[00:00.000 --> 00:12.800] Thank you all for coming and staying so long. I'm positively surprised and impressed. A [00:12.800 --> 00:18.000] bit nervous. I hope I entertain you better and don't make a mess out of this. Who of [00:18.000 --> 00:26.760] you thought that this title was clickbait? That's fair. It's clickbait a little bit. [00:26.760 --> 00:34.800] I'm also serious about it. I think it's a serious issue. A quick introduction. I will [00:34.800 --> 00:39.240] not read this to you and you already heard it. I think the key point, I work at Rathead. [00:39.240 --> 00:46.920] Yes. My motivation for this talk is informed by my experience at Rathead, but really I've [00:46.920 --> 00:51.040] been an open source free software for a long time and I'm really committed to that. That's [00:51.040 --> 01:00.040] the reason why I work at Rathead, not wise-worthy. Also, I have to give this disclaimer. Nothing [01:00.040 --> 01:07.840] I say here is an official position of any of my former current or future employers, although [01:07.840 --> 01:18.560] it may be the same things I tell my employer. Take that as you wish. Let's get on the topic. [01:18.560 --> 01:25.360] Why do I say that the cloud is a threat to free and open source software? Because while [01:25.360 --> 01:34.680] free software has democratized the access to code address, so code in a repository, taking [01:34.680 --> 01:40.120] that code and actually operationalizing it, running it, has become the new proprietary [01:40.120 --> 01:48.400] differentiator, even on top of free software. In my experience, that is undermining both [01:48.400 --> 01:55.080] the usefulness and the sustainability of free software. Let me explain that a little bit. [01:55.080 --> 01:59.440] Why do we do free software? I trust everyone here in this room knows the definition of [01:59.440 --> 02:04.600] free software, so I'm not going to believe in that. I'll use open source free software [02:04.600 --> 02:14.520] force synonymously. We can discuss that over beer later if you want. The point is that you [02:14.520 --> 02:24.120] have the freedom to use software and it matters. It's important because before free software, [02:24.120 --> 02:31.440] code was a major proprietary differentiator. Proprietary code was also the major entry [02:31.440 --> 02:39.120] hurdle for accessing technology. It incentivized centralization involved gardens and thus became [02:39.120 --> 02:46.280] an inhibitor or was an inhibitor to innovation. It created and maintained dependencies and [02:46.280 --> 02:52.240] lock ends. You were dependent on the decisions of someone else who had authority over the [02:52.240 --> 02:59.920] code that you used. Back then, that was annoying. Maybe it wasn't as big of an issue as it [02:59.920 --> 03:04.720] today, but the world has changed and they'll get to that. Free software, in contrast to [03:04.720 --> 03:10.280] proprietary code, levels the playing field and democratizes the access to technology. [03:10.280 --> 03:17.320] It incentivizes open collaboration and offers a base for technical sovereignty. Sovereignty [03:17.320 --> 03:28.280] being the state where you have authority over your technology. That's my own path to open [03:28.280 --> 03:34.400] source. I got to open source because I was in high school and I needed a compiler. I was [03:34.400 --> 03:44.200] using, I was using OS 2 at the time. Guess my age based on that. I was using OS 2 because [03:44.200 --> 03:51.720] DOS and Windows were not my thing. But the Tobos C compiler I had used on DOS didn't [03:51.720 --> 03:58.160] work on OS 2 and IBM wanted a lot of money for a compiler. Luckily, there was this guy [03:58.160 --> 04:09.960] DJ Delori who had ported GCC to OS 2 and that is what saved me. Let me use a compiler on [04:09.960 --> 04:16.640] OS 2 and what got me into free software. The key point here was that I was excluded from [04:16.640 --> 04:22.160] access to technology. I was excluded from being able to use something to write my own [04:22.160 --> 04:26.480] code on that platform that happened to be running. Could have switched platforms but [04:26.480 --> 04:33.400] would have run into similar problems. There were other compilers that were maybe cheaper [04:33.400 --> 04:39.040] but the problem became obvious to me because of the pricing that made it inaccessible for [04:39.040 --> 04:48.360] me. So that removed the hurdle. And as sovereignty is a big topic right now, for me it starts [04:48.360 --> 04:55.000] with individual sovereignty but that becomes an issue for any organization. If as a business [04:55.000 --> 05:04.000] you are dependent on other people's decisions or in Europe that's a big topic nowadays even [05:04.000 --> 05:09.680] as a state or union of states you become dependent on other people's technology decisions, that's [05:09.680 --> 05:18.040] creating major risk. Free software is the antidote for that. It provides you an environment [05:18.040 --> 05:27.960] that lets you control your own technology and it creates an environment where access [05:27.960 --> 05:35.920] to technology is fully democratized. It provides incentives for collaboration and creates a [05:35.920 --> 05:45.880] better innovation model that's based on collaboration. And it, well now I'm repeating myself, apologies [05:45.880 --> 05:51.760] for that. It creates this level of sovereignty and control over your code. That's why it [05:51.760 --> 06:02.600] matters and that is something that in the cloud is becoming harder to do. What happened [06:02.600 --> 06:07.760] is that software aids the world. Everything is software defined now. An example I often [06:07.760 --> 06:15.200] use is the connected mousetrap I have in my basement. Mousetraps is a pretty old concept [06:15.200 --> 06:27.400] doing something very physical. And now I have a mousetrap that has a microcontroller, [06:27.400 --> 06:34.680] talks to my network and tells me through a cloud backend with a front end on my mobile [06:34.680 --> 06:44.200] phone when it did its business so I don't find it weeks later. So that's software defined [06:44.200 --> 06:53.360] now. And I bought this one because it has software features. So that shows how integrated [06:53.360 --> 06:58.680] our lives become, I mean it's a silly example, but it shows how integrated our lives have [06:58.680 --> 07:06.240] become with software. How things are defined by software. I always go back to Laurenz