[00:00.000 --> 00:17.760] We're starting now. Please. Please quiet down. [00:17.760 --> 00:20.560] Hello folks. Today we are here to talk about Fedora [00:20.560 --> 00:24.720] Corvus and how you can use that to do some fun stuff. [00:24.720 --> 00:29.200] The fun stuff being, you know, hosting your own dedicated multiplayer server so that you [00:29.200 --> 00:34.160] and your friends can have some fun. I'm joined here by Sumanthro, myself Akash [00:34.160 --> 00:38.720] Deep Dhar. We both work for Red Hat, but we are Fedora Project Contributors, and part [00:38.720 --> 00:46.400] of Fedora Council as well. So we welcome you to this talk. [00:46.400 --> 00:50.600] So about the things that we would want to talk about, the first and the foremost thing [00:50.600 --> 00:55.680] would of course be the OS, the thing that we run our containers on, and why exactly [00:55.680 --> 01:00.440] should you give a damn about it when there are like a plethora of Linux distributions [01:00.440 --> 01:04.120] out there with their own twists and turns attached to them. [01:04.120 --> 01:09.840] The next thing is of course putting that operating system to use, that of course is to have our [01:09.840 --> 01:16.360] own dedicated Minecraft server, understand how that process works and how easy or difficult [01:16.360 --> 01:21.080] it can be to actually put that to use. We'll put that to use again for the Valheim [01:21.080 --> 01:26.120] server too, because guess what? The community is great, and the folks have always created [01:26.120 --> 01:31.000] containers, and when it comes to containers, we always have something, some kind of platform [01:31.000 --> 01:35.720] to make use of. And by all means, if you trust me enough, [01:35.720 --> 01:39.560] you can totally scan this QR code, and it will lead you to the documentation, so you [01:39.560 --> 01:43.960] can totally go along with the talk, because this will be more hands-on. We'll be doing [01:43.960 --> 01:49.400] stuff over here, and we'll be making you folks understand as to what is happening behind [01:49.400 --> 01:54.200] the scenes and why exactly are we doing that. Or you can totally head over to the schedules [01:54.200 --> 01:59.120] page on the Container Step Room and find our links over there, so documentation is [01:59.120 --> 02:05.120] over there as well. Speaking of the operating system that we're [02:05.120 --> 02:12.200] going to talk about, what exactly is Fedora CoreOS? To begin with, it's a set of packages [02:12.200 --> 02:17.840] that's very minimal in nature, but it's very focused to the container-based workflows. [02:17.840 --> 02:22.320] So you won't get to see a lot of bells and whistles out of the box. Sure, there's an [02:22.320 --> 02:28.200] option to add those by yourself whenever you feel like, but then again, it's the networking, [02:28.200 --> 02:33.200] it's the container-based workflows like Moby, Podman, which I installed over there, as well [02:33.200 --> 02:37.480] as some tools like Firewall that you would need to make sure that people actually connect [02:37.480 --> 02:42.040] to your containers and be able to do what they want to do, which are pre-installed, [02:42.040 --> 02:46.920] which gives you just enough of a stuff to get started, and a canvas to actually add [02:46.920 --> 02:52.520] your own distributions, your own packages on the top of it, and grow upon it as you go [02:52.520 --> 02:58.120] on. And there's this thing called RPMOS Tree, which is based on LibOS Tree. The entire file [02:58.120 --> 03:03.160] system is transactional in nature, which essentially means that if I were to add packages on the [03:03.160 --> 03:09.720] top of the existing deployment, well, an existing set of installed packages, I can do so by [03:09.720 --> 03:14.320] ease without actually worrying that, oh, what's going to happen if I add this bleeding edge [03:14.320 --> 03:20.520] package? Will my deployment stop failing to work? And if it does, you can always find [03:20.520 --> 03:25.440] your way back. It's a Git kind of a workflow, so if you understand Git, it's pretty much [03:25.440 --> 03:30.680] like that, so you can always rebase your deployments, your own set collection of packages at any [03:30.680 --> 03:37.400] point