Our next talk is a new boot for modern Qualcomm phones as Konfi tells me on my Linux phone. Give a big round of applause for Caleb. Well, hopefully that stays. Okay, there's no way to write. Okay, that'll do. Hey, everyone. Lots of people here. Yeah, so this is Uboot for modern Qualcomm phones. This is kind of about the issues that we face in running Linux on modern Android devices and how we can solve them to make it easier for distros and users. So a bit about me. Hey, Caleb. I've been working on and using Free Software since about 2018. I'm a kernel engineer at Linaire on the Qualcomm ecosystem team where I hack on pretty much anything, just not user space. And I'm especially interested in things that improve the user experience. Outside of work, I'm a member of the post-micro sql team. Yeah, you might recognize me from my work on the 1.6 and Snapdragon 845 devices. And otherwise, I'm just plotting new ways to keep your devices out of landfill. And I'm a maintainer of Qualcomm platform support in Uboot. If anybody else is interested, you can follow me on masterband here. So in this talk, we'll talk about why Linux on Android phones kind of sucks. We'll talk about the magic of UFI, how Uboot works as a UFI boot loader, and specifically how it works on Qualcomm devices. I'll talk about the state of Qualcomm support in Uboot now and have a quick demo. We'll go over the absolute status and like 10,000 foot overview of how to support a new Qualcomm SOC. So let's play a little game. I'm going to show you some boot loaders and you guys have to tell me which one is the odd one out. So who recognizes this? Not that many hands. This is the grub-lugger, apparently. It has another alleged boot loader. This is actually the official system debut lugger and not one that I made up. Maybe you recognize this, Tiana Core or this lugger. If you've ever used QMU with UFI, of course, it has another classic boot loader. How about this for a boot loader? Is it? Not a boot loader? Some people would definitely make the differ. Yeah, so I guess the point is really that boot loader is a bit of an overloaded term. It can mean a lot of different things. So for the sake of this SOC, it means... We're going to go with this definition. It's a software responsible for loading the kernel in our MFS and device tree and then jumping to it. Sometimes different bits of software do different parts of this process, but that's okay. So, booting an Android. The devices have this thing called ABL. It's the Android boot loader. It works like this. You have this boot image, which is flashed to a boot partition. It contains the kernel, device tree, and the inner MFS all packaged up together. Then you have this DTBO thing. The idea is that your device tree that's in the boot image is generic. It's for the platform, for the SOC. Then in your DTBO, you can have all your board-specific quirks and features like the display panel and things like that. So the process is you load the boot image, find a matching DTB, because there can be multiple in the boot image. Apply the right overlay from the DTBO, and then you boot. Easy, right? Well, there's no multi-boot support. You just get the one kernel. There is an AB update rollback feature, which can't be disabled. It's a lot of work to integrate. In fact, there are five different versions of this boot image format that we need to support. The DTBO partition obviously does not work with mainline device trees, because they're just not designed this way. So we need to either erase it, or in some cases build a special empty one to trick the boot loader into not crashing. There is no feedback if any parts of this process go wrong. You get dumped to fast boot, or, well, if you're lucky. And, yeah, overall, it's not a whole lot of fun. In fact, there's a few very horrific things hiding in the shadows. You may be familiar with this error message if you've ever booted Linux on Qualcomm platform. Qualcomm's boot loader loads the kernel in a mislead address. Here is, in fact, the command that's run as part of the kernel update process on PostMarketOS and other distros that need to support this platform. This is the most generic form. We need all of these device-specific properties, and it's not super great. Sometimes we need to append strings to the end of the boot image. And here is an example of what happens if you erase the DTBO partition on one device. That's an abstract trace from the boot loader. So we can do better, right? Well, here's how booting with UFI works. You have a normal Fat32 or AXE2 partition. The AFI specification actually says nothing about Fat32. So for those of you who really are not a fan of the Microsoft ways, you can get away with the AXE2, I think. You install this file bootAA64.EFI, or if you're on an AXE86 platform, it's like boot AXE86. And then you have your kernel and RAM disk and boot loader configuration wherever you want. The big difference here is that rather than having to just pack everything up in this special format, you get to run your own code. So you can do whatever you need to do. And in fact, this gives the distro full control over the boot loader so you can have your fullbacks or you can have multiple different kernels installed. You're used to this, right? So if you're using this EFI on your laptops and desktops, it's pretty great, as I'm sure you all know. However, many vendors still get things wrong in the AXE86 space and on ARM. And in UBoot, at least, we have some limitations that you can't really adjust the boot loader at runtime. For the purposes of this talk, we kind of gloss over that. But it's definitely an obvious winner if done right. And you're never going to get it right, but there's a