[00:00.000 --> 00:11.520] So you're almost having like a synchronous Q&A session and I, you know, that just makes [00:11.520 --> 00:14.640] life easier for a lot of people, including presenters, right? [00:14.640 --> 00:17.680] Because you know what to sort of expect. [00:17.680 --> 00:22.440] The last one is sort of similar. [00:22.440 --> 00:27.280] I saw this, like, Linux Foundation did this, like, a few years ago. [00:27.280 --> 00:32.400] I, you know, I made a presentation, again, with Sophia on documentation, and then there [00:32.400 --> 00:38.120] was like a Slack channel for Q&As, and after our presentation, we were on there for like [00:38.120 --> 00:43.080] 30, 45 minutes, which I thought was great, because typically when you're at a convention [00:43.080 --> 00:48.040] center, you kind of get shoot out after your presentation, so people only have like a five [00:48.040 --> 00:51.640] minute window to ask you questions, like if you ran out of time, right? [00:51.640 --> 00:58.200] This just gave us a lot more time to answer questions, and also for people to be, you [00:58.200 --> 01:02.400] know, vocal with their comments and feedback, which I thought was great, and I made sure [01:02.400 --> 01:07.600] that I let a lot of people know that I thought that was pretty awesome. [01:07.600 --> 01:14.000] So I know I'm almost out of time, so I think I've covered most of these. [01:14.000 --> 01:16.560] So it's not either or. [01:16.560 --> 01:22.760] The virtual events can complement what you're doing, like, in person, and, you know, just [01:22.760 --> 01:26.640] remember that we've been doing, like, a virtual collaboration for a long time, and this is [01:26.640 --> 01:32.560] definitely an important toolkit to help community members, and then especially for people who [01:32.560 --> 01:37.640] can't always travel for whatever reason, financial or otherwise. [01:37.640 --> 01:43.920] And the final point I want to make, actually, the platforms that we're using for online [01:43.920 --> 01:49.040] events, like including Hopin, I mean, I'm not saying that's my favorite tool, but even [01:49.040 --> 01:54.320] Hopin has really evolved over time, and one of the things I noticed when I talked to event [01:54.320 --> 01:58.800] manager and vendors is that they'll give a list of, here are the virtual event platforms [01:58.800 --> 02:00.520] that we support. [02:00.520 --> 02:05.400] One company, they provided, like, 15 logos, including, like, Hopin, so there are just [02:05.400 --> 02:11.360] more alternatives available, so I think we have better platforms and tools to run events [02:11.360 --> 02:17.840] virtually, and, yeah, I just, I think that's it, I just want to make sure I have time for [02:17.840 --> 02:18.840] questions. [02:18.840 --> 02:21.840] Hopefully you'll leave it to me after I thank you. [02:21.840 --> 02:27.360] Great, because it's you, you can do one question, even though we're over time, because we think [02:27.360 --> 02:28.360] you're awesome. [02:28.360 --> 02:29.360] All right, thank you. [02:29.360 --> 02:30.360] Anyone want to ask a question? [02:30.360 --> 02:31.360] I see a hand. [02:31.360 --> 02:32.360] Off we go. [02:32.360 --> 02:42.360] You are the final question of the community, Debra, for FOSDOM 2023, congratulations. [02:42.360 --> 02:44.480] Well, thank you very much for the talk. [02:44.480 --> 02:50.600] We have a global market, but obviously we don't have big resources like big companies, [02:50.600 --> 03:00.800] so I wonder how much it is to set up the whole logistic of the virtual event live streaming. [03:00.800 --> 03:05.840] Because we definitely have a global market, so obviously you can't be relying on everyone [03:05.840 --> 03:13.000] assisting to your event if you do it in person, but I'm thinking probably the best thing is [03:13.000 --> 03:18.800] to just record it and then put it available online a week later or something like that, [03:18.800 --> 03:24.720] rather than having to live stream it as a proper hybrid event, what do you think? [03:24.720 --> 03:33.480] Well, the question for people online, because even Zoom is not free, and then is it okay [03:33.480 --> 03:40.320] to pre-record things and make content available for people to consume and ask questions to? [03:40.320 --> 03:44.640] I think that's completely valid, actually one of the things I learned from these vendors, [03:44.640 --> 03:50.040] they don't, on a virtual platform, they actually don't encourage you to have a live presentation [03:50.040 --> 03:55.400] in a Q&A, because there's just a lot more technical difficulties that you can run through. [03:55.400 --> 04:01.520] They call us senior lives, they prefer that they have the presenter record and be available [04:01.520 --> 04:07.320] for 10 minutes of questioning, as an example, but if you don't want to have a person available [04:07.320 --> 04:13.080] 10 minutes online for questioning, you can still have a create a Google Doc, here's a [04:13.080 --> 04:18.120] recording, please submit your questions over this period of time and the presenter or other [04:18.120 --> 04:21.440] people can answer them, so it's all documented, right? [04:21.440 --> 04:25.960] So I think that's completely valid, so you don't have to use Zoom, I mean, I just happened [04:25.960 --> 04:30.320] to be, I've been using Zoom for the past few years, so that's what I'm comfortable with, [04:30.320 --> 04:36.920] but you can do a live stream from Google Hangout, but I haven't tried to hands on myself, but [04:36.920 --> 04:42.160] I know it's doable, so that's an option, but having something pre-recorded available [04:42.160 --> 04:47.040] on YouTube channel, but here's a documentation, it could be a Wiki page or Google Docs, please [04:47.040 --> 04:52.920] submit your questions, we'll close the questioning in like seven days and whoever the presenter [04:52.920 --> 04:57.760] was, whoever the content expert is, we'll get back to you with their answers, so I think [04:57.760 --> 05:17.440] that's a completely valid thing to do, it doesn't have to be like 100% interactive, so.