The talk at the FOSDEM conference in 2023 was about improving clients and making them faster. The first speaker discussed Scaling Sync, a mechanism that syncs instantly. He explained how Scaling Sync works and how it can be implemented using a proxy server and Postgres database. He also mentioned the benefits of Scaling Sync, such as reducing sync time and improving performance. The second speaker talked about the Rust SDK, which is being used to build the new Element X client. The Rust SDK offers an async type-safe API, persistent storage support, and transparent end-to-end encryption. The speaker also mentioned the plans to share components between Element X and other projects, as well as the development of a Rich Text Editor SDK. The third speaker discussed the goals of Element X, including improving user experience, performance, and reliability. They also mentioned their plans to implement multi-user account support and improve testing and code coverage. Overall, the talk focused on the development of Element X and the improvements being made to clients and free and open source software development.