[00:00.000 --> 00:12.000] Okay, so hello everyone, I am François Chrois-Sinterbeur, I'm really glad to be here and I will present [00:12.000 --> 00:18.160] to you Tableau Noir, which is an online blackboard. [00:18.160 --> 00:28.000] So a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a mysterious virus attacked the population. [00:28.000 --> 00:42.000] So it attacked almost everybody and that's why we decided to organize a lockdown, right? [00:42.000 --> 00:54.000] But we still had to teach and actually we did blackboards to teach and we are not able to use [00:54.000 --> 01:04.000] blackboards anymore. And actually there exists solutions online that enables to draw and share ideas, [01:04.000 --> 01:15.000] but they don't feel completely the need. Some of them look really like, I would say, graphical drawing softwares, [01:15.000 --> 01:23.000] so with many buttons and usually you need to get rid from all these buttons that are on the screen. [01:23.000 --> 01:34.000] Also, usually when you have to explain things, you need to make animations and to make students interact with you. [01:34.000 --> 01:40.000] So for instance, you know maybe sorting algorithms? [01:40.000 --> 01:48.000] Sorting algorithms, like insertion, sort. And you can use manettes for that, it's very easy on blackboards. [01:48.000 --> 01:55.000] You have manettes like that and you can teach, okay, you have to insert five in this, so you will move this [01:55.000 --> 02:07.000] and put five here and nine will be here, okay? And it's very difficult to use that with real blackboards, [02:07.000 --> 02:16.000] with existing tools, solutions that are online. Also many of them, when you go on the website, you have to sign. [02:16.000 --> 02:27.000] And maybe you don't want to sign up and to give data to the services that offer some white or blackboards online. [02:27.000 --> 02:35.000] And also when you are using them, actually their server, they keep all your data maybe, they store your information [02:35.000 --> 02:43.000] and you don't want that. So that's why we decided to create Tableau Noir, which is available on this webpage. [02:43.000 --> 02:51.000] You can, so it's online and it's also offline, you can also use Tableau Noir offline with Electron, [02:51.000 --> 03:01.000] which is a kind of software to make websites used like offline. It's collaborative and that's it. [03:01.000 --> 03:05.000] So now the rest of the presentation is divided in several parts. [03:05.000 --> 03:08.000] The first part, I will discuss the philosophy of the tool. [03:08.000 --> 03:14.000] The second part, I will explain a bit more the use of these fridge magnets here. [03:14.000 --> 03:18.000] Then we will discuss the collaborative board aspects of Tableau Noir. [03:18.000 --> 03:23.000] Then I will discuss how to make a presentation with Tableau Noir and finally we'll conclude. [03:23.000 --> 03:28.000] So what is the philosophy of Tableau Noir? The philosophy is kiss. [03:28.000 --> 03:35.000] So maybe you know this philosophy, this philosophy means keep it simple and stupid. [03:35.000 --> 03:38.000] This is a bit the philosophy behind Tableau Noir. [03:38.000 --> 03:44.000] So if you have a lot of tools like that in your drawing software, actually you don't need them [03:44.000 --> 03:49.000] because if you want to select a part of your board when you teach, [03:49.000 --> 03:53.000] you don't have time to select the correct tool selecting and then blah blah blah. [03:53.000 --> 04:01.000] You will use directly, suppose you have this little guy and you want to move this guy on the board [04:01.000 --> 04:07.000] but you just select with the shark you put around and then control X [04:07.000 --> 04:13.000] and boom you can move the little guy or