[00:00.000 --> 00:13.360] Welcome, everyone. It's probably the first time in the last three years I actually see [00:13.360 --> 00:22.800] this big auditorium full of people willing to hear something I'm going to rumble about. [00:22.800 --> 00:32.360] I actually wrote a bit of a script for this, but I'm bad at memorizing those scripts, so [00:32.360 --> 00:44.760] it will be remembering as I go, rather than seating something that I wrote about. So for [00:44.760 --> 00:53.280] the past maybe 10 years, a team I'm a member of, we are working on a bunch of stuff related to [00:53.280 --> 01:03.640] something that many people think is uninspiring, because it's all about the enterprise use of [01:03.640 --> 01:11.600] Linux, which is just a done deal, right? Every enterprise uses Linux nowadays. And we kind of [01:11.600 --> 01:22.080] look into some of the areas and choose what to work on, because there's always stuff unfinished [01:22.080 --> 01:33.680] and needed to be working on. And suddenly there's, obviously, 10, 15 years ago, some companies from [01:33.680 --> 01:41.000] the West Coast, they started to look into, hey, this shiny thing called the Internet and this shiny [01:41.000 --> 01:51.960] way of having your account somewhere in the social network drive your login into your machine and so [01:51.960 --> 01:59.240] on. And here we are, 10, 15 years after talking about doing similar thing for Linux in enterprise [01:59.240 --> 02:08.040] environment than at home. So I will start with a bit of introduction. I'm working at Red Hat for [02:08.040 --> 02:19.520] almost 12 years now. I'm focusing on the identity management. So basically, really running accounts [02:19.520 --> 02:31.040] in the Linux systems. Centralized identity management is what we do. Mostly working on these [02:31.040 --> 02:42.760] days pre-IPA. And I started with Samba 20 years ago, SSSD on the client side, MIT Kerberos for [02:42.760 --> 02:49.480] the authentication and so on. So there's a lot of things blended together and it's really not a [02:49.480 --> 02:57.560] single person or a single project. It's amalgamation of a lot of activities of a lot of people around [02:57.560 --> 03:09.800] the world. This talk is a kind of a split between past contemporary things and what we see in [03:09.800 --> 03:21.680] future or what we see now will be in future. Hopefully in February 39, if we get this through in [03:21.680 --> 03:29.800] upstreams first and then manage to collect this all together in the distributions, which will be a [03:29.800 --> 03:41.160] point to talk about a bit later. But in the past, we've been always getting all this stuff kind of [03:41.160 --> 03:50.320] with a bunch of assumptions. So one of the really unspoken assumptions is that when you login into [03:50.320 --> 04:00.440] your system, the Linux system or Windows system or so on, you don't only want to use that particular [04:00.440 --> 04:07.160] system. Typically, you want to go beyond that system. You want to go, well, in these days, you go [04:07.160 --> 04:15.040] onto web typically and use all these web applications, right? But before that, in office [04:15.040 --> 04:23.640] environment, you were reaching for your nice non-working printer or you were reaching for [04:23.640 --> 04:37.600] something to fetch files from or get your home drive and all the other stuff or play games [04:37.600 --> 04:43.440] together with your colleagues on the local network and so on. And in many of those cases, [04:43.440 --> 04:54.040] you needed to get through the authentication information that you provided or got at the [04:54.040 --> 05:01.760] login time. So you needed to get this state of authentication translated or correlated into the [05:01.760 --> 05:11.400] network onto the network services. And a typical approach that we see these days is that you [05:11.400 --> 05:21.800] unlock your, let's say, non-session. Then there is a secrets manager, which gets your secrets [05:21.800 --> 05:30.120] stored, unlocked using the password that you provided as a part of login. Then the passwords [05:30.120 --> 05:38.720] from this secret store used transparently by the other applications through some common APIs, [05:38.720 --> 05:45.720] like browsers have their own stuff. Of course, they have their own password managers and [05:45.720 --> 05:52.320] those might be even shareable across multiple devices and so on. But it still doesn't solve [05:52.320 --> 06:00.720] the real problem, which is when you log in into the system and you go to a specific network [06:00.720 --> 06:08.800] face and applications, you need to do this transition or transfer the authentication state [06:08.800 --> 06:18.720] between maybe incompatible or not well connected protocols. It is bridging that we don't really [06:18.720 --> 06:26.960] have in place and in many applications we kind of derive it based on certain things. [06:26.960 --> 06:34.920] Okay. In reality, it's much easier in the enterprise world because for almost 40 years [06:34.920 --> 06:43.440] we've been dealing with something that is called Kerber's in different ways of it, which [06:43.440 --> 06:53.400] is effectively a decoupling of the initial authentication and then requesting some authentication [06:53.400 --> 07:01.240] tokens on behalf of you after you get this initial authentication done. That's a nice [07:01.240 --> 07:10.640] thing. Over years Kerber's as a mechanism grown these authentication or how it's called [07:10.640 --> 07:18.280] awkwardly in the Kerber's world pre-authentication mechanisms that allow you to use something [07:18.280 --> 07:28.840] more than just passwords. So you can use, for example, smart cards or you can use one-time [07:28.840 --> 07:40.160] codes, two-factor authentication mechanisms and so on to log in or provide initial credentials [07:40.160 --> 07:47.920] to obtain the so-called ticket granting ticket in the Kerber's thing. The good part of it [07:47.920 --> 07:55.480] is that this is exactly a way to get the transferable authentication state. Over years we added [07:55.480 --> 08:03.960] to Kerber's ability to record how this initial state was acquired. So an application can [08:03.960 --> 08:15.480] use an API to inquire whether this initial token was obtained with a password or with [08:15.480 --> 08:25.520] a smart card or with some other more strong type of authentication. So it can differentiate [08:25.520 --> 08:32.560] how to behave if, for example, application-specific policies says that you cannot use this application [08:32.560 --> 08:41.840] if you were not using smart cards or you were not using FIDO2 tokens and so on. Then application [08:41.840 --> 08:47.320] can inquire this information and say, yeah, you're not allowed to use this. You cannot [08:47.320 --> 08:55.880] use sudo on these machines because you're merely used your password, that kind of thing. [08:55.880 --> 09:06.600] And this is the thing that I was doing a lot and the one thing connected with this is that [09:06.600 --> 09:16.680] the complexity of a typical Kerber's environment is huge. But separating the authentication [09:16.680 --> 09:23.280] method is a nice part because it allows to decouple the other part of complexity. All [09:23.280 --> 09:31.000] these tokens or separate devices that you can use to prove who you are and that you've [09:31.000 --> 09:37.520] processed these credentials from the actual applications. It's really splitting up in [09:37.520 --> 09:42.600] these two parts is what is important here because we can write applications once and [09:42.600 --> 09:50.400] forever, at least the verification of the authentication authorization there, and deal [09:50.400 --> 10:00.520] with the rest separately. Now this is, for example, how it looks like in a typical Kerber's [10:00.520 --> 10:09.160] environment with free AP or with Samba AD or Microsoft's Active Directory. This is detailed [10:09.160 --> 10:18.160] in the description from the Red Hat's Enterprise Linux Identity Management Guide. Links are [10:18.160 --> 10:29.160] in the PDF, not just as an example of what we're dealing with. And the fun part is that [10:29.160 --> 10:37.600] many seven years ago I've been talking in the other room in Janssen about similar things, [10:37.600 --> 10:45.280] so how we started with this, how we started with the Enterprise Graphical Workstations [10:45.280 --> 10:57.960] on Linux. That was, how many, 15 Fedora releases in past, 15. When I wrote that, I did not [10:57.960 --> 11:07.120] realize that we are 37 now and it's like seven and a half years back. And almost all this [11:07.120 --> 11:13.600] stuff already worked by that time. The smart cards were possible to use in this environment. [11:13.600 --> 11:19.880] Of course there were some issues with the visual representation, how you choose these [11:19.880 --> 11:26.840] smart cards and so on, but it's kind of funny that what I will be showing to you today is [11:26.840 --> 11:31.360] kind of similar to what we did seven years ago. We fixed this problem for smart cards [11:31.360 --> 11:41.440] eventually, together with the GNOME people. By introducing some interfaces between SSSD [11:41.440 --> 11:53.640] and GNOME components, GDM and the other parts of the Window Manager, so that they can pick [11:53.640 --> 12:00.720] up this information and show a nicer UI to choose who you are based on your smart card [12:00.720 --> 12:09.720] and so on. But smart cards were the first thing we did with this passwordless authentication [12:09.720 --> 12:17.600] because you don't need passwords anymore on this system. So what happened in these seven [12:17.600 --> 12:22.240] years, and that's a nice period because every seven years something happens with people, [12:22.240 --> 12:29.080] they change themselves and environment around them changes a lot. So what happened? Actually [12:29.080 --> 12:39.400] there was change of winds and that's a fundamental one. If you remember 2015 to 2016, a typical [12:39.400 --> 12:45.120] office environment, first there were offices where people were working every day going [12:45.120 --> 12:51.360] into those offices and they had a network actually where those computers were connected [12:51.360 --> 13:00.880] and enrolled into the