[00:00.000 --> 00:08.680] Okay, thank you everybody for being here. [00:08.680 --> 00:12.520] I know it's the end of the day, it's been a long day. [00:12.520 --> 00:13.520] So thank you. [00:13.520 --> 00:18.360] I'd like to talk about the Polyvent Free Libre Open Source ventilator. [00:18.360 --> 00:22.080] This is hardware in a little different sense than is used in this room. [00:22.080 --> 00:26.120] Normally when you say hardware at this conference, you mean chips and VLSI stuff, but this is [00:26.120 --> 00:29.440] an electromechanical hardware device. [00:29.440 --> 00:32.680] This talk is co-authored with Dr. Victor Sutrin. [00:32.680 --> 00:34.360] Victor, can you raise your hand? [00:34.360 --> 00:40.560] And Antal Zeiderwick is our chief mechanical engineer for the chassis part. [00:40.560 --> 00:44.360] If you meet us after the talk, we'll be happy to answer questions for you. [00:44.360 --> 00:48.760] And we are trying to recruit software engineers and electrical and mechanical engineers to [00:48.760 --> 00:52.520] work on the project as well. [00:52.520 --> 00:54.560] So I am Robert Reed. [00:54.560 --> 00:59.200] I'm the founder of Public Invention, which is a US 501C3 public charity. [00:59.200 --> 01:02.280] Our motto is to invent in the public for the public. [01:02.280 --> 01:06.520] I think this conference will appreciate that we're trying to take the principles of open [01:06.520 --> 01:12.080] source software development and apply it not only to chip design, but to actual hardware [01:12.080 --> 01:14.920] inventions. [01:14.920 --> 01:21.720] So I'd like to create a setting in the spring of 2020 in the United States. [01:21.720 --> 01:27.520] So many people had died of COVID-19 so quickly in New York that they had to use refrigerated [01:27.520 --> 01:32.440] trucks as temporary morts for that purpose. [01:32.440 --> 01:38.280] At that time, there was a genuine belief that the Western world might need a million mechanical [01:38.280 --> 01:41.100] ventilators to try to keep people alive. [01:41.100 --> 01:46.560] That turned out not to be true, but it wasn't erroneous at the time based on what we knew [01:46.560 --> 01:49.760] from the disease progression in northern Italy. [01:49.760 --> 01:55.920] What we didn't know at the time was that social distancing and lockdowns would work, [01:55.920 --> 02:01.680] and also doctors decided they didn't need to ventilate paper people as early with COVID [02:01.680 --> 02:03.920] as they had previously thought. [02:03.920 --> 02:09.880] Nonetheless, a very large number of humanitarian engineering teams all over the world attempted [02:09.880 --> 02:13.760] to make emergency ventilators to solve this problem. [02:13.760 --> 02:21.800] It was kind of a global effort, and Victor and a young man who was 16 at the time started [02:21.800 --> 02:26.480] working on their own ventilator in the same effort. [02:26.480 --> 02:31.600] Now they started with a bellows-based design, we're going to talk about that. [02:31.600 --> 02:38.160] The thing they designed, the polyvent, was specifically designed to talk about fragile [02:38.160 --> 02:39.240] supply chains. [02:39.240 --> 02:44.040] So it was designed to be constructable within a low and middle income country, and that's [02:44.040 --> 02:47.520] one reason they went with bellows in the initial design. [02:47.520 --> 02:53.760] Originally, they weren't necessarily embracing open-source licensing because they didn't know [02:53.760 --> 02:58.640] that much about it, and everyone sort of believed, well, we're going to need large firms to [02:58.640 --> 03:03.000] make a lot of money, and if you have an open-source license on it, they won't want to use your [03:03.000 --> 03:04.000] product. [03:04.000 --> 03:08.560] Now, how do we know that 100 humanitarian engineering teams started? [03:08.560 --> 03:11.480] Because public invention evaluated all of them. [03:11.480 --> 03:16.720] So we made a spreadsheet which evaluated all of the open-source ventilators along a wide [03:16.720 --> 03:21.680] variety of dimensions here. [03:21.680 --> 03:27.240] Now at the time, and still today, what we're trying to do is to create open-source medical [03:27.240 --> 03:28.720] devices. [03:28.720 --> 03:34.440] That is harder than making open-source hardware, which is harder than making open-source software, [03:34.440 --> 03:39.560] which is harder than copywriting text, both from a legal point of view and from an intellectual [03:39.560 --> 03:40.560] point of view. [03:40.560 --> 03:45.280] The cost of development for medical things goes up because you're attempting to produce [03:45.280 --> 03:47.120] regulated devices. [03:47.120 --> 03:54.080] Now originally, the Polyvent team was attempting to do that, but at that time in the United [03:54.080 --> 03:57.320] States, there was an emergency youth authorization. [03:57.320 --> 04:03.040] So there was a belief that we might not need to do all the things that the FDA would normally [04:03.040 --> 04:07.080] require. [04:07.080 --> 04:12.880] So while this was going on, public invention published the Open Medical Technology Manifesto, [04:12.880 --> 04:18.560] which is that open, shareable, repairable medical technology will make us all healthier. [04:18.560 --> 04:25.200] The Polyvent ventilator is aligned with that, and I invite you all to find this and sign [04:25.200 --> 04:28.320] it if you agree with it. [04:28.320 --> 04:36.320] So the Polyvent team began working on a ventilator, and they had some success in Lens, and they [04:36.320 --> 04:41.200] designed a very extensible system that we're going to talk about. [04:41.200 --> 04:47.240] But the global pandemic urgency was dissipating by about six months from that spring. [04:47.240 --> 04:53.360] So by October of that first year, people were no longer excited about the idea. [04:53.360 --> 04:57.600] So the thing that I'm most proud of perhaps of this team is that they just kept going [04:57.600 --> 05:01.680] and continued to develop the ventilator. [05:01.680 --> 05:07.160] So at that time, they joined public invention basically in exchange for making it fully [05:07.160 --> 05:12.800] open source, public invention began to start paying for parts and manual labor to support [05:12.800 --> 05:15.400] the development of the ventilator. [05:15.400 --> 05:21.080] It's also the case that I'm mostly a software guy, another non-profit helpful engineering [05:21.080 --> 05:25.440] had the VentOS software, which we're going to talk about, and the existing team didn't [05:25.440 --> 05:26.640] have any software. [05:26.640 --> 05:29.160] So it was a nice alliance. [05:29.160 --> 05:30.640] This is their original system. [05:30.640 --> 05:32.680] This is a fully functional ventilator. [05:32.680 --> 05:36.240] It uses dual bellows here. [05:36.240 --> 05:38.240] Bellows can be manufactured with 3D printers. [05:38.240 --> 05:42.360] So they can presumably be made in any country was the idea. [05:42.360 --> 05:44.040] However, there were some problems. [05:44.040 --> 05:49.120] The bearings to drive the bellows up and down tended to wear out. [05:49.120 --> 05:52.120] And there were some other improvements possible. [05:52.120 --> 05:54.440] We started to make those improvements. [05:54.440 --> 06:00.080] The big switch we made was to switch to a proportional valve based system that used pressurized air [06:00.080 --> 06:03.280] and pressurized oxygen. [06:03.280 --> 06:08.000] This was inspired by Smith College in the United States, which is probably the premier [06:08.000 --> 06:10.600] of women's college in the United States. [06:10.600 --> 06:13.840] They had made an award-winning ventilator called the Smith Vent. [06:13.840 --> 06:14.840] They stopped. [06:14.840 --> 06:22.040] I don't know why, but we continued and have used the same basic technology. [06:22.040 --> 06:27.360] Now we already had a spirometer, the VentMon, which was made by public invention. [06:27.360 --> 06:39.120] We used that as part of our system, and eventually we started to redesign for education. [06:39.120 --> 06:45.200] We started with the proportional valve on the left, which is a Birket proportional valve. [06:45.200 --> 06:49.480] It was really kind of an engineering mistake because it was larger than what we needed [06:49.480 --> 06:52.840] and the airflow was not as precise as what we needed. [06:52.840 --> 06:57.520] The valve on the right is difficult to source, it's made in the United States by IQ valve. [06:57.520 --> 07:02.520] It's a very precisely controlled proportional valve. [07:02.520 --> 07:05.560] Like all projects, we learned as we went along. [07:05.560 --> 07:11.080] This was what we called the Polyvent One, even though it's after the Velo's module. [07:11.080 --> 07:13.360] This was, again, fully functional. [07:13.360 --> 07:20.040] We performed some tests with professors of education in biomedical engineering. [07:20.040 --> 07:28.960] This system worked, but we decided to redesign it for education. [07:28.960 --> 07:33.720] So while