[00:00.000 --> 00:16.000] shortly about us so I'm there on the left so we are site our energy flexibility [00:16.000 --> 00:23.920] software startup who decided to go the open source way two years ago and this [00:23.920 --> 00:27.960] project we're working together with positive design small company in the [00:27.960 --> 00:34.680] Netherlands as well they are more working on the UX part of this so something [00:34.680 --> 00:38.120] where I really know a lot about are these two projects because we are [00:38.120 --> 00:43.640] building flex measures project we denote donated to the Linux Energy [00:43.640 --> 00:51.240] Foundation before you leave the room get some swag over there and together we [00:51.240 --> 00:56.840] built this V2G Liberty project which actually is works as an umbrella for the [00:56.840 --> 01:02.240] rest so vehicle to grid some of you might know roughly what it is it has [01:02.240 --> 01:08.280] been a buzzword going around it basically means other than most of the car [01:08.280 --> 01:12.760] charging that's going on today just power into the car you could actually get [01:12.760 --> 01:18.200] power out of the car for instance back onto the grid here I listed some use [01:18.200 --> 01:25.480] cases why that is supposedly a good idea and specifically the the third one [01:25.480 --> 01:29.560] that might be pretty interesting because in a scenario where you have a [01:29.560 --> 01:38.200] varying energy price now your car could be a trader right and actually the [01:38.200 --> 01:44.240] spreads in the energy markets are increasing by a lot these days it makes [01:44.240 --> 01:50.080] it suddenly interesting and when I look at industry coming up with vehicle to [01:50.080 --> 01:57.920] grid by themselves people observe a lot of delays and I from my perspective it [01:57.920 --> 02:02.760] seems that the the the actual industry players closed source players are looking [02:02.760 --> 02:07.120] to actually deliver an ecosystem right so these are pictures you're getting from [02:07.120 --> 02:11.560] the big names Hyundai Volkswagen Tesla they're always thinking about putting [02:11.560 --> 02:17.640] multiple things in your home basically taking it over and that takes longer and [02:17.640 --> 02:25.080] so something I'm not looking forward to that's why we decided to do this project [02:25.080 --> 02:31.040] it's more than a year ago now so we have more than a year of data from one [02:31.040 --> 02:35.880] location and recently we've attracted some other enthusiasts and there's five [02:35.880 --> 02:42.920] more locations where this is being employed in reality and quickly about [02:42.920 --> 02:46.600] the motivation so why should we do that is this something that I want to you know [02:46.600 --> 02:53.000] sell it was site energy flexibility and focus on that completely actually probably [02:53.000 --> 02:59.320] not site energy flexibility in our flex measures project is about making the [02:59.320 --> 03:04.400] best use of energy flexibility in general but this is very cool to show [03:04.400 --> 03:09.160] that we can do something today we don't have to wait or there's open source [03:09.160 --> 03:13.880] projects if you put them together are super powerful and it was a great way [03:13.880 --> 03:19.720] to bootstrap ourselves to challenge our technology so I'll talk about the stack [03:19.720 --> 03:25.080] the design of what V2G Liberty looks like if you use it and some outlooks [03:25.080 --> 03:32.480] first what do you need in this context to actually get going you won't find a [03:32.480 --> 03:36.960] lot of cars you can use for this the Nissan Leaf is one of the only ones [03:36.960 --> 03:42.600] specifically in 2021 that could do vehicle to grid same goes for the [03:42.600 --> 03:48.920] charger so this is a charger from Spanish company wallbox of course they [03:48.920 --> 03:55.360] promised that open standards like OCPP will be very soon working and that [03:55.360 --> 04:00.120] hasn't happened yet so what was it is you need some kind of computer in your [04:00.120 --> 04:06.720] house this has been mentioned in talks this morning already and then we work [04:06.720 --> 04:11.520] with an energy contract with dynamic tariffs so in the Netherlands that you [04:11.520 --> 04:15.040] already have I think six or seven to choose from that's going very hard but [04:15.040 --> 04:21.120] the tipper for instance is launching in a couple European countries and offers [04:21.120 --> 04:29.440] you that so this is actually the software architecture in a nutshell I don't [04:29.440 --> 04:35.400] want to make it too difficult if you imagine you put this in your house what [04:35.400 --> 