[00:00.000 --> 00:11.080] Hi, everyone. My name is Tom, and today I'll be talking to you about starting an open-source [00:11.080 --> 00:17.800] startup. So about this talk, it's directed at early-stage startups or people thinking [00:17.800 --> 00:22.360] about starting one with an open-source product or people thinking about open-sourcing the [00:22.360 --> 00:26.600] existing product. If you were here for the previous talk, it was more about the step [00:26.600 --> 00:29.720] one to step two. Here I'm going to talk about the zero to one. You don't have a product [00:29.720 --> 00:35.640] yet, you're just starting out. And so what is an early-stage startup? For the purpose [00:35.640 --> 00:41.280] of this talk, it's an early-stage company that's designed to grow fast, often backed [00:41.280 --> 00:48.640] by venture capitalists, so investors, and aiming for very high revenue. You have to remember, [00:48.640 --> 00:52.560] and maybe it's important to frame the rest of the talk around this, is that this is a [00:52.560 --> 00:56.680] capitalistic endeavor. You're taking money from people, and you're promising them to [00:56.680 --> 01:01.240] return them more money after a certain amount of time. And you have to remember that all [01:01.240 --> 01:05.120] for our thing. It's something that's so easy to forget, but that's the basis for everything [01:05.120 --> 01:10.060] else. And it's especially easy for us to forget, because we're so used to giving so much free [01:10.060 --> 01:14.720] value to the world with our open-source contribution, and also taking a lot of free value back by [01:14.720 --> 01:19.320] using Linux, by using KDE, by using all of these tools. But if you're out there building [01:19.320 --> 01:24.320] a business, taking money from investors, that's something that is important to remember. [01:24.320 --> 01:29.560] So who am I? I'm the founder and CEO of Sviks. It's a company. We started as a business, [01:29.560 --> 01:33.520] and then open-source the product, although that was the intention from the beginning, [01:33.520 --> 01:37.960] and also created EtiSync that started as an open-source project, and then turned into a [01:37.960 --> 01:43.320] business. I'm obsessed with API, developer tools, been around for a while, worked on [01:43.320 --> 01:50.160] Elightment, OpenMoco, and a few other projects as well. So what is Sviks? We do webhook sending [01:50.160 --> 01:55.400] as a service. It's an API-first developer tool. We help companies send webhooks, essentially. [01:55.400 --> 02:00.440] It's both open-core, hand-on-oaster product, as we do both. We raise over $10 million from [02:00.440 --> 02:05.440] top investors, including Y Combinator, and Treason Horowitz, RF, and founders and CTOs [02:05.440 --> 02:12.040] of companies such as GitHub, PagetGT, Segment, Lookout, and Fly.io. So why am I even giving [02:12.040 --> 02:16.320] this talk? So there are a lot of resources for how to start a startup online. A lot of [02:16.320 --> 02:20.760] great resources. But there aren't a lot of resources for open-source startups, especially [02:20.760 --> 02:25.200] not ones that come from the community, from people that actually understand open-source. [02:25.200 --> 02:29.720] It's more like an opportunistic approach that a lot of people take. And also, a lot of people [02:29.720 --> 02:35.320] have been asking me for advice over the years, even this weekend. I figured, why not? Let's [02:35.320 --> 02:38.640] make a deck out of it. [02:38.640 --> 02:43.720] So before we begin, why even start a startup? I saw a talk by one of the co-founders of [02:43.720 --> 02:47.600] Facebook many years ago, and it really resonated with me, especially now that I've seen other [02:47.600 --> 02:52.640] people start companies, I've started companies myself. And a lot of people think it's cool. [02:52.640 --> 02:55.760] Your vision is that you're going to hit launch, you just finish building a product, you get [02:55.760 --> 03:00.560] press attention, go wakeboarding with Obama, or I don't know what you want to do, Rockstar. [03:00.560 --> 03:04.320] But the reality is that no one is actually going to care at all. You're going to beg them [03:04.320 --> 03:08.880] for press attention, you're going to beg customers to use your shitty product, and really, honestly, [03:08.880 --> 03:13.320] you don't have time for press and all of the Rockstar stuff anyway, you're building a business. [03:13.320 --> 03:16.800] And also, a lot of people think that they want to be the boss, you know, big office, [03:16.800 --> 03:20.840] private steam room, make a billion dollar deals, private jets, all of that stuff. In [03:20.840 --> 03:25.520] reality, it's a noisy co-working space, if you're lucky, most likely a kitchen counter, [03:25.520 --> 03:28.960] and begging people to try a product again and fighting for survival. So it's really [03:28.960 --> 03:34.480] not that, it's not like what you think. Another thing people think, well, I'm my own boss, [03:34.480 --> 03:40.040] I'm going to have flexibility. I love this quote, as an entrepreneur, you get some flexibility, [03:40.040 --> 03:44.600] you get to choose which 24 hours of the day you work on. It's so true, and for a variety [03:44.600 --> 03:47.680] of reasons, first of all, your customers are demanding, and you want to make sure that [03:47.680 --> 03:51.360] they're served right, you don't want to lose that deal just because you're unavailable, [03:51.360 --> 03:56.200] even though it's your wife's birthday or some other occasion. And the other reason is, you're [03:56.200 --> 03:59.080] really obsessed with what you're building, so you're actually thinking about it all the [03:59.080 --> 04:02.240] time anyway, and you have ideas in the shower, and you have ideas during dinner, and you're [04:02.240 --> 04:07.640] just dying to go back and kind of like put that into reality. [04:07.640 --> 04:11.520] Another bad reason is that you want to have more impact. Honestly, just join an early [04:11.520 --> 04:14.920] stage startup, you're going to be working on a product that's already well funded, doing [04:14.920 --> 04:19.440] well, and you're going to grow with the team, become the CTO maybe, it's like, you know, [04:19.440 --> 04:25.080] it's a great path, or a late stage company. You know, I worked at Samsung, my code was, [04:25.080 --> 04:28.920] you know, it's been used by millions and millions of people, or at least devices. That's much [04:28.920 --> 04:33.320] more impact than any of my companies have reached, you know, so far. So that's just [04:33.320 --> 04:39.000] something to keep in mind. Another thing, you want to get rich. That's not a good reason, [04:39.000 --> 04:43.240] because the likelihood of success is very low. You're most likely going to have like a really [04:43.240 --> 04:48.160] low salary for many years, and then you're going to go bust. Not a good strategy if you [04:48.160 --> 04:53.480] want to make money. Again, join an early stage startup, a premium 50 at Facebook, for example, [04:53.480 --> 04:58.760] is a multi-multi-multi-millionaire, or just work at Facebook, Google, all of those companies. [04:58.760 --> 05:02.000] Again, I don't recommend, but if this is what you want, then you're just chasing money, [05:02.000 --> 05:06.600] you can do that. And you have to remember, it's going to be absolutely brutal. So things [05:06.600 --> 05:10.720] are going to go wrong, deals are going to go full through, you're going to get a lot [05:10.720 --> 05:14.320] of nose from candidates, from investors, from literally everyone, all the time. You're going [05:14.320 --> 05:18.160] to want to quit, but because you're the founder, that means that if you quit, the company is [05:18.160 --> 05:21.600] going to close, and that means your employees are going to lose their job, and your investors [05:21.600 --> 05:25.600] are going to lose the money invested. So you're really like, it's really hard to quit as a [05:25.600 --> 05:31.760] founder. Okay, so we covered all the budget stuff. So why actually start a startup? And [05:31.760 --> 05:35.920] there are a few good reasons. One, you really care about the problem. You want to cure cancer. [05:35.920 --> 05:40.440] No one else is like, cracked it yet. You think you have a shot? Go for it. You're really [05:40.440 --> 05:44.560] passionate about your idea. You have, I don't know, Uber for cats, terrible idea, but like, [05:44.560 --> 