[00:00.000 --> 00:12.540] So, that was a blast, and we are finally back in person, and also I'm going to take another [00:12.540 --> 00:16.140] picture because we're finally in person. [00:16.140 --> 00:21.940] Once again, if you leave, please be quiet, because it is extremely loud up here, and [00:21.940 --> 00:26.020] no, you're not special enough that you should keep talking. [00:26.020 --> 00:29.500] Thank you very much. [00:29.500 --> 00:43.560] So, it's a wrap. [00:43.560 --> 00:49.200] Random stats, because stats are fun and easy to make, sometimes it was a little bit of a [00:49.200 --> 00:50.200] rush. [00:50.200 --> 00:55.640] Our peak this time was 1.5 gigs in concurrent outgoing streams. [00:55.640 --> 00:59.640] Once again, please quiet if you decide to leave. [00:59.640 --> 01:05.240] Last year we had 1.65 gigabits peak, and that was fully online, so that gives you a rough [01:05.240 --> 01:11.200] idea of how many people still chose to consume off-site, even though we have a relatively [01:11.200 --> 01:16.080] full foster, but not as packed as 2020 we think we estimate. [01:16.080 --> 01:26.760] 35 rooms, 800 concurrent viewers, and roughly 20K unique viewers on the streams. [01:26.760 --> 01:31.320] We have a total of almost 400 hours of scheduled video for the ones tracking the numbers over [01:31.320 --> 01:32.320] the years. [01:32.320 --> 01:36.520] That is less than the last two years, because physical ULB has less space and less death [01:36.520 --> 01:43.240] rooms than fully virtual, but still we managed to fit quite some stuff in. [01:43.240 --> 01:51.320] We already have 53 released videos online, and 21 are currently being reviewed and transcoding [01:51.320 --> 01:54.760] for a total of almost one full day of video. [01:54.760 --> 02:00.960] Speaking of video, if you are a speaker or if you are a death room manager, please, please, [02:00.960 --> 02:07.080] please, please, with sugar on top, you get those emails and you do what is in those emails, [02:07.080 --> 02:11.920] and please help us review them, because if you don't do it as a speaker, it falls on [02:11.920 --> 02:15.960] the death room managers to do it, and if the death room managers don't do it, it falls [02:15.960 --> 02:20.880] on staff to do it, and it's a lot of work and a lot of video, because 400 hours of video [02:20.880 --> 02:21.880] is a lot. [02:21.880 --> 02:25.560] So please, if you are a speaker, if you are a death room manager, those emails are important, [02:25.560 --> 02:29.680] do not ignore them if you have any issues, email video at fostermorg, and they come from [02:29.680 --> 02:32.880] no reply at fostermorg. [02:32.880 --> 02:36.440] Matrix also dropped, of course, obviously a lot of people are in person, but still we [02:36.440 --> 02:42.640] had quite some online participation slash online synchronization while people were rocking [02:42.640 --> 02:46.320] the hallway track and attending talks and such. [02:46.320 --> 02:50.760] We sold out of Schwag, we weren't fully certain, like, we didn't know what we have a fully [02:50.760 --> 02:55.040] packed ULB, would we have almost nothing, anything in between, but we managed to sell [02:55.040 --> 02:59.080] out, so that's good, and we also had 130 advanced orders. [02:59.080 --> 03:06.000] For those who don't know, we will continue to give you the ability to order Schwag beforehand, [03:06.000 --> 03:09.360] which means you just get a voucher, and you get a password, and you get two front desk, [03:09.360 --> 03:13.200] and you get it immediately, we don't have to do the payment, dance everything, and also [03:13.200 --> 03:18.720] maybe, depending on how the timeline works out, maybe we even can start ordering specifically [03:18.720 --> 03:23.160] for you as you do advanced orders. [03:23.160 --> 03:29.280] There was a lot of food consumed, there's actually two slides. [03:29.280 --> 03:46.880] There's a lot, and it's not even a full number, because this is as of 1530 local. [03:46.880 --> 03:50.480] Once again, thank you, it's really loud. [03:50.480 --> 03:54.680] Network, we stopped checking MAC addresses for various reasons, network was a little bit [03:54.680 --> 03:59.800] of a mess this year, because a lot of things broke, which we thought remotely were fine, [03:59.800 --> 04:06.280] but the MACs concurrent we saw for IPv6 addresses being assigned was over 30K, and the total [04:06.280 --> 04:11.280] amount which we gave out was 53K, people switched from one network to the other, blah, blah, [04:11.280 --> 04:15.800] blah, blah, so it's not a fully scientific method, and also privacy extensions which [04:15.800 --> 04:24.640] keep basically messing up all our stats, but it's at least not a little. [04:24.640 --> 04:32.360] Also, ULB has some traffic analysis on their controllers we don't for obvious privacy reasons, [04:32.360 --> 04:37.520] so you can guess what for the first time since they installed that stuff was the top website [04:37.520 --> 04:55.680] or the top site accessed