So now we are on time, so let me start. So hi, I'm Christophe D'Aditon. I'm a senior principal software engineer working for Red Hat on confidential computing. My GitHub is C3D, so you have more about me on, or you can scan the QR code here. And today's talk is about proving that cloud CCD means cannot read your data, and it's about confidential computing. The very unfortunate thing is that there is a confidential computing track right now in the ACE building, and so the folks who can say that what I say is bogus are all in the other room. So you have to trust me. It's too bad. It doesn't start well. Here's the agenda for today. The key topics we are going to cover is we are going to talk about confidential computing in general, give a quick overview, and see the various use cases for it. We are going to see how to build actual trust by starting from a root of trust and discuss what is attestation and what it proves. We're going to see why it matters to do measurements to build confidence, how to securely hand over secrets to your work, but more importantly, I'm going to try to convince that it's not really good to have a safe like this if you leave the door open. It's not as trivial as it sounds. There are more details in a series of blogs that is in this QR code, so you can scan that if you want to see more about this topic with links and so on. So what is confidential computing? Who has heard the term and knows something about it in this audience? Okay, so roughly 10%. So confidential computing is about protecting data in use. Confidentiality is the essence of being trusted. And the problem statement is quite simply, why should the infrastructure see your data at all? The software today typically runs on hardware that you do not own. It's not yours, like, for instance, a cloud provider. So that hardware owns the resources like the CPU, the memory, the disks, the networking cards and so on. And on top of it, you can run things like containers, for instance, and the carve out resources from this host. Now the tricky thing is that the classical sandboxing technologies that we all rely on for containers are preventing container escapes. They are designed to protect the Linux kernel from being overwritten by your workload in the container. They do nothing to protect the other way. And that means that a sysadmin on a machine can simply dump memory, can look at the other filesystem or the containers, and all that stuff. So that's not really good. And that's one of the reasons why there are so many difficulties to bring some kind of workload, like when you have multiple tenants or very sensitive data, to the cloud. It's difficult, for instance, to bring medical applications to the cloud. So we have solved that problem to some extent with data at rest on disks, with disk encryption, and data in transit, like networking. We know how to do that. So for this kind of data, the host essentially has no clue what's going on if you encrypt the data on the disk. A host that means cannot actually access the data because it doesn't have a key. In a non-confinancial computing architecture, on the other hand, that's not true for anything that is in the guest memory. So if you have your program that runs, it's fairly easy for the host to spy on what you're doing there. So let's do a quick demo about that to see how we can access secrets from the host simply by dumping guest memory. So what I'm going to do here is I'm... Uh-oh. Ah, okay. So... Give me one second. Okay. Okay, it fits now. So, uh, what you... So, by the way, you saw how I designed my slides. Uh, so what we are doing here is we are creating a VM from the fellow authority in age with four CPUs and four gigs of memory, and then we're booting that and setting it up with Cloud Units. And I log in as root, and then I type my password, and Cloud Units has put the root password for me, but also has set up authorized keys from my public keys. So what this means is I can SSH into the guest, and then I can simply... And I can SSH as root as well. So that's what KCLI does for me. Now, what I'm checking here with this dMSH is that I'm not running with ACV, so no memory encryption here. And what I'm going to do now is to watch a really good program, a C program, you know. That's typically commercial code. It looks like this, right? And there is some secret stuff in it, and I'm going to compile it, and you know the usual motto. If it compiles, you can deploy it. Okay, there are some warnings. We don't care. We just copy it to the guest, and then we run that on our guest. So what I expect from this program is to show a message, really secret stuff. It doesn't do exactly what I expected. There might be a slight bug in my code, but that's fine. I have the secret message. So now I go to the host, and because there is a really nice host, this admin, he knows how to use the QMU monitor test VM. He's another... It's not in the same class as the guy who wrote the C code, by the way. And so now he's dumping the guest memory with various arguments, and what this says essentially is I'm going to dump to a file that will contain all of my guest memory at once. So I dump my guest memory like this, and I'm going to speed up a little because... Where is the plus key here? So... oops. So what I see here is I open the file with Emacs, and I can find my secret stuff inside. That's the message that was shown on the console, and I also see what was in the source