05:48.880] this is something that you really care about, and you want to get, because everyone thinks [05:48.880 --> 05:52.320] it's terrible, I guess, for the laughs. Like, no one else is going to build it. You decide [05:52.320 --> 05:57.040] to build it yourself. And you just want to start, maybe, your own company. You just, [05:57.040 --> 06:00.600] I don't know, whatever reason, this is what you want to do. And just make sure that your [06:00.600 --> 06:06.320] motivation is long lasting, because you're going to need it for the next 10 years. Another [06:06.320 --> 06:11.400] good reason, a bit more altruistic, is that open source startups are good for the community. [06:11.400 --> 06:15.800] Much more money and talent into open source, great open source products. You know, we're [06:15.800 --> 06:20.560] all going to use them every day. And also, open source startups tend to support the rest [06:20.560 --> 06:24.760] of the community. We support other projects, both financially and by upstreaming patches. [06:24.760 --> 06:30.920] We also employ the maintainer of, like, Redis Rust. And so, again, great for the ecosystem. [06:30.920 --> 06:34.520] But you have to remember, there are other alternatives. You can join a promising startup. You can [06:34.520 --> 06:39.840] start a non-VC backed startup, much less of the stress that I mentioned. You can start [06:39.840 --> 06:43.960] a side business. I've done that. It's great, much less stressful, still stressful, but [06:43.960 --> 06:48.560] much less. Or you can just start an open source project. Again, I've done that. Many people [06:48.560 --> 06:51.760] in this room, I'm sure, have done it as well. It's a great way to just, you know, put something [06:51.760 --> 06:56.680] out there without the pressure of actually having returns. And so, really, just, like, [06:56.680 --> 07:00.400] be true to yourself and what you want, because, you know, you need to know what you're signing [07:00.400 --> 07:07.000] up for. So, let's talk about getting started. The first step in the journey is validating [07:07.000 --> 07:11.000] your idea. So, is this a problem that people even care about? Are you the right team to [07:11.000 --> 07:14.960] build it? How will you make money? How will you get customers? How big is the opportunity? [07:14.960 --> 07:18.600] You need to constantly validate your riskiest assumptions in order to not go, you know, [07:18.600 --> 07:23.160] like head on the wrong direction. I highly recommend filling in the white combinator application. [07:23.160 --> 07:27.560] Like, white combinator is like an accelerator. Even if you don't submit it, it just forces [07:27.560 --> 07:32.760] you to think very thoroughly about the business from the eyes of investors and from a business [07:32.760 --> 07:38.280] perspective. And it's been, like, very helpful for me. And you know how people say there [07:38.280 --> 07:45.600] are no bad ideas? There are definitely bad ideas. Some threads of common bad ideas are [07:45.600 --> 07:53.320] the ones that are very obvious. So, for example, oh, I'm going to start a startup for teleportation. [07:53.320 --> 07:56.200] Great idea. I'm sure all of you guys are going to, like, pay instead of, like, taking the [07:56.200 --> 08:01.200] flight back home. But the problem is it's actually technically difficult or impossible. [08:01.200 --> 08:07.120] That's why no one has started it. So, you know, it's the first step of validation. The other [08:07.120 --> 08:10.680] type of bad ideas is when you have a solution, you build a project, you're really excited [08:10.680 --> 08:14.600] by it. That's what you want to work on. The problem is it's not applicable to everything. [08:14.600 --> 08:18.400] I don't have a good example from the top of my head, but there are many of them. And I'm [08:18.400 --> 08:23.720] sure, you know, like, the more crypto, you know, crypto, God, haters will use the crypto [08:23.720 --> 08:31.400] as an example for that. Also, another one, I get pitched a lot of ideas about, you know, [08:31.400 --> 08:36.520] spaces that the two B founders know nothing about. You know, I know nothing about cancer [08:36.520 --> 08:40.640] research. I'm not going to start a cancer research company. And one last thing, which [08:40.640 --> 08:44.920] is actually not a bad signal, people telling you that it's bad. And that's, you know, going [08:44.920 --> 08:48.360] back to, like, why doesn't exist? Because everyone thinks it's bad. And that's where [08:48.360 --> 08:55.800] your opportunity lies. So, just ignore the naysayers. I asked Paul, like, the co-founder [08:55.800 --> 09:00.880] and CEO of Superbase, what's his best advice? And he said, everything should be open source, [09:00.880 --> 09:05.320] but not every open source should be a business. And that's so true. Again, validate, verify [09:05.320 --> 09:12.640] that what you're building is actually a good business. In the now immortal words of Y Combinator, [09:12.640 --> 09:17.240] you need to make something that people want. That's it. So, when you start, all you need [09:17.240 --> 09:22.280] to be focusing on is writing code, showing it to customers, getting feedback, talking [09:22.280 --> 09:25.680] to them, all of that. You know, in the open source world, we now release early, release [09:25.680 --> 09:32.320] often. That's how you get things to the back hands of customers or users and you get feedback. [09:32.320 --> 09:36.480] It's much better to find a few that really love what you're doing than many people that [09:36.480 --> 09:40.520] are, eh, because the few that love, really love it, are going to tell their friends about [09:40.520 --> 09:44.080] it. And the few that are okay about it are going to stop using it after a certain period [09:44.080 --> 09:50.280] of time. Also, 90-10 solution. So, find how you make the most impact with the less amount [09:50.280 --> 09:55.520] of time. Like, perfection is really the enemy of good here. And the last thing, you want [09:55.520 --> 09:59.880] to do things that don't scale. So, what do I mean by that? There are, like, certain activities [09:59.880 --> 10:03.280] that you can do at this stage of the company that are definitely not going to work once [10:03.280 --> 10:08.160] you have a billion users. But for now, you can do them. So, one example from our, from [10:08.160 --> 10:14.120] the beginning of Svix is that I used to send the API keys encrypted to our customers. We [10:14.120 --> 10:18.200] didn't have a sign-up flow. There was no need, right? I don't know if anyone wants the company [10:18.200 --> 10:22.440] or wants the product. So, like, why build a sign-up pro? Why build a landing page? None [10:22.440 --> 10:26.880] of these things matter in the beginning. So, just focus on the product. [10:26.880 --> 10:31.480] Another great quote that I love is from Steve Jobs. So, everything around you that you call [10:31.480 --> 10:36.240] life was made by people that were no smarter than you are. And you can change it, you can [10:36.240 --> 10:40.840] influence it, and you can build your own things that other people can use. So, it's really, [10:40.840 --> 10:45.480] don't be scared because it looks, you know, it seems difficult. Just, like, go for it. [10:45.480 --> 10:52.560] Really just go for it. So, before you start, ignore the naysayers, but be honest with yourself. [10:52.560 --> 10:55.400] You know, a lot of people are going to tell you what you're doing is stupid, silly, bad [10:55.400 --> 11:00.640] thing. Maybe they're right. You have to make that call. And effort counts for nothing. [11:00.640 --> 11:04.600] This is not school. If you don't get results, it doesn't matter how hard you work. It doesn't [11:04.600 --> 11:08.320] matter, like, how much you tried. It doesn't matter how cool your code is. It just doesn't [11:08.320 --> 11:13.920] matter. Again, do you risk the business? You have to listen to advice, but decide for yourself. [11:13.920 --> 11:16.400] First of all, it's because it's practice for later stages. You're the only one running [11:16.400 --> 11:20.720] this company. But also, you're the only one with a lot of context about what your customers [11:20.720 --> 11:23.520] want because you've been talking to them all the time. And, like, what doesn't work because [11:23.520 --> 11:27.520] you've been writing the code. So, really, just decide for yourself. And remember that [11:27.520 --> 11:32.320] most startups fail, like