in time, and just fall back at any point in time you want to go back to. The next thing [03:37.400 --> 03:44.200] is the fact that this is secure as well as scalable. So we, of course, would like to [03:44.200 --> 03:49.800] have this not only deployed in bare metal servers, but as well in a plethora of VMs [03:49.800 --> 03:57.160] having their own set of purposes. Now, the way we do that is by the use of configuration, [03:57.160 --> 04:02.440] and it's kind of difficult that you need to configure like tens of thousands of machines [04:02.440 --> 04:08.760] with hand, so guess what? You don't. You use something called beauty in configuration, [04:08.760 --> 04:13.560] which is a human readable form of something called ignition, and what it exactly does [04:13.560 --> 04:19.560] is you specify what kind of change that you want to make on that operating system. Some [04:19.560 --> 04:24.560] users that you want to add, some files that you want to make create, some networking rules, [04:24.560 --> 04:30.400] firewall rules, services to start stuff like that. You can do so so that when in the first [04:30.400 --> 04:34.200] boot, you get the operating system exactly the way you want, so you don't really have [04:34.200 --> 04:38.360] to install stuff and then configure it and then do that like thousands of times just [04:38.360 --> 04:43.800] because scalability is the thing. The next thing that I want to talk about is the fact [04:43.800 --> 04:49.840] that this operating system is available in not just x86 underscore 64, but in a lot of [04:49.840 --> 04:58.080] other places, architectures such as AR64 and ST90X as well, and we plan on providing the [04:58.080 --> 05:07.080] support for other operating systems architectures in the coming times. Speaking of the minimal [05:07.080 --> 05:13.240] set of packages, how minimal is it that we're talking? Let's give that a number. So we have [05:13.240 --> 05:19.680] like three release sets, the one for stable, the testing, as for us next, they are determined [05:19.680 --> 05:28.600] by the number at the penultimate decimal place, so 3.0 is stable, 2.x is testing, and 1.x [05:28.600 --> 05:34.960] is next. And you can totally see what those purposes are for and why exactly would someone [05:34.960 --> 05:41.640] want to go for a next over stable or vice versa. So say for instance, if there's a contributor [05:41.640 --> 05:45.640] who wants to develop this thing, they want to test all the bleeding edge packages that [05:45.640 --> 05:51.000] comes to this platform, they know what they can choose, and for the ones who really want [05:51.000 --> 05:54.480] to set up a server for their home people, they don't really want to move around a lot [05:54.480 --> 05:59.600] of stuff. They can either go for stable or they can reach out to our friends at CentOS [05:59.600 --> 06:08.680] because they have a CentOS team called OS2. So how exactly does this operating system [06:08.680 --> 06:14.960] become secure and scalable? I mean, I do sure like giving a business pitch because it's [06:14.960 --> 06:22.320] all buzzwords. So there are ways to make sure that the packages that you have installed [06:22.320 --> 06:30.000] or to say layered on the top of your existing installation, the way it gets automatically [06:30.000 --> 06:35.000] updated is very much in your control, which essentially means that it can go out in the [06:35.000 --> 06:39.920] open, start downloading everything, every new and bleeding edge stuff if you ask it [06:39.920 --> 06:45.800] to, or just hold back on it just because you want a stable operating system, you want to [06:45.800 --> 06:53.320] really curate the packages that you end up having so you have a lesser variness to updates [06:53.320 --> 06:58.760] that you end up having. So it's totally in your control and by all means there are ways [06:58.760 --> 07:05.640] to totally disable automated updates as and when you see fit. And these updates for the [07:05.640 --> 07:11.840] packages that you have installed, these don't get applied as soon as they get installed, [07:11.840 --> 07:18.960] but rather you kind of make those applications of those updates when you want them to happen. [07:18.960 --> 07:24.480] Usually it's a reboot because, well, the