I'd like to hand over to the chair of the first panel, which is Martin Erz and Martin Erz from MLNet Labs, and is going to lead what we do next, Martin. Thank you, Simon. So welcome to the first block of the day, which is about CRA and PLD. I just heard from Simon how the structure generally works. I will say a couple of works about how this block will work right now. So an important person during this session will be our rapporteur, who will be writing down all the things that the speakers say, but also perhaps the things that you will bring in, because the idea of these sessions is to actually have some interaction. So for this session, that will be Merco. Merco will be our rapporteur, and at the end of the block, he will summarize what he learned today. So for the agenda of this particular block, we will have two lightning talks. We will have a panel, a workshop bit where you can actually do something yourself, if you haven't already, by asking questions. We will have a third lightning talk, and then we will close with a rapporteur's summary. So that's our agenda until about 11.15.