little girl. [04:13.000 --> 04:15.000] So we don't need this button. [04:15.000 --> 04:19.000] Now you have a button for shark and erase. [04:19.000 --> 04:22.000] You just have one button for toggling, it's sufficient. [04:22.000 --> 04:32.000] Then you have, usually in drawing software you can draw more thick or thin lines [04:32.000 --> 04:37.000] but with a shark you don't need, you do that. [04:37.000 --> 04:41.000] So let's get rid of these buttons too. [04:41.000 --> 04:46.000] Button for the type of line is the same, it's very easy to do that when you teach. [04:46.000 --> 04:48.000] So we don't need that. [04:48.000 --> 04:50.000] Zoom, we don't need also. [04:50.000 --> 04:54.000] I will explain that later why we don't need Zoom. [04:54.000 --> 04:58.000] So the tool Tableau Noir is teaching oriented. [04:58.000 --> 05:01.000] You can hide the toolbar. [05:01.000 --> 05:05.000] There is a toolbar but usually you hide it. [05:05.000 --> 05:07.000] We don't care about the toolbar. [05:07.000 --> 05:11.000] You have short keys like C. [05:11.000 --> 05:19.000] If you press C you can change the color of your shark and so on. [05:19.000 --> 05:24.000] Dynamic size of the eraser, usually when you erase in drawing software [05:24.000 --> 05:28.000] you have to choose the size of your eraser. [05:28.000 --> 05:32.000] When you teach you don't have time, maybe this size is good. [05:32.000 --> 05:40.000] No, when you erase, if you do it slowly you erase not so much [05:40.000 --> 05:44.000] and if you start to, then it will be big. [05:44.000 --> 05:50.000] Okay, cool. [05:50.000 --> 05:57.000] Accessibility, some persons are left-handed and others are right-handed. [05:57.000 --> 06:01.000] So on the project I had a request about that [06:01.000 --> 06:04.000] and I think it's important that everybody can use Tableau Noir [06:04.000 --> 06:09.000] so you can flip also the cursor. [06:09.000 --> 06:19.000] You can add text and also later formula in your lecture. [06:19.000 --> 06:21.000] Okay, so now let's talk about manettes. [06:21.000 --> 06:26.000] So manettes are things you can move on the board. [06:26.000 --> 06:32.000] So you can, for instance, explain the sort of algorithms directly in Tableau Noir [06:32.000 --> 06:36.000] by moving the manettes. [06:36.000 --> 06:40.000] Actually, you also have manettes from OpenMoji. [06:40.000 --> 06:42.000] This is a very nice project. [06:42.000 --> 06:46.000] I accidentally went on this. [06:46.000 --> 06:52.000] It's all icons. [06:52.000 --> 06:57.000] And Tableau Noir provides these icons in the interface [06:57.000 --> 07:03.000] so you can use this little picture for whatever you want. [07:03.000 --> 07:07.000] You can make interactive diagrams. [07:07.000 --> 07:12.000] So for instance, you can draw graphs where the manettes are the nodes [07:12.000 --> 07:16.000] and you have edges that you have drawn by hand. [07:16.000 --> 07:20.000] And then interestingly, you can move the manettes [07:20.000 --> 07:27.000] and the graph will be updated accordingly. [07:27.000 --> 07:30.000] Okay, you can also put a manette in the background. [07:30.000 --> 07:37.000] So if you have a grid and you want to draw on the top of the grid [07:37.000 --> 07:41.000] so you can transform that into a manette [07:41.000 --> 07:44.000] and then put the manettes in the background by pressing B [07:44.000 --> 07:46.000] and then you can draw on the top. [07:46.000 --> 07:51.000] And especially when you erase, you will not erase the grid. [07:51.000 --> 07:57.000] Otherwise, you have to redraw it and it's boring. [07:57.000 --> 08:03.000] Let's talk now about the collaborative aspect of Tableau Noir. [08:03.000 --> 08:08.000] So interestingly, if you are alone, if you use Tableau