Lasek [07:06.240 --> 07:15.080] book in late 1990s or early 2000s that he wrote called Code where he argues that code [07:15.080 --> 07:20.840] becomes law because it defines our ability to interact with the world increasingly. I [07:20.840 --> 07:26.360] came across it in the context of the fight against software patents in Europe in the [07:26.360 --> 07:33.960] early 2000s. And I think that's become more and more reality. Everything we do is more [07:33.960 --> 07:41.160] defined by code. And that is not defined by code at rest anymore. It's not defined by [07:41.160 --> 07:52.920] code in a repository. It's defined by code that's running somewhere. And the software, [07:52.920 --> 08:00.560] open source is a base for that, right? The cloud is built on open source. The software [08:00.560 --> 08:06.680] has the complexity of modern software. The integration of the world has left interdependencies [08:06.680 --> 08:14.480] that everything now has on that has led to a model where users, commercial users, private [08:14.480 --> 08:19.440] users increasingly just built on top of services provided by someone else, right? And it's [08:19.440 --> 08:24.440] just a function of the complexity with the utility of something. If I need a database, [08:24.440 --> 08:28.000] I can click a button, I get a database. I don't have to become an expert in deploying [08:28.000 --> 08:32.560] databases myself. I don't need to figure out how to find the right infrastructure for it. [08:32.560 --> 08:37.800] I just press a button. It works. And I can focus on the top 10% of my solution stack [08:37.800 --> 08:44.880] where I implement my, as a business, I implement my proprietary differentiation. I will use [08:44.880 --> 08:56.640] that. But the price for that is a dependency on a service that in itself may be based on [08:56.640 --> 09:02.920] open source code, but the step from taking the code that's in a repository to putting [09:02.920 --> 09:07.400] together multiple pieces of code into a running service, and running that service, keeping [09:07.400 --> 09:13.480] it running, keeping it secure, and integrating these other things increasingly becomes proprietary. [09:13.480 --> 09:18.000] And it becomes the proprietary differentiation to the degree that less and less people can [09:18.000 --> 09:26.360] actually run services on their own. And why is that? Because the knowledge of running things [09:26.360 --> 09:30.880] in this complex interconnected world gets harder. It's hard to keep things secure, even [09:30.880 --> 09:39.360] configuring them secure, which you can see in the news, basically daily base, is hard. [09:39.360 --> 09:47.080] People fail. And all kinds of data shows up in places it shouldn't be. And that becoming [09:47.080 --> 09:53.240] a new, that knowledge, right? So it's not just, it's not the question whether in this [09:53.240 --> 09:58.040] respect is a definition of free software. My complaint is not that I may have to pay [09:58.040 --> 10:03.720] for a service, right? My complaint is that the knowledge on how to go from code in a [10:03.720 --> 10:10.920] repository to a running service, that knowledge in itself has become a proprietary differentiator [10:10.920 --> 10:19.440] that's creating walled gardens and that removes access to technology. And I'm guilty myself [10:19.440 --> 10:23.480] in actually falling into that trap. I mean, I don't run my own mail server anymore, which [10:23.480 --> 10:30.920] has been a, I don't know how many of you are in that camp, who runs their own mail server? [10:30.920 --> 10:40.920] Yeah, that's sad really. I mean, in this audience, I was wondering whether I should dare ask this [10:40.920 --> 10:44.920] question because I would have felt really silly if all of you would have raised their [10:44.920 --> 10:51.680] hand and say, I run my own mail server, Daniel, you idiot. But in reality, why don't I run [10:51.680 --> 11:03.520] my own mail service because I can't, I don't have the time to do it and keep it secure and [11:03.520 --> 11:09.880] keep my family on it and deal with the support requests of that and provide the same access [11:09.880 --> 11:15.640] from every device that I get if they are just on Google mail, right? But that's a compromise [11:15.640 --> 11:20.840] I make for the ease of use, the utility of it, and in the end, it creates a dependency. [11:20.840 --> 11:25.840] Now I have the situation, I'm going a bit off script here, but I just like now they [11:25.840 --> 11:36.040] are scanning my mail for certain legal violations, right? And they will forward certain types [11:36.040 --> 11:41.480] of violations automatically to the police and lock you out of your account. I think [11:41.480 --> 11:47.400] that was, that wasn't Google. There was a case recently where a family got into trouble [11:47.400 --> 11:55.960] for a photo they had of their kid, like traditional family photo that was flagged as inappropriate [11:55.960 --> 12:00.200] and they lost access to their mail account. I don't say which vendor that was, but you [12:00.200 --> 12:06.840] can Google that in the US, right? And they're locked out forever because algorithm decided [12:06.840 --> 12:13.320] that that was not acceptable. And that might, it's all well intended, right? But it shows [12:13.320 --> 12:18.720] what it means to not be, not have technology sovereignty, right? You're now dependent on [12:18.720 --> 12:25.880] an algorithm that might be very, very badly implemented that then decides whether you [12:25.880 --> 12:32.880] lose access to your own data because it recognized a violation with the best intentions, but [12:32.880 --> 12:40.080] sometimes dangerous consequences. And we'll see more of that, right? Because there's a [12:40.080 --> 12:44.760] whole different thing I'm not talking about today that's happening with artificial intelligence [12:44.760 --> 12:51.360] and the further integration of these systems into cloud services. So my point here at the [12:51.360 --> 12:58.840] end comes down to that, like the question, it's great that we have free software, right? [12:58.840 --> 13:03.600] It's great that we have revolutionized the access to technology, access to code. We have [13:03.600 --> 13:10.400] revolutionized the business where free software has won. It's a base for all modern software [13:10.400 --> 13:15.000] development to some degree, right? There's always something like proprietary differentiation [13:15.000 --> 13:22.640] in code. Right now, I would say is limited kind of to the top of the code pyramid, right? [13:22.640 --> 13:27.720] When it becomes like the things that one company writes in-house, right? Their own business [13:27.720 --> 13:34.320] differentiations, that's always proprietary, right? That's where your trade secrets are. [13:34.320 --> 13:39.080] And that's okay, right? It's always shaking the head. It's a separate divide, but you [13:39.080 --> 13:48.800] will like at a point where something becomes so unique, right? You get into the question [13:48.800 --> 13:55.640] with a... We can debate that in a question and answer. I see it, but I think so ultimately [13:55.640 --> 14:01.080] I respect people doing that, right? But then you get down to something is domain specific. [14:01.080 --> 14:05.280] Maybe there's some proprietary stuff in there, but latest you're like outside of like one [14:05.280 --> 14:10.000] specific industry, you get into free software frameworks that everyone is using because [14:10.000 --> 14:18.360] all the stuff on the business side that's common, their free software is a huge advantage [14:18.360 --> 14:24.560] because it gives you the ability to collaborate among competitors, to not reinvent things [14:24.560 --> 14:29.560] all the time, to get to common standards in a very practical way, right? Because it's [14:29.560 --> 14:40.880] code is better than a standard. So that works. But how much use is it really if you cannot [14:40.880 --> 14:46.640] run it anymore on your own with a dependency, without a dependency on someone who is a big [14:46.640 --> 14:57.560] centralized provider? The issue here that goes into that is true for individuals, that's [14:57.560 --> 15:03.920] true for organizations, that's true for civil society, that is true for companies that are [15:03.920 --> 15:09.800] not as big as some other companies. You always create these dependencies because of the talent [15:09.800 --> 15:17.840] gaps and just the knowledge gaps and the risk included in it. And this has allowed the leading [15:17.840 --> 15:23.560] cloud providers to create centralized economies of scale based around their proprietary operational [15:23.560 --> 15:29.280] knowledge, right? And it's really useful. You click a button, you get anything you need [15:29.280 --> 15:34.120] in infrastructure. You know, this sometimes includes unfair strip mining of free software [15:34.120 --> 15:42.000] projects, right? We've all seen that. They can do that just because of the scale of operationalization. [15:42.000 --> 15:45.960] There's nothing to do with the code. It has led to a situation where sometimes code itself [15:45.960 --> 15:50.960] is actually commoditized, right? Your challenge is not writing the code. You can get enough [15:50.960 --> 15:55.960] people together to write the code. Really the problem comes running it and creating [15:55.960 --> 16:03.760] the economy of scale and adoption that makes it successful, right? And that is a dynamic [16:03.760 --> 16:07.960] that basically goes back to the main frame, right? We went full circle and now we are [16:07.960 --> 16:14.280] running black box services on someone else's hardware. It's a convenient model, but it's [16:14.280 --> 16:25.720] really creating lock-ins. And it's the same kind of lock-in and access hurdle that code [16:25.720 --> 16:33.200] used to be when I was in high school, right? It was impossible for many people to get to [16:33.200 --> 16:40.320] that level of technology, even if they knew how to code in a sustainable way. And now [16:40.320 --> 16:46.400] we are getting back there. And there are plenty examples how this goes even into how we create [16:46.400 --> 16:51.880] free software, right? This is not just a problem in using or deploying it. It affects our [16:51.880 --> 16:57.680] own creation, right? If you write modern cloud-native software, you aggregate existing services [16:57.680 --> 17:01.840] and you focus on the last 10% of what you really care about. You don't have to worry [17:01.840 --> 17:05.920] about anything else because you can use it from the cloud provider. If you are doing [17:05.920 --> 17:09.960] free software, then you have to run everything yourself because we haven't expanded free [17:09.960 --> 17:20.920] software to solve this problem, right? And we also, I mean, we can take prominent examples [17:20.920 --> 17:32.960] of who uses GitHub. Does it include GitHub issues and things like that? Who thinks that [17:32.960 --> 17:40.120] GitHub is open-source software, free software, right? And it's great. It's a great service. [17:40.120 --> 17:48.800] It's a great tool. Git is free software. GitHub and everything around the code management [17:48.800 --> 18:03.240] itself. You go into issues, actions, integrations. It's owned by Microsoft, yes? Yeah. Now, I'm [18:03.240 --> 18:09.680] not going to go there. I have a sitting comment who I work for, so anyhow. I think I don't [18:09.680 --> 18:13.360] want to have prejudice against, I don't want to single out Microsoft there, right? Because [18:13.360 --> 18:18.680] that wasn't my point. Slack is not on, I think, I don't know who owns Slack, but same thing, [18:18.680 --> 18:26.560] right? So much user. We can go around and around, and we will find that even the development [18:26.560 --> 18:35.880] of free software depends more and more on proprietary services, software as a service. [18:35.880 --> 18:45.080] And it's, this is not necessarily criticism in these companies, right? I believe that [18:45.080 --> 18:49.480] everyone has a choice to offer their software and their service under the license in terms [18:49.480 --> 18:54.520] of service they see appropriate. But it's a problem for me where I think, well, there [18:54.520 --> 18:59.440] should be an alternative, right? We need to think about how sustainable this is in the [18:59.440 --> 19:10.440] long term. And, you know, can we get to a model where free and open-source software development [19:10.440 --> 19:18.280] can be integrated with other free and open-source software development in a consistent model [19:18.280 --> 19:26.360] end-to-end, where it regains its utility all the way to running code, right? That is the [19:26.360 --> 19:31.040] underlying problem is that when you, you know, having code and they're not being able to [19:31.040 --> 19:38.920] actually offer the service or run your own mail