxing, IO, AV filter for filtering. We have some other libraries that are less important, but AV codec is extremely widely used. Besides the libraries, we also have a set of tools, and the main tool is confusingly also called FFMPEG, and that is the reason this slide exists. So the tool is not the project, the tool is a subset of the project. We also have some other tools, which are less often used, but FFMPEG, the transcoder, is the thing I'm going to be talking about today, not the libraries. I also do work on the libraries sometimes, but that's not the concept of this talk. So I hope that clarifies things. So now onto the tool. So the CLI is, I think, one of, you can say, it's the most popular transcoder on the planet, or two planets until recently. It is based on the libraries from our project, obviously. We try quite hard to put all format-specific logic in the libraries, so the tool is agnostic. We don't succeed entirely, but mostly we try. It tries to expose the entire power of the libraries to the bits of it that apply to transcoding. So usually when a feature is added into the libraries, the first user is this transcoder. So if you want all the features as soon as you get them, this is the tool you want to use. And this is the reason, or one of the reasons, why you might think this is just a thin wrapper of the library, because everything is, everything, like all the heavy lifting is in the library, so the tool is just a very simple wrapper. This is not true. It is a very complex tool. And the reason for it is that multimedia is really, really complicated, and handling all of it, all the weird corner cases, is very hard and requires a lot of code. And it really covers an absurd number of use cases. Individual users use it to convert your video, your personal files. Giant corporations use it to run transcoding farms. And anything in between, there's an uncountable number of websites which are just upload your video and run it through FFMPEG, and so on. So it is used at all scales. It has a ridiculous number of options. I think it's roughly 200, and nobody can remember them all. So the tool is really quite a complex one. I will go through its history a little bit for practical reason. So the FFMPEG project dates to the year 2000, and in the first commit that we have back from the CVS days, there is already FFMPEG.C tool, which had about 700 lines of code. But it was quite different from the one we have now. It could only do raw input. It could redraw YUV or PCM, and or PCM. It could also grab from V4L or Dev DSP. It could encode them, and if you had both, you could choose just one, but if you had both, it could max. And the intent, as far as I gather, was to use it as a companion tool with another tool which was called FFServer, and you could then use it to build a kind of a streaming solution, which was a big thing in those days. But later on, FFServer had issues and was very sick, and we had to put it down. But FFMPEG, the transcoder, survived and thrived. So this was what we started with. As time went on, we got to this. It's interesting that we got to this in only a year, and the size got to about three times as big. And now we have decoding, we have demaxing. You see we can have multiple inputs, and every input can have multiple streets. Streams and a string can be either decoded or string copied, which means you just copy it without transcoding. The things that are decoded are then sent to an encoder, and then to a maxer for maxing, you can have multiple maxers and a single, I don't know how, I do, a single string can be sent to multiple destinations. So in theory, you could build these kinds of complicated processing graphs. In practice, the user interface was essentially unusable. It was impossible to understand without reading the code, and nobody could actually do it. But in principle, this was possible. As time went on, we got more features. We got subtitles in 2005. After some time, we got filtering. AV Filter was a GSOC project, which had a very painful development process. It was out of mainstream for a very long. And eventually, it got merged. And then the first user, one of the first users of AV Filter was the FFM-Background Scoder, of course. So we got that in 2010. Then later, we got what is called complex filter graphs, which are best explained in contrast to simple filter graphs. So a simple filter graph is something you could just insert somewhere here. It's just a black box, and which would not change the meaning of the arrow. So it's a black box that has exactly one input, exactly one output, and they are both of the same type. And a complex filter graph is anything that is not that. So we can have multiple inputs, zero inputs potentially. It can have multiple outputs. It cannot have zero outputs, because that's not useful. It can have different types between inputs and outputs. We do have some filters, for example, that take audio and turn it into a picture. And anything that is of that kind is a complex filter graph, and we got support for that. A few years after simple filters. Then we got basic hardware acceleration. Back then, it was more of a playback feature. People didn't really use it for transcoding or for any kind of advanced processing, and as we heard today, only now we are getting some things fixed in full hardware pipelines. So back then, we got decoding, it was mostly a toy, because many chips also could not decode faster than real time. So it was a very limited usefulness. A few years later, we got full hardware pipelines, which means that a decoder gives you a frame, which is a hardware frame on the GPU, so some opaque pointer or handle, and then you could pass it to filters, which would process it still on the GPU, and then you could give it to a hardware encoder and encode it, and the entire process would go on without copying the frame into main memory, and so losing performance. By then, so by 2022, which was when I started this project, the tool got to 11,000 lines of code. So non-trivial. We got dynamic parameter changes, we got an absurd number of options, like seriously, and the options interact with each other in highly non-trivial ways, and