And today I will show you some of the most common performance issues which I have seen so far in my career, how to fix them, and the benchmarks which show the numbers, what kind of performance increase which you can get when you fix the stuff. It works. My talk will follow the plan on the slide. So I will first present you some issue categories where you typically lose most of the performance, at least in my experience, like I said. And then for each category we will go through specific topics, what you can optimize how and what kind of numbers you can get when you optimize. And then some sort of conclusions of the topics on the slide, we just go for them one by one. The QR code right now is not working, it will be working after the talk. Everything will be online clickable, you can just walk through it again to repeat the recipes if you need. So back end performance at least in my area of work, back end usually means one of those three things, latency of your requests, CPU and memory usage on your machine, and your throughput, which is how many requests you can process third time frame, which is usually expressed as per second. So request per second, RPS, and we want to improve this stuff. And also there are those bad places where you can lose performance in those three categories, which are inefficient suboptimal heap usage, unnecessary expensive threat content should be done on critical paths and inefficient networking, like inefficient networking IO or inefficient circuit scheduling and things around this stuff. And like I said, we just go through each and see specific cases. Starting with the heap, to understand what can you lose here, you have to understand how heap is working. It's just enough to understand basics, you don't need to know specific implementations. But the basics are that this heap thing, it's a data structure, like some sort of tree, has stable whatever, it's global in your process, and it is used by all the trends. When you call new or malloc, they go into the heap and fetch three block of specified size, return it to you and you use it. When you call free or delete, they are placed back into the queue. And this operation of finding free block in the queue of needed size or placing free block back into the queue, it takes time. So this lookup thing in the heap, it's not free and it's not constant time. It's some lookup time, which depends on how big the heap is, for example. So if we mentioned that this is a tree, which stores blocks sorted by size, then lookup time will be something logarithmic or something like, doesn't have to be tree. But the point is the bigger the queue, the bigger the heap, the more expensive are the lookups in the heap. Also like I said, this is a global thing in the process, usually by default, which means that you will get threat contention on this thing if you use it extensively. For example, multiple charts are located in blocks of the same size, but very frequently you will have threat contention. Heap does have mutixes inside and you can even see them sometimes in the flame graphs. So make it worse if you are writing in C++ and you're happily using those nice fancy containers, least vector queue stack unordered containers. No, forward least, all this nice easy to use stuff, you have to realize that even if you don't use heap explicitly, it is used inside those containers. Heap is basically, vector is basically dynamic array, myp is basically a red-black tree where nodes are allocated, least allocates, containers for every item of the distance are on. So you use the heap even if you don't do it explicitly to make it even worse after that. You have to remember that allocations affect each other. Like I said, the more allocations you do, the slower it will be next to allocations and freeings. Use heap becomes bigger, it becomes more fragmented, less optimal and it gets more and more expensive to use. What can we do about this stuff? Firstly, you can try not to use this stuff. You can just not use the heap when you don't need to. For example, when you can just locate stuff on the stack, when something, some object is array, it's small enough and its size is known at compile time, just declare it on the stack and use it. If it doesn't have to be something long-leaving. Or another frequent use case which I see is then when we have a class or struct and we store in there something by pointer and lifetime of this object is equal to the class where it's stored, right? And they just store it by value then. You will reduce number of heap allocations then. When you cannot get rid of the heap allocation and you have it in some critical path which is very frequently used on your server and you see it in the flying graphs, you can still do something about it, you can optimize it. And there are ways, some easy ways how you can quickly regain some performance back. We will start with the object pooling thing which is not as simple as it sounds. Typical very widespread use case in the back end. We have this server, requests are coming to the server. Each request is read from the network parsed allocated into something like struct request or class request. It can be big, one kilobyte, five kilobytes of different data, different members, attributes, then you place it into your business logic pipeline. It is processed in the end, it is deleted. And this process is repeated again and again for every