04:42.480] you need is to install home assistant so that's this logo here home assistant is [04:42.480 --> 04:48.000] a very stable home automation software and we've basically built V2G Liberty [04:48.000 --> 04:53.840] as a home assistant plug-in that's also actually fun to do it's it's it's nice [04:53.840 --> 05:02.440] and you get a lot of presence like UI widgets and things like that and then [05:02.440 --> 05:08.680] flex measures is actually not running in the house it could it's dockerized you [05:08.680 --> 05:13.040] could put it in the house next to your home automation software and I think a [05:13.040 --> 05:19.360] couple of these enthusiasts who now are using this are doing that but for such a [05:19.360 --> 05:22.840] software it's sometimes nicer to run in the cloud because it's more difficult to [05:22.840 --> 05:31.560] maintain flex measures itself is then responsible to get the relevant real-time [05:31.560 --> 05:36.520] data that's it's important to schedule the cars charging this charging so in [05:36.520 --> 05:44.960] this case the prices that the consumer contract is on we could also get I think [05:44.960 --> 05:49.440] we actually do in a new version it's not listed here we also get some public [05:49.440 --> 05:54.480] data that helps us to look at the co2 levels of your car cost consumption so [05:54.480 --> 06:01.760] there will be another box right there and I talked about this connection right [06:01.760 --> 06:07.000] so we have to somehow talk to the wallbox and we found out for now this [06:07.000 --> 06:12.560] has to be modbus and we found out to how this response and we talked to the [06:12.560 --> 06:17.760] company the wallbox company if we're allowed to put our code in a public [06:17.760 --> 06:22.600] repository if you could see in the code which registers their hardware reacts to [06:22.600 --> 06:29.200] but I think yeah we've sorted it out that was a bit difficult and basically [06:29.200 --> 06:35.440] what we have to do is simply say start or stop the charge or discharging and we [06:35.440 --> 06:40.960] are able to read the state of charge of the battery and on the left side are [06:40.960 --> 06:48.520] some more nicer UX features so you want to put along for a longer ride you want [06:48.520 --> 06:53.080] to tell our system that the car needs to be full and maybe you want some [06:53.080 --> 06:59.720] overrides I'll come to those later so first about the components I I mentioned [06:59.720 --> 07:06.200] home assistant it has been around for a while now I think it has also some [07:06.200 --> 07:13.200] origins in the Netherlands but it's also developed in California now actually [07:13.200 --> 07:19.240] we had a couple of the home assistant people over in a demo because these [07:19.240 --> 07:25.600] people here so that was nice to actually have that also in real life and as I [07:25.600 --> 07:30.120] said you can write plugins to really to do your own logic on top of a home [07:30.120 --> 07:34.880] assistant now thanks measures is the project that I spent the most time with [07:34.880 --> 07:43.120] our company develops that yeah basically it's a data driven platform to get the [07:43.120 --> 07:51.160] best timing for your flexible energy assets when should they be on or off so [07:51.160 --> 07:56.160] and what I'm talking to you today about is an immobility project but we've also [07:56.160 --> 08:01.400] having some commercial projects in industry the built environment and [08:01.400 --> 08:08.120] actually our goal our dream is that this all comes together so for example we're [08:08.120 --> 08:13.080] working on heating now the energy flexibility of heating and heating and [08:13.080 --> 08:18.000] immobility somehow happen right next to each other so that's where we want to [08:18.000 --> 08:27.120] go and flex measures itself has a UI and I'm just showcasing that here but in [08:27.120 --> 08:30.560] our project right now in this V2G Liberty project that wasn't really being [08:30.560 --> 08:36.160] used so what we want is for flex measures to be a back-end that you talk to [08:36.160 --> 08:42.000] through APIs and you built your you usually built your own user interfacing [08:42.000 --> 08:47.000] flexible service or you integrate what flex measures helps you with into your [08:47.000 --> 08:53.920] existing service well that's actually what we did with V2G Liberty so that's [08:53.920 --> 09:00.880] actually a kind of typical home assistant look for your dashboard I think we [09:00.880 --> 09:08.120] have the goal to bring our own style into that when we have the help but that's [09:08.120 --> 09:12.920] what you get and yeah usually you can see what your car is doing