the vast majority. So, if you're doing average input, you're [11:32.320 --> 11:36.760] going to get average output, and that means deaf for startup. So, definitely watch out [11:36.760 --> 11:40.760] for that. Okay. I think that was, like, the beginning. [11:40.760 --> 11:45.080] Now we can talk a bit about the product. So, the first and most important thing is understanding [11:45.080 --> 11:50.240] the problem. And you need to know your customers, what they want, what they care about, what [11:50.240 --> 11:54.600] they hate. Really have the curiosity of a child and really get to have, like, as most [11:54.600 --> 11:59.760] empathy as you can. A good hack in the beginning is being your own customer. That really works. [11:59.760 --> 12:03.080] But you also have to make sure that there's a path to other customers that are different [12:03.080 --> 12:06.280] than you are. Because if you're just building, you know, like, I don't know, like, a name [12:06.280 --> 12:09.560] tags that just say the name Tom on them. That's great. But there are just so many Tom's in [12:09.560 --> 12:13.720] the world. I don't think it's, like, a good business. [12:13.720 --> 12:17.800] Another quote, I love quotes, is from Henry Ford. It's asked people what I wanted. They [12:17.800 --> 12:24.120] would have asked for a faster horse. And that means don't, you know, listen to your customers, [12:24.120 --> 12:28.200] learn about their needs and wants. But don't follow blindly. Say no. It's absolutely fine [12:28.200 --> 12:33.880] to say no. You also have to remember it's about what you do. It's not about what you [12:33.880 --> 12:37.840] do. Sorry. It's about what you enable. And so people don't actually care about drills. [12:37.840 --> 12:41.760] I mean, drills are fun. Don't get me wrong. But what they want is holes. And you have [12:41.760 --> 12:45.360] to figure out how you give them a hole. And again, don't, you know, don't obsess on the [12:45.360 --> 12:51.720] fact that you already have a drill. And another part about this is, you know, we talked about [12:51.720 --> 12:57.080] product, and that kind of implies, you know, what people actually use. But really, when [12:57.080 --> 13:00.600] I asked James about his experience, he said something that really resonated, which is [13:00.600 --> 13:06.880] your old company is the product. And actually, Zeno also concurred. And from my own experience, [13:06.880 --> 13:11.000] like, it's, I've lost counts, the amount of products that I really wanted to try. And [13:11.000 --> 13:14.080] I went to their website, and I couldn't understand really what they're doing, but I thought maybe [13:14.080 --> 13:17.400] it's relevant. And I went to their docs, couldn't understand how to get it started, and just [13:17.400 --> 13:21.120] dropped off, even though I'm sure it's actually the perfect product for me. And it's the same [13:21.120 --> 13:26.280] with every other aspect. So, you know, like marketing, customer success, all of those [13:26.280 --> 13:32.080] kind of things. You have to obsess with a customer experience. So obviously, I have great customer [13:32.080 --> 13:36.200] service, as I mentioned, you know, your wife's birthday, but the customer is calling. You [13:36.200 --> 13:40.400] may need to, like, drop for a few minutes. And but much better than having a great customer [13:40.400 --> 13:44.800] service is actually fixing the docs. Like, why should they even have a problem in the [13:44.800 --> 13:48.800] first place? But even better than fixing the docs is just making the product easy to use. [13:48.800 --> 13:54.160] So, you know, same defaults, great onboarding in the product itself. And all of those things [13:54.160 --> 13:59.600] make for a much better experience. Now, I know this doesn't need repeating at FOSDOM, [13:59.600 --> 14:02.440] you know, just like looking in this room or looking even outside with all the stands [14:02.440 --> 14:06.600] of the amazing communities that are powering, you know, this whole event, but maintaining [14:06.600 --> 14:09.480] a healthy community really matters for an open source project, because that's how you [14:09.480 --> 14:13.760] get contributors. That's how you get evangelism. That's how you get all of those things that [14:13.760 --> 14:19.760] later on turn into business goals. As I said, capitalistic talk. I'm not as cynical in real [14:19.760 --> 14:24.680] life, but I'm just like trying, just showing you the connections to business value. And [14:24.680 --> 14:29.960] so be quick to respond to PRs. The most annoying thing, I opened a PR like two years ago. Got [14:29.960 --> 14:34.400] feedback a few months ago. Obviously, never fixed the feedback. I mean, that's ridiculous. [14:34.400 --> 14:38.480] There are tools to help to make sure that you maintain a good community, like Orbit [14:38.480 --> 14:44.480] Love and also the community dev room here at FOSDOM. Okay, so we talked about a product [14:44.480 --> 14:47.680] which maybe some of you know, maybe some of you already built a successful open source [14:47.680 --> 14:53.800] project, but now what we need to remember is that we're actually building a business. [14:53.800 --> 14:58.320] We're no longer just engineers, and we should focus our time on non-engineering tasks, which [14:58.320 --> 15:03.640] is so hard, and I'm going to talk about that in a bit. But the first step is understanding [15:03.640 --> 15:07.640] your business model. And what is a business model? It's just a fancy way of saying how [15:07.640 --> 15:11.640] are you actually going to make money? There are many different models for open source [15:11.640 --> 15:17.240] and many different models for non-open source. Red Hat and Canonical, they're a great example [15:17.240 --> 15:22.640] of selling additional services, so training, support, consulting, packaging, so like packages [15:22.640 --> 15:28.840] literally. Another example is OpenCore. So you release some of the source code as open [15:28.840 --> 15:34.240] source and then proprietary stuff on top. GitLab and RedDisk both do it. Again, very [15:34.240 --> 15:39.160] common. Do a licensing, so cute and free buy they do it. So you have licensed your code [15:39.160 --> 15:43.600] as copy left or something that is not compatible with some companies, and then they pay you [15:43.600 --> 15:49.120] an extra fee to kind of like unlock it and get an enterprise contract. And then you have [15:49.120 --> 15:54.560] managed cloud, SaaS. Oftentimes goes hand in hand with OpenCore when you have your features [15:54.560 --> 16:01.440] only in the SaaS product and again for the enterprise. GitLab and MongoDB both do it. [16:01.440 --> 16:07.800] You can either run a multi-tenant SaaS or you can just run the product for them. And [16:07.800 --> 16:11.600] there was a time that OpenCore was the way to go and then SaaS became the way to go [16:11.600 --> 16:16.480] because the advent of the cloud. And actually OpenCore is getting some traction again because [16:16.480 --> 16:21.880] a lot of people want to sell first with GDPR, all of those kind of things. People are looking [16:21.880 --> 16:29.000] to sell first again. And then another one that's not often talked about is supporting [16:29.000 --> 16:32.840] products and services. So that's kind of like similar to OpenCore, but you're not actually [16:32.840 --> 16:37.000] extending the product, but you're providing services on top of it. So good examples are [16:37.000 --> 16:43.200] GitHub. GitHub has nothing to do with open source, but they're riding on the Git success. [16:43.200 --> 16:48.440] And Android, Google is selling services over an operating system that was open and can [16:48.440 --> 16:55.400] be customizable by many of the, you know, by all the other form manufacturers. You can [16:55.400 --> 16:59.600] also combine multiple models, but you should know what your main driver is. You're an early [16:59.600 --> 17:04.400] stage startup. You probably have like one person or more likely 0.1 person like working [17:04.400 --> 17:10.080] on this stuff. So you really need to focus and see like what's the main driver for you. [17:10.080 --> 17:14.840] And now, because you're building a billion-dollar business, you're going to have a lot of competition. [17:14.840 --> 17:18.320] Other people are going to see your success. They're going to see your opportunity. We have [17:18.320 --> 17:23.800] numerous copycats that have launched