request. And if the request is big enough, like one kilobyte, and you do it frequently enough, like 100,000 times per second or million times per second, then you will get heap issues here because this heap allocation and freeing will get expensive of such a big object like one kilobyte or more. And you can see it in your flying graphs sometimes if you are building them at all. Example of the code. So we have this class request with many members. Some of them can be indirect members. For example, we could inherit this from base request, which is base, base request and something like and it can pile up. So in my current project, the size of this thing is two kilobytes from those many, many, many small members. And then we have this business logic pipeline, like process request and it allocates request object, fills this with data and when request is complete, asynchronously somewhere it is deleted. This thing, those two lines will get expensive. If done frequently enough and request is big enough. Effects of the heap here can be mitigated quite easily. If instead of using the heap all the time for allocating and freeing stuff, we will just allocate it once and then we will reuse it again and again. So we use the heap just once and then we don't use it. And we avoid the heap issues. This is called object pooling. When you allocate stuff once, store it in some sort of pool and then you take it from the pool and place it back by placing the heap. Even though first time you do allocate it on the heap. Then what you get from this is that firstly you do not pay for the lookup time in the heap. If you remember that the heap is storing those blocks of different sizes, sort it somehow then it needs to be something like 3 or hash or whatever. But here all the objects are the same of the same size. It can be just least or stack, right? It could be done in constant time, allocation and freeing. We do not pay for lookup time anymore. You can deal with concurrency in a more efficient way than the standard library. I mean you can switch of course the heap from like GMLOCK or TCMLOCK, right? We heard about it. It can make stuff actually faster. But if you do not want to or you have to have more control in your code over those things and you have this pooling thing, you can implement concurrency yourself and you have to agree that doing concurrency stack or concurrent list is obviously much simpler than doing concurrent tree or concurrent hash table or something, right? It can be done much simpler. Let's try. This is how I tried first time. It's good first try, right? Kind of. It's simple. That's why it's good. Sometimes it's even good enough, right? So we don't need over engineer things. But in this case it makes not much sense because if your code is very hot and you suffer from heap contention and you change it to this, then it will get even worse because you will exchange heap contention with mutics contention. And secondly, you are still using the heap because if you are storing in an STL container, any of them, you will be using heap and we don't want to use the heap. So it cannot be done this way. But it can be improved. It's not a dead end, right? This is how it can be improved. And the alternative is to add local pooling. So what we have is instead of single global pool for everything, we have one global pool and also in each thread we have thread local pool of limited size in each thread in addition to the global pool. When threads are locating something with new or maloc or whatever, they take objects from the local pool, not from the global one. And when they free objects, they place it back into the local pool. And this local pool can be done very, very simply. It can be just a list, an intrusive list and that's it. It doesn't need mute access or anything because each of those local pools is used exclusively by one thread. But when pool inside some threads becomes empty and they want to allocate more, they will take a batch of objects from the global storage and will reuse this batch until it also ends and so on. On the other side, when they will be freeing stuff and local pool becomes too big because it's limited in size, it cannot grow. Infinitely, they will move it back into the global storage so as other threads could reuse it. This way we get firstly that the heap is used rarely. It is used in bulk when it is used to allocate at once many objects, not four, like 64, 128. And also it will not be used at all after some point when all the pools will get saturated. And fourthly, there is no contention on the single global pool. This global storage, it can be protected with the mutex, but it is used so rarely that this mutex contention will not be visible. It will be used at most every, like, 64 locations. So it's 64 times less contention, which means it will be basically almost zero, neglectable. If the explanation was too bulky, I prepared an example how it works, like a real life example, how it could look like. Imagine that we have those three threads and empty global pool. All is empty in the beginning. First thread wants to allocate something. It will take a look at the global storage. There is nothing, so it has to allocate a new batch. New batches are located on the heap. But then when it will allocate objects, they will be taken from this batch. No more heap allocations. Just one heap allocation. And then from the allocated batch, we take