[00:00.000 --> 00:14.240] So, I'm Pedro, Pedro Silva, and today we are going to look at how we can make collaboration [00:14.240 --> 00:21.600] online yours, and how those customizations can actually lead into new features, while [00:21.600 --> 00:25.520] going through some cool new features, why not? [00:25.520 --> 00:35.160] So, we start over with these different themes and different aspects that collaboration can [00:35.160 --> 00:42.520] have, but not only we can have these different faces, but we can also have different buttons. [00:42.520 --> 00:47.720] If you have a different button that you'd like to have, or maybe you are hacking on [00:47.720 --> 00:52.160] something and you want to have it in front of a button that triggers something, you can [00:52.160 --> 01:01.560] do that, and we'll show later how, but spoiler alert, you know, we have an XML file that [01:01.560 --> 01:07.680] you can customize it, we have a post message API that you can actually use that to hack [01:07.680 --> 01:16.560] directly onto the interface and beyond, and third of all, we also have some kind of cool [01:16.560 --> 01:22.840] variables that go through some invisible input field that then customize it. [01:22.840 --> 01:28.080] So, you know, there is a lot of stuff that you can just hack around. [01:28.080 --> 01:33.800] And by the way, language tool, as described by Michael Mix, thanks to Athenaeus, and we [01:33.800 --> 01:41.480] got this cool integration, file properties, another improved and now native functionality. [01:41.480 --> 01:44.560] You see here on this tab, there is plenty of space. [01:44.560 --> 01:46.360] You might want to add a button here. [01:46.360 --> 01:47.360] Why not? [01:47.360 --> 01:50.720] It's a good candidate to do that. [01:50.720 --> 01:54.760] Sparklines, accessibility check. [01:54.760 --> 02:01.280] We go through these new features, you know, how we can create diagrams. [02:01.280 --> 02:08.200] And you will soon start to feel that, okay, this is fitting my workflow, but maybe I want [02:08.200 --> 02:10.840] to go a step further. [02:10.840 --> 02:13.720] You know, by the way, we can even do this crazy stuff. [02:13.720 --> 02:14.720] Isn't it crazy? [02:14.720 --> 02:18.320] On a browser, I don't know, I think it's crazy. [02:18.320 --> 02:23.720] And while doing this, you know, we got a lot of performance whims left and right, which [02:23.720 --> 02:27.320] is, you know, it's cool and all, but what about new features? [02:27.320 --> 02:29.000] What about upcoming features? [02:29.000 --> 02:37.320] So, you know, we work with the LibreOffice technology around, in a group, with friends, [02:37.320 --> 02:43.440] and this means not only the people that are here, but even other people, you know, like [02:43.440 --> 02:45.840] for instance, in this case, next cloud. [02:45.840 --> 02:51.360] And we are just doing something that can start with online, then forces us to go to the core, [02:51.360 --> 02:55.920] to the LibreOffice kit, and in the process, we are improving both sides. [02:55.920 --> 02:58.280] So that's interesting. [02:58.280 --> 03:03.120] For instance, this is an example with form controls. [03:03.120 --> 03:10.200] As Miklos described, content controls, right? [03:10.200 --> 03:11.200] Repair documents. [03:11.200 --> 03:15.320] Repair improvements, but how do we make it, how we customize it? [03:15.320 --> 03:16.320] That's the question. [03:16.320 --> 03:21.800] So, as I hinted before, we can do that via XML, and there is a lot of variables that [03:21.800 --> 03:24.720] you can just turn on, turn off. [03:24.720 --> 03:30.280] We even saw it earlier with the PranamStalk, one of those examples. [03:30.280 --> 03:35.200] But you can set what's going to be the default UI mode. [03:35.200 --> 03:42.040] If you want to go a little bit further, you can hack what will be those key colors that [03:42.040 --> 03:49.560] we can see, and you see here the input values that we can pass. [03:49.560 --> 03:52.280] Or why not hack it directly into it? [03:52.280 --> 03:56.920] Maybe you have a different, you know, your native language is not English, and you might [03:56.920 --> 03:58.640] want to test it on that. [03:58.640 --> 04:03.960] You know, maybe you don't know, but you can add, you know, at the end of your URL, you [04:03.960 --> 04:12.200] can add this at the end lang, and for some different language directional layout, and [04:12.200 --> 