The talk at the FOSDEM conference in 2023 was about remote attestation with Key Lime, a tool for checking the integrity of remote systems. The speakers explained that remote attestation is important in scenarios where systems are remote and not fully controlled, such as cars, cloud software, and telecom equipment. The talk covered the use of trusted platform modules (TPMs) for generating keys and certificates, as well as measuring the integrity of the system through PCR values and event logs. Key Lime allows a trusted entity to verify the integrity of a remote system by requesting a quote from an agent running on the monitored system. The agent retrieves the PCR values and event logs from the TPM and sends them back to the verifier for verification. The talk also discussed the challenges in implementing remote attestation, such as policy creation, monitoring, and response procedures. Examples were given of how Key Lime is used in production, such as in secure exams at universities and in hypervisor attestation. The talk ended with a call to try remote attestation with Key Lime and provided information on where to find the tool.