whatever domain controllers were in those offices. It really was an environment [13:00.880 --> 13:12.320] that was for the infrastructure for people, right? That you come, you switch in, your laptop [13:12.320 --> 13:20.280] connected and it knows what to do. It was so to say infrastructure for people. Nowadays [13:20.280 --> 13:27.480] there's all infrastructure in cloud and it's not for people, it's for applications. You [13:27.480 --> 13:33.080] deploy applications somewhere in the cloud and all that infrastructure that is there [13:33.080 --> 13:43.680] is not for you as an employee, you as someone who consumes it. You don't consume that infrastructure [13:43.680 --> 13:53.280] anymore. In most cases, of course there are exceptions. In most cases you are consuming [13:53.280 --> 13:59.320] the applications and applications consume that infrastructure. So if your laptop is [13:59.320 --> 14:05.600] enrolled in something, that's most likely not the same environment as your applications [14:05.600 --> 14:14.600] enrolled. The applications are actually consuming what? They consuming stuff like OAuth. They [14:14.600 --> 14:22.760] get tokens, they get authorised to get tokens on your behalf from the identity provider [14:22.760 --> 14:30.240] service that is some WAG stuff that you don't really know how is built inside in most cases [14:30.240 --> 14:35.440] and you don't care. All you care about is that you can prove to this identity provider [14:35.440 --> 14:44.880] your identity and for that you can use a bunch of stuff. For most of the cases on the social [14:44.880 --> 14:53.960] networks or on a myriad of websites and so on, you don't even prove for them that you [14:53.960 --> 14:59.960] possess certain credentials. You prove this for some identity provider that they connected [14:59.960 --> 15:09.360] to and that something that I call bring your own authentication. So you connect your account [15:09.360 --> 15:16.680] in something to your social network account and you prove to the social network that you [15:16.680 --> 15:23.600] are who you are and then that social network IDP issues talking to that site where you [15:23.600 --> 15:29.640] want to be. That's essential, bring your own authentication to that site. The site doesn't [15:29.640 --> 15:37.240] really care how you authenticate it to the social network, how you prove yourself. And [15:37.240 --> 15:47.560] in fact what becomes out of it is all infrastructure around OAuth and all IDC is a part of it is [15:47.560 --> 15:54.400] built around I have a browser and this browser is everything I need. There are radio acts [15:54.400 --> 16:00.040] between different components and websites. They talk to each other on your behalf. So [16:00.040 --> 16:08.920] this is kind of a new mainframe where everything runs. So you still need a network access for [16:08.920 --> 16:16.960] this to work. And here we get back to the 2016. In 2016 one of the biggest issues we [16:16.960 --> 16:27.240] were identified at that point for enterprise workers was everyone goes into business trip, [16:27.240 --> 16:33.360] goes into the hotel and every single hotel has captive portal on their Wi-Fi. So in order [16:33.360 --> 16:40.240] to log in into your machine using your credentials you have to solve a problem of solving captive [16:40.240 --> 16:45.400] portal before you log in into the machine. The fun part is that we never solved this [16:45.400 --> 16:53.400] problem at all. Instead of solving this problem we basically say to ourselves let's remove [16:53.400 --> 17:00.440] our machines from the corporate environment, right? Decouple machine from the environment [17:00.440 --> 17:06.520] rather than solving the problem. Maybe this is a good solution. Maybe not. Because right [17:06.520 --> 17:13.760] now to solve, to get this authentication again working for us we need to run browser before [17:13.760 --> 17:24.080] we log in again. And running browser before you log in in titles running insecure unknown [17:24.080 --> 17:32.840] executable which is JavaScript code with the access to your hardware which is your at least [17:32.840 --> 17:39.600] screen and GPU and so on because that's what the browsers are requiring to do this stuff. [17:39.600 --> 17:49.520] So that's still the problem to solve and of course some of these problems might be solved [17:49.520 --> 17:57.760] but some of these problems might be, hey, move the way. So almost everyone has a phone. [17:57.760 --> 18:05.840] So this is somewhere I can run a browser instead of my laptop. So maybe I can run the authentication [18:05.840 --> 18:14.160] and authorization process on this separate device instead of running it on my laptop [18:14.160 --> 18:20.880] when I try to log in. It's kind of getting around the problem but maybe all the problems [18:20.880 --> 18:25.680] are like that. Get around them, roughen them, solve them directly. And in some cases this [18:25.680 --> 18:32.000] is not even a problem. For example, if you want to log in over SSH and you're already [18:32.000 --> 18:38.960] logged into your workstation then launching a browser on your