code, and you see they don't match. So that's the bug that I had in my source code. I'll have to investigate that later. But the point is all that stuff is clearly visible to my host admin, and so is my password. The strong password that I put on the command line initially is also quite visible in the dump. So that's not acceptable, right? So we need to do something about it. So the proposed solution by Intel, EMG, and everyone, I'm going to talk about them later, is to encrypt the memory. Hello, hello. Ah, okay. I must have pushed on the mute button. So the encrypted memory is stored... So it stores ciphertext, and it's completely transparent to the guest, and that means... Now, the encryption is not very strong. If you look carefully in the green box, you might be able to decipher it. And it's the same thing. The encryption that is used for these technologies is not the strongest we have, with the latest data in the world. And there is another aspect that is important, is that you need to make sure that the host cannot corrupt or poison the data, so you can, for instance, make sure that the host cannot change the value of the registers, and that you cannot inject introps that would cause the guest to do malicious things. Another aspect that I'm going to cover a bit more in details later is something called attestation. And the idea of attestation is proving that you know what you're running and where you're running it. So what are the technologies used for that? It's really a long evolution because it's a rather complicated problem. And we are now in that state that is best described by this quote from Andrew Tannenbaum. The good thing about standard is that there are so many to choose from. We're going to see that this is really true here. The vendor landscape is made of really different approaches. So you have AMD, for instance, that uses secure encrypted visualization. And I'm going to talk more about it later. But it was not really good. So there were further generations after that. And SCVES adds state encryption. So the state encryption I was telling you about was not in the first generation. That came as an afterthought. And SNP, secure nested pages, adds integrity production. And so you can see here the chart comparing the various generations of SCV from AMD. Intel has something called trusted domain extensions. It takes a different approach. And I'm going to explain why in a minute. And then IBM has something called secure execution, which is like all IBM technologies on virtualization is based mostly on firmware and really a combination of firmware and hardware support. PAR has something called protected execution facility. ARM has something called confidential computing architecture. Trusted zone, you may have heard of these things. Now, all these technologies share one thing in common is that nowadays the modern ones all rely on virtualization. But they all work differently. And so that means that when you actually go into the details, you run into a variety of problems. So let's start with SCV. SCV was really the initial implementation. So it was flat and this actually gave a relatively bad rep to the technology as a whole. It's based on an external processor, which is currently as far as we know an ARM core. And that does the work of encrypting the encrypting memory and this kind of things and doing the computations to prove that the memory is encrypted. So the hardware encryption itself is done by the memory controller through hardware. And this is built on top of virtualization. They also have a process-based approach called SME. So as I said, it's realized on the separate processors and the initial implementation only allows something called pre-attestations, which I'm going to demonstrate in a moment. So as I said, there were various vulnerabilities. Some of them in the firmware upgrade path that gave it a relatively bad reputation. So there was a cleanup crew that came after that to try to fix that with encrypted state and security pages. ES protects the CPU state, but doesn't change the attestation model. S&P protects against malicious base mapping. And you can now get your attestation. And again, I'm going to explain that in a moment exactly how this works. You can do that from within the gas which gives you way more flexibility. They also had a concept called VMPL, which is VM privilege levels, which lets us do very interesting things where you have some pieces of software that neither the guest nor the host can touch. So that's very interesting. That enables, for instance, product services like virtual TPMs where you know the source code, but you can't know the secrets either from the host or the guest. Intel TDX takes a very different approach. They started with something called SGX, so that's the Intel equivalent of SME, so secure software-guided extensions and that's to create secure enclaves and that encrypts at the process level. TDX, like SCV, is based on virtualization, but they don't choose a separate processor. Instead, it's a new separate CPU mode called secure arbitration mode, or CIM. And that means you have various binaries that use CIM call to cross over and do the computations in a secure way. The attestation is performed typically by a secure coating enclave that is another process on the side which neither the host nor your guest can access. So we are now in this brave, new secure world where we are entirely protected and nobody can harm