In this talk, the speaker discusses the topic of Linux on RISC-V, with a focus on Gentoo support for RISC-V. They explain what RISC-V is, discussing its open-source instruction set architecture and the different base instruction sets and extensions. The speaker then goes on to talk about Gentoo, a source-based distribution, and its package manager called Portage, which allows for fine-grained control over the system. They mention the different architectures supported by Gentoo and the levels of support for RISC-V. The speaker also discusses the history of RISC-V support in Gentoo and the challenges faced in porting and maintaining packages. They mention the benefits of using Gentoo on RISC-V, such as high flexibility and control, as well as access to the latest software versions. The speaker also provides information on how to get started with Gentoo on RISC-V and mentions other Linux distributions that support RISC-V. They highlight the progress made in porting mainstream applications to RISC-V and discuss future plans, such as achieving stable architecture support and providing bootable images. The talk concludes with a question and answer session, where topics such as GPU support and x86 emulation on RISC-V are discussed. Overall, the talk provides an overview of Gentoo Linux on RISC-V and highlights the progress and challenges in supporting the architecture.