[00:00.000 --> 00:17.000] Be quiet. This is James Strong and Luis Denham Patty. What does Sarak have to do with Sixth [00:17.000 --> 00:24.360] Store? Hello everyone. My name is James Strong and we're going to talk about rugby and Sixth [00:24.360 --> 00:29.360] Store today. But something really interesting is happening today right now. So Seven Nations [00:29.360 --> 00:34.480] started today and Wales and Ireland are playing. What's the score right now, Lewis? I think we [00:34.480 --> 00:39.520] should concentrate on the talk. I think it would be most enjoyable. Last time we checked it was [00:39.520 --> 00:47.680] 327 in Ireland. Where are you from? Wales. Anyway, awesome. So I guess my name is James Strong. I'm [00:47.680 --> 00:52.680] a solutions architect at Changar. I do a bunch of stuff with networking and Kubernetes. And if [00:52.680 --> 00:57.400] you're here to win the book, meet me outside afterwards. If you sign a container image during [00:57.400 --> 01:02.000] the talk and come hang out with me, I've got five copies of my book. So sign your container [01:02.000 --> 01:08.080] images, everyone. And if I broke your Ingress Engine X release on Thursday, I apologize. Please [01:08.080 --> 01:16.040] don't come outside and hang out with me. Hi, everyone. I'm Lewis. I'm similar to James in [01:16.040 --> 01:23.000] Waze, not in others. As well as being at Changar, I'm the coach for Rebina Squirrels under eight [01:23.000 --> 01:29.600] rugby team. That's why I'm listening today to a talk about six-door and rugby from myself. Yeah, [01:29.600 --> 01:32.720] if you weren't mind keeping the score away from me with Wales versus Ireland right now, [01:32.720 --> 01:39.000] that would be beneficial for my own sanity. Yes, next slide, please. So yeah, [01:39.000 --> 01:43.360] at Changar, we support a lot of open source projects. We're talking today about six-door, [01:43.360 --> 01:49.440] but we're also part of Salsa, doing some assessments for it. We've got Tecton, K-native, [01:49.440 --> 01:56.880] OpenSSF, and Disturbance. Does anybody use any or all of those? I do. There's a couple [01:56.880 --> 02:01.600] on there that aren't listed, like I said, Ingress Engine X. Changar supports me to support Ingress. [02:01.600 --> 02:05.320] We also have our own container image out there. It's called Wolfie. You can check that out, [02:05.320 --> 02:11.640] wolfie.dev. But like I said, we're going to talk about six-door and rugby today. Okay, [02:11.640 --> 02:17.360] so who here has heard of six-door prior to walking into this room? Okay, we got a couple. Thank [02:17.360 --> 02:22.320] you for coming. Who here has heard of rugby today prior to coming into this room? Yes, [02:22.320 --> 02:29.000] hello. Right, so when we submitted this talk, James found this very special diagram, and when [02:29.000 --> 02:34.720] we zoom in, we can see the similarities between six-door and rugby for this talk. Incidentally, [02:34.720 --> 02:41.600] this lasts about 22 minutes, hence why we've had such a long introduction. So what do people think [02:41.600 --> 02:46.040] rugby is? It's really not doing a haka. It looks cool and intimidates your opponents, [02:46.040 --> 02:50.440] but that's not really what it is. It's a very difficult game with highly specialized positions, [02:50.440 --> 02:56.280] and it was required to help everyone work together to achieve a goal, and that's really what we [02:56.280 --> 03:01.680] think six-door is and what we want to talk about. So there's lots of components about it, and we [03:01.680 --> 03:05.280] think that six-door is tackling supply chain security, and we're going to talk about how, [03:05.280 --> 03:10.400] why, and hopefully make it fun along the way, and learn a little bit about rugby and six-door, [03:10.400 --> 03:17.480] and probably a lot about neither. So why is six-door tackling supply chain security? It has [03:17.480 --> 03:21.880] started to improve the supply chain technology that we all use. It's made by open-source [03:21.880 --> 03:27.240] maintainers, for open-source maintainers. A lot of you may not be aware, but a lot of things are [03:27.240 --> 03:31.320] being signed right now, so thank you to Adolfo there from SIG Release for signing all of the [03:31.320 --> 03:38.280] Kubernetes releases with SIG Store. Thank you. It was a