us. So what happened there? So that's the point when you edit live. So that leads us to another interesting quote which is that history tends to repeat itself, but each time we make the same mistake, the price goes up. So what we have with memory encryption is really not a complete solution. And let's think like Sherlock Holmes and try to decide what do we really want to prove. Well, we're using a very simple solution that we really want to prove. Well, we're using the cloud. As everyone knows, that really means it's a computer you don't own. So how do you, on a computer you don't own, check that memory is transparently encrypted? That's weird, right? How do you get that? It's like from inside the matrix you want to know that you're inside the matrix. How do you prove that? Another problem is what is the software in that box? How do you prove that it's the software, that the software is any good? So it turns out that when I looked for a picture saying is the stuff in the box any good, I got that, so I found this funny. Are there some well hidden insecurities inside your setup that you did not see? So attestation is the process we put in place to prove such properties, provided you trust some specific part of the system. So we are going to see that by running a confidential VM. I'm going to use the first generation to outline all the steps one at a time, and I'm going to run it in the worst possible way as we will see. So I'm going to start a VM, and I start it in post-state, and that allows me to do the measurements on my initial memory to check that I have the right content. I do that with version download second for that gives me this SCV measurement, and then I pass that to a binary, in that case I will use virt.punu.scvvalidate. That is going to take all this design, put the version numbers and all that stuff, let's get that quickly, and that essentially gives me a way to check. So we have also this tic and tech, I'm going to explain how you get this tic and tech files in a moment, but what matters here is that you run this complicated command line here, and it tells you, hey, that's good, totally trustworthy, right? You're really happy with that, so after you have seen this message, you can resume, check the console, and see how your VM boots. And the boot of the VM is essentially the same as before, except that when you log in now, we are going to, let me skip a bit to save time, we check that we have SCV. So now if I do the same experiment as before, and I run my binary in my system, so let me again move forward a bit quickly there, because it's really the same thing. So I skip forward a bit, and now I do this same command as before, and if I grab the secret, I don't get it. Huh! That's not what I expected. Why do I see secret in there? Huh, that's such. So my trustworthy max, let me look inside and see what happens. Ah, so it's not the same secret. I just, my grip was a bit too simple. What I'm saying is simply some pieces of binary that happen to have the word secret in it. Okay, so finally something happened, and apparently some projection was in place, but it's still weird that we have all this stuff, and why is my root password still there? Wait, that doesn't work. What did I do wrong here? So any idea what's wrong here? That's where the folks who are in the other room would tell me, hey, where did you do that? So when I saw that the first time I actually double checked, is a CD actually active? So when you have a moment like this, it's like, huh? By the way, I really love that picture. I don't know how you got the car to do that. But it's really, you know, Houston, we have a problem. For me, it was time to tell the boss. You know that stuff? Well, okay, maybe we are going to talk a bit less time today because I see the data that I actually don't see. So my boss replied, isn't like the whole punchline? Yeah, there is something wrong here. So if I look at my binary, I see that the message is actually here, really secret stuff, and by the way, the bug is because it's written by a Python programmer, so it puts a plus to concatenate strings. In case you did not know, that was the problem. So if we look for secret stuff, we don't see it anymore. But we still see this strong fast world being inserted in the system. The reason for that, and by the way, the reason I was puzzled is that I had done the demo like 15 times before and never saw the problem. And then one day I was in a rush, I decided to accelerate things and use something called KCLI, which is based on cloud limits, and so there is a step in the process that is not encrypted. Just changing the tools led me to actually do something wrong without realizing it. So that's what I was talking about when I said, don't leave the safe open. Make sure your disks are encrypted in every step of the process. Otherwise, you're dead. What did we prove here? First of all, that confidential computing is only as strong as the weakest link in your chain. But now we are back to the question from before. How can we own a system that we don't own? There is a paradox here. So in order to explain that to you, I need to introduce you to a bit of terminology, and I will ask you to try really hard not to remember it. So let's start with ARK, that's AMG root key. Then you have ASK, that's the AMG ACV key. Then you have CEC, that's the tip endorsement key. Then you have OCA, that's the owner's certificate authority. Then you have PEC, that's