objects one by one. Then second thread. That's the same. It has had local pool empty, nothing in the global storage, so it had to allocate second batch. They keep using the objects from the local pools. So far, we only did two heap allocations. But then happens, which happens very frequently in backend code. Those objects, they migrate into another thread. It happens when you have dedicated threads for networking, they read data from network. They parse it, create this struct request, push it into some sort of queue. And this queue is taken by other threads doing business logic, and they will delete the request. So most often, it happens that you have one thread allocating requests, other threads deleting requests. Objects will migrate. So here they migrated. And this other thread completed them somehow and tries to free them. They do not fit into this local pool. It is limited in our example by four. So fifth item didn't fit. And to fit more, it will have to migrate this pool into the global storage. And then it can keep freeing stuff. Now, a little bit more random work happens. Some more migrations. And then we are in a situation when second thread wants to allocate something. But it doesn't have anything locally, so it will go to the global pool. And this time, we have a free batch. So we take it. And we use this batch. So far, during this entire demonstration, we have only used heap two times for all those allocations. And at some point, after some more work, we will not use heap at all. It will be all saturated. Work continues like that. How it could look in the code? Yeah, visible, good. I have this benchmarks link is on the slide. Everything is already open. You can reproduce it yourself. I have this value, I think, which is, whose size is configurable at compile time via templates in C++. And I'm testing it with sizes one byte, half kilobyte, and one kilobyte. And they also have the same value, but thread pooled by the algorithm, which I just explained before. And in the C++, no matter how much we can argue whether it's good or bad, full of unnecessary stuff, but templates are sometimes very nice. In this case, I implemented the pooling in templates just once. And what I have to do is simply inherit this magic thread pooled class, and my class becomes thread pooled. I can simply apply it in as many places as I need, and all the types will become thread pooled with their own independent pools. So I'm comparing value versus value pooled. The comparison itself is that I have many threads. Each thread allocates many, many values, and then frees them in random order. And then again, and then again. And I am testing how fast is this spring and allocation, depending on number of threads and so on. And those are the results, which were surprising for me to be frank, that for one byte, even for a single byte case, I got a speedup. Normally, heap is very fast, even for, is very fast for smaller locations like those few bytes. Heap is actually extremely fast, the standard heap. But some why my pooled version was even faster than that on single byte case. But my most interesting relevant case was twice faster, which was good enough. And it can be actually quite visible in the final RPS. So of course, you have to benchmark everything. You shouldn't just blindly make everything thread pooled. I think this stuff will get faster. Probably will not. You have to apply case by case, measure performance, see how much it helps. I have seen in my experience that this can help and can be observable in the final RPS. This simple thing. What else can we do with the heap? Intrusive containers. So to understand the problem, which mostly comes from STL again, from STL containers, those list, map, unordered things, forward list, and the thing which unites them all is that they are not intrusive. And to show the point, let's have a look at the list. The lists are the most popular type of container, at least in my type of work in the stuff which I'm coding. I very frequently use lists. And the problem with the list is when you push something into the list, it will not be directly saved there. It will be copied and saved into link container object, this gray cube. Even if you store pointers, this pointer, those eight bytes, they will be copied. Not your object, but something will be copied and it's unavoidable. And it will be copied into this link container thing, allocated on the heap every time when you push into the list. And when you pop from the list, it will be deleted. So every operation with the list costs you heap operations. Secondly, which is not so obvious, but it also has performance, is that when you store pointers in a STL list, iteration of the list becomes slower. Because when you store pointers and you want to get into your object to de-reference some written member, for example, in your struct, you will first have to de-reference link container and then you de-reference your pointer to get to the member. You have two memory access operations. And they are not free. This arrow thing costs something. So we have additional memory. We look up simply because of how a STL list is implemented. What can be done with this? It's an intrusive list. So what we do, the basic idea is that we add those links, next and previous links, which are linking the items together. We add them into our object directly, like in the old C times. When you ask a student