What is the future of female? So if you agree, you can shout, like, yeah, or, you know, this is for agree, and if you agree, you can go, boo, and, you know, thumbs down. You can count, oh, all right. Okay, let's get started. Quick introduction. My name is Bogos. People call me Bogos by one, get one. It's easy to remember. Thank you. Yeah, I prefer that like a beer, you know, it will be closer to my mouth. Okay, I used to write PHP, Python, and GS. Now I suck. I work on a call-up project. I don't know who remembers the call-up. Yay, awesome. But I really suck at it. I'm working on a- I'm part of Thunderbird Project, but I'm not representing the projects right now. I was- I'm born in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic. I love heavy metal. So there was a call, yeah. There was a call by me this morning about teaching people how to be nicer with heavy metal, so if you didn't have a chance to watch it, you can watch the recording, which is currently really bad. Okay, started. So as I said, I haven't thought a long time ago. I see some old people here starting at the same time as me. In the past, it was something like, I want to implement something, but the technology or the framework does not allow me. I want to do this, I want to do that, but hey, the PHP library that I have, it's really crappy. I really don't want- I want to do that, but first we need to invest more time, or it's not worth it. Now, looking at the topics over the conversations today, listening at the outer rooms, now everything is possible. Everything. If you want to do something, there is an API or a smart person that will write something. So just keep that in mind in the next few slides. Some of the things might look impossible to be done, but keep an open mind and just remember everything is possible. Okay. So those ideas, I will share that proposed by real customers, people that are using email every day, myself included. Let's get started. So my email is my identity. Yay or nay? Okay. So it's 50-50. Thank you. Thank you, Paulsman. Thank you. So let's say I'm the customer, right? I'll be the main protagonist. So I have my email client and a university, for example, wants to verify that I have a real diploma. It's not like something that I downloaded from the Internet. They send me a verification request through credentials. So they want to see information about my age and whether I'm using the ID credentials in my diploma. So I'll say whether I want to proceed it or not. So they're very different use cases. And again, this is really available to be implemented because the standard and the implementation of lots of languages already exist. Second one is be ready. Build the fans. So I'll talk about that. First of all, we really, we, the customers, we really would like to see all of the messages encrypted and to add to the code. If something is not in code, I want to see it in a very special folder. It's dangerous. So, okay. I didn't get anyone. Oh, all right. One. No, no. Okay, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're talking about the perfect world that you guys will build and on the next day of the day of the room, you'll present. So fishing, so, the information, fair, so, manage keys, but it's easy. This is really important. You know, jocosite. It's really important to give the power to underrepresented groups of people that are really fighting for our rights in different parts of the world, journalists, you know, fighters for human rights. They really need an easy encryption, but just a few pro-support. So this is why this is important. Oh, next. I don't have a lot, so don't worry. Okay. So I want my long email to be translated to TLDR. So to extract, of course, something that is useful to me, but then I would like to understand how much time I actually saved by this. Instead of reading the email, the green part here, and at the same time, I would like to understand how much energy the engine doing all the calculations. So if I'm one that is aware or about the end of the question, I don't think that is included and embedded by email. Yay or nay? Or I see the majority down. No, no, no. This is an example. That's maybe not. All right. The local is available. If you don't know this website, you can go and check it out. I think I have one more. Mood detector. All right. So imagine it's Monday morning. Monday morning. And usually the Monday morning is really crowded because of many things. I want to go there, open my email client. So the email client detects that I'm really sad. So it's like, yes. Maybe, maybe, maybe, yeah. And the analysis of the sentiment here. So I want to see my happy emails first. A gift that I buy for Ireland Made in Concord. That's happy. My boss sent me during the weekend. Weekend? Not happy. So post-exists. So if you want to use the second facial, it's open source. Use the camera to detect whether you're happy or sad. And the first one is that you can. Analysis, whether this is happy or not. And of course, you can teach it everything. All right. Quickly, the last one. I would like to have a trust levels. For example, I receive email from my wife, from my kid, from my boss, from everyone. And I would like to see something like whether I, if I trust my wife and my wife trust. Hello. Hello. I would like to see my wife and my wife trust. Her sister, whether she'll trust me. So the trust concept, and it's really nice. You know, some people would like to see that as well. I have one minute. And again, again, your name. All right. Again, everything is possible. Please be open-minded when you create a next generation of email services. And do something out of the box. Creative. I think this is it. Thank you very much. If you want to connect, this is me. If you want to kick my ass, I'm leaving right after this one. So thank you very much. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you. It was very entertaining. I think there are no more questions open. And I think on behalf of the organizers of this deaf room, I think that was a real intense, but also really interesting day. Thanks for all your participation. Yeah, we hope to see you. Yeah, we hope to see you next year probably.