the platform endorsement key. Then the PDH is the platform Diffie-Hellman key. The tick that we saw in the tick file earlier is the transport integrated key. The tech is the transport encryption key. And all that green stuff is TLA's. I am now supposed to know, but still don't care about at all. And in case you wonder, SOF stands for show of factor, which I think is really high at AMG when they invented all these acronyms. So, resistance is futile, you have to assimilate these things, or they will assimilate you. The good news is that we got so tired of this that we have a whole page on the Continental Container's project. We have a weekly page just with the acronyms we need on a daily basis. I added one yesterday actually preparing this talk. So, in order to take over the host, we are going to add our own OCA, PEC and PDH, and I hope you know what that means, to endorse the host as our own. And it's a technique that is color-coded known as I Licked It, Therefore It's Mine. So, how do we do that? We use a tool called SCV-CTL, CEPCAROL, and I'm going to reset the platform and do a verify, and the verify checks this chain, and when it's green, it means essentially that all the things sign each other correctly. And if I do that twice in a row, you see that I get the same results. So, I get the same platform Diffie-Hellman, and the same owner, so the third authority. Now, if I do a reset, then I'm going to get different results for the last three. The three at the bottom are from AMG, the three at the top belong to me. So, that's how I take ownership of this machine by essentially installing an OCA. This one is self-signed, it shows with a little circle here, but you can import it from outside if you want, if you want to be more secure. And it's a good idea to do so. Okay, what about the next step, which is now I want to own the guests. I sort of said I trust this host to that extent, to that cryptographic extent, that I put some keys in it, but now I want to really own the guests. And that's a bit more complicated, and again, I'm going to do it the wrong way intentionally, just to show all the magic that goes behind the scene when you look at this stuff. So, you have this launch security, I'm doing it with Libert here, and the launch security section, uh-oh. Yeah, so, to fill up the whole security section, you need to do the self-coded export. You export the PDA as a platform, if you're a Hellman. Then you can verify it, and it's as if you have verified the host itself. Now you need to create a session for this specific VM, and I'm going to name it TestVM. I'm going to put in it some policy flags that you can see on the screen, and you don't really need to care, but you can control, for instance, if debugging is enabled in the VM, and these kind of things. And that generates four files, the TestVM-Galage, Tech, Take, and Session. And that's what I'm going to use to describe my VM later. So, fast forward a little, and I edit this, I change the numbers in it, and I insert from the files that I just generated. And then that means that I'm going to have a virtual machine that can identify itself precisely with numbers that I generated. So normally you don't do that on the same machine, you would do that separately. Once I have done that, I can start my VM again in pause mode, and do the same verification that I did before, but you're going to let me skip forward a bit because it's the same thing. The important part is that the measurement changed. The measurement does include all the keys that you have put in the system, so that's how you know that it's a measurement of stuff you own. And the QMU-SVV Validate does check this measurement against the whole chain and make sure that this is somewhat solid. Or did we actually prove that? What did we really prove? What do we really measure? We're trusting a computer output message, so for all we know, the source code looks like this, right? So we need to... That's one scenario where having free software really matters. You really want to know that the binary that you're using to do that, you compile it yourself and it's actually doing what you expect. That's a problem actually because in the class today, some of the key components that are part of the root of trust are not open source at the moment. By the way, so we have this collective called the Continental Computing Consortium and that tries to bring together all these big companies to do the magic of agreeing on standards and so on. And CCC was the worst acronym they could pick because there are like 37 CCCs on Wikipedia, including the Kars Computer Club. So what we did is we injected our own OCA in the system, so we essentially marked the system that way and remember the O stands for owners. We are now the owner of something. We have a certificate of ownership of some kind. But what do we really own? In reality, it's more like something like this differential machine from Babaj. In the sense that we only have a tool that lets the other side prove their identity by computations. We expect the computation to give a result we can check. So it's really similar to what we do when we do two-factor authentication. One thing we prove is that the VM is encrypted using AMD signature. It's slightly stronger than Word 26. And we have also proven that the content of the VM is what we expect with the initial crypto hash. So we essentially are measuring from the start of how the VM is being built. So