what's the [09:12.920 --> 09:18.080] charging power right now what's the state of charge and then we come into the [09:18.080 --> 09:25.840] more interesting or self-built features I will talk about this in another slide [09:25.840 --> 09:31.480] but this basically shows you the state of charge that happened in blue and what [09:31.480 --> 09:37.000] flex measures has advised to happen with that in the upcoming hours and the [09:37.000 --> 09:43.040] energy price and here you have you have the ability as a user to simply say I [09:43.040 --> 09:51.640] don't want this stop the automation or just charge the car right now I don't [09:51.640 --> 10:00.200] care about the optimal result here you see if you've reserved the car and that's [10:00.200 --> 10:06.880] where our partner positive design came in to really think with us well it [10:06.880 --> 10:12.160] if we get to design a V2G application what do we want to experience when we [10:12.160 --> 10:19.200] use it and these are the goals it should basically you want to be happy that [10:19.200 --> 10:23.600] it's there for a few weeks but then you want to stop thinking about it every [10:23.600 --> 10:29.880] day it should just happen and you might look at your end result and be happy it [10:29.880 --> 10:35.280] of course needs to be ready for you to do trips at least trips let's say [10:35.280 --> 10:41.160] groceries hospital go to a nearby town which in the Netherlands of course is [10:41.160 --> 10:47.880] quite easy so Utrecht Amsterdam for instance works with 20 percent of [10:47.880 --> 10:56.280] charge yeah and CO2 saving and cost saving of course other the goals you [10:56.280 --> 11:04.400] can really put numbers on yeah let's let's go one level deeper in the detail [11:04.400 --> 11:09.320] here I'm not sure it was all clear I always said the state of charge history [11:09.320 --> 11:14.360] will be shown to you in blue and then it's shown to you what the planning [11:14.360 --> 11:20.960] would be so here you can see a bit if you look at the price in gray that in [11:20.960 --> 11:24.920] the future you will charge your battery because the price is low and you will [11:24.920 --> 11:29.600] discharge because there's a higher price later and you do that twice actually in [11:29.600 --> 11:36.760] that in that day and the new feature as I said earlier is that we also plotting [11:36.760 --> 11:44.360] the CO2 intensity on the grid that's going to happen in those hours that's [11:44.360 --> 11:51.680] something we are basing on the scheduled coal and gas power for the [11:51.680 --> 11:55.800] upcoming days of course there's also professional services for that somebody [11:55.800 --> 12:00.880] in an earlier talk mentioned electricity map I think that's in the [12:00.880 --> 12:06.960] capital tool that's a third-party integration for cost reasons we [12:06.960 --> 12:13.440] basically developed our own version of that and what's interesting of course [12:13.440 --> 12:19.960] as you see there's a slight correlation and we actually have a plot [12:19.960 --> 12:24.440] somewhere where we looked at the whole here from our data and checked so is [12:24.440 --> 12:30.080] low carbon intensity does that kind of correlate to lower prices because in [12:30.080 --> 12:35.040] that moment you have a lot of sun and wind on the grid which have zero marginal [12:35.040 --> 12:41.520] cost so that can happen and in the day ahead prices of course that's there's [12:41.520 --> 12:47.240] an economics that makes that complex but it does actually happen during the day [12:47.240 --> 12:57.240] during the day you see a correlation in the night not yet so here's one or two [12:57.240 --> 13:01.960] features of this application in V2G Liberty for instance you come home [13:01.960 --> 13:11.360] from some trip you connect the car V2G Liberty talks to the charger and asks [13:11.360 --> 13:14.200] so what's the deal with the car right now what is the state of charge it comes [13:14.200 --> 13:20.520] back as below 20% and then there's only one cause of action we have to get up [13:20.520 --> 13:30.560] back to those 20% so that's just a simple fallback that gets you to 60 to 80 [13:30.560 --> 13:36.760] kilometers and and when you've outlived your range anxiety that should be okay [13:36.760 --> 13:44.120] and that other feature I've shown in the UI before as well you can go to [13:44.120 --> 13:48.520] your calendar on your phone and that's where NextCloud comes in here now I [13:48.520 --> 13:53.560] I'm a personal on also the company where NextCloud users and that's why I was so [13:53.560 --> 13:58.560] happy to bring NextCloud in this as well but it's basically just used for the [13:58.560 --> 