service actually happens to go through all the packages [07:24.480 --> 07:29.840] and refresh them based on the updates that has happened in the last boot, but you can [07:29.840 --> 07:34.720] always do it either live or in the next time as well. So at any point in time you feel like [07:34.720 --> 07:39.120] that a certain update has gone through which should not have, you can rest assured because [07:39.120 --> 07:43.640] that has not yet applied and you can always fall back to the previous deployment. And [07:43.640 --> 07:47.400] oh, I just happened to explain the last point. So that is rolling back whenever you feel [07:47.400 --> 07:55.240] like it. So depending on how you want to use this, you can use it on a Raspberry Pi if you [07:55.240 --> 08:01.280] are having one on your shelf gathering dust or you can have multiple VMs of yours on that [08:01.280 --> 08:06.040] desktop of yours that you think is an overkill and you don't use it anything else other than [08:06.040 --> 08:12.120] gaming. And of course there are choices to use it on the cloud too, which we totally suggest [08:12.120 --> 08:17.120] because this is something that we want to deploy on scale. So the kind of replicated [08:17.120 --> 08:21.880] deployment that you can have kind of depends on the kind of purpose that you would want [08:21.880 --> 08:31.360] to use this for. Right. So that's basically about operating system itself. Now we're going [08:31.360 --> 08:36.960] to make that thing, put that thing into use and understand how we can do some fun stuff, [08:36.960 --> 08:43.800] you know, set ourselves up an environment on this laptop itself. I set myself up a virtualization [08:43.800 --> 08:50.800] host and I'll configure it to the way I want it to. So if I want a user, I'll add it there. [08:50.800 --> 08:55.840] If I want a server to run in a certain way, maybe allow for no more than 32 people, I'd [08:55.840 --> 09:01.320] do so too. And by all means here again, this is a thing that you can follow along. So you [09:01.320 --> 09:08.320] can feel free to read the documentation by scanning the QR code and we'll move on to [09:08.320 --> 09:15.240] the next one. Right. So the set up environment that we have in place is VMware workstation. [09:15.240 --> 09:19.480] We really wanted to make sure that things are a lot more easier and off-limited scope [09:19.480 --> 09:25.560] for scope of this presentation. But you can use Quemu, you can use virtual box, you can [09:25.560 --> 09:30.200] use anything that you want or if you want to just nail it, you really want to make use [09:30.200 --> 09:35.400] of a bare metal too. And the specification that we provided it for are listed over here [09:35.400 --> 09:41.520] and for this case just because we want a server that actually runs, that actually is something [09:41.520 --> 09:45.640] that won't get a lot of packages, a lot of updates down the line, we really want to make [09:45.640 --> 09:51.480] sure that this runs in the long term, we have approached the stable stream for this one. [09:51.480 --> 09:58.280] Right. So I'm going to exit out of the screen for a bit and go more into detail about the [09:58.280 --> 10:13.040] stuff that I talked about over here. Right. So speaking of the demonstration, I have an [10:13.040 --> 10:19.400] entire directory of files that I need. Now these can either be firewall rules, the system, [10:19.400 --> 10:24.880] the units that I want to enable on the first boot, the packages that I want to install, [10:24.880 --> 10:31.200] the configuration for the swap that I want to put into place, stuff like that. So to [10:31.200 --> 10:37.440] get started, like I mentioned, we required a butane configuration. Now what exactly would [10:37.440 --> 10:49.440] that be? Let's find out. Pute cons and of course mine.pu. Well, basically it's just [10:49.440 --> 10:54.480] a list of directives that lets you do the stuff that you want to make happen. So if [10:54.480 --> 11:01.400] you want to create users with the set password for them, add SSS authorized keys, stuff like [11:01.400 --> 11:06.880] that, you can have them over here. The same goes for the stories, the symbolic links that [11:06.880 --> 11:13.040] you want to make happen from one folder