to implement a list, they do this. Probably they are doing it right because we will not have heap users here on every push and pop because we don't need intermediate link container objects to locate and delete them. And secondly, we don't have this additional memory lookup because to get your data, you just de-reference your pointer and directly get to the data. No intermediate objects for this. The only problem with those intrusive containers is that they are quite bulky, at least in C. So this is huge pain. Maintaining those next and previous pointers, head and tail of the list, and you do this every time for every type that you have and you want to store it in the list. This looks quite not good. It's quite hard to reuse such code without C++ templates. C++ templates, you can implement actually intrusive lists just once and then reuse them. On the slide, there are links to forward list and doubly list implemented by me. On the left side, you can see how the API looks for forward list. And on the right side, how it's used. So I have this object something. I simply add this next pointer in any place of my object and I instantly can use it in intrusive lists. With the intrusive list implemented just once using templates. And this name, by next, it's customizable so you can change the name as well of the member. Then what can you get from the performance if you apply intrusiveness is shown on this benchmark link on the slide as usual. I'm comparing a list of pointers with intrusive list. It's the list of pointers because usually, just like I said in my code, I prefer to manage lifetime of my objects myself. And when I have an object, I push it into the list. So I have object before that. And when I pop it from the list, I usually keep sleeping for a while after that. So I don't want to copy the entire object for storing it in the list. That's why I usually store pointers. And intrusive list stores pointers by design. So I'm comparing kind of similar cases. And the benchmark is doing that I'm measuring time of list population, how fast I push items into the list. And list walking, how much costs to me this additional memory lookup. It's interesting, right? So this small arrow thing is even visible in any measurements. This is what you get when you switch. So at least in this benchmark, right? So it might not get this speed up in your case, but in this benchmark indeed. And in my experience, it also sometimes does. I've got almost three times the speed up for list population because I no longer allocate those link containers. Firstly, secondly, you see this walking speed is 7% very small, almost noise. But it's not noise. It's reproducible. Every time you run this benchmark, you will see this difference, which comes, it's not much, but it comes from this additional arrow thing. And it's not much, but it doesn't mean that you can just leave it, right? Why have this performance loss if you cannot have it? Those small things, they pile up into something bigger. In my experience, this was all the easy stuff with the hip for which we have time. We can also have a look at thread condensation things. What is thread condensation? It appears when you have multiple threads which try to access certain critical sections at the same time, like mutex protected data or something like. And when this happens too frequently, it can cripple your performance, your cripple parallelism of your code. So your code will not as parallel as it could be. And result could be something like you have the 64 core machine, you enter it, you type H-stop and you see two cores used, right? It's not a good situation, paying so much money and then getting this. You are not utilizing all the resources when you have thread condensation or you are utilizing them on the condensation itself, not on something useful. And what can we do about this quickly? Like it's first aid kit, right? So it should be done something easy and quick. First thing, false sharing. It assumes that, let's start on the case when you think it's easy stuff. I know this, I am master of condensation. I don't have it. This is how I protect it from condensation. I placed this link on the slide with the benchmark and the example is that I have this object with two members. One member is always accessed in one thread, other member is always accessed in another thread. And seems like I don't have condensation because I am not sharing any data between the threads. And they have this benchmark which does some amount of work for 10 seconds or so, which looks good enough. But if I do it like this, I get five times the speedup. By adding this 64 bytes of unused data between my members of the, in this track. What is the link that I increased size of this track and I've got five times speedup? Should I just make all my strikes bigger the better? They will get faster. To understand the reasons behind this, you have to understand how CPU works with the memory. The thing is that CPU cores in your CPU, they don't access main memory, the RAM, the bus directly. They do it through this proxy thing called CPU cache, which is to put it simply is basically one cache per core, right? Not to dive into too much details. And this cache thing is basically accessing the main memory for the CPU and CPU is reading the cache transparently. And the cache, it has those blocks of fixed size, which are copies of small, small parts of the main