The talk at the FOSDEM conference in 2023 was titled "Decentralized Search with IPFS". The speaker provided an overview of IPFS, explaining that it is a decentralized storage and delivery network that uses peer-to-peer networking and content-based addressing. They discussed the process of installing IPFS and walked through the different commands and steps involved in adding and publishing content to the network. The speaker also explained the concepts of content routing and the distributed hash table used by IPFS to find content host for a given content identifier (CID). They discussed the importance of decoupling content from its host, the censorship resistance of IPFS, and its potential to alleviate backbone addiction. The speaker also mentioned some companies that are building on top of IPFS and encouraged attendees to get involved in the project. The Q&A session at the end covered topics such as how all nodes in the network share files with each other, the resilience of IPFS against malicious actors, the concept of identity and trust in IPFS, the issue of deleting content, and the possibility of searching and indexing files stored in IPFS.