server or, I mean, big topic that everyone [19:38.920 --> 19:42.360] here is probably aware of is like the switch towards the Fediverse right now, which is [19:42.360 --> 19:46.640] great, right? Which brings more attention to this issue. People are trying to run their [19:46.640 --> 19:52.840] own instances of a decentralized social network now, and that, they're finding out that's [19:52.840 --> 19:58.080] actually really hard, right? And, and it's, we haven't, like, that's going to get ugly [19:58.080 --> 20:03.640] before it gets good if people don't run back to the centralized wall garden because it's [20:03.640 --> 20:10.640] too hard, right? But that makes a point. Ultimately, right now, while the Fediverse, I think, is [20:10.640 --> 20:17.320] far ahead, right? It's one of the areas where I see hope, because, you know, it's fairly [20:17.320 --> 20:21.640] easy to run. A lot of people are running and it's a, it's this decentralized, centralized [20:21.640 --> 20:27.200] where you have hubs and people are running them for others as non-profits or, you know, [20:27.200 --> 20:34.200] I think where you have, you know, direct contribution, but it's not a walled garden. That's hope. [20:34.200 --> 20:42.040] I see hope with projects like in, in the home automation space. I personally use Home Assistant, [20:42.040 --> 20:46.480] but they're, you know, other great projects, but a lot of them go deep into actually giving [20:46.480 --> 20:53.040] you something that just runs, right? So operationalizing it isn't hard. It's actually often out [20:53.040 --> 20:57.600] of the box. You can download an image. It just works. Sometimes there are even services [20:57.600 --> 21:02.800] and the integration into services works out of the box, right? You can actually aggregate [21:02.800 --> 21:07.240] things. Sometimes it's a bit, you know, part of the problem is that there's no differentiation [21:07.240 --> 21:12.520] between integrating into other open source components and services and some weird proprietary [21:12.520 --> 21:19.240] or very weird proprietary cloud-based things that maybe upload your security camera images [21:19.240 --> 21:24.520] to places where you don't want them, right? So there's that. But on the other hand, it's, [21:24.520 --> 21:29.120] it's progress in the sense that part of the open source project is to actually solve this [21:29.120 --> 21:36.480] problem. And, and that is, I mean, this is a problem. Again, I think this is a problem [21:36.480 --> 21:40.880] for everyone, right? Even if you're, if you're building on top of the cloud, even if you're [21:40.880 --> 21:45.400] a company building on top of the cloud and you have like very little code that is your [21:45.400 --> 21:52.640] own code, where you put your business differentiation, like your UI to control the microcontroller [21:52.640 --> 21:58.800] code that controls the mousetrap, you still need to figure out how to operationalize it. [21:58.800 --> 22:02.880] That means you need to have that knowledge from somewhere, right? And that, that's becoming [22:02.880 --> 22:11.200] increasingly a problem because it's hard to do that securely. So, you know, open source [22:11.200 --> 22:18.440] as one is only half right. That's my, my takeaway. You know, open source is a preeminent software [22:18.440 --> 22:25.600] development model at this point, but it's not the operations model. And this limits [22:25.600 --> 22:32.120] how useful free and open source software is for users, whether it's individual users, [22:32.120 --> 22:38.960] private users, nonprofits, or, or, or civil society organizations, companies, or even [22:38.960 --> 22:45.720] governments that try to have sovereignty in their technology and data use. [22:45.720 --> 22:53.320] You know, the GitOps is a nice example here, right? It's great to have a GitOps model, [22:53.320 --> 23:00.760] but if you GitOps, you're free software, how free is it when the GitOps part is actually [23:00.760 --> 23:09.560] proprietary, right? So my, my thesis is that we need to expand the concept of free and [23:09.560 --> 23:16.720] open source software from code at rest, from code in a repository to really include the [23:16.720 --> 23:27.520] operationalization of the code. And we need to create a collaborative, decentralized infrastructure [23:27.520 --> 23:35.200] model for that, where we can use the same approach of aggregating existing services [23:35.200 --> 23:41.560] that are run maybe by other organizations, by other projects, without having to rerun [23:41.560 --> 23:46.720] everything on our own, right? We need to create an exchange on operationalization knowledge [23:46.720 --> 23:56.120] and we need to create a practical capability to build applications in that way. And I think [23:56.120 --> 24:03.280] it's, it's important to really take this also in the, in the, you know, something I hadn't, [24:03.280 --> 24:09.360] hadn't thought about before as much. I spent some time at an open forum event on Friday [24:09.360 --> 24:14.600] about where sovereign cloud, cloud sovereignty in the EU was a big topic, right? I think [24:14.600 --> 24:20.040] as a, as a free and open source software community, we need to also make sure that this point [24:20.040 --> 24:27.040] gets pushed into the cloud sovereignty discussion, right? Because if you end up with cloud sovereignty, [24:27.040 --> 24:32.440] many people and talk about how, oh, we're going to use open source cloud code, but at [24:32.440 --> 24:40.240] the end it's going to be in itself just a black box service. Maybe it's just a data [24:40.240 --> 24:45.040] center that happens to be in the EU, but otherwise it's following the same existing proprietary [24:45.040 --> 24:50.360] cloud centralized cloud model that wouldn't be sovereignty, at least not in my, in my [24:50.360 --> 24:57.560] definition of sovereignty, which means you have actual control over your, your destiny. [24:57.560 --> 25:06.560] So what I'd like to see is what, what we need to do here, you know, expand the model, create [25:06.560 --> 25:14.520] a collaborative model around, around actually running things, focus on the sovereignty aspects, [25:14.520 --> 25:22.360] and I think we need to consider technologies without bias. What I'm really concerned about [25:22.360 --> 25:29.320] is for example, when I see discussions around web three, there are a lot of people who have [25:29.320 --> 25:39.320] now a mindset