lot of hard work. I know PIPI, a lot of [03:38.280 --> 03:42.560] package maintainers are going to be supporting that. I know that Maven, so there's a lot of people [03:42.560 --> 03:46.400] that are using six-door. You might not even be aware that you're using it, but it's a direct [03:46.400 --> 03:53.800] response to some of the challenges that are there right now. So who here has had someone else sign [03:53.800 --> 04:01.080] their GPG key? Been through assigning parties, two, three people, four? Okay. I was really glad [04:01.080 --> 04:05.560] not everyone shot their hand up because that would have been really fun. Anyway, we're going to talk [04:05.560 --> 04:13.960] about how we're going to be doing that. So, again, not knowing where your software comes from, and [04:13.960 --> 04:20.400] without having identity checks and safety protocols, it's leaving our, well, we're leaving it open to [04:20.400 --> 04:26.160] explode some attacks. So, six-door attempts to make software and their infrastructure frictionless [04:26.160 --> 04:35.960] and invisible. And as James just mentioned, we're integrated with a wide range of systems. [04:56.160 --> 05:11.960] to an identity and know where it came from and who made that piece of software. And just like in [05:11.960 --> 05:17.720] six-door, Rugby also has lots of positions that are available, highly specialized. I play a hooker, [05:17.720 --> 05:23.120] that's much different than what a fullback would do. We all have different responsibilities to be [05:23.120 --> 05:28.840] able to win the game. So we're going to tie those two together. I'm going to start off at the very [05:28.840 --> 05:37.280] top of the play. So we're going to talk about trust routes. So with signing, we also require [05:37.280 --> 05:44.920] trust. So knowing who is making available this piece of software. So think of it from a PKI [05:44.920 --> 05:51.080] perspective. We have a route of trust in SSL certificates. What we're also trying to accomplish [05:51.080 --> 06:00.880] with six-door is that same route of trust. So think of automated software for SSL certificates. [06:00.880 --> 06:07.240] I was thinking of Johnny Sexton. Oh, Johnny Sexton. That's not the answer. But think of it from that [06:07.240 --> 06:11.560] perspective. So six-door has a route of trust. It was initialized with TOF. So the update. [06:11.560 --> 06:16.440] Let's Encrypt. Let's Encrypt. Thank you. Thank you for that. Let's Encrypt. Think about six-door as [06:16.440 --> 06:21.680] Let's Encrypt for software signing artifacts, making it easy and transparent for everyone to use. [06:21.680 --> 06:27.440] So the fly-half is very influential player on the field. And in order to start that route of trust, [06:27.440 --> 06:33.320] we have to have that trust there. So there's a bunch of links there. We actually did a live stream [06:33.320 --> 06:37.760] of the six-door key signing. If you want to figure out how they initialized that and did all that [06:37.760 --> 06:45.640] work, that's a great YouTube video from that. So going from the fly-half to the loose-head, [06:45.640 --> 06:50.760] from a play perspective, they're going to be the certificate authority. So now we've got our route [06:50.760 --> 06:56.520] of trust. We have our certificate authority to be able to produce those certificates to sign those [06:56.520 --> 07:01.720] artifacts. So a lot of responsibility is on the CA from that perspective. And of course, being a [07:01.720 --> 07:05.760] loose-head, you carry a lot of weight on the team. You're very important into the scrum. So again, [07:05.760 --> 07:15.360] very important position on the team. So OITC allows us to identify the end user. We obtain [07:15.360 --> 07:22.320] some basic information about the user. And Falsio uses OITC to authenticate requests. Subject [07:22.320 --> 07:28.320] related claims can be extracted and included on the certificate. Six-door runs a federated OITC [07:28.320 --> 07:36.120] identity provider in DEX, which creates a DEX OITC token from the original OITC. Falsio supports [07:36.120 --> 07:41.760] OITC from additional configured users. Issues, sorry, as we can see from the screenshot. And the [07:41.760 --> 07:45.840] play that we selected for this was Martin Castro Giovanni. Does anyone know if Martin Castro [07:45.840 --> 