great workaround to that, which is to just release the source code and let people fix the things that you get wrong. So we've compared the Android boot process to UFI. Of course, we're also noting that UFI is capable of all of the same secure boot features. So I have a question for you guys. Which boot loader do you think Qualcomm shipped on the automotive and IoT platforms? Is it the Android one or the UFI one? I heard AVL. Yeah, indeed. If you're running embedded Linux on IoT or on automotive even, you're not booting Android, but you still have to deal with this whole Android boot loader. So the answer to all our problems, UBoot. UBoot is a very cool open source boot loader, GPL2 licensed. I'm sure many of you are already familiar with it. It supports a whole lot of different devices and architectures. It has compatibility with the Linux driver model. So, reporting drivers from Linux is pretty straightforward. It uses device tree, which is pretty fantastic. And it can be adjusted to do anything. It's not just the UFI boot loader, but it does pass the system-ready base boot requirements. And it hasn't always had great Qualcomm support, but thankfully that's changing. So, to boot UBoot on a Qualcomm platform, on a phone specifically, we actually can't replace the Android boot loader, which sucks. It's hashed and the hash is signed by a private key. The public key is bund into the SOS. So, like Luca mentioned in his talk regarding firmware, the same is also true for the boot loader. Could we exploit this? Unfortunately, this isn't going to be one of those talks. I'm sure, well, I hope that one day we get there, but for now we can chain load, which is almost as good, right? And we can rely on ABL to give us a bunch of pretty useful information. So, you can build UBoot with this configuration, which is exactly what you might think. It prepends the Linux kernel image header to the UBoot image, which just lets us smuggle UBoot past ABL. ABL thinks it's just booting Linux, but it's actually not. And that's pretty much all this required. Well, then you wrap it up in the boot image, and now we're booting UBoot, basically. So, the state of Qualcomm support is provided in MacSnapDragon, which has been around for a really long time. To the original authors, I don't really know why they decided to name it Snapdragon and not Qualcomm, but whatever. As of today, not all of this is upstream, but work in progress. We have support for all of these platforms, the latest being my colleague, Neil, who recently got UBooting on SM8350, which is one-generation old. So that's all of the 2023 flagship phones, essentially. We're pretty much compatible with Linux advisory. So, if you have a phone that's supported by upstream Linux and basic SoC drivers are in UBoot, you can just take the advisory blog from Linux, combine it with UBoot, and you can probably boot. Some devices need a few additional things, which we keep track of in a separate advisory file, which UBoot automatically includes for us. And for things like USB, where we currently only support high-speed, we can fix this up at runtime. So, there's no hard advisory modifications required. There's also no board-specific code, which if you're familiar with UBoot development, you're probably very familiar with the board-specific code. We don't want any of that. We want to dynamically arch everything, read the memory maps from the advisory, and have one build target for everything. Support for USB, UFS storage, and MNC is headed upstream, and a whole lot more buttons, capsule updates, it's all getting there. So, where can you run this? Today, if you fancy shelling out, you can get yourself one of these fantastic IoT development platforms on the low-end for just $199. You can buy yourself an RB1 with a quad-core 2 GHz A53 SoC, one or two gigabytes of RAM, and eight or 16 gigs of MNC. Now, that is a steal, I gotta tell you. You can go a bit higher, you can go for the RB2. You get a whole eight cores, still a 2 GHz though, and still just two gigs of RAM. On the mid-end, there's the SCMA45 RB3. You'll learn more about these boards in Neil's talk in just a sec. You cannot actually buy this one anymore. So, yeah, sorry, I guess you'll have to go all the way up to the RB5. Only $550, right? Well, I'll let you in on a secret. You can buy yourself a OnePlus 8 for a lot less than that, and it has the same SoC in it. Now, if you already own a Snapdragon 845 device, like the OnePlus 6, you can head here and you can download a UBoot release right now. There is some work in progress post-marketOS support, which is not much yet, but it's on its way. We're booting with UFI and SystemDoot. Down the line, we will also have support for providing UBoot updates with LVFS and FirmwareUpd. So, you'll just be able to receive updates no matter what disk review you're running. And I can demonstrate this for you right now. Hopefully. Hopefully. Let's see. Yeah, okay. So, this is a OnePlus 6. This is my sort of daily driver device at the minute. And here we can see UBoot. So, we have this boot menu at the minute. And there's a few options here which you may or may not be able to read. The important ones, especially if you're interested in playing around with this. If you boot up with the USB cable attached, then you can choose this USB Serial Console Gadget option. And then you'll get a Serial Console on your PC from the USB port and the device. So, you can think around with UBoot. And yeah, I guess we'll boot into Linux. This is booting with SystemDoot. I want to buy a bit faster. And I got the AFI sub and then into Linux. Yeah, so there we go. This is kind of hopefully the future of Linux on Qualcomm devices. We can now provide