how do we make containers confidential in that space? How can we prove that we run the right container in age and that it's running in the right trusted environment? So this is a diagram of something called KALAC containers that runs containers in little virtual machines. And in order for this to be adapted for new... Did I lose the sound again? Hello? Yeah. In order to adapt that to the new environment, we need to change a few components that are marked in red here. Those need to be aware that we want to do some confidential computing with it. We also need to encrypt our disks. So that's the part on the top right here. And we need to have something on the side that will do the verification, that we call the relying party. And a relying party from a high level point of view consists in two parts. A key broker that delivers secrets and an attestation service that will do a crypto exchange to validate your attestation results. So on this diagram now we have three categories of colors. We have the trusted platform, which is in red. Trusted here means simply that it's ready to do some crypto computations on your behalf. It doesn't mean that it holds trusted data. All the data that it knows is encrypted. The host manages and offers resources used to run the containers like before. So that includes CPUs, memory, I.O. That doesn't change. But that's all it does. To it now, it is because a bag of bytes and a memory page is exactly the same thing, a bag of encrypted bytes. It doesn't know how to read the content. And the tenant is the new part, is the new aspect of this whole scheme. It's the part in green. It's confidential in the sense that everything in it is normally not decipherable by the host. And even when it's running on the host. And some part of it, as you see the relying party, might be in the cloud, might be on premise, might be elsewhere. So this is a new security model for Linux. Well, the host's admin is now considered hostile. And that pretty changes the threat model. So I saw here a page that was relatively recent. Is it me or is it Fudgy on the screen, right? Anyway, so I read for you, it's dated September 9. And what is interesting is that it's cosigned by folks from AMD and Intel. So they finally agreed on how to describe the memory model and the threat model in a way that everyone would agree on. One of the things that you need in order for this scheme to work is to say in platform we trust, the platform you run on has to do the work correctly. If, for instance, the AMD root key is leaked somewhere, the whole scheme falls apart. But the big change is that we no longer trust the host user named Root. And that's a good thing. On the host, Root has other parts and we just want to get that guy, that bad person, out of the equation. So that means the trusted platform needs to provide new services to qualify what is running and to make sure that it's actually running what you want. That in that sense that it's a trusted platform. So it's really only a tool to be trust that attacks can come from the host and hypervisor. And I was discussing in the hallways just minutes ago about how we can try to change that to make sure that the attacks won't come that way. But for the moment at least, that means that from the guest point of view, the host platform, the host hypervisor, might be trying to attack you. And that's really bad. So that's a question that Greg Cage is asking here. I'm sorry if this is fuzzy on the screen. So what do you actually trust here? Do you trust your CPU to do the computations? Do you trust external devices? Do virtual devices? Can you trust them? And so on. This leads to rather serious resistance on their part. Greg Cage there says, good luck with that. That was like two months ago. Well, when you reach a point where a key maintainer tells you, ah, good luck with this project. That's not necessarily a good sign. So we are thinking about other ways to do things that don't take as much effort on the kernel part. But at least there is one thing that we can do correctly. And that's the measurements of the initial state. That part we can somewhat trust. There is this pre attestation where you measure, the hypervisor essentially measures the initial state of the VM in post state. So that's the VM in post state is why it's right out. There is post attestation where you start the VM, but you can still assess the initial state that it booted from. And so you can send that, the guest can then query the platform security processor or the trustee enclave to say, please give me the measurement that you did when I started. And that measurement will be delivered almost directly by this additional security component. And we can go further. We can decide, for instance, to attest the containers themselves. It doesn't make much sense in practice because the containers, there is also independent effort to make container images encrypted to preserve the integrity and so on. So we don't really need to attest more than that. Attesting the bottom part is sufficient for our use case and that's how containers work for now. Another quick bit of terminology for the next steps is to understand that in the attestation you have values players and you have a verifier that does all the job but gets its input from things that belong to you in green. So like the reference value provider and the verifier owner. And for instance, you have a separation between the policies to appraise the