The OSPO Alliance was launched in 2021 as a way to promote good governance and excellence in open source software management, particularly to help organizations that are unfamiliar with open source to set up an Open Source Program Office (OSPO). The OSPO is responsible for managing everything related to open source within an organization, including defining and implementing an open source strategy, fostering awareness and participation in the open source ecosystem, and ensuring good practices in areas such as legal, technical, and security. The OSPO Alliance provides an open, accessible, and free resource in the form of the Good Governance Initiative Handbook, which outlines 25 good practices that organizations can implement to improve their OSPO operations and to become good citizens of the open source community. The Handbook includes a scorecard that organizations can customize to their specific needs and a deployable GGI program that creates GitLab issues for the 25 activities, enabling organizations to track their progress more easily. The OSPO Alliance welcomes all types and sizes of organizations and is governed by open source principles.