this was going on, the COVID pandemic continues. [07:33.720 --> 07:38.800] In India, around this time, there was a terrible, terrible spike of death. [07:38.800 --> 07:42.000] Now this was not due to a lack of ventilators. [07:42.000 --> 07:46.080] People say it was due to a lack of oxygen. [07:46.080 --> 07:49.640] We have also, public invention have also worked on an oxygen concentrate. [07:49.640 --> 07:56.080] The reason I bring it up is that what we're attempting to do and what many of you are [07:56.080 --> 07:59.320] attempting to do in the software that you produce is to make the world better for a [07:59.320 --> 08:00.840] lot of people. [08:00.840 --> 08:07.520] Making open source medical devices is a new way, a new avenue for open source philosophy [08:07.520 --> 08:10.960] to make the world better for a very large number of people. [08:10.960 --> 08:15.240] It's quite a technical challenge, but that's why we're doing it. [08:15.240 --> 08:21.000] So based on educator feedback, we made a lighter single deck design. [08:21.000 --> 08:22.640] We made a transparent case. [08:22.640 --> 08:28.080] We made the inside spacious and modular so that students could look at it and you could [08:28.080 --> 08:29.680] also repair it more easily. [08:29.680 --> 08:32.320] You didn't have to take the whole thing apart. [08:32.320 --> 08:37.880] That is very different than the way professionally designed medical equipment is made. [08:37.880 --> 08:39.800] It's not made to be easy to repair. [08:39.800 --> 08:41.920] It's not made to be easy to understand. [08:41.920 --> 08:53.360] So it's quite a departure from what you would see in a normal for profit sort of made device. [08:53.360 --> 09:00.360] We also, Nathaniel did a really good job designing a modular card based electronic control system. [09:00.360 --> 09:05.840] And this actually paid off when a second public invention team created a card that we were [09:05.840 --> 09:10.640] able to put into the device to control a general purpose alarm device, which we're working [09:10.640 --> 09:11.640] on. [09:11.640 --> 09:18.080] So that team did that with no interaction with Victor's team just based on the documentation [09:18.080 --> 09:19.720] that we have. [09:19.720 --> 09:26.360] So this is the timeline and we've been getting better and better as we go along like most [09:26.360 --> 09:27.520] projects. [09:27.520 --> 09:32.160] In October, we did a classroom evaluation with 12 biomedical engineering students at [09:32.160 --> 09:36.320] Rice University in Houston, Texas in the United States. [09:36.320 --> 09:38.760] This is the device as it stands today. [09:38.760 --> 09:40.240] This is the Polyvent 2. [09:40.240 --> 09:43.680] That's what the students looked used. [09:43.680 --> 09:50.000] As you can see, it actually uses an acrylic case so you can see all of the components. [09:50.000 --> 09:54.760] And I don't have a good layout diagram, but it's laid out in a way where it's physically [09:54.760 --> 09:59.040] modular as well as being electronically modular. [09:59.040 --> 10:03.240] The software is too, of course, because we learned a lot from the open source software [10:03.240 --> 10:05.320] community on how to do this. [10:05.320 --> 10:11.920] So it's now our intention with the Polyvent to continue to eventually make a design basis [10:11.920 --> 10:15.240] that can be used for a medical ventilator. [10:15.240 --> 10:22.840] But we believe that by sort of infiltrating the research and education community, we have [10:22.840 --> 10:25.320] a better shot of eventually accomplishing that. [10:25.320 --> 10:31.680] So the Polyvent platform right now is for medical and veterinary doctors, but really [10:31.680 --> 10:36.560] it's for biomedical engineering students, even you can teach business school classes [10:36.560 --> 10:38.200] on it. [10:38.200 --> 10:42.200] You can certainly do mechanical electrical engineering software engineering. [10:42.200 --> 10:50.200] And we consider ourselves firmly part of the emerging discipline of humanitarian engineering. [10:50.200 --> 10:55.880] So what we did to make the classroom instructor, I am not a teacher. [10:55.880 --> 11:01.440] I'm mostly a computer programmer, is we made fake broken parts and we asked the students [11:01.440 --> 11:06.200] to turn their backs and we would install a fake broken part and then they would attempt [11:06.200 --> 11:07.360] to find it. [11:07.360 --> 11:11.800] Now this class they were taking is in fact a troubleshooting