since we started. And you have to figure out like [17:23.800 --> 17:29.000] how do you protect yourself? So there are a few common ways for open source projects. [17:29.000 --> 17:34.320] One way is the license. Obviously, I'm sure those need no introduction here. Copy lefts [17:34.320 --> 17:41.280] or GPL. The problem with those is that oftentimes they're not liked by enterprise lawyers. [17:41.280 --> 17:46.600] So it's really hard to sell to an enterprise if GPL is just banned from that enterprise. [17:46.600 --> 17:50.280] So that's something to watch out for. Then you have the permissive ones, which is what [17:50.280 --> 17:55.960] we chose, but they don't provide any protection. And then you have the non-free or FOPEN, obviously [17:55.960 --> 18:00.920] not open source. I understand where they're coming from. Like seeing AWS just take your [18:00.920 --> 18:06.440] business, host it, and then take all of your revenue stream probably is not fun. I don't [18:06.440 --> 18:10.040] know what I would have done in that situation, but it's definitely, I can see how there's [18:10.040 --> 18:16.240] going to be like more innovation in the licensing space just following the mega-cloud companies. [18:16.240 --> 18:22.040] And the last one is usually, it's like CLAs, usually tied with copyright assignment. And [18:22.040 --> 18:26.160] then when you do do a licensing, you need to actually own the copyright. So contributors [18:26.160 --> 18:31.480] assign the copyright to you, and then you can re-license. [18:31.480 --> 18:37.360] If I asked multiple lawyers and founders, and almost all of them said, own the trademark, [18:37.360 --> 18:42.120] your license is probably too liberal to protect you. And the trademark is the reason why Mozilla [18:42.120 --> 18:47.360] can say, well, you know, like can prevent a competitor from starting Firefox plus plus [18:47.360 --> 18:51.640] or Firefox remix, all of those kind of things, because that is actually confusing to customers. [18:51.640 --> 18:56.000] And that's a good line of defense. And I think like a few years ago, the founder of [18:56.000 --> 19:00.800] own cloud actually gave a talk here at Forstem, and he mentioned that they never had the trademark [19:00.800 --> 19:05.800] for own cloud, and that prevented them from actually, you know, offering a good hosted [19:05.800 --> 19:09.960] service, because there were so many clones, and there were so many people that, you know, [19:09.960 --> 19:14.000] that claimed to be the official one, and it was like really hard for them to actually [19:14.000 --> 19:16.640] maintain control. [19:16.640 --> 19:22.160] Another one is network effects and ecosystem. So if you look at GitHub, or even GitHub, [19:22.160 --> 19:25.480] even though it's not open source, it's just because everyone is there, that means the [19:25.480 --> 19:31.000] new projects are going to be hosted there as well. That's it. It's really tough to break. [19:31.000 --> 19:35.760] But even without, you know, a SaaS component, just think about Postgres. There's so many [19:35.760 --> 19:40.160] libraries for Postgres, and so many utilities for Postgres across many languages, and across [19:40.160 --> 19:45.360] many, like, they're just, the ecosystem is vast, so it's really hard to append Postgres [19:45.360 --> 19:52.480] from where they are. So that's like, again, another good line of defense. [19:52.480 --> 19:56.240] Also remember, you know, plans are worthless. Everything is going to change. You're going [19:56.240 --> 19:59.880] to change your assumption. Everything, it's really in flux. Like, it's hard to understand [19:59.880 --> 20:06.520] how much things, sorry, how to explain how many things change on a single day. But actually, [20:06.520 --> 20:11.040] the process of planning is extremely valuable. You know, I'm going to say a word that probably [20:11.040 --> 20:15.600] sounds scary, which is like financial modeling, but it's really, you just go and download [20:15.600 --> 20:21.000] a spreadsheet, fill a few values, change it to whatever you need, and that will provide [20:21.000 --> 20:25.640] you a lot of insight into the levers that actually move your business. So if, for example, [20:25.640 --> 20:31.040] you want to charge people $5 and you think you're going to be able to reach 2,000 customers, [20:31.040 --> 20:35.920] that means that you're going to make $10,000 a month. Maybe enough for you, maybe not enough [20:35.920 --> 20:39.440] to sustain a business, but now you know, maybe you need to increase the price, or maybe you [20:39.440 --> 20:43.840] need to have a different business model. So really, just the process of planning is extremely [20:43.840 --> 20:47.080] valuable. Now that you know the plan, you kind of know [20:47.080 --> 20:52.240] how you're going to make money, it's very important to assess the business opportunity. [20:52.240 --> 20:57.000] One common wrong way to do it is to say, well, you know, the software industry is vast. It's [20:57.000 --> 21:01.440] $1 trillion. If we do really well, Microsoft has 5% of it. If we do really well, we can [21:01.440 --> 21:06.880] go to 1%, and that's a lot of money. Realistically, that just doesn't make sense, and there's like [21:06.880 --> 21:12.200] so many variables that are hidden here that, you know, it just doesn't add any insights. [21:12.200 --> 21:17.240] Like the much better way to do it is bottoms up analysis. So it's essentially you saying, [21:17.240 --> 21:21.040] well, you know, we make $5 out of each customer. I think we can get to a million customers [21:21.040 --> 21:26.240] next year, and then 5 million 5 years after, and then 100 million 10 years after. And you [21:26.240 --> 21:28.520] probably not going to hit 100 million, or probably you're going to change some stuff [21:28.520 --> 21:33.720] in the business, that's fine. But just understanding that where you're heading is a $500 million [21:33.720 --> 21:37.560] a year business, that already gives you enough of context, and like gives you investors enough [21:37.560 --> 21:42.000] context to know what it is, you know, what kind of business you have. [21:42.000 --> 21:47.360] It's also important to ask, are you really selling $2 for $1? Like is your business model [21:47.360 --> 21:51.760] is like a losing model? So those are a bit more advanced questions. It's better to just [21:51.760 --> 21:56.200] do the market sizing in the beginning, but that's just something to keep in mind. And [21:56.200 --> 22:00.200] when asked here from Cal.com, like it's the open source calendar, I don't know if you [22:00.200 --> 22:05.200] know this one, and his top advice, he said that as an open source startup, you actually [22:05.200 --> 22:10.680] need a 10x time. Time is total addressable market. So like the, what I said in 10 years, [22:10.680 --> 22:15.760] 100 million. And what he was saying by that is, you know, you're cannibalizing your own [22:15.760 --> 22:19.880] business. If you have a successful open source project, people are going to self-host it. [22:19.880 --> 22:24.760] At least I hope. And that means that you're competing with, you know, the most formidable [22:24.760 --> 22:29.040] competitor. They're always going to be at least as good as you are. And you're going [22:29.040 --> 22:32.320] to lose, right? So you have to understand that some people are not going to buy the, [22:32.320 --> 22:36.520] you know, the extra paid product. And that's important to keep in mind. [22:36.520 --> 22:42.560] I asked Nick from QuestDB, like his perspective, and for them, their delay in monetization, [22:42.560 --> 22:45.760] actually not charging money. And that I know, like the reason why I wanted to highlight [22:45.760 --> 22:49.760] this one, is that that's often a point of really cool about startups, like, oh, you [22:49.760 --> 22:53.440] know, this startup is losing like $10 million a year. But what you have to understand is [22:53.440 --> 22:56.360] that there are two kinds of losses. There are the losses that don't make sense, and you're [22:56.360 --> 23:00.960] just burning money for no good reason. And then the losses that are part of a strategy, [23:00.960 --> 23:05.320] like Nick's, which is saying, you know, we're only valuable if we actually have an ecosystem [23:05.320 --> 23:09.960] around us. We're only valuable if people actually use the product. And after that, we can figure [23:09.960 --> 23:13.600] out ways to make money. Or we already