to another directory. And you can have files [11:13.040 --> 11:19.160] that you source from a remote location and place it to somewhere else. Then finally we [11:19.160 --> 11:24.720] get to the system, the units part, where you can actually declare services. Now these services [11:24.720 --> 11:31.720] can either be for installing packages, adding firewall rules, enabling containers, stuff [11:31.720 --> 11:37.520] like that, and you can totally control them the way you want. And finally, you know, there's [11:37.520 --> 11:43.480] this cadence about what needs to be done first that you can use with the use of system D [11:43.480 --> 11:51.440] directives, like before, depends on, but you can also mention them over here. Right. So [11:51.440 --> 11:55.880] as you can see that we have roughly three system D units that we have mentioned over [11:55.880 --> 12:01.720] here. The first, of course, is to install portman compose and firewall D. We have portman [12:01.720 --> 12:07.120] pre-installed but not portman compose, so we might as well end up getting one. And the [12:07.120 --> 12:12.720] next is to allow Minecraft server to firewall. So before that we, of course, would reboot [12:12.720 --> 12:18.640] because like I mentioned, your updates only get applied when you want them to be applied, [12:18.640 --> 12:24.840] which by this case, by the default is reboot. There's also an option to apply them live, [12:24.840 --> 12:30.400] but then again you'd want to use them for applications like, well, a text editor or [12:30.400 --> 12:33.840] something of that kind, but definitely not for something that will end up becoming a [12:33.840 --> 12:40.600] service on itself. And then finally starting the dedicated server, now that the stuff that [12:40.600 --> 12:50.240] we needed for the firewall D service rules are everything in place. So just to avoid [12:50.240 --> 12:56.480] using more time during the presentation, what we did was, well, we did that in the hindsight [12:56.480 --> 13:03.480] like previously. And now what we have over here is the IP that we can connect to the [13:03.480 --> 13:09.480] container, the one that's running firewall D, the one that runs that firewall D service [13:09.480 --> 13:17.560] as well as the Minecraft dedicated server. To go forward in detail, I would show the [13:17.560 --> 13:25.080] status of the units that I mentioned off, like those for allowing these and depending [13:25.080 --> 13:30.040] on what kind of condition that you make happen, you can either make them run once, like if [13:30.040 --> 13:34.160] the firewall D service has been enabled, so you don't want to enable it again. So you [13:34.160 --> 13:38.800] can always put a flag of some kind telling that if a certain condition satisfies, which [13:38.800 --> 13:46.560] it seems to have, it won't run again. So the next thing that I want to show you is, [13:46.560 --> 13:53.760] of course, the server itself. So if I were to follow a certain unit, let's just say start [13:53.760 --> 14:00.600] Minecraft server, but I'm going to save myself some effort and go like that. So we have this [14:00.600 --> 14:07.520] container right here that's running on Podman. And yeah, there's this internal IP address [14:07.520 --> 14:13.840] as well that lets us connect to that. And finally, about the services that lets you [14:13.840 --> 14:21.480] install both Podman Compose as well as the firewall D. We'll head over here. Where's [14:21.480 --> 14:46.280] the terminal? There it is. And do, of course, mine. It's just a moment. And allowing system [14:46.280 --> 14:51.680] D system, allowing Minecraft server to the firewall. So we have set also the condition [14:51.680 --> 14:58.240] which tells that once that thing is done, you create a file called done, allow Minecraft [14:58.240 --> 15:02.720] server to firewall. So with the services like these, we kind of make sure that the service [15:02.720 --> 15:09.360] runs exactly when we want it to and not any time more than that. So once it's done, it's [15:09.360 --> 15:14.520] done. And of course, the condition for setting up in the first boot kind of falls in line [15:14.520 --> 15:21.520] for the one that helps us install these packages, especially for the Podman Compose