In this talk, the speaker discusses the merging of two worlds: broadcast and WebRTC. They provide definitions and explanations of WebRTC, SRT, NDI, and RIST, and how they are used in the broadcasting industry. The speaker introduces the concepts of WIP and WEP, which are protocols for HTTP ingestion and egress with WebRTC. They explain how these protocols can make it easier to use WebRTC for media delivery and support hardware encoders, software like OBS, and platforms like GStreamer. The talk emphasizes the open innovation and support for open source projects that WIP and WEP can bring. The speaker also mentions that Comcon 2023, a conference they run in the UK, will be happening in person soon and invites attendees to apply for job openings at their company. The Q&A addresses questions about AWS CDI, Matrix integration, layer selection, and support for SVC and Simulcast in hardware.