evidence and the endorsement which is I take over this particular hardware. The attestor then can submit some evidence. So the attestor is in red. It's the trusted platform that does it. So it does the crypto measurements and you know that it's the platform doing the crypto measurements. And then the verifier can transmit that to the relying party. And the relying party can appraise the attestation results. So how does this work in practice? So you do a cryptographic measurement of the values bits you care about. From that, you get essentially something that is a proof of identity. It's like an ID card. And if everything goes well, you get some secrets in return. Because it's a challenge response process, you say that's why you need the attestation service. You have the attestation service. Something I'm going to show that in a further slide. But you know that it's fresh. It's happening now. And because it's dynamic and it's done on the side, this means you can revoke something that you accepted before. You can say, I discovered a zero-day exploit in this particular stack. I no longer want to run it. So I just revoke access to this and it can't boot anymore. So attestation is a proof of the configuration of a system, including the fact that it's running with encryption on. And including the fact that it's running a stack that I trust. It proves properties. Remote attestation decouples the evidence from the verification, just like you decouple a lock from the keys. So that's very important. There are two models, a passport model where you present the evidence, like a passport that says, these government guarantees that you are indeed Christophe de Dinsen. Or you can have a background check model, which is similar to putting your finger in a biometric device. It's not proving that I'm Christophe de Dinsen. It's proving that I have the right finger. So how do we... Does that actually prove something to you as a user? It's a proof by blocking forward progress. What happens is that... So first of all, because it's a one-time challenge, as I said, it proves the freshness of what you did. It proves that it's happening right now. The response contains a cryptographic proof. And it's basically as strong as the cryptography that uses it, of that form identity, memory encryption, and so on. It also proves the endorsement, because part of the encryption that is made includes your own certificates and keys. And it measures the initial guess of the stack, so you know you have a hash of what's running inside. If the proof fails, the secrets do not get delivered. So what happens is that the guess cannot decrypt its own disk volumes, and it cannot decrypt its container images. So basically, it's stuck there, and it's random harmless. So in order to build trust, you go step-by-step like this. You need to know exactly what you prove, what are the guarantees that you offer that way. And what confidential computing really cares about is confidentiality, right? So that means that what we really care about is we don't want to leak any data that is considered confidential. We don't want it to be leaked, we don't want it to be tampered with. We do not protect against crashes. Actually, a crash is a good outcome if you detect a correction, for instance. The best thing you can do is crush the guests. We do not protect disks or network data. That has to be done on the side as I showed earlier. It does not offer any guarantee of service, and because it's hardware-based, real-time cryptography, you can still properly mount some attacks if you know exactly what's running inside. It's also highly implementation dependent. But online is there is no automatic security. So to build things, we start with hardware. You may remember that from the TPM days. Once upon a time, we invented the hardware TPM, and there was a very good talk by James Bottomley yesterday about how to use that on your laptop. So what happens there is you have this stack where each step merges and launches something and stores, records the results in your log in the TPM. And that's the log or hash of the log that is going to tell you, I'm at this point in the boot and it's valid. And you can do things like, for instance, having keys that can only be unlocked in BIOS Phase 2. And once the TPM goes beyond that, its registers have changed, and it can no longer detect the same key that was used as part of the boot. So the operating system cannot see the key that was used by the BIOS to detect the disk. So that's what we call a chain of trust. Each step depends on the steps before. So I offer you something I call the remit pipeline. It's a simplified, in some sense, simplistic model for this kind of trust chain. Where you have R that stands for root of trust, E stands for endorsement, and for measurements, I for identity, T for trust, how you build policies, how you build trust from the elements you had before, and S for secrets. And you go from root of trust to secrets following these steps. So we are going to see that with various examples. For instance, that's the remit pipeline for the secure boot system. That's for selling a property where you start with a root of trust that's the notary, and you end up handing the keys. That's the same thing with historical money. You have gold or silver or the root of trust. Then the government gives value to them that is measured in dollars, and the number of dollars is the identity of a given transaction. Handing