In this talk, Rachel Ainsworth discusses how the Software Sustainability Institute (SSI) supports research software through community building and events. The SSI is a UK-based national facility promoting the advancement of software and research since 2010. It is a collaboration between the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford, and Southampton and supported by all seven UK research councils. The SSI focuses on five teams, including software, policy and research, training, community, and communications and outreach, and they offer programs, events, policy, and tools to support the community developing and using research software. The talk highlights the Collaborations Workshop, an annual unconference event bringing together stakeholders across the entire research software community to explore important ideas and plant seeds of interdisciplinary collaborations. Finally, the Research Software Camps, led by SSI's communications and outreach team, are free online events taking place twice a year to introduce and explore a topic around research software and starting discussions among various research communities.