[00:00.000 --> 00:10.720] So, thank you everyone who has come today, those who are here and those who are not in [00:10.720 --> 00:14.800] the room and were earlier. [00:14.800 --> 00:23.680] I would like to thank our speakers, Julia, Methodis and Renaldo, Hecate, Ivan and David. [00:23.680 --> 00:28.480] Thank you very much for presenting at the first and hopefully not the last Haskell [00:28.480 --> 00:39.520] bedroom at Fozdem and let's give them all another round of applause. [00:39.520 --> 00:44.760] Thank you to David Antwells who have helped a lot with the organising of this event, selecting [00:44.760 --> 00:51.720] the program and for the swag which was donated by the Haskell Foundation. [00:51.720 --> 00:56.360] We have stickers here at the front, there's stickers on the table at the back as well. [00:56.360 --> 01:07.160] Feel free to grab a bunch as you leave and for the books, for the prize draw, Programming [01:07.160 --> 01:14.360] in Haskell by Graham Hutton, second edition, three copies donated by the Haskell Foundation [01:14.360 --> 01:16.920] to give away in the prize draw today. [01:16.920 --> 01:22.440] So, thank you very much David for organising that. [01:22.440 --> 01:28.760] Thank you to the Fozdem organisers and volunteers to make this possible and especially for all [01:28.760 --> 01:34.160] of the AV side of things which is a massive undertaking. [01:34.160 --> 01:42.760] So credit to them and if you see some volunteers please remember to thank them. [01:42.760 --> 01:48.160] Okay and now the prize draw. [01:48.160 --> 01:52.480] So I think the highest number ticket was 39, if you have a ticket with a higher number [01:52.480 --> 02:02.840] than that, jump up and yell so that I put the correct range in the random number generator. [02:02.840 --> 02:15.800] So let's import system.random, let's make a generator, a new stdgen, actually I'll do [02:15.800 --> 02:26.080] it in a, I'll use a monad, monad for this new stdgen bind and what do we need to do [02:26.080 --> 02:27.080] here? [02:27.080 --> 02:41.120] Random R, so random in a range from 1 to 39, it's inclusive, okay take my word for it, [02:41.120 --> 02:43.120] it'll be fast enough. [02:43.120 --> 02:56.120] Okay and we need to, we'll need to do a random RIO, is that a function, we'll use new stdgen. [02:56.120 --> 03:01.560] We have to use a monad and a bind here just because this is the Haskell dev room and we [03:01.560 --> 03:08.760] need to play up to those sayings that people have that we're all obsessed with monads [03:08.760 --> 03:13.960] in the Haskell community and that's all we ever talk about. [03:13.960 --> 03:24.200] Okay and we'll need to, let's see, pull out the first value, there we go, okay 35, who's [03:24.200 --> 03:27.360] got number 35? [03:27.360 --> 03:32.120] Not here, I'm just going to keep going then. [03:32.120 --> 03:43.240] Number 9, yes we have a winner, okay, I'll pass that back, thank you, okay I might actually [03:43.240 --> 03:59.960] hand these down and get someone else to do the running around, okay, number 26, okay [03:59.960 --> 04:15.400] number 29, yep here we go, 33, there we go, everyone's right at the front, okay and the [04:15.400 --> 04:28.840] grand prize, Australia's finest export, number 3, well done, okay, I'll bring up to you in [04:28.840 --> 04:33.960] a minute, okay so thank you everyone, that's a wrap, cheers.