The talk at the FOSDEM conference in 2023 was given by Matthew, the project lead and co-founder of Matrix. He discussed the work that has been done to improve Matrix's performance and fix its performance problems. Matrix is an open network for secure decentralized real-time communication that can be used for interoperable chats, VoIP, and more. Matthew explained the architecture of the Matrix ecosystem and highlighted the various clients, servers, and bots that are part of it. He showcased ElementX, a rewrite of Element mobile in Rust using the Matrix Rust SDK, and demonstrated its improved performance. Matthew also mentioned the work that has been done on the Matrix specification, the uptake of Matrix in various industries, such as healthcare and education, and the plans for the future, including the integration of OpenID Connect, the use of decentralized MLS for end-to-end encryption, and the development of peer-to-peer Matrix and third-room, a decentralized virtual world platform. Matthew concluded by urging people to use Matrix, contribute to the community, and financially support the Foundation.