[00:00.000 --> 00:15.000] Okay, everyone, so we are just here to wrap up the dev room and we have a couple of last [00:15.000 --> 00:24.000] sentence just to share with you first. Well, it was, yeah, awesome to have you here. And [00:24.000 --> 00:36.760] sorry, folks. Join the conversation on the FOSDEM channel on Kotlin Slack. There is where [00:36.760 --> 00:43.200] basically we announced the code for paper. We announced there will be a dev room. Also, [00:43.200 --> 00:50.600] we do have some possibility to shape the dev room in a way that fits better the community. [00:50.600 --> 00:57.320] Like we could do a two-day dev room or a half-day dev room or we could do like a half-in-person [00:57.320 --> 01:05.200] and half-virtual or we could, I don't know, focus on certain topic. We try to react to [01:05.200 --> 01:11.360] how the community responds. So this is the channel on Kotlin Slack. It's public. Everyone [01:11.360 --> 01:17.680] can join. You can see the whole conversation there. Join it. And yeah, like we would love [01:17.680 --> 01:23.720] to know, like, even if you have feedback in general for this dev room this year to share [01:23.720 --> 01:28.840] with us, we will be more than happy to listen and we are all there. So you will find us [01:28.840 --> 01:40.760] there. Yeah, some news on the licenses lottery? Yeah. Anything more? You asked. No, fine. [01:40.760 --> 01:48.200] So we have three licenses to raffle. Two of them will go out to people who were nice enough [01:48.200 --> 01:56.560] to tweet or contact us on Kotlin. And the last one will be raffled tonight at the meet-up. [01:56.560 --> 02:03.680] And I think there is somewhere a link for the... Excellent. So sign up so we know how [02:03.680 --> 02:13.680] many people to expect and then you, Nick, or Martin, will do the raffle. I'll be there. [02:13.680 --> 02:20.560] So looking forward to have some beers with you there. That's it. I just want to say a [02:20.560 --> 02:25.960] big thank you to Nico, who has been doing all the heavy lifting, like, for several months. [02:25.960 --> 02:37.240] Actually, several years. He's the one who put Kotlin up for them. So thank you very much. [02:37.240 --> 02:41.920] Thank you, folks, for coming. It was always awesome. Like, every time I say, like, I should [02:41.920 --> 02:46.760] stop doing these. But then, like, I come to Fosden when I see so many people excited to [02:46.760 --> 02:52.760] talk about Kotlin. Like, it gives me so much joy. So I can't give up. That's why. Thank [02:52.760 --> 02:58.480] you again. And I really hope to see you in Fosden 2024. Thank you.