Noir alone [08:08.000 --> 08:11.000] there is no communication with the server. [08:11.000 --> 08:13.000] Nothing. [08:13.000 --> 08:18.000] Especially just loading the HTML file and JavaScript otherwise [08:18.000 --> 08:21.000] then during the interaction there is no communication with the server. [08:21.000 --> 08:27.000] But as long as long as you click on this button, which is here [08:27.000 --> 08:29.000] you will share the board, right? [08:29.000 --> 08:32.000] And then it will contact the server. [08:32.000 --> 08:38.000] So in the tableau noir.github.io, the kind of official address [08:38.000 --> 08:44.000] it will contact the server that is located in my lab in Ren, so Iriza. [08:44.000 --> 08:51.000] And it will create a shared board and you can share the URL with others. [08:51.000 --> 08:54.000] And then when you share the URL, they are all connected [08:54.000 --> 08:57.000] and when you draw something, you have messages that are passing [08:57.000 --> 09:00.000] and giving the information that has been done on the board. [09:00.000 --> 09:04.000] That's somehow how it's implemented. [09:04.000 --> 09:06.000] So the server is written in JavaScript. [09:06.000 --> 09:10.000] It's very small in Node.js. [09:10.000 --> 09:16.000] And the client, so it's a bundle file and the entire project is written in TypeScript. [09:16.000 --> 09:21.000] Using some libraries to... [09:21.000 --> 09:25.000] Yeah, I don't have the list here, but yeah. [09:25.000 --> 09:27.000] So the features of the... [09:27.000 --> 09:30.000] When you share the board so you have no account [09:30.000 --> 09:32.000] you can protect a board with a password. [09:32.000 --> 09:39.000] So by protect I mean some users may not have the right to draw on the blackboard. [09:39.000 --> 09:44.000] They only have the right to see the blackboard. [09:44.000 --> 09:46.000] And those data are stored on the server. [09:46.000 --> 09:52.000] So it means if everybody is stopping the session, sorry for that, data are lost. [09:52.000 --> 10:00.000] So you have to save manually the blackboard when you want to. [10:00.000 --> 10:02.000] Ah, there is no zoom. [10:02.000 --> 10:03.000] Why? [10:03.000 --> 10:07.000] Because suppose we have zoom on a blackboard. [10:07.000 --> 10:13.000] If somebody is writing something, for instance, okay, everything is okay. [10:13.000 --> 10:17.000] And the other person is writing hello. [10:17.000 --> 10:23.000] But this person is not seeing it because the zoom is not the same. [10:23.000 --> 10:26.000] So if you introduce zoom, you will get troubles. [10:26.000 --> 10:32.000] So that's why we decided not to have zoom. [10:32.000 --> 10:36.000] So the solution, if you don't have zoom everybody is seeing the same thing. [10:36.000 --> 10:43.000] We are happy and that's it. [10:43.000 --> 10:44.000] Okay. [10:44.000 --> 10:50.000] So with this tool actually, so this is a kind of new feature that has been added afterwards. [10:50.000 --> 10:54.000] We can now make presentation with Tableau Noir. [10:54.000 --> 11:02.000] And actually the presentation that you are seeing is made in Tableau Noir. [11:02.000 --> 11:10.000] So actually, so it's not completely clear, but it's like we have another way to do presentations. [11:10.000 --> 11:15.000] So I will divide the way to make presentation in three. [11:15.000 --> 11:20.000] You have Librophys style, La Terre Bimmer style and Tableau Noir. [11:20.000 --> 11:24.000] So how do you make animations? [11:24.000 --> 11:31.000] In Librophys, you have to navigate through a lot of menus to see, ah, I want to move this on the left. [11:31.000 --> 11:36.000] Coming from the right and so on. [11:36.000 --> 11:39.000] Okay. [11:39.000 --> 11:46.000] In La Terre, you have to