know how we're going to make money, but we can [23:13.600 --> 23:19.480] defer that. Okay. Now we can talk about go-to-market. [23:19.480 --> 23:23.360] Again, fancy way of saying getting customers. You know, you have to remember that at the [23:23.360 --> 23:26.880] end of the day, you're a business, and you need to make money. And paying customers are [23:26.880 --> 23:32.800] your business. Again, you can start by non-paying in the beginning, but you need customers. [23:32.800 --> 23:37.680] One common way of thinking about it is if you build it, they will come. It worked in [23:37.680 --> 23:41.640] the past, but it probably not going to work for you. You know, it worked for Linux, because [23:41.640 --> 23:46.880] that was the first open-source operating system. It worked for KDE. It worked for a lot of [23:46.880 --> 23:51.400] Linux distributions. But realistically for you, you're going to have a lot of competition, [23:51.400 --> 23:55.680] and people are most likely, like the market is most likely very saturated. So people are [23:55.680 --> 24:02.080] not just going to show up. So what you can do, though, is do things that [24:02.080 --> 24:08.120] don't scale. Again, as we said earlier, what does that mean? You know people. Ask, you [24:08.120 --> 24:15.040] know, email 200 people from your contact list to try your product. Or you're here at FOSDM. [24:15.040 --> 24:18.960] Just go to a relevant area or relevant dev room and just chat to people and just ask [24:18.960 --> 24:22.320] them to try your product. There are a lot of easy ways that are definitely not going [24:22.320 --> 24:25.960] to work. That's not how you're going to get to 100 million customers, but that's how you're [24:25.960 --> 24:29.840] going to get to your first stand. And you want to focus on the easy ones, like trying [24:29.840 --> 24:32.960] to sell to Amazon sounds like a very, you know, like, oh my god, they're going to pay [24:32.960 --> 24:37.560] me $10 million a year. That's amazing. But realistically, it's going to take six months [24:37.560 --> 24:42.000] until you get anywhere, and then it's going to fail. But even if it doesn't fail, then [24:42.000 --> 24:44.800] you succeed. It took you a year, and you're probably out of business by the time you even [24:44.800 --> 24:50.040] like managed to scratch the surface on that deal. And again, few that love you are much [24:50.040 --> 24:58.480] better than many who like. Go-to-market is a very common topic with both technical and [24:58.480 --> 25:03.520] open-source developers. The reason why is because we're technical. We don't think about marketing. [25:03.520 --> 25:07.360] We don't think about sales. We don't think about those things. And so a lot of people [25:07.360 --> 25:13.120] had a lot of feedback about that. One, ship as early as possible. Another one, learn marketing. [25:13.120 --> 25:17.560] Another one, you know, if you're trying to sell to companies, maybe start by getting [25:17.560 --> 25:21.040] the individuals at home first, because that's much easier than getting the approval and [25:21.040 --> 25:26.560] the contract and all of that going on. Now that you're kind of like, you're starting [25:26.560 --> 25:31.720] to get customers, you know, there's some traction, you actually have to, you know, have some [25:31.720 --> 25:36.160] metrics. And by metrics, I don't mean Google Analytics and like tracking your customers. [25:36.160 --> 25:42.760] I really just mean like knowing our things are even going the right way. And so, and [25:42.760 --> 25:45.720] also actually like if you know, if you're tracking the important things, you can also [25:45.720 --> 25:49.440] affect them. You can like, oh, revenue is not growing as much as we wanted. I guess we [25:49.440 --> 25:54.320] can, you know, do something about it. And so you really want to track the most important [25:54.320 --> 25:59.840] parts of the business. Often revenue, but you know, some precursor to revenue can be, [25:59.840 --> 26:04.640] you know, can be a good one as well. And it's really easy to go for vanity metrics. Like [26:04.640 --> 26:08.000] one of the founders, I'm not going to put, I didn't put a quote from him, but he said [26:08.000 --> 26:12.880] that they were tracking PyPy downloads. So like the Python package manager. That sounds [26:12.880 --> 26:16.960] great. The problem is, again, like CI, all of those kind of bots, all of those things [26:16.960 --> 26:20.040] actually download packages from there as well. And they thought they had a lot of traction [26:20.040 --> 26:25.280] but actually had nothing. So that's something to keep in mind. So there's some good metrics [26:25.280 --> 26:30.640] that you can use. You know, revenue is always king. If you're making money, great. But also [26:30.640 --> 26:35.080] a number of customers using you in production. So a few big companies that everyone knows [26:35.080 --> 26:39.960] are already using you to, you know, to serve millions of customers. That's something. Even [26:39.960 --> 26:44.800] if you're not making money now, you can probably make money later. Some insufficient ones are [26:44.800 --> 26:49.240] GitHub stars, signups, downloads, Twitter followers. You know, a GitHub star is really [26:49.240 --> 26:56.360] just someone clicked a button. Maybe that someone is a target customer, maybe not. Signups, [26:56.360 --> 26:58.920] maybe they signed up and then they dropped because they realized it's not even the product [26:58.920 --> 27:03.640] that they want. They're like a lot of really false signals here. And also, GitHub stars [27:03.640 --> 27:08.080] don't mean that you have a great business. So this one has like 240,000 stars, like one [27:08.080 --> 27:12.560] of the top star repos. But it's a set of tutorials. And maybe it's a great business. I don't know. [27:12.560 --> 27:20.240] They can spin it into something. But it's definitely not a business on its face value. [27:20.240 --> 27:23.680] But a lot of stars can definitely indicate that you're onto something. Again, this is [27:23.680 --> 27:29.040] from Superbase. They're at 40,000 stars and they're just growing like crazy every year [27:29.040 --> 27:36.240] consistently for two years, I guess. That's something. And that's just like an indication [27:36.240 --> 27:41.880] of the market share that they're gaining with the developers. So I guess the main question [27:41.880 --> 27:45.440] that we need to ask is whether we should even open source. I talked about all of that. And [27:45.440 --> 27:49.360] before you boom me off stage, I know this is not the right place to ask this question. [27:49.360 --> 27:53.280] But you have to understand it's actually a business decision. At the end of the day, [27:53.280 --> 27:58.000] you took money from investors. You promised them to return them more money. You got people [27:58.000 --> 28:00.840] on board, offered them a job and told them that you're going to be around for five years. [28:00.840 --> 28:06.640] So you have to make the best decision for your business. And there are reasons for both [28:06.640 --> 28:12.560] doing it and not doing it. And so one thing is your customers even care. Maybe they don't [28:12.560 --> 28:17.280] even know what open source is. I don't even know. I don't want to go with some cliche, [28:17.280 --> 28:21.520] but they just have no idea what open source is and they couldn't care less. Is there a [28:21.520 --> 28:25.840] business advantage to be in open source? So for example, when you're a developer tool, [28:25.840 --> 28:32.040] that means that people can try your product more easily. That's great. Maybe go open source. [28:32.040 --> 28:36.880] And does it even make businesses? You're just going to cut yourself. You're going to just [28:36.880 --> 28:42.600] kill your own business. So ideology is fine. I've done it for ideology as well with Etisink. [28:42.600 --> 28:45.760] It started as an open source project. But you just have to remember that at the end of [28:45.760 --> 28:52.320] the day, you're building a business. So they're definitely upsides. Engaged community really [28:52.320 --> 28:57.000] helps. Again, so many volunteers outside handing out flyers about projects, really promoting [28:57.000 --> 29:01.680] them. And you can also hire from the community. No need to find great developers if you already [29:01.680 --> 29:06.360] have developers that know your code base and been contributing code. Increase