class. [11:11.800 --> 11:19.000] So it worked rather well and of the 12 students who were there, they really strongly believe [11:19.000 --> 11:21.720] that this would be useful in other universities. [11:21.720 --> 11:28.960] So it's our hope to sort of sell this at cost, even though it's completely open source. [11:28.960 --> 11:32.800] We could make it if they wanted to, all the physical designs, all the software designs [11:32.800 --> 11:39.480] are completely open, but making things like this in hardware requires, as one of the gentlemen [11:39.480 --> 11:42.360] in the previous talk, a certain amount of tooling and so forth. [11:42.360 --> 11:47.720] So people like a graduate school may find it easier to pay us $5,000 for one of these, [11:47.720 --> 11:54.080] which is sort of the hardware costs are about $2,000 and it takes some labor to put it together. [11:54.080 --> 11:57.920] It's kind of the cost for us to make it rather than build one themselves. [11:57.920 --> 12:03.840] But they could, they can build it and modify it themselves based on licenses that I'm [12:03.840 --> 12:06.520] sure you're all familiar with. [12:06.520 --> 12:11.840] So this is kind of a schematic of the design that you saw there physically and the thing [12:11.840 --> 12:16.800] that's most important is Nathaniel did a really good job designing an electronic extensible [12:16.800 --> 12:18.000] card system. [12:18.000 --> 12:23.320] And this is based on an IEEE standard I'm not familiar with, but basically you plug [12:23.320 --> 12:27.880] slots into it and it exposes pins of the ESP32. [12:27.880 --> 12:34.200] So if you have a device that you would like to add to the ventilator, like a humidifier, [12:34.200 --> 12:41.920] a nebulizer, a heater, an additional set of instrumentation, you can just design a card [12:41.920 --> 12:43.640] and stick it in there. [12:43.640 --> 12:48.120] And that's what the general purpose alarm device team of public convention did. [12:48.120 --> 12:53.120] This is a physical photograph of how those things slide in there. [12:53.120 --> 12:59.480] This card right here is a card with a bunch of power transistors which control the solenoid [12:59.480 --> 13:02.640] valves which are in the system. [13:02.640 --> 13:05.680] Because obviously it takes 24 volts to do that. [13:05.680 --> 13:09.760] So now I'd like to talk about software. [13:09.760 --> 13:13.200] The software system is called Vint OS. [13:13.200 --> 13:16.840] I didn't name it, really it's not an operating system. [13:16.840 --> 13:19.160] But we kind of think of it that way. [13:19.160 --> 13:24.600] It runs on an ESP32 and it was created by a different non-profit, which I'm a board [13:24.600 --> 13:30.320] member, helpful at engineering, and some other people worked on it, in particular Ben Coons. [13:30.320 --> 13:35.640] Now interestingly, this was forked to make an oxygen concentrator, which we have since [13:35.640 --> 13:37.920] quit working on, called the AUX. [13:37.920 --> 13:46.560] But that was forked to be used by me for NASA, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, [13:46.560 --> 13:50.200] to make a control system for a high-tech ceramic oxygen generator. [13:50.200 --> 13:56.440] So a lot of times, as I'm sure you guys understand, open source code lives even if its initial [13:56.440 --> 13:58.400] purpose is not met. [13:58.400 --> 14:02.800] If you write good code that's documented with a good license, you can use it for some [14:02.800 --> 14:05.600] other purpose and we're trying to do that. [14:05.600 --> 14:10.240] In fact, Ben made a number of improvements that really need to come back into Vint OS [14:10.240 --> 14:15.160] and I kind of need a volunteer to help me do that because there's always more software [14:15.160 --> 14:16.800] work to be done. [14:16.800 --> 14:21.200] So the Vint OS architecture, and this is where we're really talking about an embedded system [14:21.200 --> 14:27.400] that you guys will understand, is a simple Arduino platform compiled with PlatformIO. [14:27.400 --> 14:31.480] Configuration modes in PlatformIO set pre-processed with compile time switches, which give us [14:31.480 --> 14:37.160] a wide variety of hardware architectures we can compile into, although the PolyVent is [14:37.160 --> 14:43.760] effectively the only machine on which it really runs today, but we could support other architectures. [14:43.760 --> 14:48.200] It almost doesn't run on an Arduino Uno because it's too big, but technically it will run [14:48.200 --> 