it is sometimes some massive pain to, even for me, like I'm the main tenant of the tool, and keep it in mind how all of these options interact is impossible. So our poor users. But they all, they want it. People need all this stuff because of all the use cases that it covers. So the general transcoding pipeline right now looks roughly like this. The change from the previous one is that we have filter graphs here, and as you can see, this is a complex filter graph with no inputs. It could, for example, generate some sound effect from, like, a synthetic one. And the top one has, you know, the middle one has two inputs and two outputs. So those are complex filter graphs. Besides that, it looks kind of like the previous one, but the code around it is a lot more complex. And the problem is that the way we got here looks roughly like this. Somebody needs a feature, and they add the feature, and they take the shortest possible path to that feature. And this is, in most cases, done without much regard for how much harder will this feature, which is bolted on top of what was there, how much harder will it make future development? So sadly, almost nobody ever considered this much. And then every such step adds a multiplicative factor to program complexity. So when you add the feature and another and another and ten such features, you have to multiply the complexity from each such step, and at the end, when you want to add another feature, every one of these before getting away, which means that it grows exponentially. And if you know anything about exponential growth, it means your program has a hard bound on how big it can get after that no human can understand it. And this is essentially where we got the fundamental changes to the transcoder became essentially impossible. So at this point, I would like to mention the same by Dijkstra, which I really like, and which I don't think enough people believe. People pay lip service to it, but if they believed it, they would not write programs the way they do. Basically, elegance and simplicity are not an optional luxury. They are essential. If we don't have them, we cannot maintain our programs. Just cannot. Nobody can. So this is the motivation for which I started this project two years ago, which was, I call it multithreading, which is true in a way, but really that's marketing. The main thing is bring code architecture, the way the code is actually written in alignment with this, because this is the way the program works. This was not the way it looked like. If you looked at the code. So the project was make the actual structure of the code match the data flow. And the way I did this was mainly actual object-oriented design. So make things into objects. The objects have their responsibilities. They have their private states, which other objects cannot touch. And the data flows downstream through this pipeline that you saw here. So ideally, the way it should work, you would think, is that, well, some data originates here and just flows downstream from each of these. This was not the way it worked. We would get teleportation. We would get even worse backwards teleportation sometimes. And this is just impossible to reason about. So that is, that needed to be solved. And you can see that, yeah, multi-threading is somewhere in there. Every component, every note on that picture you saw now runs in a separate thread. And you might think typically when you hear threads, you hear performance, right? You want more speed. But this is kind of almost a side effect you get for free by picking the architecture correctly. So it is important. But we get it for free. It's almost a side effect. Anything else I wanted to say? Yes. So and with the right kind of architecture, you can add major new features. You can do development and add actually new things. So the project was started late 21 and was merged quite recently about two months ago. It was massive. It was 700 commits in total. The way I did it was small patch sets and typically a single patch set would move things around, add objects, move stuff to them, make things private, clean up some old things which didn't work and nobody could understand. I often encounter an attitude that moving code around is just cosmetics. It's just clean up. It's not real programming. And I strongly disagree with that because the way I see it, you move things around enough and suddenly things which were impossible before, they suddenly become possible and sometimes they become easy. So it's really important to appreciate that just moving things around can really, really help you a lot. Along the way we got some extras. We got three filters for demuxing for people who know what that is. That is sometimes useful. If you don't know what that is, you don't care. We got latency probes. I think that's quite a cute feature. The transcoder was not really designed for low latency use cases but people tried to use it that way anyway. We are trying to add more real support for it. This is one of the steps towards it. Now FFMPEG CLI, if you pass it the right flags, it will tell you how much latency is added by each step in the graph, which I think is nice. This is enabled by this feature which is also interesting to library users because it became possible in the libraries and then the tool started using it, which is opaque pass-through, which basically means that you get a packet from the demuxer, you attach some user data to it and it propagates all the way to the filter graph and through the processing graph and then you can extract it here and you can add more stuff to it along the way. This is the way these latency probes work. It was kind of possible before but you had to basically do all the work yourself. Now the library does a lot of it for you, which is nice I think. We got timestamps improvements. We had some really bad breakage in timestamps handling for years and maybe decades. Some of that was fixed as a part of this cleanup. We have a nice really cool thing that is called the sync use, which almost nobody cares about but they make output predictable in some cases where it wasn't before. That's the status. Future work is, what we got now is