[00:00.000 --> 00:14.760] Hello, I'm not Pranam, but Pranam couldn't be here because of all these visa problems [00:14.760 --> 00:16.080] and things like this. [00:16.080 --> 00:25.600] So I will be speaking on his behalf and plus I also work with him on this section so I [00:25.600 --> 00:26.600] think it's okay. [00:26.600 --> 00:33.600] Okay, so I'm Pedro by the way, Pedro Silva, so I'm now talking on behalf of Pranam. [00:33.600 --> 00:37.760] So what is feature restrictions and feature locking? [00:37.760 --> 00:46.320] It was a section developed by Pranam within Collab Online and the main goal here was to [00:46.320 --> 00:53.040] add an additional lever, an additional option to any CIS admin. [00:53.040 --> 01:02.400] So basically it's a switcher or perhaps better described as a set of switchers that allow [01:02.400 --> 01:06.680] CIS admin to hide a set of features. [01:06.680 --> 01:15.040] Maybe you want to restrict the usage of your resources or maybe other options. [01:15.040 --> 01:22.440] Maybe you just want to avoid the users to use, I don't know, formatting a cell or something [01:22.440 --> 01:23.440] like this. [01:23.440 --> 01:30.360] There is a lot of these use cases that you can have for hiding those features, which [01:30.360 --> 01:31.360] is useful. [01:31.360 --> 01:36.080] So it's always this on, off, straight forward switcher. [01:36.080 --> 01:42.080] But what if you do not want to hide completely the feature, you just want to lock it. [01:42.080 --> 01:48.080] So imagine, I don't know, again a CIS admin, a hoster, an integrator, might have higher [01:48.080 --> 01:58.240] ceiling, but that higher ceiling for system resources, they need to be maybe either paid [01:58.240 --> 02:06.720] by the user, but still they want to offer this initial, I don't know, initial, this [02:06.720 --> 02:16.440] hostage that they normally have packaged with completely gratis set of softwares. [02:16.440 --> 02:23.720] And this is where feature locking enters in, so as it says here, it basically adds this [02:23.720 --> 02:33.560] lock icon and then the user imaginary case scenario as a hosting, the user has a free [02:33.560 --> 02:42.040] hosting plan or something like this and does as limit of system resources usage. [02:42.040 --> 02:51.720] But then after clicks that icon, any of these locked icons sees a pop up to start to have [02:51.720 --> 02:55.080] a proper hosting account. [02:55.080 --> 03:00.520] So there's a lot of interesting use cases here. [03:00.520 --> 03:04.840] But how this is done, so that's the interesting part I would say. [03:04.840 --> 03:13.600] So there is these two key words, this is user locked and is user restrict. [03:13.600 --> 03:18.720] And they are just, again, as I said, switchers, so on, off, through, false. [03:18.720 --> 03:28.280] And this can be set in the cool WSTXML, so it's very easy, just open cool WSTXML, you [03:28.280 --> 03:34.560] can even do it locally, you can try it, you can even lock it and then call your, I don't [03:34.560 --> 03:39.840] know, brother or cousin that normally screws up all the formatting and tell him try to now [03:39.840 --> 03:43.720] screw up and he cannot because all those formatting options are here. [03:43.720 --> 03:47.400] So it's very interesting a joke to do. [03:47.400 --> 03:54.880] And how this looks like, yeah, so this is an example, you see, he cannot mark any text [03:54.880 --> 04:03.800] bold, even if he tries very hard, so it's an example or he can, but you see the italic [04:03.800 --> 04:06.040] option disappears. [04:06.040 --> 04:14.360] See the difference between restricted and locked, these cool WST options stated here. [04:14.360 --> 04:17.960] So I think it's pretty much it. [04:17.960 --> 04:35.000] Thanks for having me for the presentation.