where blockchain, web three, that's tainted by either scam affiliation [25:39.320 --> 25:45.560] of similar technologies, perceived or real, or by political affiliations. I don't know [25:45.560 --> 25:50.200] how big that is in Europe, in the US, that's like a big topic where you can talk to someone [25:50.200 --> 25:59.080] and they will say, no, web three, that's something that the crypto gross use. I'm, I think we [25:59.080 --> 26:06.040] need to be agnostic there. We need to look at technology that's utility. I'm, I'm skeptical [26:06.040 --> 26:13.000] on each individual technology, but ultimately it comes down to how can we solve the problems. [26:13.000 --> 26:17.680] And there are areas where a distributed ledger is going to be the right solution. There's [26:17.680 --> 26:25.080] going to be areas in my view where, for example, something like Filecoin is the right solution [26:25.080 --> 26:34.200] because you need to find a way how to monetize offering services on a peer-to-peer basis. [26:34.200 --> 26:40.360] And we need to be careful not to put everything into the same bucket as maybe other things [26:40.360 --> 26:47.520] like, you know, some, some scam coin and snowball model because they are not just because he's [26:47.520 --> 26:58.760] the same technology. They're not the same thing. So I want to give a concrete example [26:58.760 --> 27:06.240] of what can be done. This is something we are trying at Red Hat, but it's an open source [27:06.240 --> 27:13.240] initiative. Well, it would be silly to talk about it in this context if it wasn't. So [27:13.240 --> 27:19.920] we call it operate first. And I should explain the term. So Red Hat has internally in, in, [27:19.920 --> 27:24.680] in our Linux group and I think for most other groups, but there where it comes from, we [27:24.680 --> 27:31.720] have a core principle that, that's called upstream first, which says that we will never [27:31.720 --> 27:41.640] try to differentiate from upstream code on a technology base. So if we implement a feature [27:41.640 --> 27:45.480] in our product, we try to get it into the relevant upstream projects before we ship [27:45.480 --> 27:52.320] it as a feature to customers. It's not always true. We ended up maintaining Zen kernel patch [27:52.320 --> 27:57.360] for a long time because it was never accepted upstream, but we also regretted that quickly [27:57.360 --> 28:04.280] and switched to KVM because it's painful, right? And this is not, this is not altruism [28:04.280 --> 28:10.120] per se, right? The, the reason why Red Hat doesn't try to differentiate on the technology [28:10.120 --> 28:15.000] level from our upstream open source code is because it would make our whole development [28:15.000 --> 28:21.360] model really painful and almost useless because you lose the main point why a company should [28:21.360 --> 28:29.520] use free software. It's the development model that allows you to collaborate and achieve [28:29.520 --> 28:35.240] better, better solutions than anything you could come up with in-house, right? You lose [28:35.240 --> 28:42.520] the corrective and I mean most, most modern issues that you have in complex systems in [28:42.520 --> 28:46.680] the, in the lower layers of your, of your software stack, you're never going to solve [28:46.680 --> 28:52.040] on your own, right? Like any big kernel issue, any big security issue, it's always a collaborative [28:52.040 --> 28:57.000] effort and that's why they get solved. I mean that's even true for most proprietary software [28:57.000 --> 29:03.360] at this point because someone else finds it, right? So, so Red Hat has this principle called [29:03.360 --> 29:09.640] upstream first which features go upstream before they go into the product, you know, [29:09.640 --> 29:15.800] exceptions are always there, but that's, that's a goal and it's motivated by core business [29:15.800 --> 29:25.880] requirement not by altruism. Now we need the same for creating services, right? It is now [29:25.880 --> 29:33.840] as much service, software as a service company as it's a, we ship code company. All our services [29:33.840 --> 29:40.800] are based on free software. Not all the glue code gets developed in a free software open [29:40.800 --> 29:47.760] source development model. Not all the glue code is publicly available yet. The point [29:47.760 --> 29:53.160] there is we have the same problem, right? And so this is not only, this is not speaking [29:53.160 --> 29:58.440] about our use of services, right? We can't force and we don't have the capacity to build [29:58.440 --> 30:04.480] everything ourselves, right? We have to offer services on proprietary cloud, for example, [30:04.480 --> 30:12.040] right? There is no way around that. But for the things we create, we were also drawn into [30:12.040 --> 30:18.000] just like everyone in the culture of DevOps and cloud native development, we have created [30:18.000 --> 30:25.120] things that are proprietary in the productization step and we have lost the ability to collaborate [30:25.120 --> 30:31.360] on that which hampers ourselves, it hampers our customers that, that then try to do things [30:31.360 --> 30:35.880] on-prem or try to create a hybrid environment. And at the end, we believe strongly in a hybrid [30:35.880 --> 30:41.000] cloud model for whole different discussion would be its own talk. But so we created this [30:41.000 --> 30:49.280] initiative to change our own dynamic, but invite others to join it. And it comes down [30:49.280 --> 31:00.880] to approaching the creation of our own services from a model where we start with making the [31:00.880 --> 31:06.560] upstream code operational, right? So we make sure that what we put into the software repo [31:06.560 --> 31:12.240] is not just theoretically runnable code, it's actually everything you need to run it. So [31:12.240 --> 31:16.840] open source service, first of all, means something that the average person can instantiate as [31:16.840 --> 31:23.840] a running service. Second, drive the knowledge on how to operationalize it into the same [31:23.840 --> 31:30.960] community or overlay community because things aggregate into bigger services and create [31:30.960 --> 31:38.240] communities to have an exchange on how to operationalize the software and make that knowledge [31:38.240 --> 31:44.640] available under free software licenses in a free software exchange model and development [31:44.640 --> 31:54.640] model. And then also try to create actual running instances that our projects can reuse [31:54.640 --> 31:59.760] without having to run component services on their own and invite others to participate [31:59.760 --> 32:07.120] in that. We collaborated with some universities, and this is not new, right? To be fair, Matt [32:07.120 --> 32:13.280] Miller from Fedora Project is sitting in the first row and reminding me, which is present, [32:13.280 --> 32:17.760] Fedora has done things like that all the time, right? Like Linux distributions, of course, [32:17.760 --> 32:23.600] have run what nowadays would be called a cloud service, like build systems and so on in a [32:23.600 --> 32:27.720] collaborative fashion, right? So this is not net news. The problem is we have to expand [32:27.720 --> 32:33.600] that into everything, into databases that we need to run, we need to make reusable, [32:33.600 --> 32:45.960] to any kind of software that we ship, we have to include the operationalization. So that's [32:45.960 --> 33:05.840] the pitch. And we have 10 minutes for questions, discussions and answers. 15, I did some quick [33:05.840 --> 33:21.360] talking there. Do we have questions online? Maybe we can start with these then. Yes, no. [33:21.360 --> 33:26.120] Nothing online, so questions. Yeah, I will take the first one then and then. [33:26.120 --> 33:34.760] I'm not going to hackle you. Closer, okay. There we go. So a lot of the public discussion [33:34.760 --> 33:39.920] I've seen kind of about cloud services and open source has come from a different direction. [33:39.920 --> 33:45.600] It's like companies who have open source software and their business model will support around [33:45.600 --> 33:50.560] it and then some other much larger company suddenly runs their software better than they [33:50.560 --> 33:55.280] do and they say, hey, that's not fair. That's not why we open sourced it. We wanted something [33:55.280 --> 34:02.560] else out of that. And there's been a kind of a fight over licensing and some new licenses [34:02.560 --> 34:09.600] basically meant to restrict that kind of running things. And there's been a debate about those [34:09.600 --> 34:13.560] fit under open source. I think you're talking about something entirely different. And is [34:13.560 --> 34:17.600] there a licensing approach we can take to drive software towards this operate first [34:17.600 --> 34:27.520] model? So I'm not convinced that code licensing itself will solve the issue of strip mining [34:27.520 --> 34:34.800] code. Like the problem when a larger company takes your code and runs a service and monetize [34:34.800 --> 34:38.240] or it doesn't have to actually be a service, right? They could just ship the code into [34:38.240 --> 34:41.840] it better, which is always, there's always like a risk like that. It's a dynamic that [34:41.840 --> 34:46.600] always existed in a Linux distribution, right? We ship something that undermines the ability [34:46.600 --> 34:52.520] to sell the same thing unless you find a way how to make you're selling the same thing [34:52.520 --> 34:58.960] either better or an add on, right? So in the tradition sense, I always like, I was a product [34:58.960 --> 35:06.120] manager for RHEL a long time where we ship components that other people try to monetize [35:06.120 --> 35:11.080] because it's expected from a Linux distribution to bring certain things out of the box. Now [35:11.080 --> 35:17.600] what we always said is, look, we have a very generalized solution here. We will help you [35:17.600 --> 35:22.880] upsell your specialized support, right? So that solved it in that sense. But if you go [35:22.880 --> 35:27.320] into the strip mining by, for example, cloud providers, it takes the same piece of software, [35:27.320 --> 35:31.680] run it, compete with you, and they can operationalize it much better than you then when also have [35:31.680 --> 35:36.240] more reach and have a better customer model, they have a marketplace where they can promote [35:36.240 --> 35:41.480] their solution over years. I don't know if a code license can solve that because part [35:41.480 --> 35:46.520] of the problem there is that they could also rewrite and when that was done, they rewrote [35:46.520 --> 35:50.720] a code, right? Or forked an earlier version when you change the license, right? So this [35:50.720 --> 35:56.440] didn't work. What worked, however, I think is creating the awareness, creating specialization [35:56.440 --> 36:05.200] and creating a dynamic around the integrations, right? Embracing that you're not selling actually [36:05.200 --> 36:12.240] the code, right? Now, I still believe that it's probably better to license a code on [36:12.240 --> 36:19.800] a copy left license and license your operationalization under a copy left license to minimize [36:19.800 --> 36:27.520] the abuse, right? Versus a license that's too liberal and allows people to take it proprietary. [36:27.520 --> 36:34.200] But the successful countermeasures I've seen were not based on licensing primarily. They [36:34.200 --> 36:48.040] were based on a business model and engagement with the customers. How do you copy left the [36:48.040 --> 36:54.880] operas? I can't say that word. Well, you get into it. We just found out, luckily, that [36:54.880 --> 37:05.560] game rules cannot be copyrighted. So D&D will live, despite Hasbro. But I think the code [37:05.560 --> 37:11.120] you implemented in can, right? And at the end, it comes down to how much of a hurdle [37:11.120 --> 37:16.400] is writing new automation code and actually that becomes a fairly big hurdle to reinvent [37:16.400 --> 37:23.440] automation code. And then copy left helps. It doesn't help you against the reach and [37:23.440 --> 37:29.720] economy of scale. There you need awareness of your benefits, a good business model, and [37:29.720 --> 37:36.000] awareness of the problems of world gardens, right? I mean, and the Twitter versus Fediverse [37:36.000 --> 37:41.640] situation is a great experiment of that. You know, I think we should all try to help make [37:41.640 --> 37:52.000] that successful, right? How do you feel about decay of self-hosted infrastructure? For example, [37:52.000 --> 37:56.160] servers or domains disappearing and in general, being less reliable than, for example, GitHub? [37:56.160 --> 38:03.840] I couldn't. Okay. How do you feel about decay of self-hosted infrastructure? For