04:16.440] you can test that, and maybe even help us, you know, translate. [04:16.440 --> 04:17.440] Why not? [04:17.440 --> 04:20.120] You can just go to the web late and just start to contribute. [04:20.120 --> 04:27.320] And you see, all those things are, you are making that yours, because it's answering [04:27.320 --> 04:30.600] your problem, but at the same time, you are helping everyone else. [04:30.600 --> 04:33.560] So I think that's the key here. [04:33.560 --> 04:38.640] You are inserting a new custom button, for this insert button, it's just one of the options [04:38.640 --> 04:43.400] that you can use and have used with the post message API. [04:43.400 --> 04:50.080] So if you go to sdk.coloronline.com, slash docs, slash post message API, you will see [04:50.080 --> 04:58.280] all these listed in the table with examples, so you can just hack it, you know, and have [04:58.280 --> 04:59.400] fun with it. [04:59.400 --> 05:05.200] You know, even if it doesn't work out of the box, even if you are trying to hack something [05:05.200 --> 05:07.080] and it breaks, it's okay. [05:07.080 --> 05:13.560] You know, you can always keep in touch, you can go to cola slash io, and there is there, [05:13.560 --> 05:18.440] you know, our IRC, our matrix, telegram, all these things. [05:18.440 --> 05:23.480] You can report bugs, you know, and maybe push a PR, you know, and you will find out that [05:23.480 --> 05:30.400] maybe your PR will lead to learn more about LibreOffice, technology LibreOffice kit, and [05:30.400 --> 05:37.560] suddenly you already have two PRs, both on cola online and on Garret on LibreOffice. [05:37.560 --> 05:42.000] So hopefully it's what will happen. [05:42.000 --> 05:46.680] You know, and while doing that, you have three minutes, questions, yes, and while you are [05:46.680 --> 05:52.640] doing that, you will be able to experiment crazy new features, the bleeding edge that [05:52.640 --> 05:55.800] still no one knows about it because you build it. [05:55.800 --> 06:00.560] So you know, maybe you can already see what is happening there, what's the new features, [06:00.560 --> 06:06.920] new integration that's coming, heat on citations, but many more things, yeah. [06:06.920 --> 06:15.000] So I hope you take it at heart and give it a go, and you know, join the team. [06:15.000 --> 06:16.000] Thanks. [06:16.000 --> 06:24.880] Thank you. [06:24.880 --> 06:25.880] Any questions? [06:25.880 --> 06:30.160] We've got some, two and a half minutes. [06:30.160 --> 06:33.840] Thank you. [06:33.840 --> 06:34.840] Thank you. [06:34.840 --> 06:37.280] I use colabora on my next cloud. [06:37.280 --> 06:39.920] Can I do all this on my next cloud? [06:39.920 --> 06:40.920] Yes. [06:40.920 --> 06:41.920] Why not? [06:41.920 --> 06:49.560] Yes, if you have your bill environment, you can hack all these things and have it. [06:49.560 --> 06:54.600] Now, if you have a production environment, that's probably what you are hitting at, okay, [06:54.600 --> 07:02.640] then you can still do some of these customizations just by simply hacking on the cool wst.xml, [07:02.640 --> 07:08.920] that it should be under ATC directory and you should find there, cool wst.xml. [07:08.920 --> 07:12.880] And you can, for instance, set up the default UI, what will be the default UI that will [07:12.880 --> 07:17.960] appear, you know, if you want to allow, if you want to use the integrators theme or not, [07:17.960 --> 07:23.800] for instance, if you are using the next cloud, next cloud has its own theme, so you can hack [07:23.800 --> 07:24.800] all these things. [07:24.800 --> 07:27.120] What's the default language? [07:27.120 --> 07:31.680] Maybe you have like three or four languages there, as a list, and maybe you don't need. [07:31.680 --> 07:35.720] Maybe you just use like maybe two, Portuguese or English or something, and both, too, and [07:35.720 --> 07:39.400] you can remove the others and it will maybe use less resources. [07:39.400 --> 07:41.800] So you know, there is a lot of things you can hack. [07:41.800 --> 07:42.800] We'll do. [07:42.800 --> 07:43.800] Thank you. [07:43.800 --> 07:49.480] 30 seconds, one very quick question and answer. [07:49.480 --> 07:52.360] If not, go for the matrix chat. [07:52.360 --> 07:53.360] Thank you. [07:53.360 --> 07:54.360] Okay, thanks. [07:54.360 --> 08:09.280] Alright, thank you. [08:09.280 --> 08:15.800] Thank you. [08:15.800 --> 08:23.320] Thank you.