The speaker, Kevin Fleming, talks about his experience running his own public DNS server for personal use. He explains that running an authoritative name server on the public internet is relatively easy, fun, and not expensive. He discusses the reasons why he decided to run his own DNS server, such as wanting to implement DNSSEC for SSHFP records and obtain real TLS certificates for his services. He also explains the steps and requirements for setting up and managing a DNS server, including finding a domain registrar that supports the necessary tools, choosing server software, and determining where to host the server. Kevin uses PowerDNS auth server and SQLite databases for his setup. He also talks about the benefits of using catalog zones and how they simplify maintenance tasks. He concludes by discussing some additional features and enhancements he has implemented, such as using Let's Encrypt for HTTPS certificates and SSHFP records for SSH key rotation. The talk emphasizes the simplicity, low cost, and flexibility of running one's own DNS server for personal use.