[00:00.000 --> 00:07.360] Welcome to the legal and policy, Debra. [00:07.360 --> 00:10.640] We're so excited you're here in person at Fosnamp again. [00:10.640 --> 00:11.640] Hooray! [00:11.640 --> 00:20.960] Especially since it's the first time that we've been together since 2020 and that all [00:20.960 --> 00:26.080] of you have ventured all the way up here to UB 5, 132. [00:26.080 --> 00:27.680] We really appreciate it. [00:27.680 --> 00:37.200] So just to quick introduction to your organizers today, you just heard from Karen Sandler. [00:37.200 --> 00:43.400] I'm Tom Marble, and I will let the other organizers introduce themselves. [00:43.400 --> 00:44.400] I'm Matthias Kirschner. [00:44.400 --> 00:45.400] Yeah, Alexander Sandler. [00:45.400 --> 00:46.400] Nice to see you. [00:46.400 --> 00:51.280] I'm Bradley Kuhn, and I have the t-shirt, so you know I'm a Debra organizer. [00:51.280 --> 00:56.200] I don't think we have too much to tell you before we get started. [00:56.200 --> 00:57.920] Some of us will be wearing masks. [00:57.920 --> 01:00.360] Masks are very welcome. [01:00.360 --> 01:01.640] Don't feel self-conscious if you wear it. [01:01.640 --> 01:05.080] You'll see me wearing this hilarious duck mask the whole day. [01:05.080 --> 01:08.120] There's an elevator for those of you who need it. [01:08.120 --> 01:12.680] It is a little bit glitchy, but it does function. [01:12.680 --> 01:14.640] Anything else we need to announce? [01:14.640 --> 01:18.000] We have fresh air provided to you by Software Freedom Conservancy. [01:18.000 --> 01:20.360] There's an air filter there, and there's one there. [01:20.360 --> 01:24.480] So if you're worried about making sure the air is being filtered, feel free to sit close [01:24.480 --> 01:25.480] to those. [01:25.480 --> 01:28.360] As an added bonus, near the air filter, there is a power strip. [01:28.360 --> 01:30.760] So if you need power, move in near the air filter. [01:30.760 --> 01:35.240] Oh, and the windows are open too, so you can go by that. [01:35.240 --> 01:36.240] Do you have anything else? [01:36.240 --> 01:40.360] Yeah, the only other thing I wanted to mention is that on the page for the dev room, you'll [01:40.360 --> 01:45.640] find a link to join the Matrix Chat for this room. [01:45.640 --> 01:51.000] Also the link for the live streaming video, and so anybody that's joining us online, welcome. [01:51.000 --> 01:54.520] And with that, I think we're ready to have our first speaker in killing.