The talk at FOSDEM conference by Roman, Principal Software Engineer and Network Service Technique at Profine, was about building a platform-agnostic and hardware-agnostic secure network of trusted applications on untrusted hosts. Roman discussed the challenges that come with security breaches in cloud computing, which cost millions of dollars, especially for highly regulated sectors such as finance and healthcare. He also introduced NRX, an open-source project that provides a secure layer of abstraction between the host and trust execution environments, allowing users to execute their WebAssembly workloads inside arbitrary TEs. NRX supports various backends, including Intel GX and AMD Cells, and P, and is designed to be polyglot, portable, and embeddable. Roman demonstrated how NRX works in practice and provided information on how to get involved in the project. He also mentioned that Profine, the company behind NRX, has closed down, and the project is looking for maintainers.