trust. Healthy [29:06.360 --> 29:11.840] communication that comes with open source. Easier adoption, as I said, with DevTools. [29:11.840 --> 29:16.440] And also the product is just more flexible. People can just fork it and adjust it to whatever [29:16.440 --> 29:22.680] they need. They're also downsides though. Balance the community and business needs. [29:22.680 --> 29:29.440] Does this one go to the open source product or does this stay as a priority extension? [29:29.440 --> 29:32.960] Getting a burnout is a good topic. It's a very front of mind topic for a lot of people [29:32.960 --> 29:37.120] nowadays and it's absolutely true. And the same with support, right? I mean, people asking [29:37.120 --> 29:41.080] questions about your product on GitHub, you want to make sure you're going to give them [29:41.080 --> 29:43.920] the best support possible. But they're not paying you in the end. So you're doing a lot [29:43.920 --> 29:48.440] of free support, which is fine. It's part of being a project, but also it can be overwhelming [29:48.440 --> 29:53.720] at times. It's really harder to say no to things because everything is in the open. [29:53.720 --> 29:58.960] And also startups win on speed. You really have to compete and move fast. And enabling [29:58.960 --> 30:02.320] self-hosting and doing database migration, seamless migration, all of those kind of things [30:02.320 --> 30:06.520] just makes things so much harder. And maintaining two core bases, which you have to do because [30:06.520 --> 30:11.040] you're going to have customizations for specific customers or you're going to have hacks for [30:11.040 --> 30:14.360] specific customers. You're going to have a ticketing system where you're going to say, [30:14.360 --> 30:18.680] well, you know, customer X asks for this. We have to finish it now. You're not going [30:18.680 --> 30:23.200] to be able to do that in the open just because your customers wouldn't want that. And also [30:23.200 --> 30:27.840] your secret sauce may be public. And you're really just undercutting yourself on price. [30:27.840 --> 30:34.560] You're looking to self-host. So there are downsides. Another quote that I like is by [30:34.560 --> 30:40.360] Joseph Jax. He said don't open source something you don't want to commoditize because you're [30:40.360 --> 30:44.080] open sourcing your secret sauce. You're open sourcing all of the internal structure. It's [30:44.080 --> 30:49.000] actually really easy to mimic or even fork, but definitely to mimic what you're building. [30:49.000 --> 30:51.920] So just assume it's a commodity the moment you release it and make sure that the stuff [30:51.920 --> 30:58.040] that you don't want to be a commodity, they stay proprietary. Okay. So now we can talk [30:58.040 --> 31:02.880] about fundraising. I know this is something that people are often mystified by even just [31:02.880 --> 31:07.440] by the amount of people that asked me about it in the last 48 hours alone. So happy to [31:07.440 --> 31:14.480] cover a bit of it. So the first thing is that you're dealing with investors. And when you're [31:14.480 --> 31:17.560] dealing with people, you have to understand what do they actually care about and understand [31:17.560 --> 31:23.680] how they think. So the first thing to understand is the power law venture capital investments. [31:23.680 --> 31:31.080] What does that mean? Let's assume for simplicity that a fund invests in 100 companies. Most [31:31.080 --> 31:35.320] startups fail. So that means 90 are going to fail. And they invest a million in each. [31:35.320 --> 31:39.600] So 90 are going to fail. Okay. They already lost $90 million. And now they have 10 live [31:39.600 --> 31:45.360] companies. Let's say five of them are going to return, sorry, eight of them are going [31:45.360 --> 31:50.040] to return 5X. Okay. That's a good outcome. They invested for a certain amount of money. [31:50.040 --> 31:55.120] It's now worth 5X that amount. Great return. So that's $40 million that they made. And [31:55.120 --> 32:01.640] then the last two, so they lost 90. They just made 40. So they're down 50. So the last two, [32:01.640 --> 32:05.440] the last two companies really need to carry the whole weight of the whole investment fund [32:05.440 --> 32:10.440] to actually make a return. So that means the last two probably need to return 100X each. [32:10.440 --> 32:14.520] So if they invested a value of 10 million, it needs to be worth a billion now. And it's [32:14.520 --> 32:18.960] really the old venture model is based on the fact they're trying to find these one or two [32:18.960 --> 32:24.360] companies in their whole fund that is going to be 100X. Facebook was a 2000X or something [32:24.360 --> 32:29.440] like that. Uber as well. They're companies that are definitely outliers. Apple as well [32:29.440 --> 32:36.520] if you look at the whole 30 years at a time. So the moment to understand that they don't [32:36.520 --> 32:43.280] care about your 5X, because that 5X was $40 million out of the 240 that they made, you [32:43.280 --> 32:49.880] really have to position yourself as that 100X. And you also have to understand that they [32:49.880 --> 32:54.240] have investors. So even though you're talking to that person and they love what you're doing [32:54.240 --> 32:59.080] and they're open source developers themselves, they really want the product, whatever, they [32:59.080 --> 33:02.320] have investors to answer for. They told them, hey, I'm going to invest your money and I'm [33:02.320 --> 33:07.880] going to give you that amount of return. So really, you have to make sure to understand [33:07.880 --> 33:13.680] that dynamic. It's also, it's their job. I mean, here I wrote, you know, stay in touch, [33:13.680 --> 33:17.400] but really it's their job to waste your time. And they want to like meet you. They want [33:17.400 --> 33:20.360] to like know more about the space because they're going to invest in a competitor and [33:20.360 --> 33:23.800] they really want to understand the space better. They want to know about all the cool companies [33:23.800 --> 33:27.120] so they can tell their friends at the country club that, I mean, that was maybe a bit of [33:27.120 --> 33:30.880] an extreme joke, but they want to tell their friends that they've talked to all of these [33:30.880 --> 33:34.920] cool companies that are just doing very well now. This is not your job. Your job is to [33:34.920 --> 33:40.200] build a company, not to waste your time talking to investors. And another thing to remember [33:40.200 --> 33:47.160] is that not a yes is a no. So investors want to invest in the really good companies. As [33:47.160 --> 33:51.440] I said, they want to invest in the hundred extra. It's really hard to know if this company [33:51.440 --> 33:54.760] is that. So what they're going to say, they're not going to say, well, no, this is stupid. [33:54.760 --> 33:57.240] I'm not going to invest in you. What they're going to say is like, oh my God, this sounds [33:57.240 --> 34:01.020] amazing. I need to build my conviction for a few weeks and I'm going to like do some [34:01.020 --> 34:04.200] research and I'm going to like talk to you then and then they disappear. But if they [34:04.200 --> 34:08.320] see that some big name investor is talking to you or there's some traction there, then [34:08.320 --> 34:12.880] they're going to come back and complain to you and say, well, I told you I was interested. [34:12.880 --> 34:15.360] But really what they said in the beginning was no and you're never going to hear back [34:15.360 --> 34:18.440] from them again. So it's really important to count that as a no and not to count that [34:18.440 --> 34:25.440] as a yes. And another thing is that you want to believe the no, but not the why. So again, [34:25.440 --> 34:29.320] they want to invest in you, maybe not even in this company, but maybe in your next company, [34:29.320 --> 34:36.800] but they want to invest in the best companies. And if they're going to tell you, you suck, [34:36.800 --> 34:41.280] you're not going to talk to them the next time. So they're really going to say something [34:41.280 --> 34:44.960] nice like, oh, you know, this is, you know, our fund is like slowing down its investment [34:44.960 --> 34:48.560] so that really this is not the right time for us. But like, let's chat again in a couple [34:48.560 --> 34:52.480] of months. Really what they mean by that is leave me alone. I don't want