14:03.560] agenda integration you can use Google Calendar if you need to that's no problem [14:03.560 --> 14:09.880] so you make your own agenda for your car and you create an entry in the agenda [14:09.880 --> 14:13.600] for your car that you're going on a longer on a road trip let's say tomorrow [14:13.600 --> 14:20.320] at 8 o'clock and that will be picked up by V2G Liberty and what's nice here you [14:20.320 --> 14:25.280] see here the mobile view I showed the desktop view before but Home Assistant [14:25.280 --> 14:31.200] even gives you something that looks really well on your mobile mobile app [14:31.200 --> 14:39.720] which is this is basically the same widgets just rearranged so then this [14:39.720 --> 14:44.640] will show up home V2G Liberty will know about that reservation will contact [14:44.640 --> 14:48.600] flex measures automatically flex measures will realize oh there's a new [14:48.600 --> 14:53.080] constraint coming in I need to recompute everything and that will change so here [14:53.080 --> 14:59.720] you see state of charge will go up to a hundred try trying to avoid that price [14:59.720 --> 15:04.960] peak there in the middle do it cost efficiently [15:04.960 --> 15:15.280] all right so where are we now this project so it's working nice first thing [15:15.280 --> 15:20.360] that comes to mind now that we're the other enthusiasts being on board that the [15:20.360 --> 15:25.960] installation effort still a bit high you you know we have written it all out on [15:25.960 --> 15:33.520] that V2G Liberty GitHub read me but as a couple steps you need to install your [15:33.520 --> 15:37.000] Home Assistant and make that plug-in work so there we can have some low-hanging [15:37.000 --> 15:40.960] fruits in Home Assistant you can basically have an actual plug-in that [15:40.960 --> 15:45.880] is downloadable and updates itself and all that you do have configurations to [15:45.880 --> 15:52.960] make in a file that could be a wizard this there's some stuff there it really [15:52.960 --> 15:56.640] helps us also with flex measures to see if it runs in the background like what [15:56.640 --> 16:01.880] kind of monitoring do we need it's really helpful some people are installing [16:01.880 --> 16:06.560] flex measures themselves as well so that's really and you really a techie [16:06.560 --> 16:14.600] enthusiast I will briefly go into some earnings or [16:14.600 --> 16:19.520] economical results so here's some hints that you know sometimes you have a day [16:19.520 --> 16:25.720] where there's there was huge sprite price spreads and your car basically set at [16:25.720 --> 16:30.640] home the whole day and then you can really have a great day with earnings [16:30.640 --> 16:37.120] above the 10 euros in the Netherlands good to keep in mind energy flexibility [16:37.120 --> 16:45.440] is only usable if your asset is there and you're not using it so if you take [16:45.440 --> 16:51.320] your car for long rides every day well there's less time to do something with [16:51.320 --> 17:00.320] it and then you have less earnings excuse me so actually this user is making a [17:00.320 --> 17:08.720] lot of kilometers actually and so here's a report from I think this is ten [17:08.720 --> 17:16.280] months of data and this is an overview we will see how much has been charged and [17:16.280 --> 17:22.880] discharged right so this is actually large parts of these of these kilowatt [17:22.880 --> 17:29.760] hours have actually been charged just to save them and give them back to the [17:29.760 --> 17:39.480] grid at a better time this is what where a lot of policymakers put high hopes [17:39.480 --> 17:46.680] on of course that cars will work as batteries so that the grid can use and [17:46.680 --> 17:53.160] carry energy at the best times well there's a big axle spreadsheet behind [17:53.160 --> 17:59.560] this but if you just look at the the bottom line that you would see they [17:59.560 --> 18:05.520] have driven their car for 3,000 kilowatt hours and paid 200 euros for that [18:05.520 --> 18:12.000] it's a pretty good price and you could compare with scenarios so what if what [18:12.000 --> 18:18.760] if I had just a fixed cost contract from a year ago would you wouldn't get that [18:18.760 --> 18:24.480] today you can you arrive at some price as you all know this changes these [18:24.480 --> 18:28.840] numbers they change so fast these days and you got before the Ukraine crisis [18:28.840 --> 18:35.040] already lots of movement in the markets after that more so this is this is [18:35.040 --> 18:40.760] difficult I think to make these look at these as hard facts like how many euros [18:40.760 --> 18:48.560] will I save if I install this in 