and firewall [15:21.520 --> 15:29.760] D. So condition for the first boot is true, but you reboot after this thing has completely [15:29.760 --> 15:36.480] done. And by that, we help applying these packages on the existing deployment. Right. [15:36.480 --> 15:44.120] Let's say we'll go over here and we'll check the IP address again. This happens to be, [15:44.120 --> 15:49.000] this is not forwarded. So as much as any of you folks have Minecraft installed, I'm really [15:49.000 --> 15:53.640] sorry that you folks won't be able to connect to this one for the security purposes. But [15:53.640 --> 15:59.240] I'm going to connect to it and see what kind of world it gets me into. So we have the IP [15:59.240 --> 16:08.080] Let's see if it's reachable. Well, actually it's kind of a firewall D thing [16:08.080 --> 16:19.080] if it's the service runs. And if the rules have been applied, we would be able to. Hmm, [16:19.080 --> 16:38.800] just a moment folks. Oh, it seems to have run. Now to have a plan B and a plan C, I have [16:38.800 --> 16:43.920] heard stories of folks losing their presentations. They have like three flash drives. So I also [16:43.920 --> 16:49.920] thought of deploying one in my home, but we probably won't need that because guess what? [16:49.920 --> 16:57.880] We have a sour that says that it's running on this host and it's running on, well, the [16:57.880 --> 17:02.200] forced and set up that we have here. Well, the other one, the plan C, of course, does [17:02.200 --> 17:06.840] not happen to be a plan C anymore because there's something that I can't reach out to. [17:06.840 --> 17:15.960] So I'm going to connect over to this one. Right. So the worst thing that can happen [17:15.960 --> 17:20.840] to a player when the entire Minecraft world has happened. But then again, if I were to [17:20.840 --> 17:29.560] all tab out and were to check the logs of the service, I should be able to see that [17:29.560 --> 17:36.800] I indeed have connected and have reached. So, you know, folks can totally get creative with [17:36.800 --> 17:42.200] what they can do with this. They can have their own servers hosted on their local place, [17:42.200 --> 17:47.000] maybe have an OCI cloud to do some reverse proxing to have their friends connect to it [17:47.000 --> 17:53.280] as well. The possibilities are endless. And when it gets deployed on scale on cloud, it [17:53.280 --> 17:58.760] just goes to the next level. And it's not just for gaming, but rather for if you want [17:58.760 --> 18:04.720] to do a local deployment for Plex or anything for that matter, which uses containers, it [18:04.720 --> 18:12.480] is possible. Now I'm going to hand it over to Sumanthro to be able to talk about the [18:12.480 --> 18:18.680] Valheim setup, say, back to the presentation. Or to you, Sumanthro. [18:18.680 --> 18:25.880] Hey, guys. So exactly much like the Minecraft setup, we have the Valheim setup, which is [18:25.880 --> 18:33.000] basically setting up the environment variables, configuring the host, making it work. Technically [18:33.000 --> 18:55.600] all the documentation has been put out on that QR code. So, if I go over here. Yeah, [18:55.600 --> 19:02.040] so all the required files has been put out here. So, like Akash explained, we have a [19:02.040 --> 19:08.280] buton conf. So, if I go inside, you would have a buton conf configuration generated [19:08.280 --> 19:13.800] by this ignition file. So, if you look at it over here, the buton conf configuration [19:13.800 --> 19:20.600] has the storage, the directories, and all we need the files, any rules. And finally, [19:20.600 --> 19:27.520] the system D unit services that needs to run, specifically in much like the exact case of [19:27.520 --> 19:38.320] Minecraft. If I go back, this is actually the ignition file. This is the back door of [19:38.320 --> 19:45.800] how CoreOS would basically look at that configuration and parse it for its own purposes. So, this [19:45.800 --> 19:53.240] is perfectly mission readable, not supposed to be edited by hand. But, you know, if you [19:53.240 --> 19:57.440] guys wanted to change something, that's supposed to be on the buton side of things. Coming [19:57.440 --> 20:05.640] back to the configuration, there's a root. There's