memory. And those small blocks of fixed size, 64 bytes or 128, we call them cache lines. And all works fine and fast until we get the case when multiple CPU cores for some reason start reading and writing the same cache lines. For example, by the same address, one thread is doing crates, other threads are doing grids. Then we get contention and CPU has to perform this very expensive synchronization of the different cores so as they would store the same data for the same address. So as it wouldn't happen, then for the same address, different threads see different values, right? It shouldn't happen. And this synchronization of the cores is very expensive. This is where the slowdown happens. And what could happen and did happen in our case, that data which was seemingly unrelated, different bytes, they by bad luck just happened to be in the same cache line. And we've got contention on the cache line on the hardware level, not on the application logic level. Simply because when you work with memory, you always work with basically with minimal size of single cache line. Even when you access single bit, the entire cache line of 64 bytes containing this bit will be used by the CPU by the cache. My fix was as simple as just adding this to split my data into separate cache lines. And now I no longer have contention. This is how I've got five times speed up. This is measurable in the final RPS as well. It can be visible when you fix it. Just when you're fixing it, make sure that it makes sense. Like I said, don't just add the 64 bytes padding everywhere where you think you're sharing data. Add it, test if it makes sense. If it doesn't change anything, then just don't add it. It's as simple as that. What else can we do with thread contention? Have a look at memory ordering. If you are having highly loaded multi-threaded application, it's very, very likely that you are having also those atomic operations in your code. Like SDD atomic and C++ and double underscore sync, double underscore atomic in C compilers, which all do the same basically. Today, besides some arguments, they also take this memory order mysterious thing. There are plenty of those orders. And what they are doing is that they regulate how much freedom the CPU has about executing this instruction and instructions around this one without explicit ordering. CPU can execute your instructions in any order it wants. Even if you turn on all the off of the compiler optimizations, your machine code looks absolutely linear, even if you have single thread, still those instructions inside single thread can be completed in random order. It doesn't matter in which order you wrote them in C or C++ or whatever you're using. Example on the slide. So we have those free variables, ABC, starting zero, and they have one thread assigning them to one to three in order ABC. And then other thread reading them in different order, CBA. It looks impossible by all the logic, but it is in theory possible in some CPUs that you will get printed free equal C and zero equal B. It looks impossible because if second thread C is B, C assigned to free, it means that also it should C be assigned, right? Because it was assigned before C. But it could happen that it will not see this because, for example, read in second thread of B could be completed before the read of C. Or writing of B in thread one could be completed after writing of the variable C. We don't have any guarantees from the hardware when we are talking about observability of thread state from another thread point of view. And if you think if you are safe on x86, you just don't use ARM and ignore the problem, the bad stuff is that you still have reordering on x86. There is example on the slide by this link which you can compile and run. And even on x86, it will demonstrate reordering. The some instructions, logically impossible, will complete in different order. Without any tricks. It's completely predictable machine code. It will happen even on x86. We will not dive into details of each memory order possible. It's too much time. But I will demonstrate you what kind of speedup you can get if you study memory ordering and use correct ones. Benchmark on the slide link as usual and the benchmark is very simple. I have this loop, single thread. I'm not even using multi-thread here. It's just single thread. I'm using Atomics in a single thread to demonstrate the point. It has this loop where I'm using STD Atomic and it runs in two versions. First is default STD Atomic operation with sequential consistency order on the right side. Memory order, sex, CST. It is default when you use STD Atomic and don't specify memory order. So it is the safest and strictest order when you use it. Code works like it looks. This wire is default. Otherwise people wouldn't have to bother when they don't care. But it is an overkill in this case. It's too expensive. And in my case, relaxed order is enough. It is in most cases actually enough. Like in shared pointers, relaxed order is enough. And I'm just comparing this loop with relaxed and sequential. Just think of a number. What do you think would be, how much would be a speedup? Like probably you're thinking zero because if you know x is x86, you will tell me that it will render the same machine code. When x86 writing has the same guarantees. Prosequential consistency and relaxed order doesn't matter. x86 is safe, right? But I've got 16 