over the cash is how you establish the trust. I received this from you, and in exchange you deliver secrets, in that case, goods or food or something like that. So you see that the system is relatively easy to follow. So attestation flow unlocks by giving secrets as a cryptographic challenge. I explained that earlier, so I'm going to go very quickly, but the point here is that it's really a crypto challenge that doesn't prove. And that's how you get your response sent to the attestor. So now we are getting close to the time that is allotted. I have a few other things that I can show, but there are demos that we can switch to questions, and I can have slides showing some additional demos for various use cases of confidential computing. Because we have virtual machines, virtual functions, orchestration, that's confidential containers and things like that. We can have the whole entry level with confidential clusters, and so I'm going to simply show the various use cases and take questions at the same time. No questions? Oh, yeah. There is a question over there. So companies are, in some cases, allowed to run their own stack on so-called raw machines being rented out, where they get to do everything. And the attack against them is the BMC could have installed lowest level software that can't be replaced and there's no way to know about it. So does this address that or not? Yeah, so the question is, let me rephrase a little, the question is about sub-platform items like a BMC that have special powers. James, bottom line, I think, or someone else mentioned yesterday that everyone in this room is probably running a copy of Minix without knowing it, as soon as you're running a relatively recent Intel Core. Because there is a copy of Minix in the management processor. So it's the same idea this has, a lot of power and can do a lot of harm. This is the... the ARM core in a CV system is exactly in this class as well. It can do a lot of harm and the various failures that were detected were precisely by uploading a bad firmware in this ARM core. So the attacks do exist. To the best of my knowledge, the attacks that exist so far mostly require some privileged access to the machine because the BMC itself normally has privileges, but you're correct. This is an ACTAC vector that may exist. What I'm showing here, by the way, is RAIL 9.3 running on Azure with encrypted. It's just to show you that it's much simpler than when I did it manually. So you just click, click, click, click, and it deploys the VM for you. But of course you have to trust Azure to manage your secrets. And when they say, for instance, that they don't keep the private key, it's a website saying I don't keep the private key. Any other questions? What is the performance penalty on running the encryption? So the question is what is the performance penalty on running with encryption? It's not where you think. You might think that running with memory encryption makes memory accesses slower. And in practice, that's not really the case because we already have levels upon levels upon levels of cache and that the actual performance is re-dominated by the cache. I think that in the worst cases you can probably detect a 10% change, but that's about it. The real problem, though, when you run in the cloud, is that you're encrypting your memory, which means that the Linux kernel you have in memory is encrypted. So it varies from one VM to the next. So you cannot share it across VMs with the traditional techniques. But if you're running containers, you don't want to run your content, to keep your container images on the host either, right? So today when you run 10 containers, booting NGINX 10 times, you got one image of NGINX that gets downloaded once. If you want to have a secure NGINX, then you are going to download an encrypted image of NGINX that is going to be stored on an encrypted disk that is per VM. And so you're going to download it 10 times, store it 10 times. And the memory, so it's 10 times more. And so that's where the real cost of this thing is. And to be frank, it's not impossible that that might be one of the big reasons for pushing this by hardware vendors because you really need Mithia hardware for the same thing. There's... In answer to performance, what is the cost of trusting something that shouldn't have been trusted? Yes. Okay, but more to the point. The only solution I see, and I do see a solution, is that you have to run encrypted secure, boot whatever, at the factory, track that boot image, the session key for that thing, through its lifetime of deployments, such that you know that that never got overwritten any other time farther down the chain. So it's a different eco structure for the industry. So I think that I understood your comment by saying that you really need to do something that is short lived at the factory when you build these chips, you put them into an encrypted mode there at the chip, you know, with all the out of station, at a low level, and track that through all deployments. Oh, I see. And then run on that so that when you're presented with it with a thing you claim is secure, you actually have to add a station from the factory all the way to where you go to use it in order to believe and trust that. Yes, so I think the point is really that we need to check the quality of the encryption being used to store memory, et cetera. Now, on that front, the good news is that some of these