2023 or 2024 I will not subscribe on the number [18:48.560 --> 18:52.120] there but their savings and there's some other people making these calculations [18:52.120 --> 18:56.520] also on a more higher level but it's nice to have an actual project you know [18:56.520 --> 19:01.880] this has really happened and we can dive deeper into the data so if anybody's [19:01.880 --> 19:09.280] interested let us know and of course another one a part of the cost is that [19:09.280 --> 19:15.040] the V2G capable chargers are currently much more expensive but I think the [19:15.040 --> 19:23.160] difference is coming down soon right so what we will do the installation I [19:23.160 --> 19:31.240] already mentioned updating V2G Liberty if you have it running and we have a [19:31.240 --> 19:39.000] new version that that can be easier we want to actually show you KPIs you know [19:39.000 --> 19:46.800] what did I save in money or CO2 let's say last month I think per day can also [19:46.800 --> 19:54.480] work now we have more users enthusiasts who install it at home and we run it so [19:54.480 --> 19:58.440] will the learning curve is going up right now in a sense of how much [19:58.440 --> 20:03.720] information we get that's great and there's it's going to be an interesting [20:03.720 --> 20:11.800] year with more things to support I'm not sure what kind of things this project [20:11.800 --> 20:21.080] should support the V2G Liberty project it potentially has to do with demand from [20:21.080 --> 20:26.640] the community but of course if you if chargers actually support OCPP then [20:26.640 --> 20:32.040] that's just a great idea and on the flex measure side so that's something I [20:32.040 --> 20:40.680] also know the the near future a bit I already mentioned that we are tackling [20:40.680 --> 20:46.320] immobility in projects like this but also heat in other projects and we look [20:46.320 --> 20:51.480] at the build environment this has to come together so our our big next [20:51.480 --> 20:58.920] challenge is to really model the energy flexibility from these two usages of [20:58.920 --> 21:05.000] energy combined and and give one make one computation about a building or a [21:05.000 --> 21:12.120] site that uses heat and uses immobility as two big flexible power demands and [21:12.120 --> 21:18.200] and come up with one optimization and then actually automate that so that's [21:18.200 --> 21:25.800] that's our next big milestone and the other thing that's really important of [21:25.800 --> 21:32.960] course to mention is network congestion that's network operators are coming up [21:32.960 --> 21:40.640] with ideas how projects like this are flexible consumers can do their part so [21:40.640 --> 21:45.240] for instance can stop their demands in a specific moment and in a specific region [21:45.240 --> 21:52.200] which would help on the lower and medium parts of the grid and that's also for us [21:52.200 --> 22:02.440] really on the map this is almost at the end of course we need to hear [22:02.440 --> 22:07.600] questions but of course to for people to get in contact and I'm just listening [22:07.600 --> 22:12.920] to the best contact points for each of the projects for V2G liberty that's [22:12.920 --> 22:20.880] just come to the GitHub project and interact there flex measures itself is [22:20.880 --> 22:27.880] has more channels that you can contact us on we listed them here in the in the [22:27.880 --> 22:35.720] read the docs for instance through LF energy their ways I do have I think I [22:35.720 --> 22:42.120] have two minutes so one thing I have on the very last slide before I close is [22:42.120 --> 22:46.960] something we build in flex measures recently because if you talk about [22:46.960 --> 22:51.160] projects like these basically after they happen and you just summarizing what [22:51.160 --> 22:55.840] happened they don't really come alive because what actually happens and what [22:55.840 --> 23:01.840] we do is that throughout the day new situations arise all the time you know [23:01.840 --> 23:07.040] new circumstances like the car comes back it has a completely new state of [23:07.040 --> 23:13.080] charge could be lower maybe they charged on the way is higher you don't know this [23:13.080 --> 23:21.480] this is a new situation so we need to recompute and each of these situations [23:21.480 --> 23:26.280] you also need to have a different set of forecasts so you ask yourself it's this [23:26.280 --> 23:33.080] point in time I was asked to recompute and I look at the set of forecasts what [23:33.080 --> 23:38.120] do I know now about the state of things so maybe not all the devices have sent [23:38.120 --> 23:43.720] me everything yet