supposed to be ETC system D and then [20:05.640 --> 20:13.400] the ZRAM generator service. And this one is swap on ZRAM service. By default, we have [20:13.400 --> 20:22.800] put a ZRAM zero as the default setting. It requires a bunch of RAM and we literally have [20:22.800 --> 20:28.560] put one of those services over there just to ensure things are going fine. Going back [20:28.560 --> 20:36.000] to my systems, there are going to be a server through the firewall. That's exactly the same. [20:36.000 --> 20:47.800] If I open it, that's a very basic, that's a very basic thing. Going back, we have the [20:47.800 --> 20:56.640] start well dedicated service and this one is going to have the podman compose parts [20:56.640 --> 21:04.160] and that's an execute script with the up and down. Coming back to the point, so one [21:04.160 --> 21:13.320] more thing, we actually hosted it on private servers back in the home. The way that we [21:13.320 --> 21:22.520] kind of can get it up and running right now is reaching, where was the terminal? Go ahead. [21:22.520 --> 21:30.120] So for the interest of time. I should probably practice turning on microphones before speaking. [21:30.120 --> 21:35.840] For the interest of time, what we'll do is we'll just not show the Valheim demo. Unfortunately, [21:35.840 --> 21:41.480] apologies for that. But this is totally reachable on the VM that we have set up over here and [21:41.480 --> 21:47.120] the port that it goes on is reachable. But the point being that these things are very [21:47.120 --> 21:52.840] possible, fun stuff and kind of gives you a reason why you would want to try a new workflow [21:52.840 --> 21:58.160] where the entire file system, the entire packaging workflow is nothing but a get kind of a thing. [21:58.160 --> 22:02.080] So you can always roll back, roll front, depending on what you want to do. And the best thing [22:02.080 --> 22:08.400] that you can do is, well, try it out today if you have a VM to spare or a device to do [22:08.400 --> 22:14.640] say. Right. So that's about it for the presentation. We'd really love to have your questions and [22:14.640 --> 22:15.640] answer them too. [22:15.640 --> 22:45.080] We have a bunch of time for questions. [22:45.080 --> 22:49.680] So thank you very much for your presentation. I had a question about the relationship between [22:49.680 --> 22:57.640] Fedora Core, Fedora Core OS and persistent storage. My understanding is that when you're [22:57.640 --> 23:01.000] working in containers, you want everything to be ethereal and temporary and don't worry [23:01.000 --> 23:07.160] about that. But like you mentioned, if you have some sort of media server, how would [23:07.160 --> 23:12.720] you address that sort of like persistent sort of ButterFS data pool? Is that part of butane [23:12.720 --> 23:22.480] or how is that configured and managed? The way we have it is by setting up mounts. The [23:22.480 --> 23:27.160] way it works is anything that gets affected by the installation, removal, updating of [23:27.160 --> 23:32.660] the packages, these are the ones that are very transient in nature. So these can get [23:32.660 --> 23:37.520] affected. But if you have mounts that lead to some different place, they most likely [23:37.520 --> 23:42.840] won't be, the home directory would most likely stay untouched. So as long as it does not [23:42.840 --> 23:47.440] have anything to do with a certain package, if it's not a file that gets introduced when [23:47.440 --> 23:52.760] you install a package or something of that kind, it for most likely won't be touched [23:52.760 --> 24:10.120] and it would always stay the safe. Any more questions? [24:10.120 --> 24:34.920] Okay. What is the relationship between 4.0.x and 4.0.i.o.t? And does it make any sense? [24:34.920 --> 24:47.080] Has everyone got that? What's the difference between Fedora CoreOS and what? [24:47.080 --> 24:56.080] Fedora IoT. So for the record, Fedora IoT was an official [24:56.080 --> 25:03.720] edition for a long time, which means Fedora would push in updates regularly. CoreOS recently [25:03.720 --> 25:09.280] became an edition which is a release back, which now brings into question the release [25:09.280 --> 25:17.320] criteria for IoT and the