everything is multi-threaded but that's not the end. Another thing, other things that I want to have are, so you see in this picture that we have demuxers and we have decoders and also we have encoders and we have muxers. The status right now is that a decoder is a part of a demuxer. They always go together and similarly an encoder is embedded in the muxer and this is limiting for a bunch of reasons because for example sometimes you might want to instantiate a decoder as a standalone thing without a demuxer. For example, you might want to pipe encoded output back to a decoder and sort of feed it back into a filter. There are use cases that need that and this is not possible with current design. So what I've been working on after that is splitting the decoders into their standalone objects so they can be instantiated on their own. That is work in progress and eventually I want to do the same for encoders because you might want to send for example the output of one encoder not to just one muxer but to multiple muxers without encoding it twice. This is also useful for some cases and this is not possible currently but in the future hopefully. Dynamic pipelines that is more speculative in the future are adding nodes basically at runtime and for that we would need some kind of scripting maybe Lua that's at this point this is just vague hand waving for the future maybe. There have been some mentions of an event loop based architecture maybe again this is something we are just thinking about there are no actual steps towards it. It might have some advantages to have like a single thread which dispatches work to a pool of worker threads. It might be more efficient in some cases. We'll see. So that is the current status. Thank you. So many of you. Am I supposed to choose? Okay so you're the first. Several months ago I noticed I was trying to package fmpeg and I noticed that you know we're on the help site at the point to any of the documentation for the library since it's in the header files of course. I noticed this in public in the fmpeg twitter accounts and stick the other accounts it began insulting me calling me terrible terrible names and as a result I don't plan to be working on fmpeg in the future. However I wanted to know is this something that you've personally seen or is anyone else because personally I think this stuff is very interesting but that unfortunately is an entirely separate issue that makes it very difficult for me to contribute. So I wanted to kind of leave it there and I understand that's not a question people have answers to but I really really wanted to say it's very important to me and I would like other people to ask that question. It is an issue a problem we are working on it but yeah it's not really related. Summarizing this case the question. Our community has issues. Sadly. Sorry. We know you know sorry we are working on it. Yep. This is really impressive. Actually that you put this all. So I was wondering how did you do it. How did you start with it and how did you map it all out and then bring it back together all while. The rich and architecture is still under development. Well I think the way I described it is. Okay okay so the question is how would I plan such a work like in advance right. How would I schedule the work. Yes well I think this is the way I described it as moving things around is really the way to do it. So these are kind of small changes that really you just take a small piece of functionality and you move it somewhere else. Sometimes you decide well this thing should not be visible to outside of its owner because it doesn't need to be and then gradually after 700 commits as you see. The picture becomes much cleaner because when I started with was any component can see and sometimes access and touch and sometimes even change some other component which is distance and related. And. Yeah you you identify a list of these of these instances and you clean up every single one of them. It takes a lot of time it took me two years but it can be done. It can be done. And I don't believe that it could be done any other way like some kind of an initiative. Fix everything at once I think that would crash and burn because because we have so much functionality that like. 20% of it would break and and users would riot and. Yeah that wouldn't work. Yep. Clean and well designed. Well if the code has a maintainer. Yes so how do how can I encourage the maintain the submitters to submit clean patches. So I think if the code has a maintainer who cares about the cleanliness of the code then I can tell somebody how this is this is garbage. Clean it up but most of the code unfortunately doesn't have a person who just sits there and reads our mailing list which is just a giant volume of patches. And if nobody rejects it then it often happens that code just goes in which is suboptimal so yeah we need maintainers basically who care about their their. Code or if we don't have maintenance we need to have people who care about. The project as a whole being maintainable and again that it's not so many people who are willing to really read the patches because reading the patches is. It's not fun sadly. So you would say that the strongest leverage you have is in case of the project. Well I can reject patches so yeah or I can tell people to to clean it up. Yeah. Of the future work you see going into. Release none of it which which work. What. And to expect the seven point out to be an LPS. So which which of this of this future work is going to seven point zero and the answer is. The answer is probably none of it because seven point zero is basically. Around the corner so I will not be able to finish any of this for seven point zero but seven point zero will be a massive massive release we have this we have VVC we have I am. We have a Vulcan AV one one we have so much stuff. Yep. Sadistic. So the question is. In whether the migration should be started as soon as possible, or should you wait until 7.0. 7.0 will break APIs, but the breakage is not big. So in general, I would recommend to do it as soon as possible. So there isn't as much work you have to do. Okay. So we are done. So thank you.