[00:00.000 --> 00:13.680] I'm Hans-Einorichot and I'm the developer community architect for the Document Foundation [00:13.680 --> 00:14.680] TDF. [00:14.680 --> 00:22.800] Today, I would like to talk about smart art support for LibreOffice. [00:22.800 --> 00:29.200] So here's the list of contents that I will talk about here in the stock. [00:29.520 --> 00:37.560] Then support status in different aspects from the important display to saving and editing, [00:37.560 --> 00:43.480] then audio compatibility and application support. [00:43.480 --> 00:48.480] And then I will discuss some of the remaining bugs. [00:48.480 --> 01:00.880] So smart art was a feature that was introduced in MSF East 2007 and it is still supported [01:00.880 --> 01:05.000] in the newer versions of Microsoft Office. [01:05.000 --> 01:13.440] It's a nice way to create complex diagrams with a little effort you type in some text [01:13.440 --> 01:16.960] and it is converted into a diagram. [01:16.960 --> 01:22.360] You can change the diagram, you can customize it, you can use the same content to have [01:22.360 --> 01:30.680] different layers and that is very interesting and because of that the smart art is something [01:30.680 --> 01:34.440] that is very popular. [01:34.440 --> 01:43.640] So LibreOffice had basic support inherited from the beginning but since then smart art [01:43.640 --> 01:52.520] import has received many improvements from many people including Miklos Vajna and Regina [01:52.520 --> 01:58.360] Henshel which were the top contributors in this area. [01:58.360 --> 02:08.360] You can also see FOSSTEM 2019 presentation from Miklos to get a better understanding. [02:08.360 --> 02:15.520] So today I will discuss the details of the status of this support. [02:15.520 --> 02:21.120] In the important display I should say the important display is very good. [02:21.120 --> 02:24.720] It works nearly perfect. [02:24.720 --> 02:32.760] I have tested myself the compatibility with Microsoft Office online with many possible [02:32.760 --> 02:39.400] layouts and I have tested around 200 different layouts and configurations that you can use [02:39.400 --> 02:44.480] there and the result was very good. [02:44.480 --> 02:51.000] I should say in most cases the result is almost the same. [02:51.000 --> 02:56.760] But when it comes to the saving and editing there are some problems. [02:56.760 --> 03:07.240] So saving back to the OXML either it's a Ward or Excel or PowerPoint file is okay even [03:07.240 --> 03:09.360] no modification is done. [03:09.360 --> 03:19.760] So you can also convert the smart art into a set of shapes but this is a one-day road [03:19.760 --> 03:21.920] and you can't go back. [03:21.920 --> 03:33.960] So if you open the file inside the Office you will see that sometimes if you enable [03:33.960 --> 03:44.280] experimental features in the settings you will see that there is a border with text [03:44.280 --> 03:48.440] which shows edit element on the top. [03:48.440 --> 04:00.560] This lets you edit the smart art but this editing is very limited and I should say it [04:00.560 --> 04:08.200] should be considered very experimental or experimental only and it's not stable at all and also [04:08.200 --> 04:10.640] saving back is not possible right now. [04:10.640 --> 04:15.120] So it's actually not usable for production. [04:15.120 --> 04:21.640] But there is an ongoing effort by Armandagrand to improve this. [04:21.640 --> 04:30.160] The effort is installed right now but I hope that they will see the results in the future. [04:30.160 --> 04:38.200] So when it comes to audio compatibility the compatibility is non-existent yet. [04:38.200 --> 04:47.840] So it's not possible to save a smart to ODF although you can do the saving and you can [04:47.840 --> 04:54.880] save the file into ODP or things like that. [04:54.880 --> 05:01.640] The saving will do a conversion to shapes so there is no going back to smart art but [05:01.640 --> 05:08.320] you can move and edit the shapes and that's not something desirable. [05:08.320 --> 05:17.920] So the development path is that we should define similar constructs in ODF and hopefully [05:17.920 --> 05:24.400] standardize it and then create routing for loading, saving and conversion from OXML to [05:24.400 --> 05:29.480] ODF and back and forth. [05:29.480 --> 05:40.320] In the application support, writer is supported, in-person is supported but you can't open [05:40.320 --> 05:43.760] the smart art that is created inside Calc. [05:43.760 --> 05:48.080] So this is something that is still lacking. [05:48.080 --> 05:57.560] And talking about the remaining bugs, we have around 25 bugs in the meta bug dedicated to [05:57.560 --> 05:59.400] smart art. [05:59.400 --> 06:06.200] These are mostly minor problems with text rendering, positioning, spacing, font color, [06:06.200 --> 06:08.200] rotation, things like that. [06:08.200 --> 06:15.600] I should say that these problems does not always happen and sometimes we see rendering [06:15.600 --> 06:24.480] defects but this is not something that always happens and only sometimes we see these problems [06:24.480 --> 06:35.400] and although the rendering is not exactly pixel by pixel, the same with Microsoft Office, [06:35.400 --> 06:38.360] the result is usually good. [06:38.360 --> 06:47.000] And there's also problems with old MS Office support prior to MS Office 2016 and also the [06:47.000 --> 06:50.840] lack of being able to show 3D layouts. [06:50.840 --> 07:01.080] So in the text rendering, as you see here, sometimes the output is not similar. [07:01.080 --> 07:07.280] For example, spacing, either paragraph spacing or character spacing or different fonts and [07:07.280 --> 07:18.080] different metrics, the colors sometimes different and there's also sometimes problems with rotation. [07:18.080 --> 07:21.840] And also we see minor problems in rendering. [07:21.840 --> 07:31.800] So as you can see, as the arrows show, there are little differences and I hope that the [07:31.800 --> 07:36.280] bugs can be fixed in the near future. [07:36.280 --> 07:39.840] So 3D layouts are also not supported. [07:39.840 --> 07:44.200] Also the output is still meaningful. [07:44.200 --> 07:48.720] And I should say that sometimes LibRaf is even thus better. [07:48.720 --> 07:56.640] For example, if you look at what arrows show, the spacing and the internationalized text, [07:56.640 --> 08:04.280] which is bidirectional for Arabic and Persian, is better, even better in LibRaf is compared [08:04.280 --> 08:06.400] to MS Office. [08:06.400 --> 08:08.280] So is there any questions? [08:08.280 --> 08:10.840] I would be happy to answer. [08:10.840 --> 08:11.240] Thank you.