boards that we support. They were very officially declared as supported. [25:17.320 --> 25:23.280] But in case of CoreOS, there's no such official support that was given before. It was never [25:23.280 --> 25:26.960] made an edition. So that's one thing that you're missing out on. Second thing that you're [25:26.960 --> 25:34.200] missing out on is IoT, on the other hand, is released every six months with the release. [25:34.200 --> 25:40.680] Fedora in CoreOS, in this case, would have a stream cycle, which means the next would [25:40.680 --> 25:46.920] be if today we get a next stream, in 15 days that would become testing, and then in next [25:46.920 --> 25:53.040] 15 days it would become the stable. And then that's how it's going to roll. Obviously, [25:53.040 --> 25:59.560] given the fact that the next stream is tested by the CoreOS's own CI, which runs for almost [25:59.560 --> 26:05.160] all the basic tests which is required for the thing to run, both are based out of OS [26:05.160 --> 26:11.560] free. But again, every 15 days, CoreOS updates to the next stream or moves through the next [26:11.560 --> 26:25.800] stream. In case of IoT, you get it every six months. [26:25.800 --> 26:33.120] Hi, thanks for the talk. I would love to see this kind of bootstrapping of CoreOS happening [26:33.120 --> 26:41.000] on SystemDN spawn, for instance. Would that be feasible, like having that butane declarative [26:41.000 --> 26:49.280] way of just instantiate me something under SystemDN spawn? Is that something that can [26:49.280 --> 26:56.440] work already? It technically can. But then again, we kind of have to understand if SystemDN [26:56.440 --> 27:02.800] spawn, well, the environment inside of it will have SystemDN or not. So it's very much [27:02.800 --> 27:10.080] possible. And one of the use cases that I've seen using it is building packages or testing [27:10.080 --> 27:16.760] them for that matter. So the very fact that, you know, you don't really have to configure [27:16.760 --> 27:21.640] it when it's up, but rather decide how it's going to look like from the get-go, and that [27:21.640 --> 27:29.640] deployment can be replicated like anywhere. So that really makes it a prime image of some [27:29.640 --> 27:34.480] kind. And it does not even have to be a container image, right? That thing can be based upon [27:34.480 --> 27:39.760] and using a virtual machine or SystemDN spawn, as you mentioned, you can have that kind of [27:39.760 --> 27:44.120] a blueprint. But guess what? It's not a container. It's a full-blown operating system, which [27:44.120 --> 27:48.640] is running like it would on a bare-metal node. [27:48.640 --> 27:49.640] Okay. [27:49.640 --> 27:50.640] Thank you. [27:50.640 --> 28:05.120] Okay. This is the last question we can take. [28:05.120 --> 28:12.000] So I was wondering this ignition file is only applied on the first startup. Can we make [28:12.000 --> 28:18.480] some kind of declarative configuration for Silver Blue? Or for, and not for Silver Blue [28:18.480 --> 28:23.480] for CoreOS? Is this also supported? [28:23.480 --> 28:27.800] So if I get your question correctly, you are wondering if a certain configuration can be [28:27.800 --> 28:44.440] run again if I want to, on the same deployment. [28:44.440 --> 28:49.280] Right. So it's totally possible. You know, the thing that you end up getting after running [28:49.280 --> 28:54.480] these many steps after running the butane configuration is a deployment. So what you [28:54.480 --> 28:59.520] can do is you can use that deployment and run a butane configuration on the top of it. [28:59.520 --> 29:04.160] So that becomes your base deployment. And anything that you add on the top of it is [29:04.160 --> 29:10.520] the resulting deployment. So the very thing that deployment states in this case is a state [29:10.520 --> 29:18.920] in which the operating system is in right now. So, yeah. So if you just mangle the state [29:18.920 --> 29:25.040] to create a new one, that state becomes your existing state. That's about it. [29:25.040 --> 29:32.680] One last thing, guys. We have a Fedora boot. Feel free to go there, grab swags and whatnot. [29:32.680 --> 29:55.760] And thanks for attending. Thanks. [29:55.760 --> 30:11.220] Hey, guys.