write, sorry, I write this type of codes many times. [11:46.000 --> 11:50.000] You have to write some obscure code to encode animations. [11:50.000 --> 11:54.000] You can say, ah, this is on the slide, not on the next slide and so on. [11:54.000 --> 12:01.000] And kind of in Tableau Noir, you just do it. [12:01.000 --> 12:05.000] So maybe we can make a demo. [12:05.000 --> 12:10.000] We have one minute for the demo. [12:10.000 --> 12:16.000] So let's suppose we are at the first demo. [12:16.000 --> 12:19.000] And we want to explain how we arrive at the first demo. [12:19.000 --> 12:22.000] So there is a little cat. [12:22.000 --> 12:25.000] This is not a cat. This is a cat, no? [12:25.000 --> 12:27.000] Okay. [12:27.000 --> 12:30.000] Okay. This is my first slide. [12:30.000 --> 12:32.000] Okay. [12:32.000 --> 12:35.000] So now I create a new slide from here. [12:35.000 --> 12:36.000] Boom. [12:36.000 --> 12:38.000] And we have this cat. [12:38.000 --> 12:43.000] And this cat is going to the first demo. [12:43.000 --> 12:44.000] Okay. [12:44.000 --> 12:45.000] So now we have two slides. [12:45.000 --> 12:48.000] This one and this one. [12:48.000 --> 12:53.000] Okay. Now maybe we create a new slide where we erase everything. [12:53.000 --> 12:56.000] And you have, I don't know, this, I am improvising. [12:56.000 --> 12:57.000] Sorry. [12:57.000 --> 13:01.000] Maybe if you have ideas, don't hesitate. [13:01.000 --> 13:02.000] A t-shirt. [13:02.000 --> 13:03.000] Ah, a t-shirt. Okay. [13:03.000 --> 13:11.000] So we have a t-shirt. [13:11.000 --> 13:13.000] The cat. [13:13.000 --> 13:17.000] And then, so this is a slide, right? [13:17.000 --> 13:22.000] And then it takes the t-shirt and goes home. [13:22.000 --> 13:37.000] So let's see the presentation. [13:37.000 --> 13:39.000] So hello. I'm a cat. [13:39.000 --> 13:41.000] I want to go to the first demo. [13:41.000 --> 13:42.000] I entered. [13:42.000 --> 13:44.000] And I want to have a t-shirt. [13:44.000 --> 13:45.000] So you have a t-shirt here. [13:45.000 --> 13:47.000] The cat is quite happy. [13:47.000 --> 14:01.000] And he gets home with the t-shirt. [14:01.000 --> 14:02.000] Okay. [14:02.000 --> 14:03.000] So conclusion. [14:03.000 --> 14:08.000] So kind of table noir can be summed up. [14:08.000 --> 14:11.000] It fits the teachers and students need. [14:11.000 --> 14:14.000] Plus the kiss principle, keep it simple, stupid. [14:14.000 --> 14:16.000] Plus a bit of nostalgia. [14:16.000 --> 14:22.000] You have the real blackboard aspect, which is not completely clean, [14:22.000 --> 14:24.000] but you have, like, of dust. [14:24.000 --> 14:27.000] Dust that is a bit of dust. [14:27.000 --> 14:28.000] Yes. [14:28.000 --> 14:32.000] Video game aspect with a circular menu. [14:32.000 --> 14:37.000] With also, like, if you draw something very far, like this, [14:37.000 --> 14:42.000] you will have the overview of the map of the board. [14:42.000 --> 14:48.000] So kind of Zelda games or whatever. [14:48.000 --> 14:53.000] So now I am tempted to add new features. [14:53.000 --> 14:59.000] But this is the opposite of kiss. [14:59.000 --> 15:04.000] So I would be very glad to discuss with you about some features [15:04.000 --> 15:06.000] that I would like to add. [15:06.000 --> 15:07.000] And that's it. [15:07.000 --> 15:17.000] Thank you for your attention. [15:17.000 --> 15:18.000] Really cool project. [15:18.000 --> 15:19.000] I think we all agree. [15:19.000 --> 15:20.000] So thank you. [15:20.000 --> 15:22.000] Thanks a lot for the presentation. [15:22.000 --> 15:26.000] And if you guys have any questions, feel free to grab them outside [15:26.000 --> 15:28.000] and ask your questions. [15:28.000 --> 15:29.000] Thank you. [15:29.000 --> 15:39.000] Thank you.