07:52.280] Giovanni? No. Okay, well, there's something learned today. He's a massive identity within the Italian [07:52.280 --> 07:56.400] game, even though he's originally from Argentina. And the reason I selected him is because you can [07:56.400 --> 08:01.920] identify him because of his sleeve with all the identities of his family members on his arm. Next [08:01.920 --> 08:10.560] one. And so now we've come to Falsio. Falsio is the API that drives all of this, that ties the OITC [08:10.560 --> 08:15.000] and the certificate authority together. So when you're making a request to get a signing certificate, [08:15.000 --> 08:20.040] you're doing it through Falsio. And we put that together with the hooker. And yes, I was self-serving [08:20.040 --> 08:26.280] that is me. And do feel sorry for that guy. So Falsio is a free code signing certificate [08:26.280 --> 08:30.160] authority. Anyone can make a request to get a signing certificate, tie it to their identity, [08:30.160 --> 08:36.400] and make it available for everyone to verify. They are short-lived certificates, so that's [08:36.400 --> 08:40.280] going to come into play from another piece of technology perspective. We're going to talk a [08:40.280 --> 08:45.800] little bit more about that with RECORE. So with RECORE, it provides a new ability with [08:45.800 --> 08:50.720] ephemeral certificates. It's based on a Merkle tree, and it fulfills the transparency log, [08:50.720 --> 08:54.920] which means that it's searchable for all. So you can use that URL there to be able to search [08:54.920 --> 08:59.720] via a browser, or you can use RECORE CLI to be able to search. So for this one, I'm looking [08:59.720 --> 09:04.160] towards Martin Johnson. Again, as a Welsh person, for putting all these names out, it's quite [09:04.160 --> 09:08.000] difficult for me. But Martin Johnson was a powerhouse for England. He was a captain who [09:08.000 --> 09:13.160] led them to numerous victories. But the reason why this is comparable to RECORE is he went [09:13.160 --> 09:17.080] on to a successful coaching career as well, providing insights for the next generation [09:17.080 --> 09:22.960] that has to hire to play the game. Yes, next slide, please. [09:22.960 --> 09:27.840] So we want to take some time and talk a little bit about how a developer interacts with that. [09:27.840 --> 09:34.520] So when we think about it from a rugby perspective, the scrum half is the connector between the [09:34.520 --> 09:40.120] forwards and the backs from that perspective. And cosine is that glue that ties all of these [09:40.120 --> 09:44.960] pieces together. Think of it like a QCTL, right? You don't actually directly interact [09:44.960 --> 09:50.200] with the API. You do it through QCTL. Cosine is how you do that with Pulseo and RECORE [09:50.200 --> 09:56.400] and the rest of the other six-door environments. So you can actually sign and verify signatures. [09:56.400 --> 10:01.440] It also creates in-toto attestations. So if you wanted to generate and sign other metadata [10:01.440 --> 10:06.280] about your container images, maybe how many CVEs are in it, if you're generating an S-Bomb, [10:06.280 --> 10:10.040] things like that, other metadata, you can make available, sign it, and store it with [10:10.040 --> 10:15.280] the container. All of that can be done through cosine. And we're not talking about just container [10:15.280 --> 10:20.360] images as well. That's where it's highly targeted right now, but you can also sign other pieces [10:20.360 --> 10:25.160] of information. So when I send, as for fun, when I send documents to clients nowadays, [10:25.160 --> 10:31.160] I also sign it, and it generates the hash of the document and the signature, and they [10:31.160 --> 10:36.800] know that that document came from me. So it's basically a free DocuSign. [10:36.800 --> 10:42.160] So this is Gareth Edwards. He was an influential player in the 70s, played 88 consecutive games [10:42.160 --> 10:49.600] for Wales, and one of the key reasons to our success in the 70s, not so much in the 2020s. [10:49.600 --> 10:53.800] And yes, the Scrum half is instrumental in communicating between the backs and the forwards [10:53.800 --> 10:58.640] within a game, which I can also see with Cosine. Not necessarily Cosine and Rugby, but yes, [10:58.640 --> 11:01.440] the next slide.