there's always delays there's always lags in IOT applications [23:43.720 --> 23:48.680] in the future which forecast do I have now available and that's what I mean [23:48.680 --> 23:57.440] with it doesn't come alive right and we let's see if it works yeah we we made it [23:57.440 --> 24:02.840] we made a UI that uses JavaScript so you can travel through time basically so [24:02.840 --> 24:08.520] imagine that that bar is now you hit that button and we have kept the old [24:08.520 --> 24:12.560] schedules we have kept everything that's all and we know when we knew it [24:12.560 --> 24:18.160] that's how we can travel through time and when we stop it anywhere we know [24:18.160 --> 24:23.560] what we knew at the time so let's say we knew the day ahead prices you can see [24:23.560 --> 24:27.880] the day head price on top coming in in batches for instance and then the new [24:27.880 --> 24:37.760] schedules that's a red dotted line also all right let me stop in time and there's [24:37.760 --> 24:45.600] any questions all right there's a few but who decides on the order well let's [24:45.600 --> 25:04.200] just start my left I think that V2d liberty oh yeah sure the question was [25:04.200 --> 25:11.000] if this has been built for one car or if there's the opportunity to have multiple [25:11.000 --> 25:18.720] cars at the same location on the charging station supported and V2d liberty [25:18.720 --> 25:24.440] has right now been built for one household with one car which is expandable [25:24.440 --> 25:30.800] in principle through some work and flex measures itself has a solver that could [25:30.800 --> 25:48.480] also schedule multiple cars so that's not a technical problem on that side [26:00.800 --> 26:27.960] so the question is that for the day head prices the energy suppliers make a [26:27.960 --> 26:34.160] forecast usually or traditionally what all the consumers will consume aggregated [26:34.160 --> 26:38.200] over thousands of consumers they get a nice curve and they try to buy that now [26:38.200 --> 26:43.080] if the consumers react to that price you have a loop somehow a dynamics more [26:43.080 --> 26:50.200] dynamic system and the question was if I have thought about it yes of course it's [26:50.200 --> 26:54.520] super interesting there's two thoughts one is that there's now a couple of [26:54.520 --> 26:59.840] providers like that in the Netherlands and I think they basically adjust for [26:59.840 --> 27:06.760] that they would assume that a bunch of their customers do act flexible and [27:06.760 --> 27:11.000] they might have have to add a model for that a behavioral model economics [27:11.000 --> 27:17.520] economics behavioral and try to get it right on the other hand I think that some [27:17.520 --> 27:22.720] there's going to be more energy suppliers because I know of a company [27:22.720 --> 27:27.400] in the Netherlands that is basically helping larger companies become an [27:27.400 --> 27:31.840] energy supplier so they don't if it's basically energy supply as a service so [27:31.840 --> 27:37.280] you can brand your own energy supply contract and some of organizations I've [27:37.280 --> 27:43.560] talked to think about adjusting their their price signal themselves so they [27:43.560 --> 27:47.200] buy something on the day head market but that's not the price they give to you [27:47.200 --> 27:53.160] they give you a different profile to try to sort that out [28:03.600 --> 28:08.840] yeah could be could be that you're not doing as much money on the market but [28:08.840 --> 28:35.200] now you add services I was talking about hardware so can you repeat the [28:35.200 --> 28:53.440] question do you mean the Everest project yes well we are both in Linux [28:53.440 --> 28:59.320] energy foundation so we know about each other so that would be a way out the [28:59.320 --> 29:09.440] question right it's everything's super new and the question was for the [29:09.440 --> 29:15.320] audience online that there's the Everest project and they also have open source [29:15.320 --> 29:20.200] hardware although that's not there the core of the the company but they offer [29:20.200 --> 29:24.480] that and they had a great talk this morning so that could help of course so [29:24.480 --> 29:29.040] that's it's a great opportunity for the community for anybody maybe for us to [29:29.040 --> 29:35.800] combine these two I don't know but especially young companies have to [29:35.800 --> 29:45.280] sprint it's difficult I want to also get some part of the we are fine I'll be [29:45.280 --> 29:48.880] answering questions in the chat if there's something burning or right now in [29:48.880 --> 30:01.000] person afterwards in the break thank you