already logged in workstation [18:38.960 --> 18:51.080] is easy, right? You just need to have a URL to get into. So let's try, I hope I will show [18:51.080 --> 19:06.640] this. Let's try a demo. So here I'm trying to SSH into some machine and on the left side [19:06.640 --> 19:15.320] from you, I have an IDP based on the key clock, open source project. And this user, it doesn't [19:15.320 --> 19:21.560] have the security key associated with it. Now I'm associating. So basically I'm taking [19:21.560 --> 19:31.200] this kind of token and connecting it with this user. Okay? I have this token associated [19:31.200 --> 19:38.480] somewhere there. And now I can log out of my IDP just to make sure that I don't reuse [19:38.480 --> 19:44.320] the same session that I obtained with the password, right? So now I'm trying to SSH [19:44.320 --> 19:52.920] and I'm presented with a message that says, okay, authenticate against this browser somewhere. [19:52.920 --> 19:59.000] So I have a browser. It's handy. I'm getting, I'm using the security key to actually authenticate [19:59.000 --> 20:08.240] instead of the password. I authenticate it into the system. Now the system says, do you [20:08.240 --> 20:14.240] authorize this access? Yes, I authorize this access and load it into the system. But a part [20:14.240 --> 20:21.800] of this authorization is that I'm getting Kerberos ticket. Kerberos ticket issued to [20:21.800 --> 20:29.400] me by my infrastructure. And now this Kerberos ticket can be used for, well, anything. Anything [20:29.400 --> 20:34.960] that's allowed there within this Kerberos environment. So I can SSH with this Kerberos [20:34.960 --> 20:46.480] ticket further. I can mount NFS or Sambo, something shares, get access to files. I can use this [20:46.480 --> 21:00.000] Kerberos ticket to sudo into the system itself. There is, since last year, or actually 2001, [21:00.000 --> 21:07.840] there is a POM module as a part of SSSD, POM, SSS, GSS. This module actually checks that [21:07.840 --> 21:15.800] you have active Kerberos ticket and its properties are good enough to access POM services. So [21:15.800 --> 21:23.640] you can configure, for example, sudo to say that if you have Kerberos, active Kerberos [21:23.640 --> 21:32.160] ticket, obtained with this IDP authentication or smart card, then you can use sudo rules [21:32.160 --> 21:38.160] on this machine. Which rules is separate from this, but you can get access to sudo with [21:38.160 --> 21:46.160] it. You don't have password. You never had password in your system. And the password [21:46.160 --> 21:54.200] may be existed somewhere in the IDP, in this key clog thing, or in GitHub, or GitLab, or [21:54.200 --> 22:04.520] Google for your company, or Azure for your company, or your own key clog stuff. But the [22:04.520 --> 22:14.640] rest will work the same, regardless of how you get there. So it's a bit complex in terms [22:14.640 --> 22:24.280] of how this is implemented and how it goes. But at the core of it is we split the process [22:24.280 --> 22:31.240] in two parts. There's initiating part, which in this case is the running on the server [22:31.240 --> 22:41.040] I tried to log in. There is a part that actually verifies that your IDP authorized access, [22:41.040 --> 22:48.920] which is running on the Kerberos key distribution center part, so Kerberos server side. And [22:48.920 --> 22:56.400] then there is a client, which is in our case SSH, trying to connect to the SSH server, [22:56.400 --> 23:04.080] which initiates process. And of course, there is a browser that you run somewhere. You sold [23:04.080 --> 23:11.760] that URI there, probably to use a phone to access that URI. You probably want to have [23:11.760 --> 23:20.360] a QR code instead of the URI, or in addition to the URI. This is one easy thing that we [23:20.360 --> 23:28.080] need to implement to make it easier. But also, it will become probably a mandatory part if [23:28.080 --> 23:34.800] you want to integrate this with the graphical login into the system, because you cannot [23:34.800 --> 23:41.520] run browser yet. But sure, you can show the nice picture that you can access from your [23:41.520 --> 23:51.440] phone or other device. And you will need something like that for the past keys existing only [23:51.440 --> 24:00.080] on your phone, the soft FIDA 2 tokens that both Apple and Google are eager to push to [24:00.080 --> 24:10.280] us these days. So effectively, the same thing works with the FIDA 2. In fact, the demo that [24:10.280 --> 24:17.640] I showed was FIDA 2 token, because the IDP side was configured to use FIDA 2 or Web [24:17.640 --> 24:28.640] Wolf token instead of password or smart card or OTP, whatever is there. So we already can [24:28.640 --> 24:36.360] do this. It's already, in fact, all the tests that I ran, it's Fedora 37, the one that's [24:36.360 --> 24:43.680] already released last November last year. So this passwordless login to the Linux console [24:43.680 --> 24:56.160] works on Fedora, works on RHEL, and a client side of it works on Ubuntu 22.10, [24:56.160 --> 25:05.520] because they have this new SSSD