to invest. [34:52.480 --> 34:56.680] And so like don't like, don't count it as a yes in a couple of months. Just count it [34:56.680 --> 35:02.440] as a no, essentially. Also like everything, it's a business. You want to have a plan. [35:02.440 --> 35:05.880] How much are you going to raise? What are you going to actually do with the money? Like, [35:05.880 --> 35:09.680] you know, it sounds good. I'm going to raise $2 million, but are you going to hire people? [35:09.680 --> 35:13.200] What are those people going to achieve? You know, figure those things out. How much of [35:13.200 --> 35:17.200] the money are you willing to sell? Are you willing to sell 90% of the company for $1 [35:17.200 --> 35:20.940] million? Are you willing to send 10? Those are all questions that you have to come in [35:20.940 --> 35:24.720] prepared for because you're dealing with professional negotiators that are going to rip you to [35:24.720 --> 35:29.720] shreds if you don't have like a strong stance on any of those. Another thing is to speak [35:29.720 --> 35:36.880] to investors all at once. So investors talk, as I mentioned, and they will talk about the [35:36.880 --> 35:41.400] cool companies that are chatting with. And if they're going to see that you've been talking [35:41.400 --> 35:45.800] to investors for the last year and you haven't raised around yet, that probably means you're [35:45.800 --> 35:51.080] tainted goods and they're not going to want to invest in you as well. So the right thing [35:51.080 --> 35:54.800] to do is probably try to invest money, like raise capital for like two, three months, [35:54.800 --> 35:58.880] and after that, if that doesn't work out, just stop, go back to building your business. [35:58.880 --> 36:01.360] If you're a developer, you probably don't need that money anyway. You can just continue [36:01.360 --> 36:08.920] building the product and then come back stronger in a few months. I'm going to rush this one [36:08.920 --> 36:13.600] a bit, but if you want to find investors, start with angels. Don't chase Sequoia. They're [36:13.600 --> 36:18.400] not going to invest in a small company, or they very rarely do. Don't waste your time. [36:18.400 --> 36:24.320] Build traction with angels, like small checks, and find people that are excited by the space, [36:24.320 --> 36:29.120] invested in similar companies, ask your friends. But really, the most important thing is don't [36:29.120 --> 36:33.760] take intros from investors who haven't invested. Investors want to look good, and again, they [36:33.760 --> 36:36.640] want to look like they know all the companies. So they're going to tell you, hey, I'm going [36:36.640 --> 36:40.840] to introduce you. I know a guy, Sequoia. I'm going to introduce you to him. I know a girl. [36:40.840 --> 36:46.000] They're that fun. But really what happens is that if they haven't invested in you themselves, [36:46.000 --> 36:49.000] they're just signals to Sequoia that you're tainted goods, because they don't want to [36:49.000 --> 36:53.600] invest in you, so why should they? So that's a really bad strategy to accept those intros. [36:53.600 --> 37:01.640] Just say that you already have enough traction and interest. But once they invest, by all [37:01.640 --> 37:06.000] means, that's the strongest signal. Someone put their money on you, have them introduce, [37:06.000 --> 37:09.400] have them go on a building and shout to the world that they've invested, and get introductions [37:09.400 --> 37:17.800] from them. This is actually where I see founders error the most, not because maybe that's the [37:17.800 --> 37:22.880] most common place for mistakes. It's just a place that I'm exposed to the most, is their [37:22.880 --> 37:27.680] decks and their pitch. You want to really keep it short. You want them asking for more, [37:27.680 --> 37:33.080] not going through 80 pages of boring stuff about whatever. You want to keep it short, [37:33.080 --> 37:38.720] short, 10, maybe 15 slides, really on point. You want to highlight what's most impressive, [37:38.720 --> 37:44.640] and in your case, it's probably team, maybe idea. Maybe if you have a really impressive [37:44.640 --> 37:48.320] set of customers, that's great. Highlight that. But most likely, you don't need to analyze [37:48.320 --> 37:52.840] your $2,000 a month revenue, because again, they don't care about that. It's not something [37:52.840 --> 37:58.000] that they see impressive. So focus on the stuff that are impressive. [37:58.000 --> 38:01.960] Another thing that people often get wrong is they confuse their customers with investors. [38:01.960 --> 38:06.040] So they go to the investor and assume the investor has the problem. The investor actually [38:06.040 --> 38:10.280] really cares about, I don't even know, I don't have an example at the top of my head, but [38:10.280 --> 38:14.480] they really care about this topic, and they understand the problem, and they face it themselves, [38:14.480 --> 38:19.960] and they really feel it. And if you told them about all the research that you've done, about [38:19.960 --> 38:24.120] this product, and how you solve it, they're going to really be interested about that. [38:24.120 --> 38:26.880] The most likely scenario is that they don't even know what you're talking about. It's [38:26.880 --> 38:31.200] not their job to be subject matter experts in whatever it is esoteric thing that you're [38:31.200 --> 38:35.600] building. They just need you to demonstrate that there is a problem. People really care [38:35.600 --> 38:39.160] about that. People are going to pay you money. This is how much money you're going to make. [38:39.160 --> 38:42.320] This is how you're solving it, not necessarily in this order. This is who you are and why [38:42.320 --> 38:47.960] you're the best person or best team to solve it. [38:47.960 --> 38:52.640] And obviously, you want to know your business inside out. You want to be concise, so let [38:52.640 --> 38:56.800] them ask questions, always iterate. Every after every call, I would go back and make [38:56.800 --> 39:04.840] sure that I get better after every call. On the call, be calm, relax, don't look desperate. [39:04.840 --> 39:08.920] You can sense desperation a mile away. When we were fundraising, I knew the worst case, [39:08.920 --> 39:12.400] I'm a developer, I can build a product myself. I don't need their money. I would love to [39:12.400 --> 39:18.120] have it, but I don't need it. That made it possible for me to relax and show that confidence [39:18.120 --> 39:23.040] that they're looking for. You're also assessing them. Ask questions, figure out if you want [39:23.040 --> 39:28.080] to take their money, because you're going to be with them for the long run if they're [39:28.080 --> 39:33.040] going to invest, so that's important. Also, only the CEO should go on calls. Don't [39:33.040 --> 39:37.840] do party conversations. First of all, just distraction, but also, you're going to get [39:37.840 --> 39:44.320] so many noses, and it's much better that less people get pounded with all of these noses, [39:44.320 --> 39:49.840] and the other people can actually focus on the business and continue. [39:49.840 --> 39:54.320] So the deal, this is mostly a side for you to read afterwards, but there are a lot of [39:54.320 --> 39:58.000] topics like, is it simple, is it fast, or are we going to spend 200,000 on lawyers in [39:58.000 --> 40:02.360] this deal? What are the terms for Rata, liquidation preference? All of those kind of things, you [40:02.360 --> 40:08.920] need to understand before you jump on that call, and make sure that what they're offering [40:08.920 --> 40:14.120] is what you're willing to accept. One thing that really grinds my gears, by the way, is [40:14.120 --> 40:20.120] investors that tell you, we invest 500,000. 