14:49.880] on an Uno. [14:49.880 --> 14:51.760] We use an ESP32. [14:51.760 --> 14:54.320] We have a pretty good hardware abstraction layer. [14:54.320 --> 14:59.240] The basic architecture is what's called a superloop or simple loop architecture and [14:59.240 --> 15:08.600] we believe that's appropriate for a life-critical medical device like the one that we're designing. [15:08.600 --> 15:16.840] So Vint OS claims to be a operating system that is universal. [15:16.840 --> 15:21.600] It's a universal platform for mechanical human ventilation. [15:21.600 --> 15:23.880] How is that possible? [15:23.880 --> 15:28.840] Well it's possible because all ventilators do almost exactly the same thing. [15:28.840 --> 15:31.320] They're relatively straightforward. [15:31.320 --> 15:33.800] They're simple devices. [15:33.800 --> 15:37.960] Simple doesn't mean easy because if you do something wrong the patient dies, but they [15:37.960 --> 15:40.880] are still relatively simple devices. [15:40.880 --> 15:42.760] Thank you. [15:42.760 --> 15:48.600] In particular, doctors normally want to vary the breasts per minute. [15:48.600 --> 15:51.720] As you become sicker you require more breasts per minute. [15:51.720 --> 15:53.520] You hope that doesn't happen. [15:53.520 --> 16:00.880] The inhalation time and the exhalation time ratio is varied for the comfort of the patient. [16:00.880 --> 16:05.840] If you are approaching death they may have to make that what would be very uncomfortable [16:05.840 --> 16:10.960] for a healthy person to try to keep you alive. [16:10.960 --> 16:15.240] Pressure control ventilation keeps constant pressure through the inhalation. [16:15.240 --> 16:21.280] You want that pressure to be low because high pressure can cause damage to your lungs. [16:21.280 --> 16:26.160] But as you approach death that pressure may have to go up to try to keep you alive. [16:26.160 --> 16:32.280] Doctors, I'm not a medical doctor, Victor is a physiologist, not a medical doctor. [16:32.280 --> 16:34.240] Clinicians know how to balance these things. [16:34.240 --> 16:38.680] It's our desire to give them the power to do that. [16:38.680 --> 16:45.280] Basically you just blow air into the patient's lungs and then you stop and the lungs deflate [16:45.280 --> 16:46.280] on their own. [16:46.280 --> 16:49.320] That's the way positive pressure ventilation works. [16:49.320 --> 16:59.600] It's simple but you have to control all these things. [16:59.600 --> 17:03.800] This is sort of a diagram of a universal ventilator. [17:03.800 --> 17:06.920] All ventilators are sort of the same in this sense. [17:06.920 --> 17:12.760] There's an air drive which produces air in one way or another and that's the most mechanical [17:12.760 --> 17:14.280] system that's part of it. [17:14.280 --> 17:19.400] There's a sense module and ours is completely separated in the sense that we use the Ventmon [17:19.400 --> 17:24.120] which is a separate device that we would like to productize. [17:24.120 --> 17:29.840] We gave a bunch away because we had a grant to give them away but it's basically a spirometer. [17:29.840 --> 17:33.840] It measures everything about human breath and if you connect it to the ventilator it [17:33.840 --> 17:36.920] allows you to see what the ventilator is doing. [17:36.920 --> 17:41.280] A controller is what this room would think of as the embedded system. [17:41.280 --> 17:43.680] That's where VentOS runs. [17:43.680 --> 17:51.640] Our interface is we use a Internet of Things based public data cloud and we're still working [17:51.640 --> 17:58.440] on aspects of the clinical interface. [17:58.440 --> 18:03.200] If we think about philosophy, the Unix way, and of course I didn't write this, this is [18:03.200 --> 18:08.520] on Wikipedia you can find us, is to write programs that do one thing and do it well, [18:08.520 --> 18:13.240] write programs to work together, and write programs to handle text streams because they're [18:13.240 --> 18:14.600] a universal interface. [18:14.600 --> 18:16.080] This is from the 70s. [18:16.080 --> 18:23.040] This is very old philosophy which has served the world in good stead because Linux and [18:23.040 --> 18:26.360] open source software is eating the world. [18:26.360 --> 18:31.200] How do you apply the same things to the kinds of electromechanical devices that we're building? [18:31.200 --> 18:32.480] There aren't even chips. [18:32.480 --> 18:34.320] They're moving air around. [18:34.320 --> 18:37.440] Well, you attempt to do the same thing. [18:37.440 --> 18:40.600] You build machines that do one thing and do it well. [18:40.600 --> 18:43.960] That is not the way Johnson and Johnson would build a ventilator. [18:43.960 --> 18:49.440] They would put everything in the same case but we're not Johnson to Johnson, right? [18:49.440 --> 18:50.920] We can do something different. [18:50.920 --> 18:57.680] We make a physically separated device where physical components handle one component at [18:57.680 --> 19:01.440] a time and then they're integrated in a soft way. [19:01.440 --> 19:08.360] By using digital control, we make them all roboticizable or controllable by a controller [19:08.360 --> 19:12.280] so that we can use them and they can be reused in that way. [19:12.280 --> 19:16.080] In my experience, instead of handling text streams, the modern way to do this is you [19:16.080 --> 19:21.600] handle JSON objects that are communicated either via SPI or I squared C and that's kind [19:21.600 --> 19:27.720] of a universal control language that's easy for both programmers and the hardware devices [19:27.720 --> 19:31.080] to understand. [19:31.080 --> 19:33.280] How realistic is this? [19:33.280 --> 19:38.880] That's debatable because we're nowhere close to having an FDA-based ventilator at the moment. [19:38.880 --> 19:42.360] However, we have done a lot with very little money. [19:42.360 --> 19:49.040] We built the Ventmon which is kind of our most realized device because it's much easier [19:49.040 --> 19:50.920] than a ventilator, right? [19:50.920 --> 19:56.160] VentOS is an existing operating system, Polyvent is a ventilator. [19:56.160 --> 20:01.240] I'm very proud that we've defined two data standards based on JSON, the public invention [20:01.240 --> 20:05.600] respiratory data standard and the public invention respiratory control standard. [20:05.600 --> 20:10.520] Now, as you guys, I'm going to come back to this but as you guys know, progress is often [20:10.520 --> 20:12.640] made through defining standards. [20:12.640 --> 20:17.240] It's often not very glamorous to do so but the work of defining the standards is really [20:17.240 --> 20:22.360] what allows other people to take your work and utilize it in a standard way. [20:22.360 --> 20:25.840] In this case, we've done work that has not been recognized. [20:25.840 --> 20:30.120] No one else is using these standards yet but I hope that will change. [20:30.120 --> 20:32.440] We tried to build an oxygen concentrator. [20:32.440 --> 20:34.840] We sort of stopped working on that. [20:34.840 --> 20:41.560] We also have vent display which gives a complete dynamic display of breath plots and the things [20:41.560 --> 20:44.520] that clinicians need to do. [20:44.520 --> 20:50.400] So if we map that to our diagram here, what we find is that the device that we're calling [20:50.400 --> 20:54.160] the ventilator really could be thought of as an air drive. [20:54.160 --> 20:56.400] It's the part that makes the air. [20:56.400 --> 21:01.200] We have a separate device, the Ventmon, which can be used as a sense module and we have [21:01.200 --> 21:08.600] a separate set of programs which happens to be an IoT defined public lake and some JavaScript [21:08.600 --> 21:17.840] that runs in a browser to do the clinical GUI aspects of the system. [21:17.840 --> 21:24.120] We're also designing a general purpose alarm device as I'm sure you understand in any [21:24.120 --> 21:31.180] intensive care unit, thank you, situation you have to produce alarms when the patient [21:31.180 --> 21:32.180] needs care. [21:32.180 --> 21:37.680] Now, that can occur because your machine has broken or the battery has failed or you've [21:37.680 --> 21:43.800] run out of power or someone has tripped over a hose but then that happens a lot but it [21:43.800 --> 21:49.640] also can occur simply because the patient's condition is deteriorating. [21:49.640 --> 21:54.880] In any case, you have to be able to produce a device which can generically alert people [21:54.880 --> 21:57.560] to the fact that something has to be done. [21:57.560 --> 22:03.160] While following the UNIX way adopted the hardware, our idea is to make a separately packageable [22:03.160 --> 22:09.120] device that could be used for a cap door or a burglar alarm or all kinds of other devices [22:09.120 --> 22:14.120] in hopes that we can build a community of practice using that which will strengthen [22:14.120 --> 22:35.480] the use for medical alerts. [22:35.480 --> 22:38.200] This is the software that I was talking about. [22:38.200 --> 22:40.920] This runs in a browser. [22:40.920 --> 22:43.320] This is what is produced by the Ventmon. [22:43.320 --> 22:47.400] I probably should be showing a video but this is actually dynamic as the machine breeze [22:47.400 --> 22:53.520] or the patient breeze, you're seeing the pressure flow and various events like the measurement [22:53.520 --> 22:58.480] of the humidity and temperature, the end of the breath, the beginning of the breath. [22:58.480 --> 23:03.200] What you have on the right here is what a doctor in an ICU would typically compute about [23:03.200 --> 23:05.360] the breath traces. [23:05.360 --> 23:10.400] This is not super sophisticated but the thing that I really like about it is it runs in [23:10.400 --> 23:16.920] a browser so it's distributed generally and then secondly the software functionality [23:16.920 --> 23:20.960] of doing all those computations completely separated from the ventilator. [23:20.960 --> 23:25.280] In most devices this is built into the panel of the ventilator and cannot be reused in [23:25.280 --> 23:36.480] any other way. [23:36.480 --> 23:41.520] Lots of the things we've been talking about, VentOS can claim to be a universal system [23:41.520 --> 23:48.840] because it implements a hardware abstraction layer that lets you interface to turbines, [23:48.840 --> 23:58.480] fans, in our case proportional valves, bellows, other ways of producing gas. [23:58.480 --> 24:03.440] Following the open source methodology, it's not so much a machine as an ecosystem. [24:03.440 --> 24:09.240] We're trying to build a respiration ecosystem. [24:09.240 --> 24:15.320] As we've said, we've already seen that one piece of functionality has been added as a [24:15.320 --> 24:22.040] PCB that's put into the control module and that is an SPI interface to the general purpose [24:22.040 --> 24:29.240] alarm device which I mentioned previously. [24:29.240 --> 24:33.960] You might say, well why on earth would we ever have a respiration ecosystem? [24:33.960 --> 24:39.120] Well, there's a good reason from kind of a patient point of view which is all of these [24:39.120 --> 24:47.040] devices which accomplish various medical purposes, a ventilator, an O2 concentrator, a by level [24:47.040 --> 24:53.200] positive pressure air wave machine, a CPAP machine, a PAPR, a bag valve mass monitor, [24:53.200 --> 24:59.160] all of those essentially need standards of respiration data exchange which we have developed [24:59.160 --> 25:04.360] but nobody else has used and many of them need the same sense module that we've been [25:04.360 --> 25:06.480] talking about in the Vintmont. [25:06.480 --> 25:13.240] In that sense, if you think of the way open source software has made components that work [25:13.240 --> 25:19.680] together really effectively, what we're trying to do is to create hardware and software components [25:19.680 --> 25:27.160] integrated which work together as effectively in the realm of human respiration. [25:27.160 --> 25:32.440] In a sense, we're trying to democratize the field of medical respiration and education [25:32.440 --> 25:34.720] around it. [25:34.720 --> 25:37.040] Open source software has already shown us the way. [25:37.040 --> 25:40.320] We're just taking things that were developed by open source software and attempting to [25:40.320 --> 25:42.480] apply them to hardware. [25:42.480 --> 25:48.080] In particular, as I'm sure you guys know, the development of standards like HTTP, HTML, [25:48.080 --> 25:55.200] JSON, etc. are absolutely critical to the progress and interaction of multiple components [25:55.200 --> 26:00.320] in the embedded architecture world but open source software more generally. [26:00.320 --> 26:08.920] We're trying to accomplish the same thing by producing respiration standards. [26:08.920 --> 26:11.320] These of course exist in GitHub repos. [26:11.320 --> 26:12.960] Thank you very much. [26:12.960 --> 26:18.120] In short, we built the most open, extensible ecosystem for a classroom. [26:18.120 --> 26:21.160] It's the most open, best documented system. [26:21.160 --> 26:24.560] I can claim that because I evaluated all of the other ones. [26:24.560 --> 26:29.440] There are other open source ventilators but you cannot find their designs online. [26:29.440 --> 26:30.800] They're not really open. [26:30.800 --> 26:34.400] They're just thinking about being open. [26:34.400 --> 26:35.760] That concludes my talk. [26:35.760 --> 26:36.760] Thank you very much. [26:36.760 --> 26:54.960] Thank you very much.