The Talk given by Michael Dobrich at the FOSDEM conference in 2023 was about modern camera handling in Chromium. Dobrich discussed the current camera handling in Chromium, which uses the Video for Linux kernel API. He then explained the need for additional camera handling features, such as the ability to choose which camera to use and support for IP cameras. Dobrich described his implementation of a new high-level API for camera access using the XDG desktop portal and PipeWire. He also discussed the challenges he faced during the implementation and the progress made so far. Dobrich mentioned that the camera support in WebRTC is mostly complete and pending merge requests for Chromium. He highlighted some future features and improvements, such as rotation and support for camera controls. Dobrich expressed his hope that with further development and feature parity, the PipeWire camera support could become the default option in Chromium. Dobrich ended his talk by thanking his customer for sponsoring the work, as well as the reviewers and testers who helped make the implementation possible.