[00:00.000 --> 00:18.120] So, hello and welcome to FOSDEM 2023 and I hope everyone is awake and looking forward [00:18.120 --> 00:23.640] to two days packed with lots of talks, at least I am. [00:23.640 --> 00:33.120] And we, that's Christy, Thorsten and me, we are the organizers or deaf room managers [00:33.120 --> 00:39.640] for this room, so if you have any questions, you can approach us, we are here to guide [00:39.640 --> 00:45.920] through the day and we are also the ones who submitted the idea of the sovereign cloud [00:45.920 --> 00:54.880] deaf room to the FOSDEM and we did that because, well, with our day work, we actually work [00:54.880 --> 01:02.280] in that space, so Thorsten is from the Operate First project by Red Hat, I work on the sovereign [01:02.280 --> 01:09.440] cloud stack, which is also a project that is centered with a focus on sovereign cloud [01:09.440 --> 01:16.440] infrastructure and standards and of course, as we work with that on a day to day base, [01:16.440 --> 01:24.080] we think it's an important topic and also the term sovereignty, digital sovereignty [01:24.080 --> 01:31.400] is often a term that is used a lot lately and it actually needs proper definition and [01:31.400 --> 01:36.560] it also, there needs to be a discussion about it, what it actually means and what is needed [01:36.560 --> 01:43.280] in order to work towards sovereign infrastructure and that, if you look at the talks that are [01:43.280 --> 01:52.520] happening today in this room, that will be discussed a lot and, yeah, I don't really [01:52.520 --> 01:58.040] have much more to add to that, Thorsten, do you want to? [01:58.040 --> 02:03.360] Again, yeah, so I'm working with Red Hat and I'm in the Project Operate First, which [02:03.360 --> 02:09.120] is the idea of open operations, you can see the stickers here and if you want to pick [02:09.120 --> 02:18.160] them up, the idea there is that we offer more or less free service by where you can open [02:18.160 --> 02:25.440] up your own Kubernetes clusters, you can deploy your project there and you have also a kind [02:25.440 --> 02:31.080] of open SRE there because you can see the different infrastructure data and so that's [02:31.080 --> 02:37.120] the basic idea of open operations and with open operations, you get the chance to be [02:37.120 --> 02:41.400] sovereign with your data because it's easy to move, it's easy to see and we are totally [02:41.400 --> 02:45.480] hybrid so it doesn't matter if it's on your own premise or in whatever cloud or you're [02:45.480 --> 02:51.120] switching in between, so Operate First is kind of the idea, one of the proof of concept [02:51.120 --> 02:56.200] that the idea of sovereign cloud can work in a practical idea. [02:56.200 --> 03:04.080] Hi, I'm Kristin Nicola, I'm a software engineer with Boston University, I work on the MOC [03:04.080 --> 03:10.280] Alliance project out of Boston University whose goal is to create an open cloud for [03:10.280 --> 03:16.440] academia but not only, I also work on OpenStack, I am on the OpenStack Technical Committee [03:16.440 --> 03:22.880] and I am a maintainer of the OpenStack Keystone project which is for identity management, [03:22.880 --> 03:29.960] I also work on varying degrees on Operate First with Thorstein on Open Infra Labs and [03:29.960 --> 03:37.040] on various acronym rich things like NERC, Nessie, etc. [03:37.040 --> 03:46.320] And working on open source and having worked on deploying and maintaining open clouds, [03:46.320 --> 03:51.760] the topic of sovereign clouds is very important to me and I see it as the next step in not [03:51.760 --> 03:56.320] just opening up the telemetry and how you're deploying it and how you're running it but [03:56.320 --> 04:02.720] also opening up the governance and all of those other aspects to actually create a place [04:02.720 --> 04:08.800] where everyone can contribute to on all aspects of the cloud and not just take what you're [04:08.800 --> 04:15.320] doing and apply it to a different degree. [04:15.320 --> 04:19.720] So with that I, Boston already had the first highlight for me because I did not know that [04:19.720 --> 04:25.840] you are the PTL for Keystone so that's really useful for me to know because we just submitted [04:25.840 --> 04:34.600] patches to Keystone for federated authentication and so we should really talk a lot more. [04:34.600 --> 04:42.080] So with that the first one who will talk will be my colleague Max and he will prepare and [04:42.080 --> 04:47.960] then we will give a proper introduction to Max and start with that in 10 minutes, right? [04:47.960 --> 04:51.200] Yeah, in 10 minutes, right. [04:51.200 --> 04:57.440] And feel free, here's some candy, some chocolate, if you want to, there are stickers there and [04:57.440 --> 05:20.200] yeah enjoy the day, right?