technologies were invented with another motivation in mind. I don't know if you remember mem restors and stuff like that. There was a time where we thought that we could have all memory, essentially the RAM being persistent like on old HP calculators, where you switch off the machine and the RAM stays there. And of course that has a real problem. It makes a number of things faster, but that has a problem that if you take out the chip, the data is in there. So you want to encrypt all accesses to memory in order to avoid that. So because of that, the encryption technologies that have been used have been carefully thought out and have been tested with this method of taking the chip out and trying to reverse attack it. So that part, you know, you can never say never, but that's probably not the weakest link in the system. I think there was a question on the other side as well. Yes. How feasible is it to encrypt a certain process and leave other processes encrypted? So the question is how feasible is it to leave one process unencrypted while other processes are encrypted? And that's the first generation technologies that I was talking about. SME and SGX work exactly like this. Now the problem with these technologies is that it's very hard to support fork, because fork in Linux is you have two processes that have the same address space at least initially. And when you fork, do you want the other process to have the same address space ID or a different one? Most of the cases where you care for sharing memory, you want to have the same address space, but when you do a fork exact, maybe you don't want. So in order to solve that problem, Intel, for instance, implemented something that they call a libOS, and that's an OS you run inside a process that simulates all this fork and all this nice, essentially simulates all the Linux system calls from within a process with simulated process inside a process and knowing when to fork an actual process on the outside. That's one of the reasons why SGX did not really take off is that you had to rethink your application a lot in order to fit that model. First of all, thank you so much for a great presentation. I actually have double question. One, if it would be possible to share the slides, maybe somewhere because I don't see them on the description. And second is if we can use this with the cloud providers, like for example, the ETS and other clouds, if it's possible. So I understood the first part. Can you repeat the second part? I did not understand the second part. So first was about the slides. And second question was if we can use confidential containers with the providers like AWS ETS and other cloud Kubernetes providers. So the first question is about sharing the slides. If you don't mind, I prefer sharing the blog because it's probably better reading, but the slides will be shared. This presentation is made with software that I developed called Tower 3D, which is my biggest failure in the open source world because it's 500,000 lines of code. I cannot compile it anymore and there is a single user and that's me. So that means I cannot really help you run this presentation yourself. What I do is I share the source code and I share snapshots of the screen and I share a video of it. So that's how you... And you'll have the first-time replay because also we call everything. On the second question, which now I forgot. What is it? So the question was if we can run this level of confidentiality, like the encryption and everything, so confidential containers on the cloud, like for example using ETS from AWS. Yes, so the second question was about running confidential containers in the cloud. At the moment, not really. So, confidential containers at the moment is, I think we're completing release 0.8, if I'm memory serves me right. But so it's still not completely deployable. And quite frankly, one of the aspects that concerns me the most from a usability point of view, I'm working on it at the moment with a team of researchers at IBM, is that in order for this to be secured, there are so many APIs that go through the host to the QBLAD and so on, that we need to rewrite an alternate control plane path for these. The current solution, if you use confidential containers today, they close down all the insecure APIs. That's the default policy. And so when you close down something like getting the logs or doing your QBLAD is exactly inside a container, you lose a lot of functionality. We are trying to restore that in a safe way, but you imagine that it's complicated because that means you have to have a completely parallel control plane that doesn't run on the same host. That's not completely true though. And so I am late. Thank you very much. If there are further questions, I don't know, maybe you can recompile his slides to find his email address, or you can talk to him somewhere in the hallway. What's your email address on the slides? I don't remember. No, I did not give my email address. I gave my GitHub account. My email address is... Well, the easiest one I think is cc3d at Or cddd. Yeah, so first slide, is... And from there you can... My name is not like... There are not many hash collisions on it, so you can find me easily. So, ask him any questions. Thank you very much. Let's hope this gets implemented because it will improve security very much. As a token of appreciation, we have some chocolates. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you.