times a speedup here if I'm using relaxed order. It was x86. It was modern compiler. Loop was not optimized out. It was minus of re-optimization. So top optimizations. And still I've got 16 times speedup of this loop. What happened here exactly? If I open machine code, this assembly stuff, I will see that relaxed order was compiled into single-move operation. Prosequential consistency was compiled into this exchange operation. The reason is that on x86, there is only one possible re-ordering. Prosequential consistency order protects from this type of re-ordering using this exchange operation, which gives more guarantees than move operation. And the problem is that in this case it wasn't needed. So I just requested two strict guarantees where I don't need them. And I paid 16 times slowdown for this. And in fact, at least in my entire career, I have never seen case when sequential order was needed. It is needed in such extreme weird cases that I have only seen the artificial examples. I have never seen it in actual production code needed. The only pre-orders I ever needed were relaxed or acquired plus release, nothing else. So this is what kind of speedup you can get. For fun, go to Godbolt and try to render the same code on this version of compiler on C-line. It will be even more interesting. Just amount of machine code simply didn't fit on the slide. That's why I didn't put it here from C-line for this simple loop. What else can we do with thread contention? Look for eqs. In the background code, it's very, very frequent that you need some sort of queues sometimes in multiple places of your application. And the usual use case is that you have multiple threads producing something for the queue, like requests. They read from the network, allocate requests, validate it, and push into queue. And other threads are doing, for example, business logic. They are taking objects from the queue and processing them, and then deleting, like on the slide. How can we do this? We start simple again. If we don't have much load, then this solution is actually just fine. So we have this queue. It's just a Mutex protected container in STL. It works fine. If you have hundreds of thousands of RPS or millions of RPS on this queue, then you will get Mutex contention here. You will get it guaranteed. What can you do about this is just get rid of the Mutex. And there are solutions how to do this, called log free queues, which allow you to have a queue without a Mutex and STL. It will be thread safe. And the problem with those queues is that there is no one major queue, which is best for all the cases. Implementation of specific queue very much depends on what kind of queue you want exactly. Like there are those four types of queues, depending on how many threads are producing for the queue, how many threads are taking objects from the queue. And also you have to know whether the queue should be limited in size in your case, what happens when the size limit is reached. So when you understand your case, you can choose one of the queues, one of the implementations. There are many, many implementations. Of course, I just placed a few of them on the slide. For all the queue types, two of them are mine. One of them is this very popular, according to GitHub stars, Cameron 314 concurrent queue. And also there is this very nice website, Who knows? It's a very nice website, which not only contains source codes of various queue types, but also they are actually explained there in a simple language. So you can go there and dedicate yourself about how those queues are working and why, what is log free, what is weight free, what are all those memory ordering types. It's all explained on this side. Very understandable stuff. And like I said, don't just use multi-producer, multi-consumer queue for everything. If you have, for instance, single producer, single consumer queue, it can be done much faster than the former. So just be careful what you choose. And this is kind of speed up you can get when you simply switch from mutex protected to log free queue. This is benchmark of my two queues. Some benchmarks doing multiple producer, multiple consumer threads. And stuff, and those are the numbers. So this also can be visible on the final RPS of your application. Just make sure you test it before you apply it. All of those stuff I'm mentioning today, it makes sense to test it first to make sure if you actually need it. What else can we optimize quickly like first aid kit, networking, backend performance, very often like 90% of all this performance will consist of how efficient your networking is. How efficient is your data received and sending. And in cases like one connection, one request, this HTTP stuff, it also matters how quickly you can accept and close clients. So this socket creation and closure also matter how fast you can do this in those types of scenarios and quick stuff we can fix here is, for example, scatter gather a link to the benchmark on the slide. And the use case is this. You have, imagine this multiple buffers that you want to send. Each buffer can be separate message or each buffer can be part of single message like chant, response or something. And you want to send multiple piling up buffers into the socket. How do you do this? Do it in a simple way. You just run the loop where your calls send on every buffer, right? It works, obviously. And on this benchmark, I