example, [38:03.840 --> 38:25.080] servers or domains disappearing? That wouldn't be the case with GitHub. How do you feel about [38:25.080 --> 38:29.840] the decay of self-hosted infrastructure like servers and domains disappearing and in general, [38:29.840 --> 38:39.880] less reliable than, for example, GitHub? So that's a huge issue, right? Self-hosted infrastructure [38:39.880 --> 38:45.520] always decays, right? And I mean, that's true for anyone who does something. You're interested [38:45.520 --> 38:49.760] at the beginning, and even if you're still around, you move on to the next interesting [38:49.760 --> 39:00.640] topic. That is at least true for me. I'm very happy with Home Assistant. I wouldn't want [39:00.640 --> 39:09.440] to run a security scanner on my Home Assistant device. Now, that's fairly okay because it's [39:09.440 --> 39:17.320] so isolated and doesn't control, well, it controls the heating. So there's a risk there. [39:17.320 --> 39:23.120] So yeah, that's a problem. I mean, and I think, my impression is, for example, as a Home [39:23.120 --> 39:26.720] Assistant community, and again, that's just the one I'm using. I don't want to like single [39:26.720 --> 39:30.760] them out and I haven't had time because, I haven't had time to try others. There might [39:30.760 --> 39:34.600] be better ones, but what I'm seeing there is that there is out of the community, actually, [39:34.600 --> 39:40.800] people start offering the services commercially, right? And nothing I said today is an argument [39:40.800 --> 39:45.480] against commercial offerings, right? It is an argument against proprietary offerings. [39:45.480 --> 39:50.640] It's totally fair to charge for something, right? Developers want to eat. So does admins [39:50.640 --> 39:57.880] need to eat, right? We can sell services. And so I think professional free software infrastructure [39:57.880 --> 40:05.680] is the answer to the decay of self-hosted systems and, you know, a reasonable approach, [40:05.680 --> 40:10.200] and some of us, we have to figure out, a reasonable approach to decentralization where multiple [40:10.200 --> 40:16.040] people can offer things without making you to choose proprietary lock-in is the answer. [40:16.040 --> 40:20.040] And that's why I think we need to look at web three without the bias because that is [40:20.040 --> 40:26.640] one way that could work, right? If I look at Filecoin, IPFS as an example, that actually [40:26.640 --> 40:33.280] is working right now, not economically for the people who are offering it because the [40:33.280 --> 40:38.600] hardware is too expensive for the money you can get with it. But if you're using Filecoin-based [40:38.600 --> 40:44.400] storage, that is actually pretty cheap and very reliable, right? And the cost, like the [40:44.400 --> 40:49.280] problem is that the compute capacity, or the specialized compute capacity needed to offer [40:49.280 --> 40:55.360] it is too expensive right now. But that's just, you know, that's going to be solved with [40:55.360 --> 41:01.800] progress in technology. And I'm sure that we'll see some risk-5-based specialized Filecoin [41:01.800 --> 41:06.520] systems in the near future that makes this affordable. And then we have a way how you [41:06.520 --> 41:12.160] can have, you know, at least for storage, you can have distributed infrastructure with [41:12.160 --> 41:18.600] good funding model. Other ways are foundations or other peer payment models or small companies, [41:18.600 --> 41:23.640] right? Decentralized small companies. We have three more questions. There was someone [41:23.640 --> 41:34.080] over here, there, and then there, and then over there. So what do you think is the way [41:34.080 --> 41:43.160] or the sort of gold standard or endpoint for packaging up operational capability with the [41:43.160 --> 41:50.720] code and with the application when shipping to end users who are not software developers [41:50.720 --> 41:59.520] and who don't have servers? I agree with everything you said before. My thesis so far has been [41:59.520 --> 42:05.080] that it's straight peer-to-peer, you know, stuff like BitTorrent or Tor or old-school [42:05.080 --> 42:10.840] file-sharing apps would be an example where when you got LimeWire, you got the app with [42:10.840 --> 42:16.240] the data. But, you know, it could also maybe be Web3 something. But what do you think that [42:16.240 --> 42:23.040] looks like for the 2 billion people who don't have servers and aren't software developers? [42:23.040 --> 42:28.120] So I have an example of right now a piece of software that I think is doing this really [42:28.120 --> 42:37.720] well and that's a sync thing. It's a peer-to-peer file synchronization system that I use between [42:37.720 --> 42:43.360] my mobile phone with Android, Linux machine, bunch of servers, and I now use it for everything [42:43.360 --> 42:48.960] where you use it for everything where you need the full copy everywhere. At least last [42:48.960 --> 42:53.080] time I haven't checked for new features. It was a debate. They don't have like on-demand [42:53.080 --> 42:58.400] replication. I didn't have that last time I looked for it. So I use other things when [42:58.400 --> 43:02.240] I want to have things like the Google Drive type thing, right, where you have something [43:02.240 --> 43:06.520] in the cloud and you only download it when you look at it. For that, it wasn't the right [43:06.520 --> 43:13.200] thing last time, but I use it for my, you know, key pass replication, things like that [43:13.200 --> 43:23.000] for backup for all documents I want everywhere. And it's super easy. It just works. And so [43:23.000 --> 43:30.360] my 11-year-old daughter uses it. Now the poor kid also has to run a Linux laptop because [43:30.360 --> 43:38.320] I refuse to do anything else. I can tell you of the pressure to go into a proprietary [43:38.320 --> 43:44.720] ecosystem of a specific company that sells laptops and phones primarily, I think, to [43:44.720 --> 43:50.880] what they do and watches. It's a fashion business I hear, but like the pressure on [43:50.880 --> 43:58.800] kids to be on that because all the other kids have that is enormous. So, you know, poor [43:58.800 --> 44:04.720] kid is in trouble, but she has something and some other cool things. And Roblox works [44:04.720 --> 44:08.800] in wine, just like if you're struggling with this. [44:08.800 --> 