The talk is about Tribe, a collaborative project management framework that provides a unified set of conventions for relational database structure, variable type handling, and handling HTML input fields. The framework has a well-defined folder structure, a set of extendable conventions, and a defined tech stack that enables open-source collaborations. The speaker talks about the constraints of available building material and cost constraints that architects faced while building the hall of nations in New Delhi, which Tribe draws parallels from. The core backend tech stack behind Tribe is PHP MySQL, with nginx as the web server, and it provides API support with JSON API version 1.1. The speaker explains why Tribe was created, which is to provide backend agility to support iterations of UX content design and frontend decision-making while accommodating the agility that JSON provides. The core elements of Tribe include a config file called "types.json" and a few other terms like types, modules, and objects. The talk also touches upon the importance of conventions for collaboration and the licenses used by Tribe, junction, and types.json.