version that supports this stuff. Okay. So if I want to [25:05.520 --> 25:22.800] do this with the other services, let's hope I can get another demo. How I can switch to [25:22.800 --> 25:40.280] the next one, huh? Use it just a second. [25:40.280 --> 26:06.640] Okay. So this is basically exactly the same demo, just using, instead of SSH, I'm using [26:06.640 --> 26:13.840] VLOG. VLOG is just a normal application that uses PAM, Plugable Authentication Mechanism [26:13.840 --> 26:22.400] Module, to lock your system. So typically what happens is that you lock your console, [26:22.400 --> 26:27.880] and then you have to provide a password. VLOG doesn't know anything about all this stuff, [26:27.880 --> 26:35.320] but it works because we use the standard APIs there. And in this case, I don't need to provision [26:35.320 --> 26:45.640] the token, obviously, because it's already provisioned, but I can use it to log in into [26:45.640 --> 26:57.720] the VLOG application. This goes just transparently, maybe awkwardly because of the URLs and not [26:57.720 --> 27:05.160] nice UIs and so on, but still it's there. The most important part here is that in order [27:05.160 --> 27:11.400] to all this get work, and we have to have a network and service, this IDP thingy, how [27:11.400 --> 27:19.400] we can get without it. Well, FIDAR2 has this ability to work locally and not really through [27:19.400 --> 27:30.480] the web stuff. So we can run this authentication locally. And all these tokens that Ubico and [27:30.480 --> 27:38.600] all of this is token EU or some others, they usable in the isolated environment as well. [27:38.600 --> 27:53.400] So we can actually run it. So I got one small demo with this to, let's hope I get this started. [27:53.400 --> 27:59.840] This is recorded with my phone camera because I needed to actually show you that I pressed [27:59.840 --> 28:06.440] something on the screen. So this screen is locked, right? And now I'm trying to log in [28:06.440 --> 28:13.680] into that screen. And it asks me to insert this passkey device. So I'm inserting it in [28:13.680 --> 28:22.440] and you can see that it doesn't actually show you the full message that is shown there. [28:22.440 --> 28:29.760] The part of the message says and press enter before it goes further. So when I press enter, [28:29.760 --> 28:36.480] it tries to communicate with the device. It blinks to me and then I have to press a test [28:36.480 --> 28:42.440] that I physically present at the device to log in it. And after that, I'm unlocking [28:42.440 --> 28:50.760] the same way as with VLog or SSH through the palm. I'm unlocking this. This was my presentation [28:50.760 --> 29:03.880] this morning at the security dev room about the same thing. Now, if we go logically further, [29:03.880 --> 29:08.200] this is working actually by the way. I cannot show it on this laptop because as soon as [29:08.200 --> 29:18.040] I lock my screen to unlock, the video stream through HDMI will get disconnected and we [29:18.040 --> 29:23.720] will have to wait another five minutes to get my screen working back. So you wouldn't [29:23.720 --> 29:33.440] see this on the screen. So believe my camera. Now, how we can combine this? Logging in locally [29:33.440 --> 29:40.240] with the FIDO2 token is effectively, it gives me a login into the system. But the very first [29:40.240 --> 29:48.200] thing, the same problem that I discussed in the beginning applies here. How I transfer [29:48.200 --> 29:56.760] this authentication state that I used this passwordless device to log in to other applications? [29:56.760 --> 30:03.680] Well, in enterprise environment, whatever we call enterprise environment, for me for [30:03.680 --> 30:09.720] the last 10 years or so, enterprise environment is my home environment because I run what [30:09.720 --> 30:22.080] I develop, free IPA in my, as my home authentication service. I simply need to transition from [30:22.080 --> 30:30.800] this FIDO2 token authentication to Kerber's ticket using it, right? Sounds simple. Yes, [30:30.800 --> 30:39.640] it's also a bit of arrows and lines and so on, but it's pretty much in line with this [30:39.640 --> 30:46.560] one. It's just the question of who is communicating with whom to prove that the possession of [30:46.560 --> 30:56.640] credentials is the real one. Okay. Unlike the previous one, I cannot show a demo of [30:56.640 --> 31:04.800] this one because we are at the point where maybe in two weeks we will complete this implementation. [31:04.800 --> 31:13.800] And of course, the amount of bugs to find and fix will get this probably delayed until [31:13.800 --> 31:21.680] Fedora 39 or so. But I really hope to get this working by that time, which is by the [31:21.680 --> 31:35.400] way just how many? Seven, nine, nine months away. Sounds a nice number. So that's not [31:35.400 --> 31:44.920] everything, of course, because, well, it's only an infrastructural part of it. To get [31:44.920 --> 31:51.040] it usable and not to the point that users will trash their laptops because they cannot [31:51.040 --> 32:01.720] read the message. Imagine this is just