by total volume of data going to and back, any guesses? [04:55.680 --> 05:02.400] Obviously. [05:02.400 --> 05:07.880] We also had some stats, initially we kept them at 2.5, but we switched from one gig [05:07.880 --> 05:12.560] to 10 gig over the weekend, because that's how we rock, and we actually managed to consume [05:12.560 --> 05:15.960] more than the one gigabit which we had before. [05:15.960 --> 05:23.440] Going forward, hopefully next year we will maybe even have two times 10 gig, we'll see. [05:23.440 --> 05:30.600] I keep telling people this every year, if you're still using 2.4 gigahertz, please don't. [05:30.600 --> 05:39.320] With hardware which does 5 gigahertz, of course you will have less contention, you won't have [05:39.320 --> 05:44.880] zero contention, but you will have less contention if you have hardware with 5 gigahertz. [05:44.880 --> 05:49.160] It's generally nicer, so if you buy your next laptop, your next whatever, consider spending [05:49.160 --> 05:52.960] a little bit more money on 5 gigahertz. [05:52.960 --> 05:53.960] We come to thank yous. [05:53.960 --> 06:10.120] First of all, the Matrix and Element people, who asked to not be named, just like so listed. [06:10.120 --> 06:31.080] Also Liberaget staff, of course, and also sponsors without whose this wouldn't be possible. [06:31.080 --> 06:37.560] As per usual, as I call out the next groups, if you wear a color t-shirt of the appropriate [06:37.560 --> 06:41.800] color, please come up front and take your applause. [06:41.800 --> 07:08.200] I might start crying again, I'll see. [07:08.200 --> 07:15.000] Thank you. [07:38.200 --> 07:48.200] I also see at least one green and one orange shirt, which is not up front, which is a big mistake. [07:48.200 --> 08:04.200] If you don't have the shirt on, but you did volunteering, deaf room, video, whatever, [08:04.200 --> 08:06.200] please come up front. [08:06.200 --> 08:25.200] We have a few deaf who are also supposed to come up front now. [08:36.200 --> 08:44.200] And thank you. [08:44.200 --> 09:01.200] As per always, please send feedback. [09:01.200 --> 09:06.200] We really rely on this feedback and we actually take it to heart, so please send any and all feedback which you have. [09:06.200 --> 09:21.200] We cannot always accommodate it, but we read everything and we really do take it to heart. [09:21.200 --> 09:24.200] That should be helping, not feedback, whatever. [09:24.200 --> 09:30.200] If you see trash here anywhere else, congratulations, this is your trash now. [09:30.200 --> 09:40.200] And I'm being serious, it is an immense amount of work to build up in basically half a day on Friday and also to tear down within two to four hours on Sunday. [09:40.200 --> 09:46.200] So anything you see, please just take it with you, throw it in the trash, whatever, but please help us clean. [09:46.200 --> 09:53.200] Also speaking of cleaning, if you have some time, we would highly appreciate it if you just stayed around a little bit, helped us clean up. [09:53.200 --> 10:00.200] If you gather here, we will tell you what to do and what it will take a little bit until we have all you segmented. [10:00.200 --> 10:06.200] But we can use every single hand for the network cabling which you tear out under guidance. [10:06.200 --> 10:08.200] You can keep the network cable. [10:08.200 --> 10:14.200] And also for the ones who stay until the very end and help until the very end, we will feed you in cable at the end. [10:14.200 --> 10:19.200] So please consider just coming up front to help. [10:19.200 --> 10:22.200] Yes, after the thing, obviously. [10:22.200 --> 10:24.200] And that's it. So see you next year. [10:24.200 --> 10:39.200] And as is tradition. [10:39.200 --> 10:41.200] And as is tradition. [10:41.200 --> 10:46.200] So A, I forgot all the speakers who are in here, they also are supposed to be on stage if they so choose. [10:46.200 --> 10:48.200] So now is the time to come on stage if you want to. [10:48.200 --> 10:53.200] And as is tradition, we are ending FOSDEM with the FOSDEM dance. [10:53.200 --> 10:58.200] My knee is kind of broken, so I'm not going to lead the dance. [10:58.200 --> 11:00.200] Wouter is going to lead the dance. [11:00.200 --> 11:11.200] And with that, thank you. See you next year. [11:11.200 --> 11:18.200] I don't know who among you has done the FOSDEM dance before. It's actually quite difficult. [11:18.200 --> 11:20.200] But not really. [11:20.200 --> 11:23.200] We start like this. [11:23.200 --> 11:26.200] And it's difficult because you have to balance on one leg. [11:26.200 --> 11:28.200] But I'm sure you can all do that, right? [11:28.200 --> 11:30.200] So bear with me. [11:30.200 --> 11:35.200] And then we lift the one leg. [11:35.200 --> 11:39.200] And then we start moving. [11:39.200 --> 11:43.200] And we go faster. [11:43.200 --> 11:49.200] And there we go. We're dancing. [11:49.200 --> 11:59.200] Thank you. [11:59.200 --> 12:08.200] That was the official FOSDEM dance. [12:08.200 --> 12:10.200] Thank you.