have speed two and a half gigabytes per second on local socket payer without networking. And I was sending 16 one kilobyte buffers every time when I called send all works fine. But if I do it like this, I suddenly get two and a half times speed up. And what I changed is that instead of loop of send calls, I did a single send message call. Even the code on the left side looks bigger. It was this much faster. In practice, I saw that this switch made my code 10 times faster. It just depends on how many buffers you are trying to send of which size at one time. In this case, 16 buffers each one kilobyte in size, local circuits. I got this speed up, but it can be better. And where is the speed up coming from? The thing is that on the right side, I did 16 send calls. On the left side, I did single send message call. And those send and send message, they are in fact system calls. Very, very expensive. Switch into the kernel context when you're calling those things. And this is extremely expensive, basically. Every system call is always very expensive stuff. And you should avoid that, make them as few as you can. In this case, speed up is coming exactly from this. I simply made less system calls. I sent into the kernel multiple buffers at once. And this single, even single system call is many orders of magnitude more expensive than just filling this Iovac array. Even if it's something like 128 buffers, sending more doesn't make sense. 128, as far as I remember, it's the limit in the kernel anyway. They will not accept more. Funny thing, when you try to send more, sometimes kernel can return errors. It will even just do partial send. It can return error, like too many buffers. Someway, this is what I absorbed at least. So the solution here, if you have multiple buffers to send, simply use send message and receive message instead of looping those send and receive calls. And of course, it only matters if you have more than one buffer. If you have just one buffer and you switch from send to send message, absolutely nothing will change. Some people might be already thinking that why didn't I use readV and writeV calls? Because they look simpler. I don't need to fill in this message header object. I can just send array of Iovacs directly, right? They will work even with the same speed. The problem with those system calls, read and write, readV, writeV, is that when you use them, they are accounted in the kernel as disk operations, even if you use them on the circuit. I don't know why, but it is the fact. So when you are using read write calls on a circuit and you check this file, it will grow even if you call those functions on circuits. They will be accounted as disk operations. If you don't care about the statistics, then you can use those functions. But if you care, try to use send message and receive message. They are portable, available on all the Unix-like systems. So good stuff. What else can optimize event queues? It, of course, depends on the application very heavily, but often in the backend servers, we have, they can be quite loaded. So we can have tens of thousands of clients easily in the same number of circuits in one process of server. And although circuits can generate events like circuits can become readable, writeable, and receive out of band data from TCP or receive errors and stuff or custom events. And we need to handle all those circuits somehow at once. And there are three ways how to do it. Without ridiculous solutions like one thread per circuit or one process per circuit, it's not scalable at this scale. And the solutions are periodic polling, reactive polling, and event queues. Those are made up names. I just made them up myself. It's not like they can be found somewhere. And we go through each. So periodic polling is the simplest approach. As simple as you just have a loop where you iterate through all the circuits, and you try to read and write each, and then you sleep. And then you repeat. This way you don't spin on the busy loop, and you still handle all the circuits. The problem with this solution is that firstly we'll have additional latency here because imagine that circuit number N becomes readable. To get to the circuit, you firstly have to try to read N minus one circuit before. It will cost you time if you have thousands of circuits. Secondly you will lose latency here because imagine circuit became readable, and you just started 100 milliseconds sleep. You will waste 100 milliseconds of latency absolutely with no reason. And firstly you will waste CPU here because you will be doing lots and lots of unnecessary system calls. If socket is not readable and you are doing receive, you just wasted a system call, wasted some CPU time. The stuff can be easily fixed with a couple of solutions, one of which I am presenting only for the sake of you not using it because select thing is deprecated. It gives undefined behavior on Linux. If you have more than 1,024 sockets, or even if just one of them is bigger than 1,024 by value. It is not advisable for you to use it even in documentation. So there is an alternative poll which works quite fine. Even these days and it takes array of descriptors with events you want to listen for, those events field. And when you call poll, it will block you until any event happens with any of those circuits and when it returns, it will fill in our events field in all the descriptors with events