44:17.840] Hi. Thank you for your talk. I'm wondering whether this might also come as a problem [44:17.840 --> 44:29.040] because of sometimes a need for centralization. I myself moved to Mastodon, but I still push [44:29.040 --> 44:37.440] all of my toots to Twitter. And I would move to GitHub, to GitHub, I mean to a local GitHub, [44:37.440 --> 44:42.960] but if I want to have users on my code, I still need to push all of my code to GitHub [44:42.960 --> 44:50.560] as well. So, what's the solution with that? [44:50.560 --> 44:56.480] I mean, I'm in the same boat, right? Like, of course, I have a Mastodon account. I'm [44:56.480 --> 45:06.480] not super active on Twitter. I tried to do all my code projects on GitLab, which GitLab [45:06.480 --> 45:11.600] is slightly better, right? As a more hybrid model, although it's not perfect, but I like [45:11.600 --> 45:19.640] them. But yeah, I think it's a cultural change in awareness, right? People need to understand [45:19.640 --> 45:28.000] that you need decentralization and we need to create code and infrastructure and culture [45:28.000 --> 45:36.360] that works in the federation to give you the reach, right? The problem is reach, right? [45:36.360 --> 45:43.280] And that's, it's really a cultural question at the end. I mean, the perfect example is [45:43.280 --> 45:50.960] the switch from IRC to Slack as a dominant, like, interaction for developers in many places. [45:50.960 --> 45:57.800] I mean, there are, there are really limitations with IRC, right? That become problematic. [45:57.800 --> 46:02.800] Technology-wise, Slack isn't fundamentally different. It's nicer UI, some additional [46:02.800 --> 46:07.680] features and the ability, like the persistence that you had to do extra steps to get with [46:07.680 --> 46:13.960] IRC, right? But it's primarily kind of like minor improvements like threading and the [46:13.960 --> 46:24.840] web UI and persistence. And then the critical mass effect and the reach it created. Really, [46:24.840 --> 46:30.080] the answer is a cultural change where people appreciate the, the, and do the extra work. [46:30.080 --> 46:34.560] And it, and it goes back to the earlier question, right, about, like, what's a gold standard [46:34.560 --> 46:40.680] for creating such an app? It's us here who have to drive that and then make it usable [46:40.680 --> 46:48.240] for all the others, right? Like, and that's, that's not different than what happened with [46:48.240 --> 46:53.280] free software in general. We, we've been through this cycle and I think it's truly equivalent. [46:53.280 --> 47:01.720] I mean, using free software 20 years ago was hard, right? I mean, when using software [47:01.720 --> 47:10.720] was hard, but when I installed my first Slackware, that was painful. And then nothing was available [47:10.720 --> 47:17.160] and then you had to recompile it and it behaved randomly whenever you compiled it. So we have [47:17.160 --> 47:19.960] to do that. [47:19.960 --> 47:34.720] This has to be the last question. Okay. So I agree with what you just said about cultural [47:34.720 --> 47:41.600] change and to give an example of that, um, for me, Microsoft, uh, acquisition of GitHub [47:41.600 --> 47:45.720] with the last straw and I closed my account, but that means that if I want to contribute [47:45.720 --> 47:52.000] to free software projects, it's increasingly hard because I'm expected to have a GitHub [47:52.000 --> 47:57.760] account and it seems to me that anyone here who agrees with what you've been saying and [47:57.760 --> 48:04.640] yet who still uses GitHub or other proprietary software and particularly proprietary software [48:04.640 --> 48:11.320] that they allow to be at the heart of the development of the free software is being very hypocritical. [48:11.320 --> 48:16.120] And so it's up to us surely to, as you say, take on that pain, but that includes a lot [48:16.120 --> 48:22.360] of people in the room who put their hands up when you asked who has a GitHub account. [48:22.360 --> 48:27.760] So I put it to you. Should we not change? We have to go through that pain. [48:27.760 --> 48:33.520] Thank you. Yeah, I agree. We have to change. And I'll be honest, my presentation, part [48:33.520 --> 48:37.360] of the reason why I was struggling, I couldn't read my speaker notes because I created it [48:37.360 --> 48:42.280] in what's the default at Reddit with this Google presentation, Google docs, and then [48:42.280 --> 48:50.680] downloaded it because I didn't want to look super silly in front of you. [48:50.680 --> 48:57.880] So yes, it's a hard right. Like, and what I honestly believe in, I don't know who recognizes [48:57.880 --> 49:05.520] this t-shirt. All right, people, you have, you're not watching enough TV or the wrong. [49:05.520 --> 49:11.080] Watch the expands. Best show ever. But that's from the TV show. No, that's the TV show. [49:11.080 --> 49:14.560] They changed it. Next time I'll do a tattoo or something. [49:14.560 --> 49:22.960] Anyhow, so I believe in the power of subversion and not the not to get pretty assessor. I [49:22.960 --> 49:30.760] do not. I do not believe that was great at the time and stick with it. But my point is, [49:30.760 --> 49:38.240] so for example, I kept my GitHub account. I do contribute to projects where I need to [49:38.240 --> 49:41.920] because I don't want to put too much of a burden on people I'm trying to collaborate [49:41.920 --> 49:46.880] with that I depend on, right? Like it's hard. But I do try to problematize it, bring it [49:46.880 --> 49:55.720] up, and they do everything I can on alternative platforms, right? And I think, and you know, [49:55.720 --> 50:03.120] I think that's really like adding that extra step of advocacy and pulling people, trying [50:03.120 --> 50:08.680] to pull people over is the best we can do. I just created my, and I had that on the first [50:08.680 --> 50:14.000] slide, I'm sure I've put it right. I just created a Nostr key, and now I'll do Nostr [50:14.000 --> 50:19.640] instead of Twitter because that's a fully decentralized thing. But I'll cross post, [50:19.640 --> 50:24.320] but I'll point out that you find me on Nostr, and if you want me to reply, you have to talk [50:24.320 --> 50:30.240] to me on Nostr, right? Things like that. I don't know if we all do it. I think if everyone [50:30.240 --> 50:57.720] who comes to foster starts behaving like that, I think we can change things.