a simple insert your passkey device. What if this was [32:01.720 --> 32:11.960] authenticate against these URL, HTTPS, something that can't even fit into this box? That's [32:11.960 --> 32:19.440] the situation right now. So we need to fix this with, in this case, it's a GDM, of course, [32:19.440 --> 32:27.240] this is the GNOME display manager. For the login, we need to fix this. And we started [32:27.240 --> 32:33.480] talking with the GDM developers, and there is some common understanding of what to do [32:33.480 --> 32:40.680] similar to what we did with the smart cards. The nice part of it is that it's mostly about [32:40.680 --> 32:46.680] a protocol of communicating between the PAM service, in this case, SSD, and the display [32:46.680 --> 32:55.560] manager through the environmental variables within the process. So SSD can tell that I'm [32:55.560 --> 33:05.000] now using this type of passwordless authentication. Please switch to this visualization of it. [33:05.000 --> 33:11.000] So we kind of can make it this way that it works for GNOME, but it's also usable for [33:11.000 --> 33:20.560] others. And here I come to the point of effort across multiple projects. So you can do this [33:20.560 --> 33:30.840] with GNOME, but then what to do with GDE, what to do with XA, XFAC, and others. There's [33:30.840 --> 33:38.880] a need to agree on something. We can agree on APIs, we can agree on protocol driving semantics [33:38.880 --> 33:46.120] behind this, but somebody needs to implement all these pieces in the end. This is a common [33:46.120 --> 33:56.040] effort as a community. It's not just one company or one developer crazy enough can drive and [33:56.040 --> 34:04.880] write all this code and get it. We as a community need to work together to get this done. And [34:04.880 --> 34:14.400] of course, this is just a top of the iceberg. This bunch of work needs to be done on the [34:14.400 --> 34:23.280] distribution level to make it usable for cleaning installations, for example. If I want to [34:23.280 --> 34:31.680] use this type of the key, if I go to keys, for example, for the login into machine, I'm [34:31.680 --> 34:38.760] sure probably want to use it also to provision encryption of my disk. And this is already [34:38.760 --> 34:51.200] possible with system D supporting configuration of lock devices with the FIDO2. In all contemporary [34:51.200 --> 34:59.400] distributions, system D already compiled with support for FIDO2. It's a matter of configuring [34:59.400 --> 35:06.880] them, right? It's the matter of configuring other services to reuse all of this. But I [35:06.880 --> 35:16.360] don't think as much as I like wiki pages that describe how to do this in multiple articles, [35:16.360 --> 35:24.600] I don't think this is what we should be doing. It's the distribution level job to polish [35:24.600 --> 35:32.320] or add this kind of polish. Again, as a community of distribution developers, in Fedora, in [35:32.320 --> 35:41.920] Debian, in others, in Arc, we need to focus on this kind of polishing. When all these [35:41.920 --> 35:49.000] pieces ready, sure, someone will be faster with the releases and polishing of it. But [35:49.000 --> 35:56.440] in the end, we as a community, we as community of developers, users, we are users themselves, [35:56.440 --> 36:06.080] even if we are, we know how this stuff works. It doesn't mean that we tolerate how badly [36:06.080 --> 36:14.040] it's integrated. So that's my message here. We need to work as a community to bring it [36:14.040 --> 36:25.240] all to us, to be pleasant to work with. And with this one, I guess I'm even on time. Thank [36:25.240 --> 36:26.240] you. [36:26.240 --> 36:43.520] My question is about the two factor authentication when there is a password and a security key. [36:43.520 --> 36:49.440] Do you know why in all the work flow the password is first and then the security key? Whereas [36:49.440 --> 36:55.920] it likes to me that the security key is the strongest part, and it should be better to [36:55.920 --> 37:01.200] first press the button of the key and then enter the password. Is there some movement [37:01.200 --> 37:06.040] to change the current way of doing things? [37:06.040 --> 37:17.520] The question is whether using password and second factor and so on can be one of the [37:17.520 --> 37:27.200] ways of doing it. And is there an activity to make it better, let's say this way? Yes [37:27.200 --> 37:33.960] and no. It depends on what we define as the first factor and second factor. One of the [37:33.960 --> 37:41.520] driving factors behind password less work in the last 10 years or so across the industry [37:41.520 --> 37:48.560] is the tightening of requirements from the government, specifically from the U.S. government. [37:48.560 --> 37:58.040] The U.S. government issued a so-called zero trust memorandum last year for urging governmental [37:58.040 --> 38:09.800] organization to move by end of fiscal year 2024 to move to password less authentication. [38:09.800 --> 38:16.780] This means that they have smart cards already, so that's solved. But they specifically name [38:16.780 --> 38:24.120] web often 5-2-2 as one of the alternatives to smart cards. And in fact, all of these [38:24.120 --> 38:31.080] things they have PIN associated with this, which can be looked as a kind of first factor. [38:31.080 --> 38:38.480] But it's not the first factor as we understand it. It's a first factor to unlock hardware [38:38.480 --> 38:48.840] rather than unlocking some factor in software. So this is the thing which drives some of [38:48.840 --> 38:55.760] this work, not necessarily for us but for many others already. And I think there is [38:55.760 --> 39:03.280] a value in staking factors. The question is in which environments you want to use them [39:03.280 --> 39:14.280] and so on and configure it this way. Certainly there is already a mechanism to enable it. [39:14.280 --> 39:20.760] For example, PAM already is staking. So technically you can stack multiple PAM authentication [39:20.760 --> 39:27.760] modules in the same configuration for VLOC or GDM or something and say always enter three [39:27.760 --> 39:36.360] passwords from different sources. That already would be multi-factor, multi-password authentication. [39:36.360 --> 39:41.360] Or one of them this and the other one is the password and the third one is phase of the [39:41.360 --> 39:49.000] moon and so on. So you can get that stuff already. It's the question of adopting to a specific [39:49.000 --> 39:58.240] environment where this makes sense. I have not seen multi-password in the traditional [39:58.240 --> 40:05.960] kind of environments yet. But if we do something like integration with the identity providers [40:05.960 --> 40:13.800] like I show it in the demo, that gives you possibility to move this check away into let's [40:13.800 --> 40:21.320] say keyclog. Keyclog actually has ability to ask a password, OTP and the web often at [40:21.320 --> 40:28.080] the same time. So you can configure that already. Again, the question is in which direction [40:28.080 --> 40:35.800] you want to focus this. Maybe not adding into SSSD or some specific PAM module but instead [40:35.800 --> 40:45.320] adding into more flexible and more controllable source. Any other questions? [40:45.320 --> 40:53.720] Yes, here. So you were talking about how can distributions and desktop managers contribute [40:53.720 --> 41:00.840] to get like a unified interface and I recently come to a project called XTG credentials portal [41:00.840 --> 41:07.480] which tries to specify a standardized debas interface for interacting with web often credentials [41:07.480 --> 41:12.600] such that different KDE and GNOME and stuff can hook into this. I was wondering whether [41:12.600 --> 41:18.000] you were aware of this project and if that would be a good place to maybe start trying [41:18.000 --> 41:26.160] to collaborate on a unified interface. So the question is am I aware of the projects [41:26.160 --> 41:34.520] like XTG credentials that tries to specify or unify access to the credentials for things [41:34.520 --> 41:42.000] like I think it's for the containerized environments, desktop applications running in flat pack [41:42.000 --> 41:48.960] and so on. Yes, I am aware and that's one partial thing that I mentioned about the parallel [41:48.960 --> 41:56.560] effort there but it's not for the logging, it's for the reuse of the credentials in the [41:56.560 --> 42:02.040] browser or relaying party outside of the container so that you can isolate direct access. That's [42:02.040 --> 42:09.520] very important but it's a bit different layer and it's the layer that we will eventually [42:09.520 --> 42:17.040] need to reuse if we want to do this transferable state of authentication between different [42:17.040 --> 42:26.680] places without caregivers. Yes, we will have to work with them or Dave with us or everyone. [42:26.680 --> 42:27.680] Yes. [42:27.680 --> 42:47.200] Hello. So I use ED25519 security keys which SSH supports and it's really simple so I just [42:47.200 --> 42:53.000] generate a key and I can use it and my SSH demon supports it and I don't really need to [42:53.000 --> 42:57.160] run any services and I need to use Kerberos. How do we get to a world where everything [42:57.160 --> 43:01.440] is that simple? [43:01.440 --> 43:10.320] So the question is why do I need all these things if my SSH keys work fine with the hardware [43:10.320 --> 43:19.760] based tokens, X549 and basic certificates and so on. The answer is simple. It's not [43:19.760 --> 43:28.760] an answer for all use cases. You cannot authenticate with these tokens and these keys to, for example, [43:28.760 --> 43:35.280] file services. You cannot use them to authenticate to NFS. You cannot use them to authenticate [43:35.280 --> 43:41.840] to SMB or other resources. Needs are different, use cases are different. All of these things [43:41.840 --> 43:49.320] does not replace SSH keys and SSH keys do not replace this one. They exist in parallel to [43:49.320 --> 43:56.560] each other because if you start using FIDO2 tokens, you wouldn't be using them exactly [43:56.560 --> 44:05.240] the same way on SSH level as well because SSH will need to generate