updates as you would expect on your laptop or desktop. We don't need to mess around with a bunch of disk integration for the Android boot image. And everything just kind of works. So, yeah, in terms of upstreaming, there's quite a few patches on the mainliners right now. With those, we'll have USB support for the Snapdragon 845 and UFS I'm hoping to send off soon. There's a separate effort by a colleague of mine, Summit. He's working on pulling in all of the device trees from Linux, which are actually kept, married in a separate repository called Device Rebasing. So, the idea is to add this as a subtree in UBoot to allow us to keep it in sync. And this way, you'll be able to just clone UBoot, build it, and if your device is already in Linux and is already, like I said, basic support for the SoC, then provided you have a frame buffer support from ABL, then you can just boot UBoot and probably have UFS working. Yeah, if you're interested in understanding more about the UBoot flow, this is great talk by Simon Glass, who's a UBoot maintainer called Recent Advancements in UBoot. He gave it late last year. But, yeah, I really like the goal is if you have a fairly standard device, it should just work with the Linux advisory. In the future, I really want to get support for handling display panel variants. So, for example, the Pocophone F1, we need two different devices at the minute. And, yeah, we can do cool stuff, I think. Adding a new SoC in case you wanted to is very simple. You need clock and ping control. These can be essentially stub drivers, copy one that exists. You're kind of good to go. You may need to copy the UFS file data from the Linux driver. You can literally copy paste it into UBoot. You may need a compatible string for the PMIC and the SMME driver, and that's it. In fact, it took me about two hours following this process to reach that point. On this device I have here, which I guess I can show off for you. This is actually the Fairphone 5. And, well, it's... Here we are. It can also be from internal storage. So, yeah, this is fairly sure for it. Still a lot of out-of-tree patches, but definitely feel free to give it a go. And let me know how you get on. Yeah, that's all. Thanks. Amazing. Does anyone have any questions for Caleb? Yeah, here. On what partition, on what Android partition does UBoot live on? UBoot is flashed to the boot partition. Boot partition. Yeah, so on devices that don't have secure boot, where there's no signature verification going on, you can replace the stock boot loaded with UBoot. Second quick question. How often do you get on your phone? Call it from crash-dump. Unlike the OnePlus 6, it seems to depend on device and region and other things. It happens to me one in maybe 10 boots or less. Some people have issues more often. Yeah, it's going to be a fun one to debug. Hi. Thanks. Great talk. So, when you had on the slide earlier on that the, you know, board-specific BTBs have been added to UBoot. Does that mean that they are taken from ABL? No. So the Qualcomm's bootloader ABL is, they actually have their own very non-standard UFI implementation. And ABL is just an EFI app, but unfortunately none of that. They shut down all the UFI services before jumping to Linux and we can't modify it. But no, it doesn't use the device tree. It's based on ADK2. So we're pulling device trees from Linux. Okay. Thanks. Any more questions? Oh, yeah. One sec. Yeah, maybe it passed the mic. So since you have more standard bootloader now, are you able to do dual-boots, stuff like that? Yeah. Provided that you can share the AFI system partition. Or in fact, you can have multiple. I haven't validated this and other people are quite worried about it, but I'm fairly certain that the block device that has the user data partition on it, on the OnePlus 6, it's usually DevSCA. I'm fairly sure that we could completely format that and it would still boot, but I haven't tested this. And yeah, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. But yeah, you can certainly remove the user data partition and create multiple for different root file systems. You can then format the OP2 partition as an ESP. You can set the right GUID type code, make it, and it'll work. Hopefully one day we can do a boot on Raiden. Yeah, well, the only thing on Android is a whole different beast. So I figured that the user data partition does not have overlapping directories with the Linux root file system. So I managed to dump a whole Linux root file system on the user data partition and tell Linux to use that at rootiface. Yeah. And it boots and it works. So you can have it without impacting any Android functionality. Yes, you can. This is how selfish OS boots. And there is also support for this in post-wacadoss, I believe, where if you put it in a special path, it will detect it. Do we have another question? We have one more minute. Yeah. So do you guys end up replacing LK2 or however you're supposed to pronounce that for the devices that use that? Yeah, for sure. I mean, so there's already support for some of the older platforms. It would be doable to add them. However, LK2 does a lot to support the downstream device trees and lots of fix up stuff. So currently the kind of status for the LK2 maintainers is it's not what the effort for them to move all the devices. But if you own one of those devices and work on it, you can definitely get it supported. Okay. So if I had support to this, I could replace LK2 for my class. Yes. For sure. There might be some other weird quacks for some of the 32 bit devices. Please give another round of applause for Kaleb. And again, five minute break and then we have the next talk. Check out the stand and bidding AW. Nice.