The talk is about a proposed solution called JIT as a service to address performance issues faced by Java applications running on the cloud, specifically in distributed dynamic environments like microservices. The speaker discusses the challenges of right-sizing provisioned containers and efficient auto-scaling due to spikes in CPU and memory usage caused by JIT compilations. The solution involves decoupling the JIT compiler from the JVM and running it as an independent process, offloading JIT compilations to a remote JIT server. This technology, known as the JIT server, is part of the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM and has been shown to improve ramp-up time, auto-scaling efficiency, and resource costs. The speaker also mentions the benefits of using OpenJ9 JVM, such as faster start-up time, smaller footprint, and faster ramp-up time compared to Hotspot JVM. Finally, the speaker addresses some questions from the audience, including whether to use the local JIT when using the JIT server, and the availability of binaries for Eclipse OpenJ9 due to TCK certification issues.