their own keys based [44:05.240 --> 44:12.840] on the same, use of the same hardware but different protocol specific and application [44:12.840 --> 44:20.800] specific thing. And this is where the program really comes in. You can find use cases where [44:20.800 --> 44:30.160] existing functionality is perfectly usable and secure and attainable but it's not transferable [44:30.160 --> 44:37.040] to the other systems and other protocols. That's the problem we try to solve. So it's [44:37.040 --> 45:03.320] more amending rather than displacement. Hello. Hello. And thanks for the talk. My question [45:03.320 --> 45:09.800] is if I'm a very, very bad person, I want to break this system and steal the Kerberos [45:09.800 --> 45:17.120] ticket authentication, for example, what's the easiest way I can do it? So the question [45:17.120 --> 45:23.240] is how to steal Kerberos ticket in the Linux environment in the easiest way despite all [45:23.240 --> 45:32.600] the protection mechanisms we want to add. I preferably answer what mechanisms we have [45:32.600 --> 45:42.440] so that you may reconsider your activities. So in comparison, Microsoft some time ago [45:42.440 --> 45:51.720] added a virtualized slice where they store all the credentials so you do not have access [45:51.720 --> 45:58.920] to that slice. It's running literally not as a container, it's like a VM separated from [45:58.920 --> 46:08.720] the actual system where they handle all the security credentials and so on. And you cannot [46:08.720 --> 46:17.200] easily store that from the memory of the applications that try to load this stuff. On Linux side [46:17.200 --> 46:29.160] at that point we had a project called GSS proxy. The GSS proxy is a daemon that runs in separate, [46:29.160 --> 46:40.440] typically on the root, and it interjects into GSS API, hence the GSS proxy. GSS API operations [46:40.440 --> 46:51.760] and interposes access to all Kerberos crypto material. So when you are a service like [46:51.760 --> 47:02.960] HDTPD or NFS, you want to have access to the Kerberos key tab so that you can authenticate [47:02.960 --> 47:14.920] clients coming to you and get access to it, or your IMAP or send mail or something. And [47:14.920 --> 47:21.960] GSS proxy basically removes access to the key tabs, removes access to credential cache [47:21.960 --> 47:29.960] that you use. They are in separate process. So now if you're broken into NFS server like [47:29.960 --> 47:36.960] Ganesha or even the kernel, well, kernel one is probably easier target, right, if you happen [47:36.960 --> 47:45.240] to find a bug that allows to exploit it. But you're probably not a Linux Torvalds anymore [47:45.240 --> 47:56.000] and it's not 1994 where he found NFS problems to hack into and get the data out. Out of [47:56.000 --> 48:06.160] NFS. So typically this privilege separation between the processes works fairly well. [48:06.160 --> 48:18.040] If you're root, of course, you get what you get. In that case, there's some number of [48:18.040 --> 48:24.480] ways of preventing root running processes from accessing the capabilities on the kernel [48:24.480 --> 48:34.320] level. And on typically still this is an operation that should probably be multi-layered. Like [48:34.320 --> 48:41.320] you have to use kernel capabilities, then you have to use the file system level capabilities [48:41.320 --> 48:49.560] then as a Linux or app armor to prevent other kind of access things. But basically with [48:49.560 --> 48:58.880] the GSS proxy we get isolation on this level and also we get the content of the credential [48:58.880 --> 49:06.520] caches encrypted. So you can store or you can steal credential cache if you get access [49:06.520 --> 49:14.880] to that. But it will be encrypted with temporary key that exists only until GSS proxy runs. [49:14.880 --> 49:22.800] So even if you steal it, you cannot really use that one. The other part is that there [49:22.800 --> 49:29.520] are credential cache collection types that do not allow direct access to the credential [49:29.520 --> 49:36.240] cache. So for example a key ring, kernel key ring where you can store and tighten it fairly [49:36.240 --> 49:44.240] tight so that the application doesn't get these keys out. The other one is KCM which [49:44.240 --> 49:50.680] is also a separate process accessible over the Unix domain socket. You don't get direct [49:50.680 --> 49:59.080] access to the files either. So there are some mechanisms. They are not so dramatic as in [49:59.080 --> 50:05.800] Windows case where they run it in completely different VM isolated on a hardware level. [50:05.800 --> 50:14.040] But we get fairly far away. I've seen people trying to decode the KCM databases but that [50:14.040 --> 50:21.840] presumes that they get access to the physical root partitions so they can read the actual [50:21.840 --> 50:28.320] files from the KCM back store. But of course that if you're root, if you haven't access [50:28.320 --> 50:33.720] to the root partition, your game is lost in most cases. [50:33.720 --> 50:48.280] Alexander, many thanks for your interesting talk to give the community.