which are available for circuits. This is how it looks in the code approximately. So we have this poll, you call it on all your descriptors. When it returns, you have events and you are scanning all the sockets and checking which socket has which events. Then you don't do those unassisted system calls. You only do reads when socket is readable. Write when socket is writable. And I have this benchmark, click on the slide where I have 5,000 clients and they are sending 5 million messages in total. And only a part of clients is active at the time which is realistic. It's not like all the time all the sockets are active. This kind of speed up I get when I switch from periodic polling to poll. I have got 25% speed up instantly and I did zero system calls which ended up with eWood block and periodic polling did 120 millions of those system calls which were not needed. And thirdly, periodic polling wasted huge amount of CPU time because it was spinning in a busy loop. I didn't even have slips in this case. If I would add slip to periodic polling here, it would get even slower. Here I didn't have slips and still it was slower and it wasted huge amount of time on those unnecessary system calls. This is not the end. We can optimize it further. One last optimization using event queues. The idea is that instead of having socket array in user space, we can have it in kernel space. And kernel will monitor your sockets all the time for happening events and notify you when something happens. This is Epolyn Linux, KQ on Mac and BSD and Diocompletion ports on Windows. So the idea is that you create this event queue, you add sockets one by one into the queue for monitoring specifying which events you want to monitor. And then you call this Epolyn wait thing to fetch the events. When it returns, you handle the events. It is as simple as that. So instead of placing all like 10,000 sockets into the kernel for each Epolyn wait, we just call Epolyn wait and get the events. This is how it looks in the code. We call Epolyn wait on our queue. We get some events, return, we handle those events, just them without full scanning the entire circuit array. For example, if you have 10,000 sockets and 10 of them got events, you will just iterate 10 times here, not 10,000 times. And the rest is the same as with polls. So we just read where readable, write where writable. As simple as that, if I apply this on top of poll, I get another 30% speedup. Even with a single chance. So you can of course optimize it first, but those were simple optimizations. This was all the stuff which we had time for, but also there is some additional content with eight other small, simple things which you can apply in your code. They're all clickable. You can click on them after the talk or ask them as questions right now if you like or ask me afterwards outside about those other optimizations. And now this was the end. Thanks for your attention. If anyone has any questions, then I believe we have time to take a couple. Thank you. Amazing talk. Thanks. You mentioned flame graphs a few times for the cash sharing issue. What kind of tooling do you recommend to detect those? For cash pieces? The cash sharing variables, sharing through cashes? Yeah, I think the first tool for example, Linux is able to measure the stuff. Okay. The first is also able to build nice flame graphs by the way. Any other questions? I have a question about the first example. I guess the second one, but still on the first chapter I guess of your talk about the intrusive list and it's my understanding that standard list C++ is also an intrusive list. So I don't think that interaction should do anything. The list is intrusive? Yes, I just checked it up so it can be in presentation. It's not intrusive. Okay. So for example, when you have this STD list, right, sign of intrusive list is when you have link inside of your objects. For example, if you store pointers and you have pointer at your object, you should be able to just unlink this object from the list directly, right? Just leave of the previous element, link with the next element instead of you. So you just in constant time can pop the item from the list, right? When it's intrusive. In a STD list, you have first it located. You have to iterate the list, find your pointer there and erase it by the iterator. Standard forward list also not? Are you certain on that? Unfortunately, yes. In a STL we don't have it. Maybe they, we have it in boost, I don't know. What, what in boost? Okay. Good stuff. Hello, thanks. What do you think about IO ring? I haven't tried it myself in real life use case yet. Okay. But I heard that can be faster than Ipul. So basically IO ring idea as far as I understand is the same as IO completion ports on Windows. Right? So you just directly send data from your buffers without copying. Yeah, I guess it is possible with IO ring to make even less assist calls. Yeah, yeah, perhaps. Could be good, could be great. But the idea falls into the same folder of event processing. So we don't then sort of socket array full scan or anything alike. Those are by the way, obviously not cross platform solutions in networking. I don't think we have anything cross platform enough besides maybe poll, right? And the rest could be like boost ASIO. Yeah, this stuff is working everywhere. If there are no other questions, then that should be it. Thank you all very much for coming.