50% of that is in money, and 50% of that is [40:20.120 --> 40:25.120] in services. So we're going to let you use our office and use our designers. I don't [40:25.120 --> 40:29.840] want your services. I'm going to hire my own designers, and that is such a rip-off if you [40:29.840 --> 40:36.520] ask me, and avoid those if you can. So final notes about fundraising. You only need one [40:36.520 --> 40:41.960] yes. When preparing this talk, I was thinking in my head, how many noses did I get when [40:41.960 --> 40:45.440] fundraising? I thought probably one, two. Then I looked at my notes, it was probably close [40:45.440 --> 40:50.480] to 50, but I really couldn't care less, because that doesn't matter. I only need one yes. [40:50.480 --> 40:53.120] You probably need more than one yes, you're probably going to get a few investors, but [40:53.120 --> 40:57.680] once you get a yes, the flywheel is rolling. Ignore the naysayers, ignore the assholes, [40:57.680 --> 41:01.640] you're going to meet some really shitty people along the way. They're humans as well, so [41:01.640 --> 41:06.680] just ignore those. Fundraising is definitely not success. Fundraising is definitely not [41:06.680 --> 41:10.680] company building. You need to actually build your company. This is not the end, this is [41:10.680 --> 41:16.480] just the beginning. You may not be able to raise some expectations, be ready for that, [41:16.480 --> 41:21.280] have a plan B, that's absolutely fine as well. As I said, very hard to fire investors, so [41:21.280 --> 41:26.480] watch out who you put in your cap table and who you marry. Another small point is that [41:26.480 --> 41:32.880] many investors only invest in certain locales, so a lot of investors only invest in the US. [41:32.880 --> 41:39.080] That's something to keep in mind. Why a big fan? They find a lot of open-source startups. [41:39.080 --> 41:42.440] They've been transformational for us. I would really consider applying. We got rejected [41:42.440 --> 41:47.600] many times. Don't let it hold you back. There are a lot of great open-source startups, GitLab, [41:47.600 --> 41:53.240] Docker, Superbase, HopeHosog, really the list just goes on and on. You're going to be in [41:53.240 --> 41:59.640] good company. One thing is that you need to be aware of the siren song. The tempting places [41:59.640 --> 42:04.600] where things usually go wrong for people. One place, as I said, fundraising or valuation [42:04.600 --> 42:08.960] or money raise or thinking that talking to an investor is actually success. But again, [42:08.960 --> 42:13.520] no, you need to build your company. Another area that people go wrong is that thinking [42:13.520 --> 42:17.840] that hiring more people is actually success. Managing 20 people. How big is your team? [42:17.840 --> 42:22.400] People ask me that all the time. We're small. The reason why we're small is because that's [42:22.400 --> 42:25.480] what we need to build a kick-ass product. This is something that you need to keep in [42:25.480 --> 42:31.120] mind. Burning money does not equate success. Plain startup does not build a company. Going [42:31.120 --> 42:35.560] to pitch competition, startup conferences, startup meetups, investor chats, all of those [42:35.560 --> 42:42.160] kind of things. Fun. Chasing press as well. Maybe fun. Honestly, probably fun. But it [42:42.160 --> 42:46.720] really just don't mean anything for the bottom line of your business. Just don't do it. Also [42:46.720 --> 42:50.840] remember, you really have not made it. Really don't look focused. The only thing that matters [42:50.840 --> 42:56.360] are customers, product, team and metrics. That's it. Everything else is just noise or [42:56.360 --> 43:03.160] maybe an enabler to get to everything else. So some lessons I personally learned the hard [43:03.160 --> 43:09.080] way is that you're no longer an engineer. I really like coding. That's it. I wake up, [43:09.080 --> 43:14.080] I love coding. And it's really hard to remember that this is not why you raise capital. Like [43:14.080 --> 43:19.160] this is not what my job is at the business anymore. I'm the CEO. I need to do just business [43:19.160 --> 43:24.760] stuff. I can help with the code. I can help with the architecture. But my main time should [43:24.760 --> 43:30.320] be spent on go-to-market. Opportunities are not going to last forever. Just grab them [43:30.320 --> 43:33.880] when you see them. It's very easy to say, I'm just going to perfect this landing page [43:33.880 --> 43:37.760] for a couple more weeks and then I'm going to take this opportunity. But then the opportunity [43:37.760 --> 43:43.000] is going to be gone. We missed a few in the beginning. People are going to be trying to [43:43.000 --> 43:49.360] take advantage of you. So just watch out. You're running a large budget. So just watch [43:49.360 --> 43:55.840] out for those people. Be mindful and protective of your time. So a lot of people are going [43:55.840 --> 43:59.840] to want to chat, catch up, whatever. Great. But as I said, you're going to be working [43:59.840 --> 44:07.240] 24 hours. So maybe spare the 25th hour for some fun stuff or maybe more work. And the [44:07.240 --> 44:11.240] last thing is that you really want to surround yourself with optimists. The truth is that [44:11.240 --> 44:15.120] your startup sucks. And it's going to suck for the longest time. So the last thing you [44:15.120 --> 44:21.720] want is people that are negative around you. A few more things. Team, super important. [44:21.720 --> 44:25.920] Early team sets the tone. Bad hires can really derail the company. Great co-founders can [44:25.920 --> 44:29.640] make the difference. I've seen it multiple times. But actually better to start on your [44:29.640 --> 44:35.360] own than having a terrible co-founder, which I've also had. You're really in control of [44:35.360 --> 44:39.440] your destiny. If something isn't working, you can change it. The only thing you cannot [44:39.440 --> 44:43.560] change is the market. But really just iterate, iterate, iterate. You can get lucky. We got [44:43.560 --> 44:47.760] lucky many times. Just put yourself out there. Talk to customers and you're going to notice [44:47.760 --> 44:51.080] something that no one else has and you're going to get lucky. And it's really a game [44:51.080 --> 44:54.600] of persistence. You can't lose unless you stop. Obviously I'm not saying go and bang [44:54.600 --> 45:00.040] your hand against the wall. You have to have some, you know, some acumen there. But as [45:00.040 --> 45:05.400] long as you don't give up, you're going to win. So just a few closing advice. It's very [45:05.400 --> 45:10.760] easy to think that hiring X will fix everything. Or customer X, once we get them, that's it. [45:10.760 --> 45:14.760] The business is going to go crazy. Or maybe this investor is going to change the destiny [45:14.760 --> 45:19.200] of the company. And maybe. Maybe some of them will. But it's really just on to you to actually [45:19.200 --> 45:23.760] fix the company and make it work. And you have to remember everything is sales. So you [45:23.760 --> 45:26.680] have to really get good at it. You want to get customers. You're going to get candidates. [45:26.680 --> 45:29.280] You're going to get investors. You have to sell them on the vision of the company and [45:29.280 --> 45:36.040] the company itself. Some more sources of great advice. YC YouTube channel, library. I mean, [45:36.040 --> 45:40.920] check it out afterwards in the slides. And yeah. And that's it. I just want to give you [45:40.920 --> 45:46.800] like a few closing words before I open the floor for questions. So make sure that it's [45:46.800 --> 45:51.360] really what you want. I mean, I kind of like try to dissuade you a bit in the beginning [45:51.360 --> 45:55.440] because really you need to be, you need to want to start this company even with my dissuasion [45:55.440 --> 46:00.440] there. And the only important things are to talk to your customers and build a product. [46:00.440 --> 46:03.920] Nothing else matters at this stage. You want to build something that people love. You have [46:03.920 --> 46:08.920] to remember it's a business. It's not, you know, not an open source project. It's something [46:08.920 --> 46:13.800] that you have to actually make money. And this is the primer, but there's so much more [46:13.800 --> 46:17.560] to it. And this is just to get you from zero to one. Every stage of the company is different [46:17.560 --> 46:21.400] and there's so much more and like, and maybe conflicting advice once you get to the one [46:21.400 --> 46:27.440] and once you get to the two. And one more thing. It's your job to be the number one [46:27.440 --> 46:33.200] evangelist of the company. And so always be selling. And in that spirit, if you need webhooks [46:33.200 --> 46:39.120] or you want to work at a fast growing startup, yeah, come talk to me about Sviks. And that's [46:39.120 --> 46:40.120] it. Any questions? [46:40.120 --> 46:47.120] Yeah. Sorry, a bit over. [46:47.120 --> 46:54.120] Amazing talk. Thanks a lot.